The fact that incels cannot even get casual sex (for instance, on sites like Tinder, where normies constantly claim that "personality doesn't matter") proves that we are involuntarily celibate due to our LOOKS.

108  2018-05-13 by Mr-Mercedes-


I agree


Personality doesn’t matter anywhere.


Lmao the fact that you intrinsically linked a man's looks to his personality is the most femoid thing I've ever seen

Shes right tbh, My bisexual friend tatianna is a 10/10 yet her girlfiend is an ugly ass dyke and she loves her to death. And shes really ugly, Like she looks like a predator and wears ugly braids as a weave, yet she loves her more than any big dick lightskin in the world. Its nuts imo, but a lot of girls really do prefer personality. Take it from a gay guy. Most incels are ugly with a shit personality and while I do agree that chads can get away with having a bland ass personality is an advantage, You can have a better personality than chad and still get bitches. You guys are just so depressed that you think developing personality and charm is pointless, which actually makes you bad in the long run.

I can't tell if this is a troll post or not lmao good job

Its the truth but you guys are so deep into depression that you can't see the light, I don't blame you. Negativity breeds negativity, I been depressed before but if you literally fake it to you make it, life will look out for you. Learn your positives and negative and work on them and don't compare yourself to others as it only breeds despair.

Jesus christ, lmaoooo top tier sarcasm post, love your stuff man

Just let me help you, at least take my words into consideration. Throw away your ego and act like you wanna act. Don't apologize for being yourself and don't beat yourself up for something you can't control. You were born for a reason but if you give up on life, Life will give up on you.

It's still going! I love this!

Wow you guys really are in too deep. GG :\

The only way you can help me is by changing my skin color or making women not racist, both are impossible.



Is it as ridiculous as linking an entire gender to greed, promiscuity, and worthlessness?

Stating facts backed by body of evidence the size of a fucking small town library is not ridiculous.


Of course, research and statistics make it true

I'm just repeating them

Just to be clear, are you saying that “research and statistics” prove that women are worthless, greedy, and promiscuous? Bc that’s just ridiculous.

I find it hard to believe that you have never met a single woman who goes against that paradigm. If you truly haven’t, I feel sorry for you.

Just to be clear, are you saying that “research and statistics” prove that women are worthless, greedy, and promiscuous?

Pretty much, yeah.

"just because you say something doesnt make it true"

reflect on what you just said in the context of you attempting to use anecdotes, outliers, and exceptions to disprove a statistical reality :2

If you’ve ever even one woman who wasn’t a whore, it completely discredits the assertion that all women are greedy and promiscuous. Don’t you have a mom? A sister? Anyone in your life who is both female and worthy of love? Because I know lots of women who are wonderful people. Of course there are bitches, just like there are guys who are assholes. But painting with such a wide brush is just not accurate.

you're painting them with a wide brush of "positivity", the difference between us is that my worldview is based on objective, statistical reality. :2

What are these statistics I keep hearing about? I’m very curious to know what you’re referring to.

maybe if you actually lurked and read posts without immediately jumping to the reply section of each thread you'd be better suited to discuss a given topic.

heres the first dose of real equality you've ever had in your life foid:

im not going to spoonfeed you information. :2

The experiences of one, or even a few thousand guys, does not equate to the experiences of billions more. And I’m very sorry if women have hurt you, or if you’ve been bullied. No one should treat anyone else that way. But that doesn’t mean that all women are greedy/promiscuous/stupid/worthless. It just means that you’ve had some bad experiences.

And you’re right. I haven’t seen much equality in my life. No woman has, just as no minority man has. And as I’m learning, no incel has. Life is incredibly unfair. We just have to make the most of it.

How can you consider me a lurker? I probably posted 30 times in this thread.

And I don’t need to be spoon fed anything. I’m just curious to see where you’re getting your information from. I’m guessing that your statistics are based solely on a cohort of fellow incels instead of the world at large.

How can you consider me a lurker? I probably posted 30 times in this thread.

thats the problem retard. im saying instead of scrambling to "participate" in something that you dont understand. shut up, and attempt to understand in good faith first.

otherwise you're just lowering the quality of conversation here asking the same stupid questions that have already been answered countless times. -_-

Oh I definitely understand it. You think that since girls don’t like you, that the girls must be the problem. But you and your friends hide behind rules on this sub that protect your precious feelings while allowing you to say hateful and absurd things to everyone else. How is that fair? Where’s the protection for anyone else? It must be nice having special rules and hiding behind a bunch of mods.

Then you call me a “retard”? Because I challenge you to articulate yourself in any way besides trite, tired assertions that can be disproven with even a cursory attempt at logical thought?

If you think that quality conversation involves a bunch of like-minded guys repeating each other’s thoughts and trashing everyone else on the planet, then you don’t have much of a grasp on what conversation is.

And if you think I’m supposed to understand “in good faith” that I must be a whore simply bc I’m a woman, while you won’t even accept the most simple truths about me, then you are deluded. You expect me to agree with you? People like you need to hear that you are wrong, bc silence is complicity.

Pat yourself on the back. You pissed off someone who genuinely feels for the incel community, who understands the pain that society can inflict, and who honestly just wants to understand more about what makes you guys tick.

Then you call me a “retard”? Because I challenge you to articulate yourself in any way besides trite, tired assertions that can be disproven with even a cursory attempt at logical thought?

no, i called you retard because you responded to "maybe if you actually lurked and read posts without immediately immediately replying" with "How can you consider me a lurker? I probably posted 30 times in this thread."

you are definitely mentally handicapped - you're lucky you're a girl or else this world would be very cruel to you.

So you call me a lurker even though I was engaged in dialogue from the very beginning of the thread. Good one. Goes with the overall them of cognitive dissonance.

I’m going to skip over how disgusting it is to use terms like “retarded” and “mentally handicapped” as slurs. It’s the type of shit I expect from kids on the playground and it has no place in civilized talk.

Life is cruel to everybody. Babies get cancer, entire families get wiped out in car accidents. Yet you are the one who truly suffers because, at the ripe old age of 20, you’re still a virgin? Are you that tone deaf to the human condition? Sex is not an entitlement. Women are not a thing to be had. Until you learn that, you are perpetuating your own misery.

"So you call me a lurker even though I was engaged in dialogue from the very beginning of the thread."

are you incapable of reading? :2

Fully capable. But participating in a thread is the exact opposite of lurking. I shouldn’t be surprised, being that you throw around insults with seemingly no awareness of what they mean or how they actually apply to their target. It’s just more of the terrible logic that you keep hashing out.

  • No, the truth of the matter is that you were not attractive enough to get the attention of the conventionally attractive make (a chad), so you settled for less and nkw you're post-facto rationalizing (called hamstering) this reality by virtue signalling amd saying that you were never I to those guys because they're shallow and spend too much time on their own looks.

LOL! I can smell the bullshit through my screen. If Chad gave you the attention, love and cock that you craved from him so much back in your prime years, you'd be just like the other normies who come to mock is for the shitty genetic hand we were dealt.

I’m 5’8, 140 lbs, size 4/6. I wish I could show you my photo but I don’t have any pics on a platform I can link to. You can think whatever you want about my looks, but I know I’m damn pretty. I never had a problem getting dates, including dates with guys who were conventionally attractive. One was even a model, but when he made fun of a mentally challenged person on our second date, I dumped him. If people were so cruel to you that they make fun of you and rub it in your face that you have a hard time dating, I’m sorry. But that’s no reason to think that all women are bad, or to call me unattractive. My mother always taught me that “nerds make the best husbands”, and I believe it wholeheartedly.

140.0 lbs = 63.5 kilogram

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I think this will work. Me with and without makeup

close up face pics are what fat girls do

Does my face look fat to you?

I’m ready to say fuck off. I’ve tried being nice to you guys, tried telling you there’s hope and that not all girls suck. Clearly, you want to believe the shit you believe because it’s easier than learning some social skills. There’s no reason why any of you should have treated me the way you did today (with the exception of incel1234, who spoke to me like a human. I appreciate it). Instead, I got downvotes for being nice and telling you the truth - that some girls aren’t into muscles and chiseled jawlines. If that’s the way you treat a woman who is trying to have civilized discourse with you, and honestly trying to give you some hope, then there’s no point in continuing this. Have a good night, guys.

lol a lot of women use close up pictures of their face to hide their body. sometimes the face doesnt look fat but theyre still fat af.

either way u do u femoid

You do know that the best response to their insults is to live a happy and fulfilled life.

Are you desperate to feel better than someone that you can only bring people down?

And you guys still think it is your looks that are hurting you in the dating department. Let's say you get a date tomorrow. Could you handle it. Would you have anything interesting to say.

Do you have anything at all to offer a person.

Because if the answer is no, it is lot easier to attack others than to do those things.

Her best response to your insults is to live a happy life.

Captain Save-a-hoe finally shows up.

Personality isn't really that important to most women. They often euphemize personality for good physical looks and social status. When gangbanger Jeremy Meeks was released from prison for robbing and beating another boy close to death, his girlfriend married and had children with him. Meeks improved his personality so much that he later cheated on his wife with a rich bimbo and didn't even feel bad about it.

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Personality may matter in the longer term, but no woman in her right mind will give ugly guys a chance in the first place. I wonder how those "not conventionally attractive" bfs of yours looked like, I'd be willing to bet that they weren't balding, didn't have retruded maxillas, weren't short or weren't ethnics.




So it's my retruded maxilla, I knew it. Lel.

To be honest, I don't know you, I have no reason not to believe you. All I'm saying is, you really don't have any idea how hard it is for an ugly guy to start dating. Even if 1/1000 gets together with a woman, there is still 999 out there who don't. And it's getting worse and worse with social media and online dating.


And there it is boys


You can fuck off our sub now you vapid cunt. This has already been disproved many times but you don't care, all you are here for is to bully ugly virgins.

Lmao who am I bullying? I told one guy not to give up. I said that nerds make great husbands. I said that looks don’t matter. Ive been respectful to everyone on this sub, even though many of them haven’t been respectful to me. If you want a fucking echo chamber where you can all validate how terrible women are, start a club with private membership.

If you are so angry that you can’t even recognize a person who is being nice to you, then you’ve got a much bigger problem than simply not being able to get girls.

How old were you when you got married?

I was 28. We met when I was 26.

Oh, so you're saying that we should go for women who are willing to settle for us - despite the fact that they're not turned on by us?

Fuck you.


It is. A woman's personality doesn't get my dick hard, and neither does a man's personality get a girl's pants wet. To put it bluntly.


Sexual attraction isn’t just about looks.

Yes it is. If it weren't, everyone would be gay.

There is no personality too terrible to get laid. Hitler got laid.

There are, however, people too ugly to get laid. The moment I showed you the elephant man, you would have to resort to, "well he'z an extreme."

Why would everyone be gay if sexual attraction weren’t just about looks? Just like I have friends who are men, and who happen to be conventionally attractive, but I don’t want to sleep with them. Sexual attraction, at least for me, is more than just looks.

I wouldn’t say that there are people whose personalities are too terrible for them to get laid. Lots of terrible people get laid. But there are definitely people who don’t have the confidence/social skills to get laid.

Because men get along much better with men, and women get along much better with women. If it were about common interests and connecting intellectually, everyone would be gay.

You don't have to be confident to get laid. You just have to look good. You can be a bumbling mess, and if you look good, the other person who is sexually attracted to you will do all the work.

I definitely get along better with men. A lot of women can be catty and cruel, no doubt about it. But that doesn’t mean they are all horrible or that there’s no hope in finding a good one.

Confidence is probably the most important quality to getting laid. No one wants to hear someone talk about how ugly they are or how much they suck.

And honestly, when you look at the incels who are in the news(Minassian and Rodgers), they were/are both pretty good looking guys. Their looks weren’t the problem.

You missed the point though. This was on the topic of specifically casual sex. Personality matters for anything long-term but people were talking about one night stands and casual sex.


You replied in a comment chain started by you on the topic of casual sex, lmao, and then changed the topic. But okay, forget it, lol.

How did I change my point? The whole time, I’ve been saying that looks aren’t everything. When I started the topic chain, it wasn’t just about casual sex.

Oh fuck off. I can fucking guarantee that every guy you've dated has been 6'+ and maybe you settled for a guy slightly shorter than that if you're ugly.


“Hot guys” are shallow and usually don’t take the time to develop good character


I'm sure you didn't marry your tall white husband for his looks luk


Of course personality doesn’t matter as much when it comes to casual sex. But to say it’s unimportant anywhere, especially in relationships, is very obviously false.

Well, it does matter when betabuxing. Then the femoid wants a nice obedient hapless soyboy.

This is why normies are so confused. They mistake betabux marriages out of desperation with actual, real relationships between to people sexually attracted to one another.

Shit. Most normies probably never experienced a real romantic relationship in their life and never will. Remember, almsot all of those 80% the women see as below average are normies.

If that’s what you tell yourself, okay. I married an amazing man who treats me like a queen. He’s not 6 feet or blonde, but you better believe I love him

who treats me like a queen


Ok. Again, think what you want. We have a great marriage and a beautiful daughter. I hope you find what you are looking for in life, but with the attitude you have, I doubt you will.

Come on, is this the best comeback you've got? A pathetic "lol dis is why ur incel"?

A woman literally tried talking to you today and you treated her like shit, even though she was nice to you. You expect me to believe you’d be any different in real life?

I don’t need a comeback. The beautiful life I have says enough.

Honest question. Why does being rude on the internet cause virginity but guys who beat the living hell out of their wives/girlfriends get relationships?

Banter = being treated like shit. M'kay. Seems like women in real life aren't as strong as the female lead characters in movies.

I was respectful to you and your friends all day. I’m still being nice, considering that many of you think my only value is as a rape target. I treated you guys much better than you treated me, yet I’m weak because I decide that I’ve had enough?

Banter is fun and lighthearted, not hateful and threatening. Like I said, you guys can’t even tell when a woman is being nice to you.

Enjoy your pity party. Hope you grow up some day.

hope you grow up some day

i would tell you to do the same, but you already have you old hag :2

Lol, yes I am an adult. Old hag, no. I have just enough experience to have grown out of my young awkward phase to find my way in the world.

i have no doubt you've had "plenty" of experience :2

I’m not talking about sex, if that’s what your implying. I’m talking about experience in navigating through the world.

whats there to navigate when the seas part for a hole? :2

its not navigating if theres no obstacles, you're merely following a path paved for you by the effort of ugly men.

Oh it’s hard as hell. Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I’ve had an easy life. Life can be hell sometimes.

the only things hard in your life are the cocks between your legs -_-

Good one.

The one thing that you guys can’t explain to me is that, if incels can’t get women simply because of their looks, then why is it that two of the most famous incels (Minassian and Rodgers) were both good looking guys? You can call me all the names you want, but it doesn’t change the reality that some of you are actually pretty good looking!

"Mistassini" and "rodgers" were not good looking guys by virtue of them not being sexually validated. thats the social proof for someone being attractive or not.

its easy for you to say: "well.... they werent bad looking." when they're dead and you dont have to act on that statement of attraction.

its no different than saying: "you're a great guy, but not for me". its merely virtue signalling, you dont actually consider them attractive. (albeit their murderous tendancy probably does something for you. :2)

That doesn’t even make sense. So I can only think a guy is good looking if I decide to sleep with him? The social proof of whether or not someone is attractive has nothing to do with whether or not they get laid. By that logic, someone who chooses celibacy (for example, a priest) can’t be physically attractive, either. The only requirement for being physically attractive is that someone thinks your good looking.

And yea, you got me. I’m really into men who kill women. So perceptive....

My field of work (special education) is mostly women. My bosses aren’t men, nor are my coworkers. My college professors weren’t men, and neither were most of the teachers I had K-12. No man ever did an assignment for me or helped me in school; in fact, I was the nerdy chick who tutored other people. No man made my life any easier. I worked to get where I am.

Don't worry, you'll get over it.

how old were you when you married him? :2

I was 28. I met him at 26.


Why are you thanking them for spewing bullshit


Because sometimes, once you get to know someone, they become more attractive.

Lmao women choose attractive men and then claim those guys become attractive over time lol

Everyone has something attractive about themselves (nice eyes, great smile, etc)

No, no they don't. They don't all have something attractive about themselves. That's what makes us ugly. Because we have no attractive qualities. Jesus christ.

when you fall in love with someone’s personality those attractive qualities get magnified.

And moreso, their ugliness

If that’s really what you want to believe, I feel sorry for you. I hope you find happiness.

Besides, who has casual sex with someone they aren’t physically attracted to?

Nobody does. That’s the point of this sub.

Why wouldn't you? If you can get turned on by personality, why wouldn't you have casual sex with someone based on personality?

Unless - GASP - you CAN'T get turned on by personality, and the women who end up with guys whom they claim they are with for "personality" are not actually sexually attracted to those men, and are only with them for other things, such as financial security.


You never addressed his point about sexual attraction


And what does that have to do with sexual attraction?

Do you want to fuck your best friend who is of the sex you're not sexually attracted to?

Of course I don’t want to fuck my best friend who is of the sex I’m not sexually attracted to. I’m not sexually attracted to their sex.

Is it really so hard to believe that a good personality is sexy?

Of course I don’t want to fuck my best friend who is of the sex I’m not sexually attracted to. I’m not sexually attracted to their sex.

Why not? I thought that even if you aren't physically attracted to them, their personality can make you sexually attracted to them?

What is sexual preference if not a preference for the LOOKS of another person you have sex with?

Do you want to fuck all the Chads? After all, you think they are good looking guys.

It’s bc you can’t change your sexuality. I’m straight. Besides, just liking a person’s personality doesn’t equate to wanting to fuck them. Sexual attraction is more complex than that.

Do you want to fuck all the Chads? After all, you think they are good looking guys.

No, I don't think they're good-looking; I just recognize that women think they're good-looking. I see the types of men women find hot and notice the patterns.

Besides, just liking a person's personality doesn't equate to wanting to fuck them.

Bingo. You have to find them physically attractive. That means ugly guys are out of luck.

Then how do so many “ugly” guys get married/have relationships? Seriously? Someone obviously finds them attractive enough to sleep with.

Financial security.

Ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Nothing I say is going to change your mind. I hope you find happiness some day

Ugly people have to settle for other ugly people or stay alone.

Besides, who has casual sex with someone they aren’t physically attracted to?

Men do- unfortunately.

Besides, who has casual sex with someone they aren’t physically attracted to?

Ask every fat, ugly female who can easily get laid on Tinder. Or better yet, ask the men who fuck them.

If the men actually find them attractive, then this once again evidence that there is a huge discrepancy in physical standards between the sexes.

Besides, who has casual sex with someone they aren’t physically attracted to?

Ask every fat, ugly female who can easily get laid on Tinder in a minute. Or better yet, ask the guys who eagerly fuck them.

If the men are actually finding them physically attractive, or just because they like them as people, or for any other reason (such as having a relatively high libido), then this once again proves that there is a large discrepancy in standards between the sexes which is a main cause of hypergamy.

Besides, who has casual sex with someone they aren’t physically attracted to?

Ask every fat, ugly female who can easily get laid on Tinder in a minute. Or better yet, ask the guys who eagerly fuck them.If the men are actually finding these below average girls physically attractive, or just like them as people, or hooking up with them for any other reason (such as having a relatively high libido), then this once again proves that there is a large discrepancy in standards between the sexes, which is a main cause of hypergamy.

I can hear the Cope wheels loudly screeching.

Long term just means "i have to be realistic with my looks level if i dont want to be alone"

Whats sad is even short fat women are getting sex on the regular. They just love fucking that's why they like poly.


The outrageously high demand placed on FAT females is some of the greatest sui-fuel out there.

Just really think about how fucked up it is that a female can live life on easy mode while not taking care of her body and being a grotesque hambeast.

Then on the other side you have guys who exercise self-restraint and take emaculate care of their health, and they struggle infinitely hard just to gain the attention of one of those hambeasts. Now, if you're fat as a male, it's a death sentence of epic proportions. I haven't seen a single young, fit, woman mess around with some fatass dude in YEARS, and I live in Miami (a large, international city). Yet, I see so, soo many fit males riding blimps every day.

fat ass-dude

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37


What's your point? You probably don't want to fuck a dead tooth having overweight rosacea having girl, why should "stacey" want to fuck you?

I only care about personality

tbh tho some incels share photos on here that are terrible and would not get them any attention so maybe photomax is a thing

i fitnessmaxxed and photomaxxed by doing a nude mirror shot and cropping out my head. got matches. ran away after facepic tho

gutted :-/

i knew that was going to happen. still feelsbad tho

Casual sex is harder to get than real sex in long-term relationships. Why? Because women, for the most part, don't enjoy it. Women only orgasm in about 10% of casual sexual encounters. Given that casual sex is dangerous for women– the man fears ending the night in his own hand, the woman fears ending it in the hospital– most of them don't deem it worth the risk.

You guys idolize hookup culture and sex with strangers. Even people who can regularly get it, for the most part, would rather have long-term relationships.

Physical attraction matters, I'm not going to lie, but this nonsense around "canthal tilts" is absurd. Being good-looking gets you a first date, but personality matters after that. Elliot Rodger was good-looking but had a shit personality.

Honestly, when it comes to looks, you guys are way pickier than most women. And if you're so sure that you're a 3/10, then why do you insist on bagging an "HB8"?

hahahaha nice one

Given that casual sex is dangerous for women– the man fears ending the night in his own hand, the woman fears ending it in the hospital– most of them don't deem it worth the risk.

read up on evolution, your conclusion is not totally wrong but your reasoning is

I cannot disagree thut there is one lonephol. Cetain men know it well.

Uggo is face but the right bit, the kind of funny that keeps a crowd around him, easy goind, hides his resenment well

That negging buillshit means nothing but to birdains and even those girls won't sleep with you.

men will talk logic ALL day and get frustrated with women for operating how we do

Thank said, it is difficult to emolutate. It needs to be develope, young, with friends and family. Adult men will call this "smooth".

It is par for the course. #LadyBlackpill. inb4 no advice from, even when we rethe ones fuking them, desperate for them, and lyin up it. Until he is filthy rich. Then all bets are off. You only epxplain to the wife whose man is all of that AND attractive.

Ugly confident men who are proficient in their line of work hired chads and if they are rich enough, invite chad to play in the housefold.

No, it proves that you can't get casual sex on Tinder because of looks.

What dont understand is how good looking one has to be to get casual sex on Tinder or in any other place? Because I keep hearing that for casual sex, yes looks are pretty much all there is but for relationships there is way more so incels should stop complaining and start improving themselves so one day they can get into a relationships (and therfore implying they are not good looking enough to do the casual thing) but at the same time I keep hearing that incels are not ugly or that theyare even nice looking, Why they don´t succed getting casual sex then? How good looking one has to be? Is a "You have to be at the top 5%" thing or what?

You have to be like an 8 or above to get regular casual sex on Tinder. When people say incels aren't ugly, what they mean is that they are like 5 or 6, which is fine for getting casual sex in real life, if you have game. Incels deny that it exists, but it clearly does. One of the most successful people I know with women is like a 6-7/10 dude who is about 5'6 and chubby. He's banged countless hot women, including the hottest from where we went to high school. I imagine that he wouldn't do nearly as well on Tinder because he's just not that impressive looking.

Also, on Tinder, you not only have to be attractive but photogenic as well. They're not the same thing. Some people just don't look good in photos even though they're good looking in real life.

Where would you meet women irl anyway? inb4 you say school.

Bar, club, meetup, hobby, work, the street, through friends, etc.

I have an incel friend who doesn't identify as an incel, but he's 5'7 or so, African from Africa, and somewhat unconventional looking. 25 year old virgin, probably never kissed a girl. But, he approaches women on the street all the time. He gets dates. He just has piss poor social skills. I've been out with him and girls have hit on him and he didn't capitalize on it because he said "she's just drunk." He was out with a girl and the girl said "I was just thinking about your dick" and he didn't capitalize on it.

There are billions of people in the world, just because most people behave and think in a certain way doesn't mean shit. There's still plenty of disorder to take advantage of.

I have terrible self esteem. I had plastic surgery when I was 18. Sometimes I go out and everyone treats me like a fucking weirdo. The last girl I dated, I met one of her friends and her friend told her that she was too cute for me, when they had a second alone. Like, I'm unattractive enough for someone to comment on as soon as possible - still banged her friend though. But, occasionally a cute girl will be into me for whatever reason. I made out with a girl hours after meeting her a few weeks ago. I was just sitting with my friend at the bar and she started flirting with me. And, I didn't fuck her because I blew it with my...personality. Yep. I got clingy and defensive around other dudes who were hitting on her, or I got too drunk.

Bars/clubs are real life tinder. Meetup is area dependent but seems awkward anyway. Hobby/work again depends on the type of hobby and job. The street is probably the worst way. Through friends is the only legit suggestion but that depends highly on having friends who know females.

The real problem isn't that personality doesn't matter. It's that a good personality is just as hard to acquire as good looks

I agree.

Conclusion: it's over

So if you can't get casual sex, no point in working on yourself or being a decent person.

Incel philosophy in a nutshell.

who said that?

What dont understand is how good looking one has to be to get casual sex on Tinder or in any other place? Because I keep hearing that for casual sex, yes looks are pretty much all there is but for relationships there is way more so incels should stop complaining and start improving themselves so one day they can get into a relationships (and therfore implying they are not good looking enough to do the casual thing) but at the same time I keep hearing that incels are not ugly or that theyare even nice looking, Why they don´t succed getting casual sex then? How good looking one has to be? Is a "You have to be at the top 5%" thing or what? Because I personally don´t want a relationship and I am dying to start hooking up with girls, I also like how I look (and other people said the same to me) but I can´t reallly picture girls at the club or whatever thinking "oh yeah I want to fuck this guy"just by my looks you know? So is not only about looking good but also about looking in a certain way? If so in what way??

Confidence matters a lot. And part of it is knowing body language - some girls are just not nice. I really don’t recommend the club thing. If you want to start meeting girls, try something like It’ll give you time to work up some experience without putting you right in the line of fire.

True. Looks are all that matter on tinder.

? what?

So let me get this straight, you were told that on tinder you can't get anything if you are not handsome. Yet you still went there, trying to prove what?

hail satan

Just let me help you, at least take my words into consideration. Throw away your ego and act like you wanna act. Don't apologize for being yourself and don't beat yourself up for something you can't control. You were born for a reason but if you give up on life, Life will give up on you.


If that’s really what you want to believe, I feel sorry for you. I hope you find happiness.

Do you want to fuck all the Chads? After all, you think they are good looking guys.

No, I don't think they're good-looking; I just recognize that women think they're good-looking. I see the types of men women find hot and notice the patterns.

Besides, just liking a person's personality doesn't equate to wanting to fuck them.

Bingo. You have to find them physically attractive. That means ugly guys are out of luck.

What dont understand is how good looking one has to be to get casual sex on Tinder or in any other place? Because I keep hearing that for casual sex, yes looks are pretty much all there is but for relationships there is way more so incels should stop complaining and start improving themselves so one day they can get into a relationships (and therfore implying they are not good looking enough to do the casual thing) but at the same time I keep hearing that incels are not ugly or that theyare even nice looking, Why they don´t succed getting casual sex then? How good looking one has to be? Is a "You have to be at the top 5%" thing or what?

Ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Nothing I say is going to change your mind. I hope you find happiness some day

"Mistassini" and "rodgers" were not good looking guys by virtue of them not being sexually validated. thats the social proof for someone being attractive or not.

its easy for you to say: "well.... they werent bad looking." when they're dead and you dont have to act on that statement of attraction.

its no different than saying: "you're a great guy, but not for me". its merely virtue signalling, you dont actually consider them attractive. (albeit their murderous tendancy probably does something for you. :2)

Then you call me a “retard”? Because I challenge you to articulate yourself in any way besides trite, tired assertions that can be disproven with even a cursory attempt at logical thought?

no, i called you retard because you responded to "maybe if you actually lurked and read posts without immediately immediately replying" with "How can you consider me a lurker? I probably posted 30 times in this thread."

you are definitely mentally handicapped - you're lucky you're a girl or else this world would be very cruel to you.