inceltears in a nutshell

147  2018-05-13 by MediumFood


Where do the plants come into play?


But...I love my garden! Am I gey now?

The real question here. My wife's boyfriend bought me succulents and it was the best day of my life.

Should had put soylent on the table for more accuracy.Still topkek

What do you do when you're a 30 year old virgin but can't accept that it's because you're an ugly genetic dead end?

Browse Inceltears and project your self-hate on people just like you!

Lol you fucking hope that’s the case, don’tcha. Lol

posts in r/datingoverthirty

FUCKING LOOOL. Average IT poster here guys. He's such a chad, only Chads post in r/datingoverthirty.

Get of the internet and go start a family or something you little bitch.

In elementary school, there were always semi-bullied kids who used to get in on the bullying of the omegas so that they show off that they're with the bullies, not the victims, even though they would get bullied just as bad later that day. IT is just the adult version of that.

8th panel is absolute KEKFUEL😆

This is me except put xnxx in every box. I'm not joking, that site has probably hugely drained my energy and time for a decade

My life wasted away thanks to xnxx. I could’ve been a pro engineer or something.

The 2000s emo throwback lmao


Why do you guys hate on FA we never shit on you guys

Just loudly hate on incels to distract people from your own inceldom bro