Evolutionary biologist talks about inceldom in animals, drops redpill: "compared with men, incel women are exceedingly rare"

86  2018-05-13 by NoNefariousness6


Do you remember the vicious van attack in Toronto?

Yeah, I think I have a vague recollection of the aforementioned event which spawned a massive Twitterstorm and countless articles.

Didn't it happen some time back in late April 2018?

Damn, I think I have some of the news covering it recorded on my VHS tapes! I wonder if my player still works

Of all living things, the human species is undoubtedly the most liberated from biological constraints and imperatives

lol wut. He writes like 2000 words about how humans are naturally polygynous, then at the end just... handwaves the entire problem(putting square peg in a around hole, read: monogamy in a naturally polygynous species) away?

I know you're walking on thin ice here David, but come on.

It's like this with any article with an uncomfortable truth. For example there could be an article stating that alcohol is bad for your health even moderate levels of alcohol consumption are linked with increased health risks, then the very last sentence of the article will be to drink alcohol in moderation.

He has to be politically correct or else they wouldn't allow him to publish this info on a mainstream psychological website.

He has to pander to his audience (homo sapiens).

If he just laid out the truth, people would be furious. "We aren't animals, even though we are! Stop classifying us and dehumanizing us!"

Imagine getting paid for bullshitting.

The author doesn’t mention that beta elephant seals will often try to rape females when the alpha seal is sleeping or busy.

Same with baboons and other polygamous mammals where there is sexual dimorphism.

Humans are better than that though.

They're not rare. Rare implies that it exists.

Female incels DO NOT EXIST.

He has to acknowledge their "existence" or he'll get inundated with shrieking from post-wall roasties who think they're incel because they can't get Chad

Always upvote scientific blackpills, this is the best way to blackpill normies and break the conditioning.

“One-eighth of young adults in the UK are virgins”

So 25% of young men are virgins then. Prepare for social upheaval liberals.

More like 12%of men and .5% of women