You will never experience teenage love.

58  2018-05-14 by genericpajeet

Reminder that you will never experience teenage love.

Reminder that you will also never experience love in young adulthood (18-25).

You will never go through crucial formative experiences.

When I think of this shit, I feel the metaphorical rope around my neck getting tighter and tighter.

It's over


I'll never experience any kind of love.

get a cat, I have one and she's great

very sane

i am not even sure any pet love my subhuman face. i dont know, i think they sense of my subhumanness.

cats don't really love you they have just learned to be nice to you to get food but hey that's fair and they never lied about it

I assume you meant to say ‘get a dog’.

I don't like dogs, too normie

I'm 26 and i never experienced those. The rope is my cope.

jfl man does it ever get better for us?

why don't you create a dating profile you sack of shit

You think I haven't? I've tried pof and tinder, both complete failures because nobody wants an indian/paki. I made a test account on tinder using a chads photos and you can tell girls to come over to fuck and they'll fucking gleefully accept.

lmao i did and got 3 matches in 1.5 month it's fucking over

You guys complain about women not wanting you because you claim they only want chads, then if women do want to get to know you, you discard them because they're not attractive enough for you.

You deserve to die alone.

salut brother, almost 25 here, it never began for us

Seeing how miserable partnered men are one might think you’ve had a lucky escape.

why u laughing

laugh crying

Teenage love is shit anyway. You've missed fuck all.

Cope. Even it if it shit, you're better off making those mistakes when you're young.


stop coping

I'm not coping. I'm stating a fact.

Oh, and your opinion of me matters so much...

You are coping. Those are integral social experiences.

Your social life should be revolving around friends. Even 60 years ago there wasn't the whole "thou shalt have a teenage love affair" that there is now, and people grew up just fine then.

Wrong. It should revolve around friends as well as intimate relationships with members of the opposite sex (which incels miss out on because of our looks)

So how did people survive in the bad old days of not having relationships till their twenties because of societal pressure?

It's not the bad old days anymore. You don't measure your house with the smallest house, you measure it with your neighbours'. Love and affection is everywhere around us and we're not getting any of it and never will.

Eh, you're putting too much stock into it. I had a shit social life until my 20s: I had a couple of close friends, but otherwise I was lonely as fuck during high school and most of college.

Turned out alright afterwards though. Sometimes I wish that I had those experiences, but frankly my life was far from ruined without them: I just learned a few things a bit later but otherwise ended up with a pretty healthy sex life and relationships.

I didn't realise she had posted any pics

click on her name, I can only assume the ginger on the right is her

lmfao wtf? is she fucking 60?

post wall roastie in her 40's probably

the fact that she's here instead of experiencing life is a testament to her low value

Experienced life, now got a medical condition that means my life is pretty shit, actually.

Ah. I use mobile apps.

its like saying to a homeless person. living in a house is shit anyways.

Not really a comparison...

it is. you had something and experinced it. its not fair to say to other that its bad becuse you experienced it bad. its like these MGTOWS who come here and say don't get into a relashionship its not worth it, while most of them have had relashionships.

hell, even if teenage love is stupid. i wanna experince this stupidity. better than rotting alone.

It tends to be brief, messy and painful...

good. i want those. cuz anything than being alone is fucking excellent.

Being alone sucks, I agree with you there.

i don't know which is worse. to be alone after experiencing what a good realshionship feels like or being alone and never experincing it? what do you think?

Speaking from experience, there are some relationships I would happily go back and wipe out of my history because of how I felt when they fell to bits, and my time as a teen, mooning over one guy who I finally realised was a total prick? Yeah, take that shit too... heh

And being alone while knowing what a good relationship feels like sucks way harder in my opinion, because you are fully aware of what it feels like to be in love with someone and to spend so much of your life and emotions on them, what it feels like to be hugged and all the rest of it.

It's like the difference between seeing guns being fired on the TV and actually having one in your hand. You can guess what it will feel and sound like, but nothing comes even close to the reality, and once you've done it, things just aren't the same.

Hey we all gotta start somewhere.

And that would have been one hell of a somewhere but we never got the chance

i said the same thing, but i really feel like most of these people want to be miserable


If it makes you feel any better, love is nothing more than the brain chemical state change to enforce strong bonding for offspring child rearing.

It could be a complete lie and it would still be worth experiencing.

Death is only the brain changing its chemical state to shut down all it's electrical activity.

True! We are then free from the slavery of chasing pleasure.

I didn't experience it but it wont stop me, never give up, never surrender.

Ironic username

In an ideal world when i was 16 I would have had a hot fit Asian gf at my side, its not an ideal world though. Make the best of it.

No, in an ideal world people like you wouldn't exist.


In an ideal world I'd cave your skull in, coward.

hahaha ok settle down, is the idea that things aren't fair that upsetting? I mean when I was 5 I got mad that my friends had better toys, but you're supposed to grow out of that shit

IMO, this is an incredibly underrated problem.

Because muh personality

maybe take a few showers, that should fix all your problems

If I ever escape, the only relationships I can see myself getting into are the ones based on financial decisions.

Reminder that people who don't start dating until they are older have healthier relationships!!

how? If you wait till you're older to start dating, she didn't, so while you're a virgin she's had 100 dicks. That's not gonna be a hralthy relaionshit

Lots of girls wait till later to lose their virginity. I'm 17 and haven't had sex.

Wow, 17 years old and a virgin. You deserve a spot in the Guiness World Records. Very proud of you.

Well a lot of you seem to think all girls are sleeping around at 15, so I thought my little anecdote might help dispell that myth. Only one of my friends has had sex.

Obviously not all, but the average age of virginity loss is 16/17 for people in the US, same as in most other developed nations where many lose their virginities even earlier

that's AVERAGE. Assuming a normal distribution half of us don't lose our virginities until college age.

Where you fuck your own brains out. And once you pass that point in your life, people finding out you've never been on a date in your life despite having asked out hundreds of women becomes a deal breaker (and makes your friends/family disrespect you).

Nope, 20% of college students graduate as virgins. As someone who believes in sex within marriage, I'd love to date a fellow virgin.

This sub is full of virgins. Pick one.

I would never date anyone I knew posted on r/braincels. You guys have so much resentment towards women and such an unhealthy view of what relationships are that I would genuinely fear for my safety.

Not all incels hate women. Pick one.

Who is going to appreciate you more: an incel who has never had a gf or a normie / Chad that takes love for granted?

The incel community does nothing but shame. I'm okay with dating someone who has never been on a date before, but I wouldn't date a self-identifying incel. There's no such thing as a "normie" or a "chad." There are just people.

Lmao. You crack me up.


.... 20%? That's nowhere near a majority. And neither is 40%, which was taken from an unofficial poll ran by this fashion magazine

Okay, but their methodology is reasonably sound. It basically shows that being a virgin is not rare, nor something to be ashamed of. Live your life. An unhealthy focus on sex and sexual relationships will only sabatoge you.

It basically shows that being a virgin is not rare

Rare enough that nobody would admit to it, not even the subject of the article used her real name

nor something to be ashamed of.

That's not for me to decide, that's on society. As long as society makes fun of virgin men the way they make fun of homely women, we'll continue to have to hide it.

Or you can work on not being defined by societies standards and just being happy in yourself. (It's a lot of work, but completelt worth it to find contentment!) source: personal experience

If 17 is old then it's over.

It's not old, that's my point.

But you're making it out like waiting until 17 is notable. Most incels are older than that and we weren't pasively waiting.

Well, ya'll seem to think that every girl has slept with ten guys by age 17. I was just trying to point out that that isn't true. Most of my friends haven't had sex yet.

I'm 18 and the only female virgin over 16 I know is asexual. A lot can change in 1 year.

Okay, then you are an outlier. 20% of people graduate college as virgins (not all men).

It's a small 6th form. I'll admit a sample size of 7 girls isn't enough to make judgments on.

Yep. The world is a big place, samples get skewed easily!

You mean you've only given bjs. Women have a different definition of virginity.

What? The most I've ever done is kiss at prom.

Everyone knows kissing ain't that gitls do at prom. If you want it to be believed you're a virgin you shouldn't go to prom.

Ya'll are absolutely deluded.

I will never experience a snarky french speaking taytay, why even live?

i experienced teenage love

you guys aren't really missing out on much, seriously

It's always people who experienced it saying hurrrr it's nothing.

i was cringy af back then, and it's rarely, if ever, some sort of magical time most normies look back positively on

my first gf during my 'teenage love' period was a mega bitch and wound up cheating on me. again, i really don't think people are missing out on all that much

I recall my first love as one of the happiest times of my life. The butterflies you get when you're around them, or hold hands and kiss were magical. Being teased by your friends about it and acting like you were embarrassed but in reality, you'd love it. Although I'm still young at 21, so I imagine other events will knock this one off the number one spot eventually. However, I will always remember it fondly.

You’re in the minority pal

I know you haven't eaten in weeks but this microwave dinner is really kinda bland. You're not missing out on much, seriously, you should rather save your hunger for when you find a really fancy restaurant. They might not let you in because you're homeless and wear tattered clothes but food is overrated anyway.

See, sounds stupid.

actually, you're the stupid one, because food is essential to human survival; stupid teen romances, however, are not

You could adjust the metaphor. I could talk to a poor person who only ever eats shitty fast food and explain how truffles are grossly overrated (which they are) but it's inconsiderate to say the least to explain from a place of abundance to a place of scarcity.

except from my perspective, you're better off not having them. I would rather have not had my first relationship during a teen, cause it was that bad

Please fuck off.

Or you could shut up.

I mean, if someone is obsessed with the idea of never getting to eat truffles to the point that the thought makes them consider suicide.... they need to do something to get away from that thought.

The big difference here is that you could just give this hypothetical truffle obsessed person a truffle to show them it isn't worth all of this regret and obsession. There's no way of giving someone an experience in their past.

I mean, if someone is obsessed with the idea of never getting to eat truffles to the point that the thought makes them consider suicide.... they need to do something to get away from that thought.

Agreed, although I feel that's a separate issue. My point is rather to point out that the standard response of "you're not missing out" after hearing lamentation is unhelpful at best and inconsiderate at worst.

Ever heard of an analogy, brainlet?

false equivalence, brainlet

That’s a kind lie.

like i said, my teenage gf was a bitch and cheated on me, multiple times

6 more months and I will have passed the timeframe of experiencing it

3 months here, we are fucked

Lol at crucial formative experiences

it sucks bc i look yuong and my thoughts of getting a gf or having sex hasnt changed i just feel much much worse

My teenage love was vanilla WoW

I experienced teenaged love, but none of the girls I liked did towards me

I might not have had a teenage love experience but some of my girl friends dated a couple guys in highschool and tbh it didnt look all that great to me.

I only entered the dating scene after highschool though and hey Im only 18 haha im hoping this summer will be my time to shine

I'm only 18 as well, but I don't have any hope. I'm not delusional and I know uni is just going to be 4 years of misery. You're probably not as fucked in the head as I am though, maybe there's hope for you.

Anytime you enter a new environment you have the opportunity to present yourself as a different person. People meeting you for the first time think you are whatever you present yourself as right then.

I'm too autistic to do that effectively. I can't really pretend to be someone else effectively.

College is very very different from high school in every way. I can't make any promises because I don't know your exact situation. But it's very, very, very different. It's often less about changing yourself than about being in an environment where you fit in a bit better and have a lot more freedom.

Fell in love with an far away girl online but she bailed before we met in person (both poor). My only hope was colonizing a second world country girl and now IT'S OVER

i am not even sure any pet love my subhuman face. i dont know, i think they sense of my subhumanness.

it is. you had something and experinced it. its not fair to say to other that its bad becuse you experienced it bad. its like these MGTOWS who come here and say don't get into a relashionship its not worth it, while most of them have had relashionships.

hell, even if teenage love is stupid. i wanna experince this stupidity. better than rotting alone.

Lots of girls wait till later to lose their virginity. I'm 17 and haven't had sex.


Experienced life, now got a medical condition that means my life is pretty shit, actually.

I assume you meant to say ‘get a dog’.

You guys complain about women not wanting you because you claim they only want chads, then if women do want to get to know you, you discard them because they're not attractive enough for you.

You deserve to die alone.