Based Uber's self-driving carcel.

90  2018-05-14 by bcat124


It hit her BECAUSE it detected her. That's ma carcel

Good bot.

Best bot

Can a mod please take this post down? It's advocating violence against women.

Stfu pussy boi

It's a joke, not Tyrone's dick. Don't take it too hard.

It's not a joke anymore when one of you drives his car into a crowd and kills people cuz he can't get laid.

Is Uber's self-driving car an incel?

This just in: Terrorist group "incels" was found to have soldier robots in their ranks.


That's like saying that you can't make a joke about lynching because some racist redneck retard out there committed a hate-crime against Blacks.

Wow, Obi-Wan was wrong. I have seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, and it's /r/Braincels

white male whose ancestors enslaved and raped ethnic minorities talking about scum


I also do what I can to rectify that by doing what I can to uplift the cause of minorities, and I recognize and check my white and male privilege wherever I can. I can't change the past, but I can try to make a better future, unlike you fucking pricks here who want to take women back to the middle ages. Fuck off.

what have you done? how much voluntary work have you done abroad vs shitposting on reddit?

fucking scum,

Fuck off, you're just creating a strawman argument to try to detract from the original point: people who post here are scumbags. You wouldn't be so triggered if it didn't apply to you.

fucking knew it, racist scumbag with his own racist point of view

Wow. You're the one who brought race into this, and now you're erroneously calling me a racist because I refused to engage your batshit questions that had nothing to do with the point at hand. Fucking psycho.

Incels aren't mentally ill (or if they are, that's a separate issue), they're just deluded.


Lol this is like reverse /r/beetlejuicing or something.


Car AI is becoming more advanced. It has swallowed the blackpill.

watch Nazi_Gaming remove this for promoting violence

AI: Artificial Incel

And you guys feel attacked when the media calls you misogynists lol

do you really have nothing better to do than insult virgins online in a community which keeps to itself. You are actually pathetic

How are you okay with misogynist memes, yet consider misogynist an insult?

“car runs over woman” how misogynistic. Are you genuinely retarded?

It's the part where OP calls it based for doing so and personifies it as an incel. The real kicker is that the reason the car is called a "carcel" has nothing to do with virginity, but the fact that it ran over a roastie. But sure, incels are just sad lonely virgins and the misogyny was made up by the media to bully you. You can't be this bad at playing dumb

So all incels want to run over women? The top monthly post of IT which has more upvotes than this literally states that dogs have more worth than incels. They don’t even consider incels as human

So all incels want to run over women?

So incels celebrate violence against women.

The top monthly post of IT which has more upvotes than this literally states that dogs have more worth than incels. They don’t even consider incels as human

Because you post shit like "Yay, this car ran over a dumb roastie whore! BASED!" You aren't being bullied because you're lonely virgins who just want to keep to themselves, you earned this reputation.

you literally came here to be offended you fucking idiot also that was posted way before this.

Are you seriously trying to pretend misogynistic threads and comments aren't posted on here daily when all of this is public access? Lmao dude, come on. Like your best defence against criticisms of misogyny in the incel subculture is to play dumb while it thrives here. At this point why even take offense to being called misogynist? Why revel in roastie hate and then act like you're being bullied when people say incels hate women?

You’re the one calling women “roasties” which is a pretty horrible term to use. I think you’re projecting your misogyny.

Man, if you really hate the term roastie, you must hate this sub.

But that's what I thought, you know this place is a misogynistic cesspit, yet when anyone else calls it out you act like you're being unjustly stereotyped. Pathetic.

You’re now offended that I don’t hate women. Kek

You clearly do if you take more issue with incels being called misogynists than the premise of this thread. So answer my original question from the beginning- why are you even offended by being called misogynist when misogyny thrives in your subculture as a defining aspect of it?

Why are you asking loaded questions? Because you can’t form an argument

It's not a loaded question. The premise of this thread, like many threads on this sub, is misogynist. You seem to take no issue with the misogyny of this subculture. Yet when someone calls the subculture misogynistic, you get offended. Explain your reasoning.

That’s like calling BLM racist. Stop trying to ‘understand’ when you have a blindingly obvious bias

That's what I thought.

Only Chadborghinis get any attention from women obv, carcel's loneliness sent him off the deep end.

its the AI elliot rodgers

Elliot wrote the program

lol is that the car? it has damage in the rear wtf

ROFL. LMAO alright, fess up. Which one of us designed this AI? Very sane tbh.

Removed for glorifying physical harm to individuals.

Will you send a complaint to Sputnik news for glorifying physical harm too?

Wow, Obi-Wan was wrong. I have seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, and it's /r/Braincels

Lol this is like reverse /r/beetlejuicing or something.