A future engineer that uses r/braincels to vent and have locker room talk or a gender studies femoid from r/inceltears, who is more valuable to society?

35  2018-05-14 by Hydroeletric_

The femoid, because vagina.


The future engineer better make innovations in bionics so that I could leave humanity behind.

A lot of people are educated and actually talented, just really ugly. Just goes to show you about society.

They're both human beings.

Not all humans are equal. Especially in worth

If they are on welfare then they don’t deserve my time. Welfare consumers are scum.

So the rich people who receive welfare in the form of government tax breaks and loopholes are also scum?

Not even close, that’s a left wing false equivalency. The reason being, I don’t actively subsidize those people’s lifestyles like I do for jobless welfare scum.

Being poor doesn't mean someone is scum.

Agreed. I am poor myself. However what makes somebody scum is collecting free money from taxpayers such as myself.

What you rather do?

Capitalists are human beings, too, but since you're a commie, that statement is sure to rub you the wrong way. "Roasties are people 2" is the same kind of statement.

IncelTears are the lowest of the low. Jobless idiots. Drains on society. They hate themselves so much, and their cope is to bully the one group they think is lower on the totem pole.

IT is just failed normies

According to who?

According to society, unattractive men are expendable, women are not. It doesn't matter what they do. Women don't have to do anything to be considered valuable. You know this. Stop coping.

future aerospace enginnner here. wanna build a space shuttle and leave this fucked world. 1000$ dollars a ticket.

Sign me.up

A shitstained pair of underwear has more value to society than anyone in gender studies.

Being poor doesn't mean someone is scum.