Childish Gambino releases a music video about the oppression of black people in America. Femoids: How can I make this about me???

33  2018-05-14 by TruthInBlack


/u/GeneticCleansing please approve this post.

Oh god this is so cringy, I couldnt watch more than 30 seconds.

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I think normies are not as stupid as she thinks.

White feminists think they have it worse than black men

White women are the most priviliged people in our society, yet they think they have it the worst.

I know right lol. They also love Chad too, even though he treats them like shit

This female has issues. But more importantly, make up your own shit! Stop stealing and getting jealous of male spaces!!

Absolutely pathetic.

Lol I love the part where a Chad dates multiple women. They frame it like staying with a Chad is some form of oppression. Uhh... you could always leave him lol.

White feminists is to Chad like peanut butter is to bread

edit: maybe its a shit analogy but u get the point

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As a woman, even I find this wrong. There’s no need to turn something like racial oppression into something about yourself.

Isn't this what they call White feminism?

I believe so.

Women actually comparing musoggyknees to racism just fucking kek . Retarded cunts

Fucking gross!

Why didn't they use black women? It's like they white washed the video.


Absolutely white washed.

cringe overload

Why are femoids so boring and unoriginal.

That is just bad.

didn't this girl abuse her BF (mathew santoro) emotionally and physically. she is fucking trash

She never admitted to it.

ofc she won't. it will ruin her reputation.

Wrong sunshine! She did in fact admit to it. Twice. Once in a very tears of a crocodile nature and then the way she really is to that cunt Keemstar.

Donald Glover did not escape inceldom for this

Why do progressive white women obssess over hot dudes? like in this video, they put an attractive chad in here. just why?

Ah. This Canuckistani roastie always makes controversial content to stay relevant.


... I'm in total agreement. This... Is cringey af. Sad.

That video was complete garbage.


Holy shit that thousand-cock stare...

ofc she won't. it will ruin her reputation.

Wrong sunshine! She did in fact admit to it. Twice. Once in a very tears of a crocodile nature and then the way she really is to that cunt Keemstar.