“Hey guys Chad here”

96  2018-05-14 by Kar98kSnipe


stuffed creepypasta

Ldar 4evah

You can tell that the cat can't stand him anymore

Last thing a soy bean see before being consumed

Lold may harder than I should have not gonna lie

Chad (on the right)


Hunter eyezz

Holy shit this dude is ugly

Fat face= cuck.

Cat mogs him lmao.

Cool, now who's the neckbeard?

If he lost the weight he'd be a normie

These are getting sad, you're losing all subtlety.

He mogs me.

Look at the cheek bones on that cat. He looks like that criminal all the women seem to be getting sticky over

cat is philtrumcel

Tfw mogged by your own cat

Why do they all do the mouth thing?

If you look closely, you can kinda see what looks like a fat neckbeard in the background.

The ‘imma bout to receive a load’ face