Loosing their "shit" lol, that's betabuxin boyo. They love the whole fuckboy/rape behaviour because it makes them feel desired and validated. If you want to make them angry...just show them you don't want them. It's simple.
Literally every possible relationship that could exist between a man and a woman (and its negation, necessarily) can be interpreted as heteropatriarchally oppressive through a post-modern/post-structuralist marxist-feminist lense. Hence why feminism is so pervasive and successful -- there is absolutely nothing men can do, perhaps bar suicide en masse that is not an assault upon women.
It makes a lot of sense when you're alive they aren't trying to give an actual response. It's literally just virtue signalling. They know all the cucks will upvote the response and that's all they care about.
Exactly, us incels are here because this is the only place where we fit in, and these no life inceltear fucks who brag about their great lives fucking their wife and her boyfriend have nothing better to do but bully people who have a much worse life than theirs
IT is just an another example of how powerful female hivemind is, and how logic and reason is beyond the grasp of a typical foid .
A commenter can make an incoherent, irrelevant, obnoxious or even downright criminal comment and that comment will invariably be upvoted if it's anti-incel. Conversely, a reasonable comment which is even slightly nuanced in favour of the incel prospective will be received with relentless downvotes.
lmao. the last two sentences are pretty red-pilled. 'sucked in you let women take over now all that matters is our enjoyment we don't give a fuck about you welcome to 2018 hun'
They'd have nothing if they weren't constantly trying to prop up this strawman of the incel as seeing women as objects, blaming others, and being "entitled" (a not-so-subtle accusation of being a rapist in wait), but this is of course a total fiction created by Futrelle's people 8 or so years ago (this is when I remember the incel boards of the time starting to be subject to hordes of aggressive outsiders who, surprise surprise, were making effectively identical comments to the response of the shithead in the OP.)
I find it interesting that the people who contact the incel community as an outsider, not bringing in rude accusations and instead being willing to learn, are the ones that do not accuse the entire incel community of an entitlement complex and usually reach the opposite, and correct, conclusions that the IT people peddle.
Yeah, love this "a gf won't fix your unhappiness" meme. Because whenever there are "how did you cure your depression/mental illness" threads on Reddit, "my gf/bf helped me a lot" is the most common answer. And in our case, the lack of gf is the direct cause of said mental issues.
Used to browse r/depression years back and it really was like this, so many stories about depressed people in relationships being 'saved' by significant others. It just made me feel so lonely tbh. The fact that "a gf won't fix your unhappiness" is actually something people say is just .... #SIGH
when your happynes is out of your control
the other persons will do things that dont make them happy to help you,that kind of self sacrifice in some portions is a sign of caring,but sometimes the things that they have to sacrifice for helping their loved one,can make them miserable
a good example are overprotectives mothers,they project their problems and fears in sons even if they love them
if the son make them happy and obeyed them always,he will become a cuck and miserable for the sake of keeping the mother happy
the same can happen is you are a horrible person and you need to keep someone with you to be happy,you can end up,being a burden
Wasn't there a study that proved that redditors said they read articles they never read? I remember that reaching frontpage. I feel like peoples opinions on these topics are literally just identifying if the opinion goes against their own beliefs and instantly upvoting or downvoting.
"Wow you gained confidence in your ability to attract women after you were successfully attracted a women. You must think of women as objects" - IT apparently.
Why was this controversial? If I ride a bike successfully I gain my confidence in my ability to ride a bike, if I play a song on guitar well I gain confidence that I can play that song. Same thing with women and attraction. If you fail at something repeatedly why the hell would you be confident at it? It makes no god damn sense.
Really depends on the person. I severely hated myself and wanted to kill myself before I got a girlfriend, still severely hated myself and wanted to kill myself while I had a girlfriend (even calling her once while blackout drunk to tell her I was a worthless subhuman piece of shit and was on the verge of suicide), and now severely hate myself and think about suicide daily now that the relationship is over.
Yes, obviously, the relationship helped me build emotional health, but it helped in the same way going to the gym helps. For a brief moment, when you're pounding down protein shakes in between sets, watching the numbers go up, looking at your newfound muscles in the mirror, you feel good about yourself. When you're in the midst of squatting 2pl like it's nobody's business, you may think you're the fucking man. And maybe you even feel a tiny bit better about yourself overall throughout the day!
But, ultimately you get home from the gym, and you still and put your head on the bed, and you still think, 'holy shit, I wish I never existed.' Being a svelte otter that almost resembles an Arab version of Fight Club's Brad Pitt doesn't change that.
And you'll wake up, and think the same thoughts, and wish you just could go back to blissful sleep.
Similarly with a girlfriend, it felt nice to cuddle with a warm body at night, it felt nice to have sex, it felt nice to hold hands and kiss, it felt nice when I looked in her face and she always was looking back with this beautiful, enamored, starry-eyed look like she was so ecstatic just to hear me talk, even if I was just ranting about some dumb shit like Kanye West or Million Dollar Extreme. It certainly felt nice to have a woman tell you she loved you.
But you can't rely on a woman purely to fix problems of self-loathing and suicidal ideation, that will just erode a relationship. And you can't spend every waking second with a woman, that kind of codependence will lead to toxicity, and again, erode the relationship.
So, whenever you're alone, or even when you're with her and you just can't get your shit in check in your own mind, you'll still think, 'holy fuck, I wish I was never born, I want to die.' All the tiny, little nice things about a relationship can't change that.
I'm not gonna try to offer you guys any advice. I don't know what the answer is. All I'm trying to say is that having a girlfriend will not necessarily cure depression. Maybe it will for some people, but it's certainly not the case for all people. I don't think any sort of relationship that you rely on to solely cure your depression is healthy enough to last forever. Most women can't bear that burden to cure you of your mental illness for all of your life. Yes, even if you're Chad. Even within the incel mindset, if all women want is Chad, why wouldn't she just spring for a different Chad without a mental illness?
Probably the only thing that could make me feel worse is having the knowledge that I had to resort to whining to someone on the phone who is literally only there because they are being paid to be there and listen to me whine.
Why should we believe this? I mean, quite seriously, what evidence is their for this? our ancestors certainly didn't, for the vast majority of the history of our cultures, and their were far better for it. We (not necessarily correctly) don't even believe this of children, despite the fact that we ourselves were once children -- but we don't and will never know what it is like to be a woman.
She's wrong because her point has nothing to do with the argument she is currently in. However, her mistake comes from believing that all the incels believe women withhold sex from them and greedily hold all the sexual power. Some incels do believe that. If every incel was like the incel in that comment, nobody would have a reason to dislike the incels.
1 snowmanbg 2018-05-13
Loosing their "shit" lol, that's betabuxin boyo. They love the whole fuckboy/rape behaviour because it makes them feel desired and validated. If you want to make them angry...just show them you don't want them. It's simple.
1 cel-shaded 2018-05-13
The response was not even related to the original comment at all. Some strong mental gymnastics going over there at IT.
1 bcat124 2018-05-13
"If romantic intimacy with a woman brings you joy and self-esteem, that means you think women are objects." wat?
1 BlockedSpice89 2018-05-13
Reached meme levels of retardation when they topped off the comment with "Welcome to current year"
1 acoverover1 2018-05-13
It's the
1 slothsenpai 2018-05-13
-wanting to use women for physical pleasure - "she's not an object"
-wanting to be with a woman to form a connection and some form of happiness - "she's not an object"
Long since the years of my inceldom, I feel women have been somewhat nicer towards me but honestly fuck the IT crowd.
1 restlessly_injected 2018-05-13
they always do this, its like when they read something they create something totally different in their mind. they are so delusional.
1 acoverover1 2018-05-13
Literally every possible relationship that could exist between a man and a woman (and its negation, necessarily) can be interpreted as heteropatriarchally oppressive through a post-modern/post-structuralist marxist-feminist lense. Hence why feminism is so pervasive and successful -- there is absolutely nothing men can do, perhaps bar suicide en masse that is not an assault upon women.
1 zsiwpoprod 2018-05-13
It makes a lot of sense when you're alive they aren't trying to give an actual response. It's literally just virtue signalling. They know all the cucks will upvote the response and that's all they care about.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-05-13
IT users are insufferable.
1 empatheticapathetic 2018-05-13
They spend their free time on incel tears. Enough said.
Incels openly own their low value, the cucks have nothing left to criticise us with.
1 sorryimalexander 2018-05-13
Exactly, us incels are here because this is the only place where we fit in, and these no life inceltear fucks who brag about their great lives fucking their wife and her boyfriend have nothing better to do but bully people who have a much worse life than theirs
1 CelderSrolls 2018-05-13
I've never met a single person with their "mind body and soul" sorted out. Let alone an entire gender.
1 Reddirtredbike 2018-05-13
2 0 1 8
1 IfIHadANidoran 2018-05-13
Share the nick pls
1 -SpinxS 2018-05-13
the reply is retarded af. and irrelevent to the actual comment.
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-13
He sounds unstable
1 Loferix 2018-05-13
Jesus Christ I can smell the soy lent, untrimmed dirty beards, and cuckery from here.
1 Detoxification- 2018-05-13
IT is just an another example of how powerful female hivemind is, and how logic and reason is beyond the grasp of a typical foid .
A commenter can make an incoherent, irrelevant, obnoxious or even downright criminal comment and that comment will invariably be upvoted if it's anti-incel. Conversely, a reasonable comment which is even slightly nuanced in favour of the incel prospective will be received with relentless downvotes.
1 Toolman890 2018-05-13
lmao. the last two sentences are pretty red-pilled. 'sucked in you let women take over now all that matters is our enjoyment we don't give a fuck about you welcome to 2018 hun'
1 whoareyou31 2018-05-13
I dont see anybody losing their shit. OP must be lowIQcel
1 trevmon 2018-05-13
i do you're a cuck too
1 DankIncel 2018-05-13
When did he imply women are object or that it's their fault? IT literally have no arguments what so ever.
1 nerv6 2018-05-13
They'd have nothing if they weren't constantly trying to prop up this strawman of the incel as seeing women as objects, blaming others, and being "entitled" (a not-so-subtle accusation of being a rapist in wait), but this is of course a total fiction created by Futrelle's people 8 or so years ago (this is when I remember the incel boards of the time starting to be subject to hordes of aggressive outsiders who, surprise surprise, were making effectively identical comments to the response of the shithead in the OP.)
I find it interesting that the people who contact the incel community as an outsider, not bringing in rude accusations and instead being willing to learn, are the ones that do not accuse the entire incel community of an entitlement complex and usually reach the opposite, and correct, conclusions that the IT people peddle.
1 Ultramegasaurus 2018-05-13
Yeah, love this "a gf won't fix your unhappiness" meme. Because whenever there are "how did you cure your depression/mental illness" threads on Reddit, "my gf/bf helped me a lot" is the most common answer. And in our case, the lack of gf is the direct cause of said mental issues.
1 RegisteredLolicon 2018-05-13
Used to browse r/depression years back and it really was like this, so many stories about depressed people in relationships being 'saved' by significant others. It just made me feel so lonely tbh. The fact that "a gf won't fix your unhappiness" is actually something people say is just .... #SIGH
1 armentho 2018-05-13
well it depends
when your happynes is out of your control the other persons will do things that dont make them happy to help you,that kind of self sacrifice in some portions is a sign of caring,but sometimes the things that they have to sacrifice for helping their loved one,can make them miserable
a good example are overprotectives mothers,they project their problems and fears in sons even if they love them
if the son make them happy and obeyed them always,he will become a cuck and miserable for the sake of keeping the mother happy
the same can happen is you are a horrible person and you need to keep someone with you to be happy,you can end up,being a burden
1 acoverover1 2018-05-13
you are not entitled to mental health
1 hercs95 2018-05-13
1 TruthbeTold9999 2018-05-13
The fact his weird dumb response is upvoted, too.
Wasn't there a study that proved that redditors said they read articles they never read? I remember that reaching frontpage. I feel like peoples opinions on these topics are literally just identifying if the opinion goes against their own beliefs and instantly upvoting or downvoting.
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-13
1 destiny-draw 2018-05-13
"Wow you gained confidence in your ability to attract women after you were successfully attracted a women. You must think of women as objects" - IT apparently.
Why was this controversial? If I ride a bike successfully I gain my confidence in my ability to ride a bike, if I play a song on guitar well I gain confidence that I can play that song. Same thing with women and attraction. If you fail at something repeatedly why the hell would you be confident at it? It makes no god damn sense.
1 mindmonkey00 2018-05-13
He's actually right and this is coming from someone who entered their first relationship a few months ago at age 24.
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-05-13
The CURRENT YEAR really sealed it.
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-13
The comment is not only senseless, it also maked no sense in the context
1 alive_2007 2018-05-13
Really depends on the person. I severely hated myself and wanted to kill myself before I got a girlfriend, still severely hated myself and wanted to kill myself while I had a girlfriend (even calling her once while blackout drunk to tell her I was a worthless subhuman piece of shit and was on the verge of suicide), and now severely hate myself and think about suicide daily now that the relationship is over.
Yes, obviously, the relationship helped me build emotional health, but it helped in the same way going to the gym helps. For a brief moment, when you're pounding down protein shakes in between sets, watching the numbers go up, looking at your newfound muscles in the mirror, you feel good about yourself. When you're in the midst of squatting 2pl like it's nobody's business, you may think you're the fucking man. And maybe you even feel a tiny bit better about yourself overall throughout the day! But, ultimately you get home from the gym, and you still and put your head on the bed, and you still think, 'holy shit, I wish I never existed.' Being a svelte otter that almost resembles an Arab version of Fight Club's Brad Pitt doesn't change that.
And you'll wake up, and think the same thoughts, and wish you just could go back to blissful sleep.
Similarly with a girlfriend, it felt nice to cuddle with a warm body at night, it felt nice to have sex, it felt nice to hold hands and kiss, it felt nice when I looked in her face and she always was looking back with this beautiful, enamored, starry-eyed look like she was so ecstatic just to hear me talk, even if I was just ranting about some dumb shit like Kanye West or Million Dollar Extreme. It certainly felt nice to have a woman tell you she loved you.
But you can't rely on a woman purely to fix problems of self-loathing and suicidal ideation, that will just erode a relationship. And you can't spend every waking second with a woman, that kind of codependence will lead to toxicity, and again, erode the relationship.
So, whenever you're alone, or even when you're with her and you just can't get your shit in check in your own mind, you'll still think, 'holy fuck, I wish I was never born, I want to die.' All the tiny, little nice things about a relationship can't change that.
I'm not gonna try to offer you guys any advice. I don't know what the answer is. All I'm trying to say is that having a girlfriend will not necessarily cure depression. Maybe it will for some people, but it's certainly not the case for all people. I don't think any sort of relationship that you rely on to solely cure your depression is healthy enough to last forever. Most women can't bear that burden to cure you of your mental illness for all of your life. Yes, even if you're Chad. Even within the incel mindset, if all women want is Chad, why wouldn't she just spring for a different Chad without a mental illness?
1 theHelperdroid 2018-05-13
Helperdroid and its creator love you, here's some people that can help:
source | contact
1 alive_2007 2018-05-13
Probably the only thing that could make me feel worse is having the knowledge that I had to resort to whining to someone on the phone who is literally only there because they are being paid to be there and listen to me whine.
1 acoverover1 2018-05-13
Why should we believe this? I mean, quite seriously, what evidence is their for this? our ancestors certainly didn't, for the vast majority of the history of our cultures, and their were far better for it. We (not necessarily correctly) don't even believe this of children, despite the fact that we ourselves were once children -- but we don't and will never know what it is like to be a woman.
1 Wateryoudoinglater 2018-05-13
She's wrong because her point has nothing to do with the argument she is currently in. However, her mistake comes from believing that all the incels believe women withhold sex from them and greedily hold all the sexual power. Some incels do believe that. If every incel was like the incel in that comment, nobody would have a reason to dislike the incels.
1 Hideouslyric 2018-05-13
...and this is why it was fucking incel tears itself that black pilled me. Not an incel, but fuck incel tears
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-13
IT users really need to be gassed tbh
Metaphorically of course
1 iQ9k 2018-05-13
The self righteousness is leaking through my monitor. Pathetic.