I’m leaving
103 2018-05-13 by bingolingomazzy
I don’t if I can stay here anymore. It’s just doesn’t feel right. Don’t get me wrong, being an incel sucks. However, I don’t want to be a misogynistic bitter person forever. There’s so much to life than just sex. I want to try to be a positive person, regardless of the disadvantage I might face in life due to my genetics. I don’t believe all women are Stacy’s, I genuinely believe there some good women out there, like Magra for example. There’s good and bad people in every group and it’s unfair to generalize a whole group based on the actions of a few. I think misogyny will not help nor cure our inceldom, it’ll just make us more bitter. I’m still an incel but I’m gonna stop being bitter. I hope all incels would stop being bitter as well.
1 1122334wy 2018-05-13
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
There’s nothing wrong with coping. Everyone needs to cope from time to time.
1 1122334wy 2018-05-13
gl with that, I hope you can keep it up and be happy.
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Thanks man, I appreciate that.
1 trivial0 2018-05-13
If you think about it, this is the biggest cope of all. You hide from your suffering on this board with other people hiding from their suffering. Personally, I like that.
1 nigguhcel 2018-05-13
Aye, women are evil ma nigga. Anything else iz a cope
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Not all women are evil, you’re just generalizing all women based on your negative experiences with some women.
1 bcat124 2018-05-13
All women are evil. Being the selective gender is part of being a woman.
If some women aren't evil, why aren't they talking to you? Why aren't they considering you as a partner? Unicorns don't exist.
1 Ilikepurple94 2018-05-13
You have to be kidding me
1 123-please-end-me 2018-05-13
Why do you think that someone is evil if they won't choose you? That's a very self centered way of thought, designed to make you unhappy.
1 bcat124 2018-05-13
I see "Evil" as subjective. For example: the mother gazelle sees the lion as Evil because he killed her daughter, but the lion was just trying to survive and infant gazelle are easier to hunt.
I am like the gazelle. I don't care about the general picture. Women are evil to me because their actions have had horrible consequences on my happiness and self esteem. That's all there is to it.
1 123-please-end-me 2018-05-13
Ok, that makes some sense. I still don't think you're doing yourself any favors by saying that all women are evil. Having that sort of approach closes a lot of doors before they can even exist.
1 Malmalam 2018-05-13
That's some logic there, dude
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-13
There are really good women out there, intelligent, hard working and every quality yoy can think of. The problem is all this women have a threshold of attractiveness and some men doesn't pass this threshold ever, and then we have incels.
1 Yeahso_no 2018-05-13
I hope you're for real. Good luck...
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
I’m being for real. Thanks
1 Zangano1 2018-05-13
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
I’m not cuck. I’m a realist
1 BackSeatMotherFucker 2018-05-13
Ladies and gentlemen here we have on display is an Incel who thinks he still has hope. He looked at himself in the mirror as he was putting his sister's makeup on and said "Yeah I am still sexy I am no Incel"
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
I’m still physically ugly, I can’t change that. I, however, can change my ugly personality, and I have chosen to do just that.
1 32ozbottle 2018-05-13
Personality doesn't get you laid, nor does it serve as an in to relationship, nor dos it get you rich.
1 StJerryTheGoatfucker 2018-05-13
With a personality like yours, ofcourse it won't get you laid. Are you blind or just stupid?
1 32ozbottle 2018-05-13
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-13
Trying to cope is for urself, sure it won't get u laid but nothing really will
1 retrosocks 2018-05-13
Well I’ve seen ugly people get laid, be in a relationship AND I’ve seen ugly people who aren’t so bad with money either soooo....there’s no excuse really. It’s the personality.
1 123-please-end-me 2018-05-13
If you ever want a stranger to talk to I'm open. Self improvement is hard and having people to talk to helps. PM me if you need more people, even people on the internet can be real.
1 TruthbeTold9999 2018-05-13
This is why you are an incel. You are trying to change your personality. What you need to change is what you are capable of. There is a confidence that a Mafia Hitman has even though he is ugly.. he knows he is skilled. He might even get laid off that. If you are capable of doing a 1-arm pullup.. your arms are going to be fucking ripped. A girl will notice your forearms when your sleeves are rolled. These types of things add points. If you have enough points.. you are more desirable.
You do not receive a single fucking point for having a nice personality. Those are just after attraction bonuses. You are an incel for life because of this.
1 bcat124 2018-05-13
Oh man, I genuinely, laughed out loud to this one. This is a new one and legit meme worthy.
TL;DR: "It is actully skills that attract femoids" Cope. You think the nerdy top of his class student gets laid? Also, many of us have been gymcelling for years and I have a noticebly aesthetic body. Ain't even getting me a single match on tinder. Face/height are barriers of entry, and nothing can compensate for it.
1 throwawayNGUK 2018-05-13
Skills matter if you are ugly, only if they are on an elite level. Thanks way you may be able to attract some women a few points up or looksmatches. I remember when I was a high school track athlete and was bringing medals to my school I had some attention from 5s and 4s simply because of that. Now that I have stopped competing I am back to being invisible.
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
What wrong with changing my personality? Would you rather I stay bitter instead? It’s not like I’m trying to fake my personality. I’m only trying to develop a more positive and accepting personality. There’s nothing wrong with that.
1 Dscigs 2018-05-13
Good on you man.
Putting yourself out there is hard, but you'll meet people who appreciate you.
1 Board_Gaming 2018-05-13
Good luck.
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Thank you.
1 tfl38yrs 2018-05-13
The world will take a far less generous view of you as an incel then you are taking of it. But good luck.
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Thank you.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-13
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Everyone copes one way or another.
1 kronosu 2018-05-13
once the blackpill starts to get in your head it's hard to go back to another way of thinking tbh
1 michaelochurch 2018-05-13
There are. It just takes time to find someone you're compatible with. And a lot will be good people but it just won't work out, despite your and her best efforts. Good luck to you.
Right on. There's a lot of confirmation bias in incel culture. Apex fallacies, too. These guys are obsessed with the worst 5% of humanity and form impressions of women and men ("Chad") based on that.
1 RegisteredLolicon 2018-05-13
JFL if you think it's only 5%
1 grampipon 2018-05-13
it's less then that. Most people are average looking and we're doing fine.
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Honestly I don’t even care about looks. I’m no problem with dating any woman regardless of race, body shape, attractiveness, etc. All I want is a nerdy girl who loves and understands me.
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-13
If you stop being bitter you won't be an incel anymore.
1 VartanX 2018-05-13
Yep, he would be a cuck.
1 bcat124 2018-05-13
Telling an incel to stop being bitter is like telling a depressed person to stop being sad.
We don't choose to be bitter, and we wish we weren't. It is a consequence of a lifelong of rejections and complete absence of romantic intimacy. Until the skin hunger goes away, I don't really see how I can stop being bitter and angry even if I told myself to be happy.
If you manage to do it, good for you, but I feel like you are overestimating how much control you have over what you feel, and you are underestimating how much of an effect the lack of romantic intimacy has over your life.
1 rennerbeast 2018-05-13
Having depression is completely different than being bitter because you're sexually starved. When you have depression, you have chemical imbalances in your brain that can severely affect your mood. It is not a state of mind, but a disease. Being bitter IS a state of mind. I'm not saying you directly choose to feel bitter, but your state of mind depends on how you perceive the world, which is something you can change. If you want to see half of the population as angry and intentionally starving you of sex because they don't like you, then you're going to be pretty damn bitter, but if you try to see it in a more realistic viewpoint, then you feel better. Women don't hate you, they are free to sleep with who they want, and more often than not, they don't want to sleep with anyone. I will submit that looks can have a big affect on whether you get laid or not, but that doesn't change that BEING SEXUALLY STARVED IS NOT AS BAD AS FORCING A WOMAN TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU(IE: RAPE). If you really want to get laid, then go to some big city, and find a prostitute. Otherwise, just give it up. Being an Incel is less of a mental disease, such as depression, and more of an obsession. If you hear or read something which compliments or easily explains your problems, or hear something over and over again such as "all women hate ugly men"(which is not true at all) then you do start to believe it. Especially if you're a particularly horny mofo who can't get laid.
1 hirayama_ronin 2018-05-13
TL;DR: Men's experiences don't count.
1 rennerbeast 2018-05-13
I didn't say that. I understand that you have made it out to be a large deal in your minds, but it doesn't have to be. It's a choice to feel this way. Sexual starvation may not be a choice, but seeing women as evil or thinking they should just give you their bodies is obviously wrong.
1 rennerbeast 2018-05-13
I didn't say that. Don't put words in my mouth. I understand that you have made sexual starvation out to be a big deal in your own minds, but it doesn't have to be. I'm no saying sexual starvation is a choice, but feeling this way about it is. Thinking women are evil or they should give you their bodies just because you want them is obviously wrong.
1 hirayama_ronin 2018-05-13
I only have one mind. Maybe you're incorrectly generalizing everyone who is not you into some monolithic block.
Let's do a run down.
According to you, male sexual frustration is
These are all ways of delegitimizing the experience of male sexual frustration.
I would counter that male sexual frustration is objectively as serious as depression and other mental disorders, and as traumatizing in some cases as rape when understood in conjunction with torturous bullying, cruel rejection, and social indifference, if not hostility (Incel Tears).
1 RazzleJazzles 2018-05-13
I think the main point they were trying to make is that with a mental disorder there is actually something physically/chemically going on in the brain that can only be controlled with medication/certain practices, while being bitter is something completely different. Also being sexually frustrated and being raped shouldn't even be compared in any way, not because one is "worse" than the other, but because they are just so fucking different.
1 EntroPete 2018-05-13
"What is Oxytocin" for 500, Alex.
1 hirayama_ronin 2018-05-13
Psychology is 80% flim flam. The idea that psychological disorders are about "something physically/chemically going on in the brain" is part of the rhetoric. It doesn't mean psychologists know anything about the relation between behaviors, brain structures, or chemicals.
After all, male sexual frustration is also about "something physically/chemically going on in the brain that can be controlled with medication/certain practices." Right?
How do you propose to make a distinction when your own statement can be applied to both cases?
You'd have to argue that male sexual frustration could never be defined as a mental disorder, in the face of myriad flimsy psychological disordered packing the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) psychologists use to name the problems their clients have to get insurance money.
But you can't make that argument. For one reason, some mental disorders are in the DSM in part because they cause personal, interpersonal, or social difficulties.
When young men go on shooting rampages because they are sexually frustrated, one can make a pretty strong case that male sexual frustration causes personal, interpersonal, and social difficulties.
I'm not saying we should argue for such a diagnosis. I'm saying that OP's argument isn't a solid position. Rather it reflects his hidden bias against male experience. It's not a real thing.
No. It is a real thing, and OP's arguments don't win.
1 RazzleJazzles 2018-05-13
They are different though. Depression for one can be genetically passed down. It's where your brain is insufficiently working against you. Male sexual frustration is something that's developed from well, not having sex. There's nothing biological about it, it's all a matter of environmental issues. Now I'm not saying a dude can't become depressed from being an incel, but that is not the same as being sexually frustrated. I don't think there is medication to make someone not sexually frustrated, because it's a state of mind. Like the cure to being sexually frustrated is to 1.have sex or 2.genuine acceptance (giving up?)
1 Semeiya 2018-05-13
Rape is not an exclusively female experience.
1 Tha_Crock 2018-05-13
Why do all you reddit normies always have to be so condescending? Being sexually starved is a big deal, I'd love to see you function if you knew every member of the opposite sex found you disgusting.
1 Semeiya 2018-05-13
Well that’s really not true. Unless you’ve met every woman, you can’t say that. And looks really aren’t everything. For me, as a woman, personality is the clincher. There are some really hot guys out there that make my vagina drier than the sahara because they’re assholes. Meanwhile, there have been guys I find attractive because they’re genuinely nice people.
If you’re interacting with women expecting sex or putting forward a bitter personality, then yeah... you’re not really going to have much success. Sex also isn’t the be all and end all.
1 TreehouseDr 2018-05-13
I have a feeling a lot of incels are also depressed individuals...
1 trevmon 2018-05-13
no way /s
1 EntroPete 2018-05-13
How in the fuck did you go from "Incels don't decide to be bitter, it's the skin hunger that makes them so" to "Don't rape anyone guys, getting raped is worse than being alone"?!
1 genetically_cursed 2018-05-13
see you tommorow
1 CommonMisspellingBot 2018-05-13
Hey, genetically_cursed, just a quick heads-up:
tommorow is actually spelled tomorrow. You can remember it by one m, two rs.
Have a nice day!
The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.
1 acoverover1 2018-05-13
1 AquarianScientist 2018-05-13
How is one m two r's gonna help him remember? what if he remembers two r's one m?
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-13
High iq comment
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
I made up my mind about not being a misogynist. Actually I was never a misogynist deep down, I only said I was since it was my version of coping. Right now I’m trying to see a therapist to help me develop a more accepting personality. People are right when they say you have to accept yourself for who you are. It makes perfect sense to me. If I’m bitter all the time no woman would want to be with me.
1 191132 2018-05-13
see you tomorrow
1 AyeThatsAGoodNagger 2018-05-13
Patriarchy will (or would, if it could ever be reinstated). If they want to call that misogyny, fine. I disagree because I don’t think wanting patriarchy means you hate women. But fine, let them think that. 90% of us would be married already if we lived 300-400 years ago.
1 hirayama_ronin 2018-05-13
1 Goodbye_nagasaki 2018-05-13
You probably would have died of smallpox or cholera before your fifth birthday and died a virgin anyway.
1 trevmon 2018-05-13
the good thing tho is so would chads and roasties back then
1 AyeThatsAGoodNagger 2018-05-13
Dying without being able to have offsping is, in evolutionary terms, the same whether is happens when you’re five, 35 or 75.
1 Goodbye_nagasaki 2018-05-13
Why don't you try converting to hardcore fundamentalist christianity now? They adore the patriarchy, and being a virgin is expected of you unless you're married. For men and women alike.
1 AyeThatsAGoodNagger 2018-05-13
Actually fundamentalism typically relies on a number of thoroughly Protestant notions that I believe, in a roundabout way, actually helped get us to where we are now with sexual morality and gender relations. It’s a really long and autistic explanation, but I could get into it if you like. But basically, Puritanism does NOT lead to a morally healthy society in the long run. And I don’t believe the dogma of Christianity anyway, and I don’t think you can really remove the dogma from Christianity. It’s too central.
1 supakomanija 2018-05-13
who the hell is magra
1 LinksLight 2018-05-13
The youngest witch in disc world
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
She’s a nice lady who tries her best to help incles despite being treated like shit by them. She’s one of the reasons I’m leaving. The idea of bullying someone who is trying to be helpful didn’t feel right.
1 sfcel 2018-05-13
She isn't helping anybody she is virtue signaling.
1 liramor 2018-05-13
What is the difference, can't anyone say someone trying to help is "virtue signalling"? It's an assumption about the internal motivation of someone else, nobody can know that.
1 Ub2w 2018-05-13
who the fuck are you?
1 Tha_Crock 2018-05-13
Lmao, you've been here for 3 days.
Also, misogyny isn't the cure, it's just a natural response. Kinda how foaming around the mouth isn't the cure for rabies, it's just your body's response to it. There is no cure to inceldom, so might as well make women miserable when you can.
1 48Cats 2018-05-13
Good luck brother.
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Thanks man. Good luck to you too in whatever you’re doing 😁
1 redoveryellow 2018-05-13
1 hirayama_ronin 2018-05-13
We need misogyny because we are fed pro woman propaganda 24/7. Critics who are pissed about misogyny here are like Nazi's who notice somebody isn't saluting Hitler. Feminists just destroyed the Boy Scouts last week, but we're supposed to believe feminism is on its back heel, and women in America are suffering under unimaginable violence and discrimination. Meanwhile, men never face any problems.
If discussing men's issues in a biting way is misogynistic, then let's be misogynists.
1 x_Sterry_x 2018-05-13
Modern day femanism is pretty discriminatory towards men sadly. A lot of these individuals believe femanism means just advocating for women's rights when in fact it means you stand for equality between the sexes.
I feel like women have changed the meaning to suit their cause. Personally I am a femanist but I believe in the true meaning of the word.
Don't get me wrong women deal with fear and harrassment every day of their lives but it doesn't mean men don't struggle. A big example of this is how men with mental illness are told to man up and stop being a pussy.
Something I've noticed, a lot of these femanists in North America use femanism as a means of gain. Basically they are looking to be equal and then some over their male counterparts which isn't femanism to begin with.
Overall it's not misogyny we need but rather a better understanding of the word femanism and what it means to be a femanist.
1 CommonMisspellingBot 2018-05-13
Hey, x_Sterry_x, just a quick heads-up:
harrassment is actually spelled harassment. You can remember it by one r, two s’s.
Have a nice day!
The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.
1 hirayama_ronin 2018-05-13
Who says that? Nobody. It's feminist mythology aimed at pathologizing male emotional experience. Women are lying to themselves, creating a false consensus reality that is going to be shattered by male reaction.
That's like saying what men need to do to solve their problems is study women. Men need to leave women behind and go their own way. Men need to put up powerful defenses against the encroachment of women.
1 x_Sterry_x 2018-05-13
Just because the word femanism was born within a time women were fighting for their rights doesn't change its true meaning. We can call it equalist ideology but really they mean the same thing.
Also I speak with many men who suffer from various forms of mental illness such as anxiety or depression. (Not talking about some of the heavier ones) In most of their stories someone has told them to man up. Don't get me wrong this double standard is on its way out but I assure you it exists.
And I agree with you on some level regarding your last point but I feel you think this out of frustration. Through this jaded feminist rationalization women have worked towards oppressing men because men have oppressed women for years. Now this is just a stupid logic as a whole but it also doesn't mean all women think that way.
Creating a seperation isn't good for anyone, there just needs to be an equal middle ground of respect and understanding on both sides.
Tbh I believe mysogyny is spiking in society currently because women have pushed their luck and people are finally catching on.
1 hirayama_ronin 2018-05-13
Feminism doesn't have a true meaning. It means whatever someone wants it to mean. It is not a mathematical term with a precise definition. It is always shifting. It is a political term, not a term that describes an objective reality.
You can't say they mean the same thing if feminism is a politically malleable term. It can also mean an anti-equalist ideology. Some feminists are separatists, or even supremacists. You would say they are not real feminists. Maybe you're not a real feminist.
Feminists have from the beginning and even today argued that women's spaces are essential for the development and strength of the women's movement. And of course you know that.
The only reason why you would deny men that is because you want to deny men power. Or you fear what men might create when they go their own way.
What you fail to realize is that the experience of many men has been nothing but years of trying to come half-way. But it has never been enough. Women do not want men to come half-way. They want men to come the whole way. That's not equality. And I for one am tired of waiting for the day when feminism comes half-way to meet my concerns. It is never going to happen.
And that is why I say to men, go your own way.
1 Shroomfarmer911 2018-05-13
Yep. Some girls are awesome. I love mine. She has a PhD. She's incredibly rational and emotionally stable. In fact, I would say that between the two of us she is the more rational and stable one. Her IQ is 99th++ percentile and she has around a dozen highly cited academic papers. Also she's a hot blonde with green eyes, DD tits, and a slim figure. Tomboys ftw.
1 trevmon 2018-05-13
must be some good shrooms
1 Shroomfarmer911 2018-05-13
They were okay. I used to grow normal cubes, not really dank copelandia shrooms. I'm kind of insanely successful nowadays, not really just a drug dealer.
1 trevmon 2018-05-13
I need this in my life
I got shrooms twice but they did nothing, got bamboozled
1 trevmon 2018-05-13
just lol at not realizing they love money too
1 Shroomfarmer911 2018-05-13
Das racist
1 Iswallowedafly 2018-05-13
I hope that you can remove yourself as much as you can from this sub.
There are other perspectives out there. Have fun exploring them.
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Yeah I’ve realized this sub has affected my mental health. All the negativity on this sub isn’t healthy.
1 RegisteredLolicon 2018-05-13
More than bitterness some of it is making light of a poor situation as a form of COPE, it's your choice what you make of this place. Muh misogyny eh, smh.
1 Uggocel 2018-05-13
Being a misogynistcel is biggest cope of them all. You're not even a true incel if you are. All you're doing is making excuses and not fully swallowing the blackpill.
1 karamellkid 2018-05-13
Good thing you have escaped this cesspool
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
I’m glad too 😁
1 DeantheObscene 2018-05-13
Try to get laid :D
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-13
1 Anonymous-angel 2018-05-13
Good luck :D
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Thanks 😁
1 Nancy125 2018-05-13
who cares
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-13
The memes and bitter humor keep me coming back for more..and I predict YOU'LL be back too.
1 trevmon 2018-05-13
i'm not misogynistic, i'm full on mysanthropic. I hate all humans. folks here understand what I'm feeling but they also don't care, and you'd all kill me in a second if it meant getting a roastie. I'm aware of this and ok with it.
1 Vrishkin 2018-05-13
When I took the “change your attitude/personality” advice it was to stop being a nice guy and accept the blackpill
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-13
Lmao who is this guy
1 silvyrphoenix 2018-05-13
Admirable. Good luck
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
1 WahmenMustDIe 2018-05-13
Just return back to being a blue pilled cuck bro
1 Dmongun 2018-05-13
This is some shit from the OG /incel. Back when it was a support group.
1 StJerryTheGoatfucker 2018-05-13
You can do it man! Life will eventually turn around and you will find someone because there are some amazingly sweet women out there.
Even if by the smallest of chances you don't find someone, there's just so much else to enjoy in life. Good luck man!
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Thanks man. I appreciate your kind words ☺️
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-05-13
OP is right, being bitter CERTAINLY doesn't help us. I need to study for fucks sake. We just need to keep beeing busy (cope) it is the only solution i see. It just isn't meant for us to have sex/love life, gf... Maybe in another life. Officially i give up on women. Also some copes are pretty similar to sex.
Anyways... I'm planinng to finish college so i get a job at some pharmaceutical company --> $$$ ----> escortcel, gymcel, surgerymaxxing... We'll see. So long boyos. Remember one word: COPE!
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-13
Lmao. What a complete imbecile.
1 JamesLucratif 2018-05-13
Than go. Ain't hard to find other betas to kiss women's asses. I don't see what's wrong with being hateful If im right. You think anyone here woke up one day and was like you know what would be fun? Hating women.
Fuck some Chads openly hate women. If anything proves you're a virgin it's not hating them
1 evarelle 2018-05-13
Hey just wanted to say I absolutely get why incels here are so angry and bitter, but I'm very happy that you are making the choice to leave those behind. Looks do matter in this world, but having a shitty attitude sure doesn't help either. I'm so happy for you that you are choosing to be positive. I am hoping that you meet someone who sees you and loves you for who you are. Someone who is undefeated and unshaken by this shitty world. Someone strong. Someone beautiful. All my best wishes and hugs for you!
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Even if I don’t find someone it won’t matter to me. At this point I just want to make new friends who are positive as well. If I find a woman along the away, then great. If I don’t, then whatever. I’m not gonna let that hinder my ability to enjoy life. Thanks for the kind wishes ☺️
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-13
I need to fucking leave too, even though mostly true, the content here is no good for your mind. I'll probably still be bitter, though. I already had this mindset before finding incels, it just took it to the extreme. No Bueno lol. But still, fuck foids lol. Goddamn it I need to GTFO aaaarghhhhhhh!
1 Malmalam 2018-05-13
That's a good mindset, good luck to you
1 foreignincel4 2018-05-13
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-13
Guys, this is a 6 day account, just keep this in mind.
1 ap018734 2018-05-13
If you feel this will make you happier, I honestly wish the best for you.
1 RPGcel 2018-05-13
IT alt account posts for a week and then posts this
1 iQ9k 2018-05-13
1 Hannah_Lynn1998 2018-05-13
Before recently, I’ve never even heard of the term “incel”, until I stumbled across an article. Unfortunately, this depicted incels in a very negative light and was extremely one-sided, so I decided to peruse this subreddit in an effort to learn more and try to understand.
Of course, most of the reaction I’m receiving on here seems to support the article, but I actually had a few decent conversations with some of you. I applaud you for attempting to move beyond the bitterness and trying to better yourself as a person.
Anywho, I apologize for the long post, I just figured it would give more context. 😅
Good luck moving beyond this! ☺️
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
Not all women are evil, you’re just generalizing all women based on your negative experiences with some women.
1 bingolingomazzy 2018-05-13
I’m being for real. Thanks
1 Shroomfarmer911 2018-05-13
Das racist