I hate you guys

30  2018-05-14 by yungcashboi

I used to love Arby’s until I came here now I can’t even look at one without thinking of nasty ass looking vaginas. Thanks for ruining one of my favorite places


I still love arbys ,I've seen some nasty vaginas but arbys is the bomb

The roastpill is one of the most important pills to swallow


Fucking lol

"The blackpill follows you everywhere"

-Neil Degrasse Tyson

Its had the reverse effect on me, I think those vaginas look tasty now.

We have the meats

never cared for arby's. tbh, if you have local burger joints in the area, those are almost always superior to the major corporate chains.

cartman from southpark gave me the arbyspill years ago

ge put arbys sauce on pizza to give everyone diarrhea