Imagine if there was a group called "NiggerTears" where a bunch of trailer-park-dwelling white guys opined on how shitty black people are because of their personalities

80  2018-05-14 by completeutterbuffoon

Oh wait, there is a place like that. It's called Stormfront.


I was going to say "it's called Cringe Anarchy"

There used to be a sub called that for making fun of Cucktears hypocrisy

Your feelings are valid and you are persecuted and you are entitled to sex please continue harboring and propagating your ideas.


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There was... made by richrippedandincel

You fuckwits aren't an oppressed minority, you're a bunch of misogynistic assholes with fucked up beliefs.

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So because someone has called you on your hateful bullshit you attack their capacity for logic? They are correct. The incels featured on inceltears are largely misogynistic, generally hateful, and incredibly violent, whereas any forum attacking black people would be generalized to a diverse group of people with varying ideologies and views. Black people as a whole are not a hate group that promote rape and other dehumanizing acts toward women. Black people are not born into any particular personality and neither are incels. Inceltears points out hateful comments people have the ability to not make and does not attack people for how they are born.

Like 3% of incels promote rape and we are pretty sure most of those are IT retards going undercover. Just fuck off please.

Do you enjoy defending women on the internet?


We are a persecuted minority, females want us beheaded.

No, that's a lie you've concocted for yourselves to make yourselves feel better. Women just want you to stop buying into the lies you believe about them (like that they want you beheaded) and stop feeling entitled to their bodies.

Women want us dead because we're ugly and don't kiss the ground they walk on. The only ugly men they want alive are the ones who buy them things and shower them in compliments.

Username checks out.

then why don't you hate IT for bullying?

There's a difference between bullying and calling people out for hate speech and being shitty human beings. You guys say horrible shit about women and the rest of society and deserve everything IT throws at you. Commiserating about not getting laid is one thing, but you spread false narratives about "chads" and "stacys", advocate rape, etc. and there's no place for that in society. Go back to complaining about how nobody loves you and stop trying to turn it into some backwards-ass, evolution-based philosophy and maybe people will quit shitting on you.

yeah, telling sad virgin people to kill themselves is totally justified.

A) if they're advocating suicide they should be banned, but most are just shaming your beliefs, as they should, and B) they (and I) don't care about the sad virgin part, we care about the toxic rhetoric

the word incel is kinda like the n word because it really is basically an insult but we have reclaimed it and use it ironically.

Holy shit I want /r/niggertears

Yea, this place is basically as intellectually stimulating as stormfront or breitbart

Yet you're still here

I just made r/BlackPeopleTears


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Do you enjoy defending women on the internet?

We are a persecuted minority, females want us beheaded.

then why don't you hate IT for bullying?

Women want us dead because we're ugly and don't kiss the ground they walk on. The only ugly men they want alive are the ones who buy them things and shower them in compliments.