New Rule: No Selfies

197  2018-05-14 by Board_Gaming

By a vote of the mods, there has been a new rule established -- no selfies.


Why did you ghost me?

Oh great. Now how can I show how subhuman I look.

You don't look sub-human. If you want to share your picture, you can PM people.

This kind of attention whoring is what this rule will prevent

Thank god

I just feel bad about myself, since I get more attention here than on Tinder and Facebook combined. I am invisible IRL.

You're pretty much aware how you look, Salvador. You and many others like you are the reason this rule has been instituted.

I am still heightmogged by 99% of adult males in the US. It can't get any worse than that. Alright, you are right about my face not being ugly.

You were not showcasing your height, all of your photos have been showcasing your face.

Listen, if you want a rate me, there's a sub for that.

If you think that red pill would actually help you - there's a sub for that.

If you think we're all mysoginists, there are plenty of subs for that too.

Here - no cancerous attention whoring with your face.

Red Pill is all about lift weights, hold frame. That's bunk. Rate me has rated me from 7-8/10. According to truerateme I am a 4.5/10 overall. All of those things are meaningless if you are below 5'7".

Okay. Posting your photos in this sub won't help you find the meaning of life.

The meaning of life is the Black Pill. No way around it.

Well, you got my point I hope.

Cucked mods get to make universal decisions for our community now?

She voted against this rule, lol.

White Knight coming to save m'ladys reputation i see

I am not a white knight at all, look at my post history. I hate white knights.

But it is simply a fact that she just isn't making universal decisions.



Fuck off you literal cuck

Nah that’s gufestus


I guess it's over for me

yeah. go attention whore somewhere else.

Keep getting cucked by board_gaming

She voted against this rule.

I am a goner then. It's over for me.

You are a woman.


This is high IQ AF

The most profound of insults

That's actually a compliment.

lol no

lol yes

depends who you say it to. as a trans man, it's fucking annoying.

You are a woman

Trans what? You voluntarily become a """""guy"""""?

Degenerate cuck. I hope you enjoy your privileges got stripped away.

That not all I hope happens to them...


You can't change your sex you dumb cunt. You never complete your 'transition' because you cannot, and never will be, a man.

You live up to your name. Genetic trash indeed

Aw, man. That really hurts. :( As if I didn't know that already. Can't you come up with anything better? You creativity bereft piece of shit.

Nah, you have to be even more genetic trash to deny your own genetics and chromosomes. Everyday I thank basedblackscienceman that I'm not mentally ill enough to deny my own sex.

"Calling a tranny a sick degenerate makes you the sick degenerate" is pretty shitty logic. Trannies are disgusting subhumans.

Please don't let them get to you. I accept you for who you are. You aren't who they say you have to be.

Show me your Y chromosome.

A woman is now a male.

How life feels when is not tutorial mode?

I dont get trans stuff but i feel bad for you guys. If being trans was a choice transmen wouldnt exist since being male sucks.

You mean as a woman with a mental disorder?

completely devastated


they put a woman in charge of leading you fools. i dunno why, honestly.

/r/gymcels for those who don't want to deal with this tyranny any more

Who doesn't? Oh honey, can I help you?


Next up - no freedom


Fuck off

Oh no! You can't attention whore anymore! What ever will you do???


Are you guys shitting me? You've all been petitioning for this rule for a few days, the mods do what you all asked for, and now you're pissed about it?

You guys asked for this rule, chill out

shut up

Aye shut up ma nigga

oh so it's like this sub is giant group of unorganized people and you're complaining when it acts unorganized?

who the hell do you actually think you're talking to? lol.

This subreddit is being cucked every day by this fat whale whore. I refuse to take orders from a woman. It goes against my incel ideology. Our prophet Saint Blackop2cel said it best

"Oh saint BlackOps2cel we has't hath sent down a the holybook, so thee should knoweth mistress art whores and wilt nev'r amount to leaders " - passage 5 pg 56

I'm not making up rules unilaterally. There was a post about it and the mods as a group chimed in.

Most incels wanted this rule. Also, did you have a stroke typing the second paragraph?

All from the good book. If you were an Incel you would know the passage by heart.

That grammar is atrocious. St. blackops2cel would never write such a travesty

Its old English dumbass.

It's Early Modern English, retard. This is what you should have written:

"... O St. Blackops2cel, who hast sent down an holy book, so that thou shouldst know mistresses are whores and will never amount to leaders."

No. Its not.

It is from the Talmud

No more sait blackops2cel selfies lmao rip

What's wrong with posting selfies on this sub?

Everyone can't compete with you.

Yes they can. I am shorter than 99% of adult males. Women prioritize tall height over good-looking face.

Why don't you start your own sub called "Selfie Cells"?

XD That's clever. Knajjd, Dontcomplain1, Zyros, and Gambler will spam that sub with their selfies.

this tbh. low iqcels need to be protected from themselves in this regard; your photo showing up here has the potential to be devastating.

yeah thats the point. quicker you get to the rope the better

Rate me always leads to cancer because we start getting femoids posting after the influx of normies and it’s just beta orbiting everywhere. Even on an incels sub I can see it happening

What does this mean?!



hahah is this my fault?

Dontcomplain and iamhopeless on suicide watch

Between this rule and the "no virgin shaming" rule?

Depends what time of the week it is as to whether dontcomplain is a virgin

You forgot /u/zyros_ tbh

Good. Fakecels who only post their photos to mock incels deserve to get banned.

Fakecel pretty boys need to fuck off.

What is a fakecel pretty boy?

Zyros, don'tcomplain1, Tellem T, gambler, etc etc. Guys who actually have to fix their personality or get their mental issues sorted and under control.

WTF is wrong with selfies?

No one wants your selfies so you ban them outright.jfl at you u tubby fuck.

The only people complaining are attention whore fakecels.

literally nobody said i looked ok in my picture. im a 0/10 and i know it

Yup. This is a good rule for weeding out truecels from fakecels.

That shirtless gymcel in the bathtowel, cringe

Thx bb much appreciated


Go back to Cuckism where you belong.

Next new rule:

  • Not allowed to talk about tinder, dating and complaining about being virgin.

kek, this sub gets worse everyday, now we can not even see meeks blackpill selfies or blackops2cel seflie memes anymore

Dontcomplain on suicide watch lmao.

If they add this rule, yes ngl tbh

It's a stupid rule tbh. Sub is getting more cucked day by day ever since Broad_Gaming is in charge.

No, it's not a bad rule.

This is an incel safe space. Not a place for lookism posters to come make fun of incels by posting their pictures.

Incel safe space yet you allow normies and roasties to post here. JFL. Posts by lookism users never even left /new. You can leave some things to the power of downvotes/upvotes, not everything has to be strictly moderated.

What's the next thing, you will disallow users to change their flairs? Oh, wait... Just like I said, more and more cucked day by day.

The reason why users aren't allowed to change their own flairs is because some people were setting them to things that violated Reddit's content policy.

You're a waste of space, you fucking larping cunt. Get lost, you know how you look and you know you are attractive to women.

Look for other sources of validation instead of this shameless parasitry.

are u a girl

Does that mean we are not allowed to post selfies of other people as well?

thank fucking god

How do we keep track of your weight loss progress? Can you post selfies?


Is this my fault? Rip

Can I get an ELI5 for why?

we should require femoids to post pics or gtfo when they dont post picss theyre just teasing

And why do you need our pics?

to jerk off to it, judge, and in return you get attention

What if I don’t want attention?

lol sure you dont, leave

No, I’m here because I believe in the black pill.

youre here because you like the attention, a roasties actions speak louder than her words

Attention seeking femoids.

That kind of sucks. Admittedly, I don't know which pics are old memes or not but I do enjoy pointing out the little things that would help his appearance in such a way that he feels more confident within himself. Which women gravitate to

So this is how the cuckening of this sub begins.

All it took was a femoind being put in charge.

Did you read the part about the mods voting?

Doesn't matter, you still havent told us why selfies need to be banned.

Is it really a surprise that the votes went the femoid's way?

Bums me out because some of of these guys are nice looking and genuinely do not know it. Its messed up

Dumb rule

Get out whore.

I cant even show my face here tf

Sweet, I'll just have my wife take the picture.

"Selfies" -- pictures of oneself or purported to be oneself, are not allowed.

A picture of yourself, even if taken by another person, still counts.

Yeah, I had a feeling, but it's pretty fucking stupid to call a picture taken by a third party a "selfie." Like "Look, it's a selfie of the soldiers raising the flag at Iwo Jima!"

Semantics, amounts to the same thing in the end, a picture of yourself. Who actually gives a shit.

I don't know, maybe people who think words have meanings and don't think it's cool to substitute any given word for any other seahorse.

Tough tits.

I recently underwent a jaw lipo surgery, am i allowed to take picture of my chin and post before/after results if I blur rest of the face? or do i have to go ask people from the streets to take pictures?

That is a good question tbh. I'd say hit up the modmail so the other mods can give their take on it as well.

BUT WHY??????

Because attention whoring and mockery.

Fucking mods amirite

Have you let your friends at r/IncelTears know this rule aswell?

You are not an incel. You will never be an incel.

Hey, if I have Stacy take a pic, does it count?

shut up slut

Sub is cucked

are dickpics still allowed?!

Are failed normies allowed?

The best way to dilute a sub is to flood it with fakes and then remove any way to tell each other apart.

Like hitler making everyone in the camp wear the same grey uniform.

Why is board gaming a mod? Shes an IncelTears poster. wtf?


This sub makes me giggle

That's okay, there is no need to show off how attractive I am. I actually need to stop because I think I'm becoming a narcissist. ... ... Wait I think I'm in the wrong subreddit.

good, im not a fucking faggot

Nobody ever posts their own selfies here tho. It always images of other ugly men, with IP pretending to be them.

Worst rule ever :(

Keep getting cucked by board_gaming

Because attention whoring and mockery.