Looks Theory - Angel vs Witch Skulls In Women

48  2018-05-13 by TurboTrashman


Of course you never see replies if someone posts a sexy girl...it's like this place is straight F alts only...

Two facebook AIs develop a private language when left alone and no human can understand yet they are somehow successfully communicating

this vid applies to men also

lower third is life or death

If a man has an angel skull it's absolutely over for him unless he becomes a trap

all Chads have angel skull, diference is they have far more angularity to their face and more face/jaw breadth, also downside nostriles

in that vid wimp = witch, warrior = angel

Huh? Angel skull and warrior are completely different lmfao

read my comment above

You’re an idiot

Knew plenty of girls with a witch skull. They weren't fat so they got laid plenty

Hopefully with looksmatches... (cope, I know.)

ofc not

Feeeemale checking in for a laugh. Bitchhh you know /any/ woman can fuck /any/ man because ya'll would fuck a hot n spicy chicken and generally WE DON'T ACTUALLY ENJOY SEX ANYWAY. Why the fuck would we fake an orgasm to make your ugly ass feel better if we don't want to and gain nothing from it. Honestly... yall should blackpill n leave us alone pleassssseeeee. I just had to physically run to get away from one of you freaks (A dude that you nerds would define as a "chad")

"Looksmatches" sounds like 90s teen girl slang tbh. Something Disney Channel

This video triggered a bunch of insecure women. https://imgur.com/a/LRC5Vsv

Meanwhile absolutely no comments like that on the warrior vs wimp skull video

What forum is that?


Mental masturbation, enter at your risk

Stop lying, these quotes are not from lookism, women don't post there.

Are you retarded? They were from the comments to this video and were posted on lookism

Yeah but this guy probably wanted to know where the women were posting.

They don't like being insulted do they lol they are used to being complimented and everything roses

Roasties so toasty, you could

LOL they deny science.

Witch skulls are very common in Jewish women. Like for example Hila from h3h3 has a witch skull.

Wwwaaatt dude hila is cute af.

Are you a jew?

Hila is a cutie



H3h3 looks like a cuck

I love these videos. Let's try to share them on twitter and facebook.

  1. triggers roasties

  2. blackpills roasties and hopefully makes them a little more insecure and more aware of their looks

  3. the witches could turn against the stacies when they finally see why chad only marries certain kinds of stacy

Pretty good blackpill, since a grotesque facial structure can't be concealed by fake-up, they have to live with it.

good thing ricecels dont suffer from witch skulls

Only whites be that ugly I guess

witch-skulled women still have more SMV than anyone on this sub


Roasties getting toasty in the comment section

Maxilla = your life

So how do I get a new skull?

Just use one of these!

I highly recommend you develop a personality because I know you don't have one if you are on here. Look around bitch

You're on here.

Femoids BTFO!

lol triggered fucking roasties

I don't know why they would say a "witch skull" lacks forward lower growth, usually witches have huge projections from the jaw...

I can dig some witchy sensibilities in a sexual way tbh. Kinda intelligent looking if not overdone

In my case i thought i had a really ugly profile because of a bump on my nose but this video gave me confidence cause it turns up i have a angel skull. 😊😊😊

I think this is a bit exaggerated tho. Most women with witch skulls don't have features that prominent. It almost feels like the maker of the video was expressing their hate towards a woman who cheated on them or something. How often do you meet women who straight up look like the picture in the right?

Pretty good blackpill, since a grotesque facial structure can't be concealed by fake-up, they have to live with it.