Why I dread SurgeryMaxing

67  2018-05-14 by Currycell92


Hes white tho,+4points automatically. Just be a pedophile.

Easier than raping women.

Jewish propaganda

"jew me"

"sue me, kick me, kike me"

worth the risk tbh

Currycel that tried to looksmax -


Jesus christ. That put me off surgery max forever.

The only option is the ldar.

Not if you actually have money to blow.

Holy fuck

Fuck this poor guy.. this is horrible.

Wonder if there's hope of it ever being fixed

Sui is the only way out of that.

Currycel, hahaha..

His nose looked fine before wtf lol.

It’s over for ballsack nose cells

I disagree tbh

Tell me I cope but left looks better idk right looks not human anymore

He looked a lot better in the days of Thriller...

Bad era >>> Thriller

Dude. That's why I said I dread surgery celling. If you have botched surgery, you end up looking non human.

Don't compare yourself to Michael. He had vitiligo universalis, got his hair burned completely off, and had body image issues from looking like his abusive father. RIP

he lied bout that just wanted to be white due to being racist

During his autopsy, they confirmed that he had vitiligo. It's possible that he bleached his skin, but it was probably just so that he wouldn't have patches of white. There's literally no indication that it was because of racism. Smh at how many people want to slander a dead music legend

That doesn't explain why he had nose surgery or why he didn't tanned his skin instead of bleaching it.

Tanning would've looked ridiculous lmao. The nose surgery is anyone's guess, but some have speculated that he didn't want to look like his abusive father. Or that he was just mentally ill.

He probably had an identity crisis

Maybe, but it had nothing to do with him being ashamed of being black

Im not gay but if i had to fuck any guy i wouldn't

Thats my guy

actually, after his second surgery, i think in 1983, he looked his best. So, surgery might work a bit, but you have to do it moderately. Unfortunately, a lot of people in the lookscommunity don't know when to stop. they keep going on and on. You need to set realistic goals. Some guys want to have byg chon and jaw, but silicone never looks natural. better do oesteotomy.

Take the Bogpill

I feel like people should differentiate between cosmetic surgeries (nose jobs, implants, face lifts) which usually barely make a difference, and bone osteotomies, which actually do make a huge difference.

But if you were to do surgery maxxing, which procedure would you go for?

I will be going for a jaw augmentation and a nose lift.

The only option is the ldar.

That doesn't explain why he had nose surgery or why he didn't tanned his skin instead of bleaching it.

Not if you actually have money to blow.