Imagine if black people were told the same shit as incels.

110  2018-05-14 by Tha_Crock

For some reason it's perfectly okay to discriminate against ugly men and tell them they have to make up for their ugliness in all aspects of life. Could you imagine if black people were treated like that?

"You gotta make up for your blackness with a great personality. "

"If you had picked your cotton better you wouldn't be a slave anymore."

"Yeah, people judge you niggers for the colour of your skin, but you can make up for it by being funny. Just look at Kevin Hart."

"Have you tried not being such a white hater?"

"Hey man, I was in the exact same situation as you when I fell into that tar pit." (fat normies who lost weight)

"Life just isn't fair."

"You niggers love to rob people, and then you wonder why you don't have equal rights."



Yeah black people wouldnt stand for that

This is ignorant. Real woke analysis would be studying how the old Jim Crow code of conduct for black men has been expanded to include any ugly men.

It's not the same thing, tho. Black people used to be discriminated against, by law. There are no such laws for ugly men, ugly men are just discriminated against socially.

The point is that you COULD say these same things to black people, it just wouldn't be socially acceptable.

One day, once the Congress is made entirely of women and Chads, they'll pass a law that makes ugly people's votes count only as 3/5 of a vote.

Also, all newborns will be placed on a watchlist as potential terrorists, until they lose their virginity.

That's nonsense.

Nah, I'm 420% serious, mate. It'll happen.

I just wish they went through a genetic cleansing already, genes like mine shouldn't exist on the same planet as white aryan Chad's. Y

At least we could organize a resistance if we were being exterminated. Right now 95% of our incel brothers are coping with video games or politics and telling themselves that they're just not interested in a relationship at the moment. They need to wake up.

Yet it still happens

MJ voice Tha's ignant. You're all jus ignant.

Normies can't get concepts like this through their heads.

Women don’t care about looks, but your personality is so ugly it clearly repels them.

WOMEN DON’T CARE ABOUT LOOKS. HEARD IT HERE FROM A SELF PROCLAIMED CHAD, BOYOS. Sure incels, your scientific studies, statistics and social experiments may seem convincing but this guy said looks don’t matter to women so I guess he’s right.

Exactly! This guy seems to get it, why can’t the rest of you incels just understand!

Yea, man. Those disgusting virgins just need to shower, respect women and stop objectifying them. They also need a better attitude. I’m sure doing this will fix their balding, their recessed chins and jaws, their big hooked noses, their negative canthal and much more.

Not sure if teehee or not

Screencapped, I’ll just post this pic next time someone tells me that no one thinks looks don’t matter.

Go exercise or do something to make yourself better looking then you fkn incel.

I’m not an incel you stupid faggot

Yes dear, I’m sure you’re not... 😊

There's a solid 50% chance that you're a narcissistic basic bitch who doesn't ponder deeply on anything. You just sit on your phone all day like a zombie.

Forgive me for the assumption, but you surely cannot be thinking too hard right now. Put the phone down for a while, kiddo. Go watch the sun set in the distance and just think about life. Think about things that all humans should think about at one point or another. Ponder your mortality, ponder how "free" your free will really is, and ponder about the peculiarness of the billions of circumstances that needed to be aligned for you to be where you are right there.

Then, after you've got some practice, go contemplate on how much looks invade every part of our lives, without most of us even realizing.

No u

He probably didn’t understand what you wrote.


We care about looks.

Don’t listen to the catfish account guys, real women don’t care about looks... personality is where it’s at. 😊

Nice lie:))))))))))

We are told things like that

Just getting context but you do realise that being told 'you can be successful, look at kevin hart' is not the same as 'you can make up for the racism against you, just look at kevin hart'? One implies that there is nowhere near as much racism as you think, the other that there is racism but you should just brush it aside and move on. As a follow up question, in this day and age what racism do you actually experience that isn't edgy people saying nigger which has no actual effect on your life, retarded pol users that have no actual effect on your life, and random old dudes that have no actual effect on your life? Are there really so many actual disadvantages to being black?

Ironically, you just played into symbolic racism, which of course is a form of racism.

Symbolic racism is characterized as the expression or endorsement of four specific themes or beliefs.

1.Blacks no longer face much prejudice or discrimination.

  1. The failure of blacks to progress results from their unwillingness to work hard enough.

3.Blacks are demanding too much too fast.

4.Blacks have gotten more than they deserve.

Symbolic racism is a form of modern racism, as it is more subtle and indirect than more overt forms of racism, such as those characterized in Jim Crow laws. As symbolic racism develops through socialization and its processes occur without conscious awareness, an individual with symbolic racist beliefs may genuinely oppose racism and believe they are not racist. Symbolic racism is perhaps the most prevalent racial attitude today.

You assumed because blacks don’t experience overt racism like during the Jim Crow era, there aren’t really any disadvantages to being black. Which plays into the first endorsement that Blacks don’t face much prejudices and discrimination which is tied into racism. Your comment was an example of symbolic racism; I don’t blame you, you’ve probably never heard of such a term, a quick google search will tell you all about the disadvantages to being black; such as, the median income for non-Hispanic White households was $71,300, and it was $43,000 for Black households in 2014. Black households are making nearly $30,000 less than White households. No other race/ethnicity is making a lower household income.

If you decide to reply, google “disadvantages to being African American” and “modern racism” and “types of racism” so you don’t come off as ignorant again, making you vulnerable to getting schooled again.

If I was commited to symbolic racism, I wouldn't have asked any of those questions would I? because I would've been sure that I already knew the answers. Asking questions in order to get perspective since you admit to not knowing the answers and want to find them out before forming your opinion isn't any form of -ism retard

“If I was commited to symbolic racism, I wouldn't have asked any of those questions would I?”

Committed to symbolic racism? How does one commit to symbolic racism? I did say you played into symbolic racism, not quite sure how does one commit to it.

As I stated earlier, most people are unaware of symbolic racism. Whether you knew the answers or not, doesn’t negate that you exemplified an example of symbolic racism.

Interestingly enough, I think many people like you are genuinely curious to an extent; you want answers but you don’t want answers. You want to know, but you don’t truly want to know the truth. Otherwise, you would’ve taken 5-10 minutes to google the truth, if blacks are disadvantaged or experience racism. But by not googling and seeking a reply back here, you understood that you genuinely asked a question, and the burden was on them to present you the truth, and in them not replying back to this thread. You would’ve escaped knowing the reality of Blacks. But, oh man, once you go out of your way to do your own research, there’s no going back. You’ve been exposed to the truth.

All in all, people are simple-minded. You’d probably rather continue going back and forth with me, rather, than further enlightening yourself through research on racism and disadvantages of blacks. Oh well...

In regards to your Kevin Hart example, what difference does it make? We get both and both are negative. If I went into detail into the racism we face on day to day basis, I would have to write an essay or a book, so I'll bring up two things that have a of attention right now. 1. I'm sure you've heard the many stories of white people calling the police on black people for minding our own business recently when we are at Starbucks, waffle house, an air bnb, golfing, in our dorms, or at the barbecue. America is sending a message that if we are just existing, they thing we should be arrested or that we are doing something wrong. A black kid knocked on a door to ask for directions and he was shot at because they thought he was dangerous. My coworker was saying she was terrified because a black teenager was knocking on her door, and he was reported to the neighborhood watch. He was just selling high school stuff and they thought he was a robber. 2. Black women are 3 to 4 times more likely to die in childbirth or have our kids die in childbirth. This is because doctors are less likely to take the concerns of black people seriously. For example, black people are less likely to have pain medications administered to us than white patients because doctors have a bias that we feel less pain. If you would like to learn more of this, please listen to today's episode of 1A that aired on NPR

America's fucked man

Black people are told shit like that, all the time. Oh, and they get shot at by cops for no goddamn reason.

Also, I know black women in their 30s who are beautiful, intelligent, and fun to be around... but still single. They have it way harder than early-20s men (who will, assuming they can talk about other topics than "roasties" and "Chads", become more attractive to women as they get older). But most of them don't become assholes.

Lel nice bait

Shut up. Chocolate cities are garbage for a reason.

Daily reminder that wymyn are the biggest white supremacists that exist.

Actually, that's essentially what whites tell black people.

Not really, but let’s assume that is what whites say to blacks. Assuming you think it’s wrong, why isn’t it also wrong to say it to uggos?

I Dont feel like typing out the obvious parallels. But no Its not ok to say it to ugly people.

Well I think that’s OP’s point.

Yeah and these white people get rightfully shut down and schooled.

Not really. Just depends on who they're talking to. Racism against blacks is generally accepted by a large vein of whites .

I meant more in the mainstream crowds and not in niche Nationalistic groups. Either way, sexual inequality should be addressed in the same way as inequality in free market capitalism with many people getting the short end of the stick.

The entirety of te republican party will day the things mentioned in the op. White liberals will say the same things as well. It's acceptable.

How do we address that?

Okay but IT cucks definitely would while telling us to bootstrap.

Absolutely true.

Bullshit, the second someone dares to say this in mass media he will got instantly crucified by the public and will got his ass banned to even have appear ever again

Much diferent to the "You are just unfuckable, deal with it".that was said some days and was received with applauses.

Pretty sure the entirety of fox news is still up and running.

The world doesn't consist of your mass media and outrage culture by middle class people with too much time on their hands. If you talk to people outside of that group, you see how many racists there actually are.

Lol comparing race to looks....yea, y'all aren't racist at all

Race plays a big part of looks. Many incels are ethnic people living in western countries, so I doubt that they are racist.


Stopped reading

I mean you got halfway there buddy, take a break then try and finish the sentence. Together, we can get past your illiteracy. 😊

Low iq insult

I can’t match your superior incel intelligence, just have my women.

-A defeated Chad

hey guys, Chad here.

Racism is simply one kind of lookism.

someone poisoned the waterhole

Idk man, I've heard "I don't date black guys" a whole lot more than "I don't date ugly guys"

Not dating ugly guys is given, no need to mention it.

Yup, no blacks is common as fuck

At least they can go back to Africa. Where is the homeland for the honely?


No country for ugly men

just get a bowl cut like anton chigurh bro he slays

Now imagine you are BLACK and INCEL.

Yes, kill me please.

bbc automatically disqualifies you as incel

Not every black guy is blessed with that. Fuck, I feel sorry for black dickcels.

im black,and i think big dicks are nasty,5.4 inch is acceptable.


Your size mogs mine

Just shave your head, grow a beard, and workout. You'll be Tyrone in no time

Just shave your head,

I have an alien head. No.

grow a beard,

So that's how it is? I just grow one. Nice I'll tell this my genetics real quick

and workout.

Yea, I could do this.

But basically it's over for me.

It seems that you lost the genetic lottery, so did I. I'll hand over the rope, just hang in there

just hang in there

Lmao yea. Once my 20s come to an end that's what I'm gonna do

rip, times to invest in cap fashion.

We’re in this shit together, brother.

As a black guy this is exactly how I feel. I have to deal with discrimination not only because I'm an ugly autist but because I'm fucking black. The world claims I'm garbage when it's really the other way around.

The real reason is because society shuts down the notion of a sexual marketplace parrallel to the financial marketplace. So they will acknowledge financial oppression of a group but not sexual.

Dude wtf reported

Well, here's the thing, I am black. Please stop relating yourselves to us. We can't help being black. You can help being an incel.

What part about involuntary do you not understand?

If I say I am involuntarily in pain but I refuse to stop stabbing myself in the hand, then its not really involuntary. Everything incels do is counter to the goals they wish to achieve.

I can't escape my skin color. You can stop being an incel pretty much whenever you want.

High IQ troll

Exactly. I literally don’t understand the point of this sub reddit. Why does it even exist? Imagine logging into reddit everyday posting in a forum where women are bashed unknowingly as their genitals are compared to roast beef? “You know what, let me complain about never getting laid as me and a large group of internet strangers make memes about fictional characters called Chad and Stacey as we compare our struggles as victims to those of black people. You can cry about not getting laid all you want, but let me tell you: the longer you’re apart of this community, the more distant that event of finding someone who likes you becomes.

I mean to be fair this is where you go when you know you already lost. There's no getting back on the horse when you a certain type of ugly

People compare everything to being black for some stupid thing. "I stubbed my toe. This just like the pain the slaves felt." It's demeaning AF

tfw black + incel

just lift bales of cotton bro


Not every black guy is blessed with that. Fuck, I feel sorry for black dickcels.


Nice lie:))))))))))

I mean to be fair this is where you go when you know you already lost. There's no getting back on the horse when you a certain type of ugly