A few things that seem to get mixed up around here

70  2018-05-13 by younggz2

Be confident, you'll get laid

No. Confidence is built as a result of validation about your looks(people calling you cute, smiling at you, etc). The reason that girls like "confident" men is because attractive men are confident, not because confident men are attractive.

You can't get laid because you're misogynistic

No. The incels that are misogynistic(not very many, from my experience) became misogynistic because of the way they were treated. Nobody is born hating women. Your opinion of others is pretty much entirely based on how they treat you(obviously this doesn't include celebs or people that you haven't actually met)

You need to improve yourself to be worthy of a girlfriend

No. If you really believe this, then your head is honestly so far up your own ass that there's no hope left for you. People spew all this bullshit about being yourself and accepting your shortcomings, but then they tell incels that they're so irredeemably horrible in every way that they are not even worthy of dating someone? Is this a fucking joke? There are obese, ugly women who are horrible people out there, but men are told to just accept that while people tell incels to go die.

This last part wasn't really intended to be a rant or anything, but this is for all those normal people who come in here asking about us and telling us to change ourselves. It went a bit long so feel free to skip it if you don't feel like reading it.

Honestly the people that are acting like the incel movement is full of evil men who pose a legitimate threat to society are a much greater threat to society than ER ever was. If you legitimately believe that two extremists over the last four years is a large number, then we would almost certainly be better off as a society without you around. People defend Islam bombing after bombing, but now that there have been a total of two incel terror attacks people are writing articles about protecting women from the evil incels. Incels are just regular people, but they have problems that most normal people(quite fortunately for them) will never understand. Whether it's making jokes and memes about being ugly and completely failing with women or talking about legitimate problems that ugly men face on a frequent basis, incels are so much more than just two people who became violent. Incels are an incredibly diverse group of people that have come together to discuss a serious problem in the modern world. Sex DOES matter(if sex was something we could just easily blow off then the human race would likely be extinct), and the fact that a hugely disproportionate number of men are left without a real shot at getting laid should be deeply disturbing to most of you. The fact that criminals and assholes are getting laid more than kinder people should concern you. The reality is that, in the modern age, women choose which men get to pass on their genes. Unfortunately, evolution has led to women favoring traits that aided survival thousands of years ago(high testosterone, height, strength, aggression, etc) instead of things that are more important to our future as a race(intelligence, kindness, cooperativeness, etc). Please keep in mind that incels are not trying to force women to have sex with us or really blaming women for not having sex with us. It's just nature. It sucks, but there's not much we can do about it. We come here to talk about our issues just like people at r/short or r/smalldickproblems do. We'd really appreciate it if you guys would stop telling us what we stand for and giving us advice that won't change anything. We aren't asking for your help, and you're not going to change our perspective on how the world works because we've seen firsthand how cruel people can be to someone just for looking different.


Great summary. Unfortunately lurkers will ignore all of it

I know they will. I'm just really interested in what they think they're accomplishing in this sub

Even being apart of IT you guys do have it hard in many ways I think that the problem is that like in many cases stupid people are louder and those who have been pushed too far from redeemable standards calling women things like just cattle are making it sound like all of you are bad when really it’s just a tiny minority while I’m also believing that this movement isn’t entirely evil just misunderstood from all the news media it’s getting.

they actually don't ignore it. they are just too retarded to comprehend it.

I wouldn't say it'd be out of character for them to skim through posts like these.

If you truly believe confidence comes from the validation of others, you will be stuck in hell forever. You are all the saddest group of individuals I’ve ever seen.

If every people tell you you are awesome from day one (Studies show babies judge based on attractiveness, and many incels were bully victims) you will develop a higher opinion of yourself... Duh!

damn boyo, you're high iq at least, us stupidcels can't succeed even if we were chad lookalikes lol.

we need a wiki of blackpills we can point normies to, fucking sick of seeing the same dumbass questions all the time

isnt that what the sluthate wiki is for

Evolution and women haven't caught up with modern advances (that men are to credit for)... Women's sexual choices are actually turning us into Idiocracy. Women, biologically, still think we're living in hunter-gatherer times:

"Unfortunately, evolution has led to women favoring traits that aided survival thousands of years ago(high testosterone, height, strength, aggression, etc) instead of things that are more important to our future as a race(intelligence, kindness, cooperativeness, etc)."

In other words women are litterally holding back civilization.

When sexbots are perfected (in 15 years or so), we can start phasing out human females..

No one has to be misogynistic because they were rejected, they choose to become that way.

And it's a rational choice

Women are whores and evil. They should be thrown in fucking death camps. What's so hard to understand? They don't owe me sex, I don't owe them life, get thrown in a God damn hole you bigger than your own slut. They're worthless.

No, there may be some individuals who are evil, but the entire female gender isn't evil.

Yeah they kinda are.

Name me a female that isn't

You failed. Women are evil.

I'm not evil. My female friends aren't evil.

How do we really know you arent,you could be a killer

Elenore Roosevelt.

Well, I would argue that free will doesn't exist, but I'll not go there just yet. It's not rejection that drives people towards misogyny IMO(Although repeated rejection probably does play some part in it). It's being put down, insulted, ignored, and even bullied by women for how you look. I've heard girls say cruel things about(and occasionally even directly to) ugly guys for even attempting to talk to them. Guys can be incredibly cruel about this too, but most incels do have some guy friends and are guys themselves so misandry is somewhat irrational. They don't hate guys because some guys will accept them despite the way they look whereas many incels haven't even been able to go as far as friendship with even one girl.

There are many guys who hate me, insult me, and I get rejected many times. Yet, I don't hate all guys. It's a choice.

Girls don't get denied as badly. It's the guys who go for it and the girls that accept or reject

There are many guys who hate me, insult me, and I get rejected many times. Yet, I don't hate all guys. It's a choice.

The difference lies between many and every. If you had gotten rejected by every guy that you were interested in, you very well might hate all men. Like I said before, some incels have never even had a chance of going past small talk with a girl because of how they look. I'm not trying to defend the misogyny here, just trying to explain how it comes about.

Yes but you've met men who aren't like that. We have never met a femoid who isn't terrible to us.

understanding woman = misogyny. Okay lul

IT users nowhere to be found. Look through my post history, I have posted some blackpill truth like this before. The normies never show up

I'm crying 😭

puts fedora* Ackshually...

nerd logic

a lot of quality high IQ posts today.

Nobody is born hating women. Your opinion of others is pretty much entirely based on how they treat you


The fact that criminals and assholes are getting laid more than kinder people should concern you.

The more we learn about genetics, the more we realize that behavior is biologically preordained. Breeding the worst among us is societal suicide.

High IQ

The thing is it's not about hating women, it's about hating all human beings and their nature. It's about hating having to be concious of the fact that we are a sentient nothing.

Hey, SkinnyPoorAndIncel, just a quick heads-up:
concious is actually spelled conscious. You can remember it by -sc- in the middle.
Have a nice day!

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Patrician post

There are many guys who hate me, insult me, and I get rejected many times. Yet, I don't hate all guys. It's a choice.