Confessions from a "Femoid"

235  2018-05-13 by birdwatcher19



Props for actually having something to contribute unlike 95% of "female here...." posts

Yes agreed. Very high IQ post. Ignore the rest of the low IQ comments.

Incels tend to forget that the vast majority of incels are braindead as well as ugly.


Hahahaha harsh

High iq comment

Yea, I was going to ignore it and insult them until I saw comments talking about how high IQ the post is.

This post is still more justification for Toronto

Except I doubt anyone calling femoids roasties wants “companionship and someone to grow old with.”

You'd be suprised

This. Some incels say they're sick of women and can't stand them. But for many, I think that the angry rhetoric and "ideology" (for lack of a better term -- incels aren't a hivemind) actually stems from frustration that has transformed into resentment and deep grudges, and eventually even to despair. Sadness, despair, anxiety, loneliness -- all of these emotions can be expressed in a way that looks very much like rage or hatefulness. If the factor(s) that is/are causing the underlying despair resolve(s) (e.g., by finding a loving, supportive relationship, or by raising your socioeconomic status, thus increasing hope and comfort), the expressions of rage and hate often resolve, too.

Also, it may not be quite as easy to continue hating women if you suddenly you start receiving a lot of the affection and attention that you previously thought you didn't want anymore.

This won't be true of everyone, of course.

But what do I know?

Maybe they did before life destroyed them.

Actually she is right. You are just refusing to see it because you are brainwashed by inceltears.

I don’t subscribe to that sub

patently false

Yes false! they obviously love women that’s why they ... Call them names, advocate rape, advocate mass killing, make fun of abusive relationships, say what they should be “allowed” to do like property...

That list could go on for a lot longer, but I think you get the point.

you're confusing roasties with women. Yes, virtually all modern women are roasties, but the incels in question would be quite content to settle with the average chaste, (relatively) moral, dignified woman of 200 years ago.

say what they should be “allowed” to do like property...

This is merely the (correct) view that most men (even most women) had for the vast majority of human history until relatively very recently. Are you to suggest that all men prior to the contemporary era hated didn't love women, and that their women didn't love themselves?

Yeah.. I’m not going to bite that convoluted bs. History has changed because the “old ways” are way worse, not better. If the men in this sub really want they can go to India or Iraq, get an arranged marriage, and live in that male-controlled ass-backwards world.

Yeah.. I’m not going to bite that convoluted bs.

transl. "I don't have an argument and can't refute your position"

History has changed because the “old ways” are way worse, not better.

Plentitude is not a reason for womens' liberation, it's an excuse. Women have been 'safe' (which I assume is the crux of your point, that traditional (read. natural) family structures ought to now be deconstructed/eschewed because women no longer require them for physical safety, domestic integrity, etc.) for many centuries, yet womens' liberation is relatively a very novel conception. Further, as I suggested in my previous comment, the Traditional Order benefits not only men but women also -- girls and women are content knowing their place and having a purpose. It is the 'male-controlled ass-backwards' Traditional World that all peoples are most content and society is at its healthiest. It must be understood that egalitarianism (and other forms of marxism) is not natural development but a sociocultural perversion that has been foisted upon our peoples by malicious actors. We are all prisoners under its tyranny (under its false promise of 'freedom').

I’m content and have a purpose. And I’m free to do as I wish. Your argument is very invalid. Again, I invite you to go off to India or Iraq if you feel you need traditional order. Some tribes that lived in America were led by a matriarch so that whole “natural development” point is also invalid. I don’t really need to come up with any argument to refute you because you’re simply wrong. This is supported by the fact that things aren’t the way you’re arguing for here and they NEVER will be. God is not the maker of our social constructs anymore.

Again, I invite you to go off to India or Iraq if you feel you need traditional order.

You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of Tradition if you are to suggest I could paradoxically abandon my kin, homeland and cultural trajectory in order to attain it. Ethnos is inextricably linked with Tradition; there is no way I as a Teuton could live a Tradition life in any lands extraneous to Germania. Nor would I want to -- I want only to restore the Traditional Order that existed in my lands for thousands of years prior to the Enlightenment.

Some tribes that lived in America were led by a matriarch so that whole “natural development” point is also invalid.

Such tribal orders were not only extremely anomalous but were almost always failures. This is akin to arguing that some people are born with only one arm, therefore it cannot reasonably or validly be said that having two arms is natural. You're clutching at straws.

I don’t really need to come up with any argument to refute you because you’re simply wrong.

transl. "I don't have an argument and can't refute your position"

This is supported by the fact that things aren’t the way you’re arguing for here and they NEVER will be.

And here you betray not only your arrogance but your sheer lack of both hirostical perspective and understanding. Tradition thrived amongst our people almost uninterrupted for thousands upon thousands of years prior to only a couple centuries ago, and now, with the state of society visibly on the edge of complete decay and destruction, you are arrogant enough to suggest that Nature will not restore its equilibrium and that things will continue on in this fashion indefinitely. The pre-modern, modern and post-modern periods will be seen as a mere hiccup in our history, precisely as has happened innumerable times before. Degeneracy and decadence will burn in hellfire and society will rise again from the ashes. Nero fiddles as Rome burns.

I bet you jerk off to Handmaid's Tale.

Those cunts are far too old.

So you're a pedo and a misogynist.

What a catch. How are you still single???

p e r s o n a l i t y

You go girl. Fuck these guys.

girls and women are content knowing their place and having a purpose

Get the fuck outta here with that shit. Women are PEOPLE with their own volition, same as men. How would you feel if someone tried to tell you your place and purpose without your consent?

Women are PEOPLE with their own volition, same as men.

Where is your evidence? Even if I grant for argument's sake this is true, my point still stands.

How would you feel if someone tried to tell you your place and purpose without your consent?

I do have a place and purpose. For instance, I will never be king. I will never own vast swathes of land or have subordinates to serve me. I was never asked if I was content with being a commoner subject to the whims of the monarch; I never gave my consent. The truth is, the obsession with 'consent' is a very modern phenomenon. Consent has simply never been an important player in history; consent has never factored into any important decision ever made, or any event of significance. There is no fundamental, incontrovertible, axiomatic reason why 'consent' should be heralded and held above all other virtues and considerations.

Women aren't entitled to freedom. do realize we don't live in the middle ages anymore, right? Just checking. Cuz it seems like you think we still live in the middle ages.

You aren't entitled to sex.

The Traditional Order will be restored.

Women aren't entitled to freedom.

Please don't kill or rape anybody.

Ya there's definitely not enough posts that are pretty much saying girls act like whores

It sounds so much sweeter straight from the horse's mouth tho



Or she's a completely normal looking girl that is legitimately saving herself for marriage

That's not a thing in modern American/European society. She probably tells every ugly guy that while getting DP'd by alphas on the weekends

That is a thing lol You're just too jaded to realize that some people still do have a real moral and value compass that surpasses the general majority.

Saving yourself for marriage = moral?

Why? Are you saying promiscuous people are immoral or lack a "value compass"

Depending on the religion, yes. Saving yourself for marriage and maintaining a monogamous relationship with that one solitary person has always been a staple message in Christianity, Judiasim, I assume Islam as well.

To do anything else is immoral and sinful.

Imagine coming to a subreddit of victims and making it about yourself.

Please go fuck off disgusting college hole.

She didn't say she was like us,settle down fool

Why should we try to feel pity for some bitch? She'll probably snap out of this after watching magic mike or something and bang fifty dudes in a week. Fuck her

a lot of our incel homies turned white knight in this thread, good time for a purging if u ask me

Eating disorders are bad, you should get help. Purging never helps and rots your teeth

i just ate a slice of cheese today

and a small 4 piece hershey cookies and cream thing


fucking retard, even if she's trolling she can convert normies to the blackpill

Ahhh yes, here you go calling people retards. Glad my ban is over and I can start calling you a retard again

Glad my ban is over and I can start calling you a retard again

And now it's back, permanently, since you can't be bothered to look at the rules for a bit as it seems.

Extremely sheltered and religious girls often become very sexually promiscuous (for really attractive guys obviously) in college after they come to a new area and meet a lot of new people. Save us the sob story. I don't have anything against that but the problem is you will still refuse to have sex with incels.

There is no sob story. I do not sleep with people I am not attracted. Ican delevop attraction things other than face. I see no reason to exuse that. It's how I am wired. Doesn't people I need to be cruel the men I don't fuck. As is the course for many men.

What does sleeping wiht somone I am not attracted todo for me? (Its a favor). What does it to to potential children" inflect them with inceldom.

For what?

AMy incels are not ugly. Some are interested. I am intrested in thoe people. Guilt does not work on pussy. People endear to people.

How are you suppose to know if you will end up being attracted to an incel or not if you ignore them due to them not being conventionally attractive? Incels aren't even getting a chance.

I am lireally listed a thread in hops of interactth the men here. I even believe that throlling to the mushk. some guys ie her that just kiicks. I'll love ot take jomore fore chich hot chocolate and yum yums.

I can't tell whether you're trolling or having a stroke.

Neigther. I am genuinely looking to open my eyes and see who I have been missing.

Neither. This is the result of an agressive uber driver.

Hey, lovestillvalid, just a quick heads-up:
agressive is actually spelled aggressive. You can remember it by two gs.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

High IQ

Brutal blackill, thanks for understanding.

dickcel suicides up 30 percent today

lol wtf was the point of this

Based normie dropped a blackpill.

not really? she talked about chads and normies for the most part and how slutty hoes treat them

Which is good. Females will deny this all day. It isn't common to have one be so honest about the scuminess of most women. applies to none of're not going to be disposable to a woman ever...i feel like a part of you is more than aware of how useless this post is, but the fact that it was written by a woman, and a woman who 'wants to save herself for marriage' has you wanting to white knight

You must a brainlet. It is a firsthand account of hypergamy in action. She talks about how brutal women are towards men that they find unattractive and how degenerate they are for those that they do find attractive. For once, the fact that it was written by a woman is actually useful, as it adds more authenticity (assuming OP is being honest about that part). There's nothing to gain from white knighting. Pull your noggin out of your crusty ass and use it.

They would openly say a guy was ugly to whole groups of women as soon as the men were out of sight.

that's literally the only thing that is relevant to the blackpill and inceldom, and a little bit at the end about ugly dudes being called creeps

the rest has absolutely nothing to do with us. seriously, most of it her talking about how her friends are open with their sex lives

and since they're not fucking incels, who cares?

And this sub is kind to women they find unattractive?

This sub is a place of equality. We may be unkind, but we're unkind to everyone regardless of how they look.

You all must be great at parties.

Oh hahahahaha lol lmfao! That's a new one. Niiiice! 10/10 for originality

Also, ugly fucks don't get invited to parties. Don't want us polluting Stacy's air, do you?

Find the weird people. hang out with them. They tend to have much better parties.

Fuck humans.

IT posters won't show up on this post

I'm not an IT poster, but I'm someone you'd ignorantly call an IT poster since I comment against incel stuff, and I'm here.

1) Men do the same or worst.

2) Not all women do that. My female friends never did any of that.

What's your point? Not all men "do the same or worst", so I'm not sure what you're trying to say. I guess as someone who's clearly sexist, you wouldn't know that though.

I guess my point is that it doesn't show women are worse than men.

Your original statement doesn't support that. You said that men do the same as women or WORSE, and that not all women are bad. First statement implied that all men are bad or worse. Therefore, based on my calculations, you said men are worse.

Yes you're right, and I didn't settle to prove that men are worse, I just threw that out there.

What makes me say that men are worse is just personal experience. I've often heard men talk about women's appearances, rate women, make fun of ugly women, bully ugly women and I've never heard women do the same about or to men.

I was more privy to women's conversations since I'm a woman, so I really think men are worse.

The debate isn’t even about whether the two genders are mean to each other, it’s about how low tier men are doomed but low tier women can still get a man.

I don't think you're wrong, but at the same time I've never seen anyone bully an ugly woman (except other women). Rate her appearances, sure, but not make fun of her. I like to think that we're more than the sum of our parts, but I can only see a persons parts and if they're ugly I'm not going to pretend they're not. I don't expect anyone to see past my mongoloid exterior either, to be fair.

You do raise a good point. I've never heard of men bullying ugly women but I always hear about how bitchy the sorority can be at establishing the pecking order and how women almost always bully each other in order to establish the hierarchy.

What's even worse is the tendency to do it behind someone's back. At least guys are confrontational about things. Women on the other hand are a lot more subversive in their ways.

No at my high school it was guys bullying ugly girls for being ugly.

I've seen men bully women for being ugly in elementary school, middle school, high school and college.

Women stopped bullying ugly men past grade 5. The girls in high school were extremely kind to ugly guys. An ugly incel with social anxiety peed on a Stacy once and none of the girls made fun of him even behind close doors. All were sorry and understanding.

The guys were ferocious towards ugly girls, just calling us ugly all the time, making fun of the STEM femcels in college, etc.

I was bullied by the guys in my class calling me ugly in middle school (and looking back at pictures from that time, I wasn't bad looking, but my fashion sense was wonky and I was crippingly shy)

Sorry to hear that. I love in a pretty good neighborhood where only the bullies would get bullied, if that makes sense. Freaks like me usually get left alone.

Would you be happy if we all killed ourselves?

I'd be happy of you took one for the team and dated obese women. Stop being so tit for tat. "I'm not obese I'm only overweight so I deserve a non obese woman I can't get an erection otherwise." Stop thinking that the world exists to serve you. If you can't find any woman at all it means you need to look for uglier women. It doesn't matter what you think you look like or deserve. Stop being so entitled.

"Muh you wouldn't say that to a woman." Because that woman wouldn't be fucking making a subreddit to complain about the fact that Chads are pricks for not wanting to date her and love her. As long as you whine and bitch about women not wanting you enough I'll always tell you to date uglier women.

By the way I know and have known a TON of women who have dated down both in looks and money and in everything so I don't see why you should be above dating down.

Why would that be cause for happiness?

Because these kinds of people take joy in human suffering.

Men have preferences, women have requirements.

Why do you think that is? Because men get infinitely more out of a relationship. Only logical explanation. Why else do you have men paying thousands to just date women?

Wait, so you claim women get paid to date men? And that men are benefiting from this?

I'm saying if there are men willing to pay for the company of women ("sugar daddies"), it must mean the company of women is valuable.

I guess it depends on who you ask. I could pay 50 bucks for some used panties or a sock full of shit. Doesn't mean it's worth anything.

Evolutionary psychology, men have an infinite reproductive capacity and women have a very limited one with various health risks, then obviously the human female, as any other female creature has to be infinitely more selective.

“Men get infinitely more out of a relationship”

Are you friggin kidding? It’s the other way around

Why is it men who are willing to pay (sugar daddies)? Simple truth.

Because it’s so easy for a woman to have a Relationship. Not so for the average man.

Okay so if it's easy for woman to find a relationship it means men get much more out of a relationship! Can you just logic here?

Men have to put way more work in to be on the same level as women. This is because of the high requirements most women have. A man has to be better then her to be acceptable. Equal or worse doesn't register in their mind. This is why things like sugar daddies are a thing. Women are so unwilling to date anyone except mister perfect that you literally have to pay them to do it.

A man has to be better then her to be acceptable. Equal or worse doesn't register in their mind.

FALSE FALSE FALSE. Every man I've dated was: less smart than me, less rich than me, less athletic than me, less successful than me, less involved than me, less sociable than me, and worse in every single way. Like they were actually slower than me even though they had gender on their side for physicality, and one was literally shorter than me even though I'm only 5'6 and at least two were chubby and none ever hit the gym even though I trained every day.

And it's not just me, every woman I know dates a man who makes less money than her including my mother, my sisters-in-law, my friends, my cousins, my parents' friends, my friends' parents and my neighbors (most of the women I know are doctors).

Women are so unwilling to date anyone except mister perfect that you literally have to pay them to do it.

FALSE FALSE FALSE. I dated fucking losers who had nothing to offer but themselves - they weren't good looking, they didn't have jobs, they didn't come from rich families, they spent all day playing video games and eating Cheetos and they did nothing for me.

You incels are so fucking ungrateful. Men literally don't have to do anything to get a girlfriend and spew fucking bullshit like that. Sure I'm not the prize you think you deserve because I'm not the primest Stacy, but I was an athlete, a top student, I had jobs and extracurriculars, and I could only ever date omegas.

Meanwhile my brothers were able to find Stacies who make more money than them in no time.

The only reason men are willing to pay to date a woman is because dating a woman is awesome and 99% of men get it completely free for no effort just because women like to please men and you guys are still fucking complaining. /triggered

It fucking sucks to date losers who have no qualities and are worse than me in every way and then to go online and see you say "equal or worse men don't even register in women's eyes" and "you have to be a literal god to get a woman". Fucking ungrateful entitled delusional pigs.

Statistics say otherwise

Take a look at r/BlackPillScience


Are you this dumb???

Yeah no. She's just trolling.

Hey bud, Yes I check your posts periodically.

Have you met people outside of the people you know IRL who share this story? Some of the things said on this sub are extreme but they are not 100% off base.

You are the only woman I have ever talked to who "approached ugly men who were worse than you in every way". Ever.....That is not an exaggeration...... There is a lot of truth to what these guys are telling you.

Interesting. I don't think the issue is whether or not men do the same I think the issue is that women speak as if they're above it all.

You say men do the same or worse* (learn to talk you fucking mogoloid) and then back that up with “not all women” Also your female friends aren’t going to openly ridicule men or show that side of them around a male friend you fucking sperg

Sorry for the grammatical error, the older I get, the more trouble I have with homophones, or things that I pronounce as homophones in my head.

your female friends aren’t going to openly ridicule men or show that side of them around a male friend

I'm a woman.

How old are you?

Fucking hypocrite men killer

Yeah sounds like women to me,if anyone hasn't heard women talking this way they live under a rock or they are old. And not enjoying sex,I never can understand anyone like that,they probably just aren't attracted. Sex and love stay on my mind about 24/7 ,It's freaking life to me but I have to do without.

Oh fuck off you're just gonna marry some simp, and then be like "I made a terrible mistake" and fuck around, divorce, and take his kids, then fuck chad some more.


Only in garth brooks songs

You'd make a great country song writer

Sounds cliché, but assuming big parts of the Incel community live in America, this whole experience you described for college seems to be an almost stereotypical American thing. It's how I'd imagine college life in some of its worst iterations.

Over here in Europe (Germany) this whole structure with dorms and stuff, for university students, does not even exist. Most students life in shared flats, with their parents or (like me) in their own flats. There are dorms but they aren't organized in a way like the ones in the U.S. are. Things like talking about each others' love and sex life still happen, that's completely normal; but things like

I was shocked by the way some women talk about men as if they're expendable. My girl friends would rate dorms of men from most to least attractive, openly talking about who'd they'd fuck and insult those they deemed as less attractive. They would also go into graphic detail about the sexual encounters they had with men, and I'm not sure most of my friend's exes are aware that I've seen everything from their nudes to my knowledge of their dick size and even how good they are in bed. be completely cruel to men for no reason and justify it by calling him a creep

are basically unknown to me, and I myself long felt like I am doomed to be forever unwanted. That said, I am very aware that high school and college life is not everything and will matter little in your later life, but these two eras of your life seem surprisingly seminal to adolescents in the U.S. Something is clearly wrong there. If not wrong, it's at least very weird to European people like me.

I live in europe and have been in US too. If you think america is bad, europe is worse for us, especially for ethnicels.

There's almost zero religiosity and girls like OP are non-existent. Here OP would be just like her friends, maybe 10 times worse. No one's getting married or having kids. massive divorce rates. It's just a big fuckfest out here. don't delude yourself man, europe is a slaughterhouse for incels.

which parts of europe?

all of them

Then avoid europe, we do not want you in here

mutual feelings, bitch.

No, I went to college in Europe and nothing at all is weird about this post. People absolutely spoke about each other in that way. You're delusional if you think your own personal experience is what it was like for every college student in a continent of 740 million people.

That could be said equally for one specific incel's experience of a certain situation.

There are so many example where a single incident is used as proof for something very broad on this very sub. Your argument is invalid

Your posting history doesn't fit with the small text at all. Also you're naive if you can't see the same behaviour here in Germany (although to a lesser extent). In 10 years, it'll be just as bad.

Well, maybe you don't have that one ugly and/or ethnic friend whose life experiences are just one giant blackpill.

i have some suspect it looks fake to me. if it is true you are not "femoid". you are a respectable "female"

As a woman who's most likely going to save herself for marriage, 19-year-old female college student



True. Women drop all thoughts when chad comes along.

Hits blunt u right mang

This is why I hate all females.

Damn how bad do you have to be at sex that the dudes don’t even cum?

You have to be dry down there, apparently

Beef Jerky the opposite of roasty


Death grip from masturbation look it up...

1) Men do the same. 2) Not all women do that. I've never heard a single thing about my friends' boyfriends' dick or sex life. I've never heard a single of my female friends talk about men's looks or make fun of the ugly.

1) Men do the same.

Nobody has argued they don't. Unlike with women.

I've never heard a single thing about my friends' boyfriends' dick or sex life. I've never heard a single of my female friends talk about men's looks or make fun of the ugly.


You just weren't around when it happened. I bartended for years, and heard shit from women that would make Al Goldstein blush.

1) Yes, like 20% or less of them... 2) Yes, like 20% or less of them...

Well I'm a woman and I've heard more men rate women on their attractiveness than I've heard women rate men on their attractiveness.

Thats the point.

A woman will talk about how looks doesn't mater, how chads are abusive, how the world lacks nice guys and how respect is important, but will continue to fuck the "cute" chads, and laugh at the "creepy guys".

2) Not all women do that. I've never heard a single thing about my friends' boyfriends' dick or sex life. I've never heard a single of my female friends talk about men's looks or make fun of the ugly.

that's because you're an ace and your girlfriends probably were also acey

I'm in love, for the first time...

Brand new account. Totally legit.

tbh it would be stupid to post that under a real account

Have sex / marry someone here if you agree so much. Or was this just a hypocritical post????

Just because you agree with certain sentiments that doesn’t mean you have to contribute to the cause...

I'm not contributing to any cause. Dunce.

When women rate guys it's empowering When guys rate women they're kicked out of school and publicly shamed.

Yay feminism! Only one more step before sub-8s are publicly hung by a noose

Nope, ratings are crap, period.

When women rate guys it's empowering

No. It's disrespectful and callous and shouldn't be done to anyone, including men.

Hey guys I just want to make another general comment since this post has quite a few responses. I'm not a fake person coming here to troll, I just made this new throwaway account bc my main Reddit account is not something I want to fill with controversial stances. I am actually a 19-year-old woman, and I go to a university in California. I don't know what a supposed man would get out of pretending to be a woman just to troll you guys, and I promise that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm only trying to put out things that I have actually witnessed out to you guys. Hope those that got angry with me know that I'm not doing this to mess with you. God bless.

Have fun doing the cock carousel. Just try to settle on a tall non-ethnic handsome beta male before hitting the wall and you will do just fine.

A lot of us on this subreddit appreciate your post. Don't let the haters drag you down.

Haha this is the online equivalent of ducking in the car. Make a throwaway so you aren't associated with the ugly dude.

You must be fun at womyns marches. Yawn

Wtf, a well thought out, interesting and informative post by a non incel? You've earned my respect for sure.

this is why in other cultures women are beaten on their wedding nights or forced to wear veils. if they arent under strict forms of control like sharia you have the opposite; complete barbarism.

ever wonder why judaism is passed on through the motor? jewish women were whores for the romans and no one knew who the dad was so it was a matriarchal thing.

Low iq posg

truth hurts

Assuming what you say is truth. More like parody cause I can't stop laughing

Holy shit the one good female post in here, with blackpills included. Finally someone gets what we've been fucking saying for the past several years.

Military grade suicide fuel.

Now I can see that the majority of you guys just want the basic form of happiness that I believe every human being should have, a partner and a companion that they can grow old with and raise children together. And now I see that it's the only thing you guys want, and it's not something that's too much to ask. You guys are pretty reasonable compared to some of the girls that I've encountered here at my college.

B-but no one is entitled to shit!

This was the best part of the post, to be frank.

I know, but being told that wanting to have a family is not an unreasonable thing to ask is a breath of fresh air. I'm sure she thinks that mostly because her parents are very religious, and raised her accordingly. Had she been raised in a household without traditional values, I doubt she'd be this horrified by her friends -- she would probably be one of them. I hope she stays uncucked, and saves herself for a loving, virgin husband.

Based women are a blessing desu

How dare you suggest that interpersonal relationships contribute to happiness!

tfw no shy arranged marriage muslim gf

Account age: 5 hours

Don’t fall for the NAWALT bullshit gents. This is just an approach out of left field because this particular femoid has realised the moronic and indulgent brute force attacks of her sisters and cucks are never going to work.

Biology is biology. Even if this girl existed (which she doesn’t) she’s still an outlier. It’s irrelevant what she says. She doesn’t offer any solutions. She just wants the validation Y’ALL are giving to her to so freely because she spoke some words that appeals to the incel desires. And gives you the hope necessary to quell your hatred for an hour or so. But rest assured, NOTHING will change. You are the only one who can change anything for yourself and you are already on da wae by simply knowing the black pill. This femoid is trying to stop you.

She may as well have come here and said she’s working on a magic potion that transforms your face into chads and you just need to hold on!!!

Wake up


Eh. I'll give it 7.5/10, it's deep in red pill territory, maybe teasing the border with the black, but you've got a ways to go yet.

Thank you for your contribution. It's good to hear that young people still have the same sort of value structure I have when it comes to intimate relationships. Perhaps the world isn't so dark and grey after all

I hope that you find something that works for you, and wish you the best.

Good post. Too bad you're some Religious nut.

I will never, ever, respect anyone who unironically uses a term like femoid. Eesh!


Yes, call me a derogatory slang term and I get bitchy. All of you people downvoting me for having an opinion can fuck off.

Sounds like you need to take a chill pill

I'm good, thanks.

Sure doesn't seem like it

Guess what? Nobody here wants or cares about your respect. Eesh!

Well, a few of you guys are cool.

However you strike me as someone oddly desperate to start something with me. Are you following me just to post annoying comments in response? Seems like what someone fishing for some respect might do!

First of all nobody cares who you consider "cool" or not. We don't exist to be validated by you

Second of all I respond to any dumbass comments trying to instigate, belittle, virtue signal or attention whore. You just happen to do it a lot.

You apparently do if you're so worried you need to downvote it :-D

And my mom does, but that is because she is cool. What a coincidence, I also feel obligated to respond to idiotic comments. Point in case hmm?

All a downvote takes is a click. It isn't a matter of worry or concern, simply an instant way to let you know how annoying and stupid your comments are.

I know being a smartass is customary of Reddit but on here it's especially hilarious to see you try and condescend and snark at us.

You need to up your insult game! I have been called the most terrible things, in court, on the record. I think your attempts to offend are adorable.

I don't care about offending or impressing you. I'm simply telling you the honest truth and explaining the situation.

Yes. Please explain more how unconcerned you are with my opinions.

shut up roastie

Been telling people this for a while now. I have observed certain groups of women discussing things on the internet, and they are absolutely VICIOUS in how they talk about men. They tear extremely attractive actors to shreds over the pettiest things. They obsess over height, and it bothers them if an actor they think is "hawt" turns out to be shorter than THIS PIECE OF SHIT UGLY ACTOR, OMG I WISH HIS CHARACTER WOULD DIE SO HE WASN'T ON MY SCREEN WITH HIS BIG EARS!!! They can be every bit as vulgar as men. The only difference is, to them, "hawt secks" is some boner-killing "romantic" fuck.

They talk about dick size all the time. Married women who work with men talk to their female friends about their "work husbands."

Do you think that anyone is nice to anyone on the internet.

A guy get a gf and this entire sub attacks him or states that his relationship will inherently fail.

Good job saving yourself for marriage. Your friends deserve death, however.

No u

I could choke you to death in a few seconds. Wanna try it? You feminists always talk tough shit but cry whenever a strong aryan male asserts his strength.

I would break your faggot ass in two

Hahaha ok badass how much do you weigh? I'd love to shove my dirty tampons in your mouth

You are a crazy bitch. Get yourself some pills you cunt.

Atleast my cunt can grow hair

That’s hot

Wait really?? Nice

I'll put you under my barbell and fart in your mouth until you die.

shut up, whore.

you guys are somewhat right about women

We're entirely correct, but ty anyway

I can't stand these attention seeking posts.

I am a simple guy, i see a post from a foid, i downvote withou reading.

I understand where you are coming from and I also disagree with just tossing someone into the garbage purely on the way they look or of they are socially awkward. However, about 90 percent of the deplorable actions you describe are also practiced by men. Women are heavily objectified as well. Sure it is so easy to get laid as a woman but that doesn't mean that guys aren't talking shit or rating/degrading women as well. Women don't get cast as "weirdos" because 1.nobody feels threatened by them and 2. Because of how low men will lower their standards to get an easy lay. I wouldnt avoid anyone unless they made me feel unsafe or if they disliked me. I try not to judge anyone even if they have widely different views than me because I'm sure based on their personal situation and environment they have been pushed to a certain belief.

Make this woman an honorary member!

Pin this to the sub please

Textbook virtue signalling. How my comrades fell for this low IQ obvious bait?

Be my mommy gf.

Why does this trash have an 87% upvote rate?

And men don't display this behavior at all, they are perfectly nice to 'unattractive' women all the time and do not talk shit about them behind their backs? Oh, please. There are some shitty specimens in the world of both genders. Don't put this all on women because some of them are shitheads. It is not like incels would give an unattractive woman a chance.

They may not hit on them, but men aren't rude at all to ugly women. At least not from my experience.

This is not my experience at all. In high school, I was considered to be ugly. Men for the most part were mean to me and I then experienced that you basically don't exist or mean anything to most of them if you are not considered desirable. Even the less desirable men treated me badly and clearly treated the more desirable women better.

Later in life, I became more attractive (I truly blossomed, since quite attractive men became interested in me), and I noticed that men started to treat me differently. They became a lot kinder and actually started to care about me. The conclusion I draw from this is that looks matter to people, not just to women.


I mean, unless you're talking 8 - 10 year olds, i can not believe people were rude to you only because you looked bad. They may have treated the other girls better alright, but women do not get bullied at all by men. If it happened to you, youre a special case.

Women are literally telling you that it does happen, dude. So yes, they get bullied by men, too. What about fat women? Fat women get lots of hatred from men, even on You can even see the attitude that ugly women are worth nothing to men reflected in Family guy, where Meg constantly is being bullied for being ugly.

I relate to this so much. The guys at my school were always calling me ugly and autistic and saying I should kill myself. Men arent always nice to women.

Maybe it was just your personality? And you fixed your personality and that's why people started treating you better

Lmao, no. There were some physical attributes that I had that changed with age, fortunately. And men have cruelly made it known to me what exactly they thought was ugly about me. One has even said something along the lines of 'if you'd have this and this physical attribute, you'd be hideous'.

And I don't think that men that I have just seen for the first time and to whom I have not said a single word know anything about my personality, lol, yet they approach me nowadays whereas they certainly did not do that in the past. Men are shallow too.

Well well thanks for telling us WHAT WE ALREADY KNOW


I wish more people had empathy like this, and would try to understand why people who have been so badly hurt for so long are so angry.

Seconded. It's easy to quickly pass judgment and label people as toxic freaks. I've seen so many cruel comments on IT and other places. Scorn, condemnation, name-calling, and even comments advocating bullying.

It's much harder to try to empathize, to understand why a person says what he says and does what he does. It's harder to try to train yourself to be compassionate and open-minded. And once you see why people say what they say (and that their meaning is often between the lines), you see them differently. People whom I would have mocked before are now among the people whom I hope to help in some way, and their struggles and despair are very valid.

Some people are trying to train themselves to be more empathetic and compassionate. Others aren't, but I hope they might some day see the value of building up those abilities or inclinations (I'm not sure which word best fits the meaning I want to convey).

I’m not an incel, I’m a volcel. I post here cuz I have soft spot for these guys. I’m also good looking and in shape. My issues are mental illness based not looks. You didn’t answer my question, you also have no idea who I am or what I’m like.

She pursues them but they all leave her after awhile and she even admits to me that she's generally pretty dry down there and the guys sometimes don't even cum.

I am not a poster or a follower of this subreddit, but it seems she needs to likely get that checked out, her body is producing the lubrication that it requires, and likely is causing micro-tears within her vagina if its dry enough, and if the guy is going hard enough (Size doesn't matter here, but obviously can have worsening effects). I love grool and cum from a woman, but when she is dry, I take it more along the lines of a serious thing, she should be getting aroused in some fashion when her clit is played with, she should get slightly grooly for safe penetration, the lack of means penetration is likely in that threshhold of not-being-safe. Also seems like most of these woman you talk about have never had a man play with her for a half an hour before any penetration begins, but that's speculation.

Hey, Catsarenotreptilians, just a quick heads-up:
threshhold is actually spelled threshold. You can remember it by one h in the middle.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

good bot.

More at vodka is wet.

They would openly say a guy was ugly to whole groups of women as soon as the men were out of sight.

that's literally the only thing that is relevant to the blackpill and inceldom, and a little bit at the end about ugly dudes being called creeps

the rest has absolutely nothing to do with us. seriously, most of it her talking about how her friends are open with their sex lives

and since they're not fucking incels, who cares?

How are you suppose to know if you will end up being attracted to an incel or not if you ignore them due to them not being conventionally attractive? Incels aren't even getting a chance.

tbh it would be stupid to post that under a real account


Sorry for the grammatical error, the older I get, the more trouble I have with homophones, or things that I pronounce as homophones in my head.

your female friends aren’t going to openly ridicule men or show that side of them around a male friend

I'm a woman.

And this sub is kind to women they find unattractive?

I don’t subscribe to that sub

Why is it men who are willing to pay (sugar daddies)? Simple truth.

This. Some incels say they're sick of women and can't stand them. But for many, I think that the angry rhetoric and "ideology" (for lack of a better term -- incels aren't a hivemind) actually stems from frustration that has transformed into resentment and deep grudges, and eventually even to despair. Sadness, despair, anxiety, loneliness -- all of these emotions can be expressed in a way that looks very much like rage or hatefulness. If the factor(s) that is/are causing the underlying despair resolve(s) (e.g., by finding a loving, supportive relationship, or by raising your socioeconomic status, thus increasing hope and comfort), the expressions of rage and hate often resolve, too.

Also, it may not be quite as easy to continue hating women if you suddenly you start receiving a lot of the affection and attention that you previously thought you didn't want anymore.

This won't be true of everyone, of course.

But what do I know?

Lmao, no. There were some physical attributes that I had that changed with age, fortunately. And men have cruelly made it known to me what exactly they thought was ugly about me. One has even said something along the lines of 'if you'd have this and this physical attribute, you'd be hideous'.

And I don't think that men that I have just seen for the first time and to whom I have not said a single word know anything about my personality, lol, yet they approach me nowadays whereas they certainly did not do that in the past. Men are shallow too.

Seconded. It's easy to quickly pass judgment and label people as toxic freaks. I've seen so many cruel comments on IT and other places. Scorn, condemnation, name-calling, and even comments advocating bullying.

It's much harder to try to empathize, to understand why a person says what he says and does what he does. It's harder to try to train yourself to be compassionate and open-minded. And once you see why people say what they say (and that their meaning is often between the lines), you see them differently. People whom I would have mocked before are now among the people whom I hope to help in some way, and their struggles and despair are very valid.

Some people are trying to train themselves to be more empathetic and compassionate. Others aren't, but I hope they might some day see the value of building up those abilities or inclinations (I'm not sure which word best fits the meaning I want to convey).