The most brutal blackpill

320  2018-05-14 by Detoxification-

The best, most pleasurable dopamine rushes of my entire youth is the feeling I get when I get when my Reddit comments/posts are highly upvoted.


Well, here's me rooting that this post is upvoted a lot too.

Have an upvote

Boop, downvote. Now for the satisfaction that comes from your hatred of me

Ironically i upvoted both of you. Your sincerity and self awareness has earned my respect. Something a woman could never do

There's a reason social media is so addictive.

Also, try doing heavy exercise, preferably a mix of cardio and strength like martial arts. That shit is better than any drug.

Recovering addicts often run until they're exhausted whenever they need a fix. A runner's high feels really good.

Huh, TIL. But yeah, I can see why. I would get withdrawal symptoms when I couldn't exercise for longer periods of time. It's powerful stuff.

You’d be hard pressed to find a addiction treatment regiment that didn’t include physical exercise.

I've only ever gotten it once, lost like 40lb trying to catch the feeling again but never could

Well shit, at least you lost 40 pounds! (Unless it muscle you lost)

Probably both

Martial arts is great, and CrossFit. I do both and it's completely addictive

What's addictive about it? Stupid question but can I do it from home?

hmmm don't know. For me doing sports requires a structure and, despite hating group sorts like soccer, I enjoy being in a group doing CrossFit and kickboxing. On the other hand, it's not as easy as it looks, it's not a matter of strength only, you need dexterity to master the movements correctly, much more so than the gym, so I wouldn't advice you to do it alone. The addictive part comes from the feeling of exhaustion after doing it, similar to runner's high, and accomplishing constant small goals. It's very rewarding and great for self-esteem. Definitely try it out.

I don't get this. I exercise because I want to look good physically, but it's nothing more than a fucking chore that I loathe doing.

Try not being a huge bitch maybe

Good job at making no sense, dumbass.

If your reasons for exercise are superficial, that might be why.

Maybe so, it's most likely I'd say. It's just hard to change my mindset, I don't care about my health just how women see me.

The very foundation of biological life is superficial, dumbass.


The only purpose of biological life is to survive long enough to reproduce. That's pretty fucking superficial if you ask me.

There is no meaning of life. Get over yourself; reproduction is not the imperative of every human.

Why don't you suck the sloppy end of my fuckstick?

Oh yeah sure! Just give me your credit card info, addy, full legal name, and ssn and I'll be right over😄

I assume your exercise is lifting to look good then? I used to do that too, and did not enjoy it either. It also doesn't give as much of a high.

My personal experience is that the more it gets your heart pumping, the better your high will be. If you need to lie or at least sit down for 5-10 minutes after your exercise, it's perfect. But that can only be achieved with something that contains cardio elements, like for example martial arts. Not to mention that martial arts are a lot more fun than lifting anyways.

tl;dr: If you do more fun cardio, exercise will be less of a chore.

that's why i started by now i don't care about looks. it just feels really good and gives me more energy and gives me a high. also weights is great for taking rage out, i listen to death metal and lift till my arms tremble.

Same. That’s why I’m addicted to Reddit. I’ve had literally 100 alts in the past year.

The fuck

yeah. unlike chad whos best experience is taking stacy back to his room, and slow undressing her while she pretends to be coy.

The best, most pleasurable dopamine rush of my entire youth

As a drugcel, I lol'd.

Normie, feminist programmer who feels for you guys (the normal struggling young men, not the psychopaths) here. I've worked in tech. These platforms are designed to get you addicted to microapprovals. Most people in Silicon Valley take Digital Sabbaths and I would advise it. Choose a day to go outside or read books.

psychopaths are mentally ill, you have no sympathy for the mentally ill?

Don't be annoying lol.

Psychopaths are not crazy, they can control what they do, they know morality, but lack the biological frame that allows most humans to respond to it. They don't feel bad, but they are still responsible for their behaviour.

Stfu feminist scum

Looking for that downvote drug

I dont care about upvotes or downvotes. Feminists are cancer.

I keep forgetting where Im posting


If you were a feminist you wouldn't be sympathizing with the shitstains on this sub. Go sit with the woman haters.

this right here.

they use the same tricks as a casino, keeping you hooked. Why you think Reddit changed their layout to autoload new content? I Nope'd right back the old one.

"feminist programmer"

how much programming do you actually do, wouldn't surprise me if you just coast off the work of other men, roasties can't code for shit

Wow someone has a fragile worldview

virtually every normie I know that is a programmer reverberates the fact that women cannot code too well and often just pile the work on the guys in their workplace, the women are only able to keep their jobs because of diversity quotas

I was honestly shocked when a normie cousin of a friend told us that the female programmers in his workplace are essentially dead weight and that they'd have a much better time meeting deadlines if they just hired some guys instead

If incels were psychopaths they wouldn't be incels. Women love psychopaths. Incels are (probably) the most empathic people alive.


good looking people can't be psycopaths, only ugly incels are psychopaths...

Lol tragic

My fondest memories are of experiencing amazing video games/anime/movies without preoccupations on my mind.

Just lol @ the modern human life. Where that asteroid at?

No wonder I'm so addicted to this place.

I have 62,000 karma and I'm so cool that people actually subscribe to my profile.

All I do is call people niggers and normies. Meanwhile, normies who follow every social convention and every cucked subreddit rule end up with 800 karma.


Just imagine my dopamine rushes, I karma-mog most of you

Note: this only applies if your over 5'10"

The greatest rush an incel can feel is getting jacked as shit and mogging other men in front of their gfs.

Conan was fucking right.

sounds like wishful thinking, not really moggin them or why don't their gfs leave them for you

because were ugly. Women love pretty boys

ok well I didn't thinking mugging meant that

you did specify only for the above 5'10 so you're not lying too much but I'm not gonna get a dopamine rush if I stand by a guy who has a gf right there and she is not giving a shit about me as usual like all girls. he is a normie beta buzz sure but I'm technically not moggng him even if in better shape

no its small things. For example your walking on a side walk and the couple is walking in your direction and somone has to move out of the way.

Because your physically bigger and jacked he will always move out of your way and she will momentarily pick up on that.

So its like a mini dopamine rush.

ok that does sound cool

if a normie numale cuck is out with his gf, and a subhuman like me makes him move out of the way, the woman is not going to want me but it likely will make her plan on dumping her numale and she will get dry as the sahara, so I'd have that small victory at least

try it man. Get jacked as shit and have a intimidating physique and the way men will fear/respect you is a rush in an of it self.

I saw your pics, how long did it take you to get that physique?

I am only 140lbs and 5'11, skinny as fuck, twig mode wristcel too. I want to start gymceling (tons of free time with nothing to do). Would you be able to tell me or recommend me a workout routine? I have only gone to the gym once in my life, it was busy and there we so many chads so I didn't want to go again.

Took about a year. But I was really lazy in the beggining and doing workouts that didnt do much.

If you want to get big. Focuuslt religously on this routine

  • Monday (Leg Day) - Deadlifts, Squats
  • Tuesday (Push Day) - Bench Press, Incline Press, Overhead press
  • Wednesday (Pull Day) - Weighted Pull ups, Weight Rows.
  • Thursday - Rest

And repeat

This should be the meat and potatoes of your workout, Focus heavily on these compound movements. You should always focus on increasing in strength. For nattys strength = size

After doing these lifts you can do what ever accessory workout you want. i.e on push day after doing your main compound movemetns you can do tricep push downs or what ever else you want.

alright ty I will start to gymcel after ramadan

Try drugs

Mine was getting banned from subreddits and trolling for downvotes.