Normie Gets Blackpilled

77  2018-05-15 by keyandfeels


When you actually look at it. The blackpill is present in so many things in society that cucktears seem so delusional when they keep denying it.

"But out of all the guys, she picked you to marry. You should feel special".

And they still deny AFBB

AFBB is fucking undeniable at this point.

If she's not thinking about jumping your bones within the first few seconds of an interaction and has to learn to love your personality, you'll never be anything more than her back up plan. She'll never feel that raw attraction for you like she does for Chad.

What does AFBB stand for?

alpha fux beta bux

How about reading the wiki, it's linked in the sidebar.

I knew what it was, it's just that you keep making acronyms of your vernacular it's hard to keep up.


If she has to learn to like you then she can only be a plate at best.


It's undeniable because roasties are openly admitting to it at this point.

It’s fake

Men need to wake the fuck up.

Mgtow/Mstow > betabux

Holy shit this is some military grade suicide fuel.

Can we get some context on this, please? It seems to me like they're talking about AF/BB and that one guy chimed in about overhearing his wife admitting this red pill.

Is there something wrong with having people you solely want to fuck vs marry?

Roastie isn't happy

Is there something wrong with marrying someone you're not sexually attracted to

I wasn’t trying to seem butthurt, I was genuinely asking.

I feel like lust and love are two separate things. You can have raw lust for someone, but you can also love someone and want to fuck them..

When there's no lust you get the situation in the OP.

I wasn’t trying to seem butthurt, I was genuinely asking.

I feel like lust and love are two separate things. You can have raw lust for someone, but you can also love someone and want to fuck them.. which is why I asked the question.