"Experienced girls are better, bro; they're much better in bed. Get yourself a slut." Actual words from a friend of mine. His gf is a whore and from what he's told me, their sex is awful.
Horniest bitches in the world are the repressed female nerds. Cumsluts who fuck 7 days a week treat sex like punch card employment at the local cannery.
1 Chinkcel 2018-05-13
No, you won't.
1 [deleted] 2018-05-13
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-13
And the stupid cunt even forgot to remove the quotation mark at the end.
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-13
Attention whore
1 191132 2018-05-13
90% chance she just lays there like a fish
1 PenisTorvalds 2018-05-13
"Experienced girls are better, bro; they're much better in bed. Get yourself a slut." Actual words from a friend of mine. His gf is a whore and from what he's told me, their sex is awful.
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-13
Horniest bitches in the world are the repressed female nerds. Cumsluts who fuck 7 days a week treat sex like punch card employment at the local cannery.
1 WahmenMustDIe 2018-05-13
Not unless you're at least a chadlite teehee
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-13
Is she seriously trying to convince people to swipe right? Practically everyone would swipe right on her