"she" is a alt of someone who mods IT, and an enemy of incels. The only reason they haven't false flagged this sub too like they did to incels is they need it for content.
I saw you in that thread getting upvoted yesterday, why do you lie? Is it because you are a woman perhaps? You probably don't even feel bad about it, you have no honour and do NOT deserve equality with men.
Just leave her alone this is actually bullying now. I’ve read many stories on here of girls saying guys asking them out because his buddies dared him to and it was humiliating, this is no different. Be better.
That doesn’t make it okay. A women doesn’t have the strength to physically hurt you by slapping you, does that mean a women is allowed to slap you without any repercussions then?
Why don't you pm her and talk to her about it instead of posting it her and opening her to ridicule? But I guess that's your primary purpose so mission accomplished I guess.
1 AbuIncelAlAustrali 2018-05-14
She will order a large Big Mac meal
1 CountyMcCounterson 2018-05-14
Wow I guess she already ate before coming out then
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-14
She's just gonna reply "No." like the robot she is
1 TurboTrashman 2018-05-14
I'm seriously beginning to wonder if she's on the spectrum.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-14
It's a guy.
1 BettyCogburn 2018-05-14
I thought it was an obese black woman
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-14
So "she" says.
1 Bandic00tCapnCrunch 2018-05-14
Is she really black.
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-14
1 Plague-Lord 2018-05-14
"I don't meet people off of reddit"
"she" is a alt of someone who mods IT, and an enemy of incels. The only reason they haven't false flagged this sub too like they did to incels is they need it for content.
1 RickyBalboah3690 2018-05-14
Dude she literally posts on there withthe bg account.
1 Shazig 2018-05-14
She also goes on inceltears pretty regularly and vents about how awful we are.
1 Board_Gaming 2018-05-14
I don't do that.
1 Shazig 2018-05-14
No, you'll just break bread with them while they're insulting us.
1 theonetruekike 2018-05-14
fuck off you fat cunt
1 BetaChad69 2018-05-14
I saw you in that thread getting upvoted yesterday, why do you lie? Is it because you are a woman perhaps? You probably don't even feel bad about it, you have no honour and do NOT deserve equality with men.
1 Board_Gaming 2018-05-14
The one where I said I'm aware of all the posts that Incels.me makes about me or the Braincels sub, that got 62 votes?
1 BetaChad69 2018-05-14
yeah. They seem to like you for some odd reason. Make them dislike you and you will earn the rank of incel in my eyes.
1 Board_Gaming 2018-05-14
Like this?
1 trevmon 2018-05-14
is she secretly a dude
1 ShadowMforce 2018-05-14
Just leave her alone this is actually bullying now. I’ve read many stories on here of girls saying guys asking them out because his buddies dared him to and it was humiliating, this is no different. Be better.
1 TfwNoMommyGf 2018-05-14
Femoids deserve bullying.
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-14
No wait, this goes against everything I've heard about how y'all don't hate women ;p
1 cockmasterzzzzz 2018-05-14
1 asdlkjpoiqwer0981234 2018-05-14
lol Mr. WK, he doesn't have the power (looks) to actually humiliate her like that
1 ShadowMforce 2018-05-14
That doesn’t make it okay. A women doesn’t have the strength to physically hurt you by slapping you, does that mean a women is allowed to slap you without any repercussions then?
1 moggedbyall 2018-05-14
take a load of this homofaggot
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-14
1 nigguhcel 2018-05-14
Bitches ain’t shit
1 TurboTrashman 2018-05-14
Only cuckfestus can white-knight her.
1 gufestus2 2018-05-14
Thank you. 😄
1 hone_claws 2018-05-14
She can be better by running on the fucking treadmill
1 moggedbyall 2018-05-14
"How is bullying real nigga? just stop modding a sub full of people who hate your fat ass nigga."
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-14
1 GymcellingIsCope 2018-05-14
You'll be bankrupt after you ordered her all the big macs
1 JamesLucratif 2018-05-14
Oh is that who admins this group? Well now she can feel better knowing I hate her cause she's a mod not cause she's a woman
1 gufestus2 2018-05-14
Why don't you pm her and talk to her about it instead of posting it her and opening her to ridicule? But I guess that's your primary purpose so mission accomplished I guess.
1 Ub2w 2018-05-14
1 Trumpisagoldengod 2018-05-14
Haha the truth got you a little miffed lol
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-14
Enjoy your date with our resident male incelcucks troll lol.
1 moggedbyall 2018-05-14
The server at the restaurant: "Table for 8?"
1 ForceFetusKing 2018-05-14
You guys love giving her attention.
1 klausdahaus 2018-05-14
It's the only interaction they can have with a woman.
1 LegendofMilkies 2018-05-14
u/Board_Gaming pls make me feel special
1 klausdahaus 2018-05-14
It's the only interaction they can have with a woman.