107 2018-05-14 by CountyMcCounterson
1 qwep-mi 2018-05-14
Lol people can tell youre a virgin by looks
1 bcat124 2018-05-14
Doctors always smirk when they ask me wether im sexually active or not.
1 SlashSero 2018-05-14
Say "well depends on you..." and then wink back. Critical bonus against female doctors.
1 ricoue 2018-05-14
That sounds like a good way to get kicked out.
1 SignorSolitudine 2018-05-14
If they don’t want stupid answers they shouldn’t ask snarky stupid questions
1 Hoeasss 2018-05-14
Suicide fuel
1 Zyros_ 2018-05-14
this. one of the trademarks of the incel is that people dont have to ask, and much less, assume that you are a stud.
1 WahmenMustDIe 2018-05-14
1 Jeste44 2018-05-14
What kind of job interview is this
1 halalrad 2018-05-14
He's applying to do porn
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-14
One coming to you in the near future
A job with Ellen poe
1 -SpinxS 2018-05-14
women should do interviews because they can sense our virginity.
1 cartersweeney 2018-05-14
Apparently Steve Jobs used to actually do this
1 aryancel 2018-05-14
prob cuz he knew he could bully incels easier
1 Guatchman 2018-05-14
Ackshually none judges you if you're virgin
1 empatheticapathetic 2018-05-14
1 efficientglove 2018-05-14
This just shows the people on this sub have no idea how interviews actually go.
1 kitchirp 2018-05-14
You imbecile, it's a meme.
1 MozzerDozzer 2018-05-14
Are you autistic?
1 qwep-mi 2018-05-14
Lol people can tell youre a virgin by looks
1 bcat124 2018-05-14
Doctors always smirk when they ask me wether im sexually active or not.
1 SlashSero 2018-05-14
Say "well depends on you..." and then wink back. Critical bonus against female doctors.
1 ricoue 2018-05-14
That sounds like a good way to get kicked out.
1 SignorSolitudine 2018-05-14
If they don’t want stupid answers they shouldn’t ask snarky stupid questions
1 Hoeasss 2018-05-14
Suicide fuel
1 Zyros_ 2018-05-14
this. one of the trademarks of the incel is that people dont have to ask, and much less, assume that you are a stud.
1 WahmenMustDIe 2018-05-14
1 Jeste44 2018-05-14
What kind of job interview is this
1 halalrad 2018-05-14
He's applying to do porn
1 Jeste44 2018-05-14
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-14
One coming to you in the near future
1 Hoeasss 2018-05-14
A job with Ellen poe
1 -SpinxS 2018-05-14
women should do interviews because they can sense our virginity.
1 cartersweeney 2018-05-14
Apparently Steve Jobs used to actually do this
1 aryancel 2018-05-14
prob cuz he knew he could bully incels easier
1 Guatchman 2018-05-14
Ackshually none judges you if you're virgin
1 empatheticapathetic 2018-05-14
1 efficientglove 2018-05-14
This just shows the people on this sub have no idea how interviews actually go.
1 kitchirp 2018-05-14
You imbecile, it's a meme.
1 MozzerDozzer 2018-05-14
Are you autistic?
1 bcat124 2018-05-14
Doctors always smirk when they ask me wether im sexually active or not.
1 Zyros_ 2018-05-14
this. one of the trademarks of the incel is that people dont have to ask, and much less, assume that you are a stud.