But I thought feminists didn't want men asking them out when they're just trying to get home?

75  2018-05-13 by keyandfeels


cute = not creepy ugly = creepy

It's ok, if they're above average. Seeing as that's 'standard' now days.

Is there a name for women's double standard to men depending on looks? Ugly is a creep, handsome goes deep? Uggo gets no role, hot guy gets the hole?

This image in particular, IMO, gets to the core of feminism. It paints itself as a movement to end oppression, but it's real goal is to enforce existing social hierarchies, exactly what feminists claim to be against!

The huge wall of text is obviously made by an incel, the lingo is present, no normal person talks like that. I don’t know what am I expecting to see from the other examples other than some under age girls who had people creep on them. Not cool regardless of attractiveness. Then some woman who figured out she had a cheating fetish, but never realized because her past boyfriends were unattractive and didn’t have much success with other women?

Ok, the point still stands, it’s not even a secret that attractive men get away with more things, but so do attractive women. I bet you wouldn’t like it if a fatty Tryed to aggressively flirt you in a creepy way. (I would, but would give a chance is if she was attractive).

Just don’t try to take this point to the extreme. There is a line to be drawn for attractive people too.

Wow one woman says one thing.

Bro this is a serious breakthrough

You're almost there...

I love how you normies comment this on every single blackpill. At this point it's far more than one woman, lmao

Wait....MORE than one woman likes it when cute guys approach them?

Dude......I can't handle this info......

Everything I know is wrong....

The thing is that women, especially the ones on twox and trollx, always complain about being approached, yet it's obviously only a problem when the dude is ugly.

If you lurk long enough, you’ll find that if you combine this with many other examples they have in different posts, it’s more than just “one woman” but rather “many women”.

They don't want men who they don't want to be asked out by to ask them out.

While technically true, that's a really roundabout way of saying "they don't want men other than Chad to ask them out."

Key Word, Creepy.

another slut for chad's cock. she's in a state of euphoria just to be a late night scrap for chad


It depends on how you ask. If that's the first thing you ask her, it's creepy.

I agree. It does depend on how you ask. If you ask while being shorter than 6' or while not having a Chad face, it's creepy. If you ask while being Chad, then it's not creepy. The Tinder experiments prove it.

Lmao as long as you're a white chad you can't be creepy

No, no, you see, he’s Insanely cute, so it’s okay! But it’s would’ve obviously been toxic masculinity if he wasn’t attractive, because ugly men shouldn’t be masculine teehee

Only if they are at least six feet, not ugly and not fat but fuck you for not dating fat chicks.