“It’s a hookup app”
143 2018-05-13 by azucel
So what? So you’re telling me its okay for women to tell us we can’t get sex because we’re “””misogynists””” but its okay for them to fuck someone with a misogynistic bio because “tinder is just a hookup app” fuck that
1 AbuIncelAlAustrali 2018-05-13
They then tell us it's because of our personality we can't get laid. I really find it astounding that they are this stupid.
1 Mr-Mercedes- 2018-05-13
IT and normie cucks always say that when it comes to hook-ups or casual sex, females prioritize looks and put personality on the back burner. It's almost a given that they'll use this argument any time someone does a Tinder experiment where the guy acts like an arrogant, misogynistic, prick. But hey, guess what it is that incels cannot get? Lol, casual fucking sex or hook-ups. As soon as we bring up the fact that we can't even get casual sexual partners and have zero success on Tinder or other mainstream dating apps, normies will turn right around and say it's our personality to blame.
1 Mr-Mercedes- 2018-05-13
IT and normie cucks always say that when it comes to hook-ups or casual sex, females prioritize looks and put personality on the back burner. It's almost a given that they'll use this argument any time someone does a Tinder experiment where the guy acts like an arrogant, misogynistic, prick, yet gets lots of girls' phone numbers, and of course the girls appear happy chatting him up and are very anxious to fuck him. But hey, guess what it is that incels cannot get? Lol, casual fucking sex and hook-ups. As soon as we bring up the fact that we can't even get casual sexual partners and have zero success on Tinder or other mainstream dating apps, normies will turn right around and say it's our personality to blame.
1 MajPeppers 2018-05-13
Yeah, that is until you actually go out and notice that some really sexy (handsome, w/e word) men struggle with getting laid and some really homely men get laid left and right.
I have one VERY homely friend in particular who's charm and personality alone have gotten him in bed with multiple women, and yes I was jealous.
Just some food for thought.
1 EverythingIsSoSincur 2018-05-13
Or you just suck at judging male looks.
1 MajPeppers 2018-05-13
Idk man, a hunchback, with a right side dominant slouch, a face that looks like he's had multiple strokes...i mean, would you call that objectively beautiful?
1 Moist___ 2018-05-13
Kek, you're full of shit. Every normie on this fucking site has a disfigured/ugly as fuck friend yet I've seen very few disfigured people in my life and online.
1 MajPeppers 2018-05-13
I mean I could I could link a pic? But, when people get it in their head that anyone who doesn't agree with them is lying, you can't really change their mind. You sound as jaded and dense as a flat earth creationist
1 Moist___ 2018-05-13
Link it. Show me proof
1 nerocon 2018-05-13
link it to me too.I need life fuel right now
1 harambeazn 2018-05-13
now hes quiet haha
1 sailorgangordie 2018-05-13
I think normie makes project their preference for personality into women and assume they feel the same way.
Like men are willing to date any woman they are friends with because we care about personality when it comes to attraction while women can like your personality enough to be friends with you and STILL not have sex with you because you don't meet her looks standards. This is why the friendzone exists.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-13
Hookup app suggests anyone other than Chad is hooking up. For anyone else it’s a desperate attempt at fishing.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-13
Friendly reminder that the 80% below average, the looks/personality graph, that all came from OKCupid, NOT Tinder
1 bcat124 2018-05-13
When you tell them that, they push the bar even further and say all online dating is bad lol. Their denial has no bounds
1 EverythingIsSoSincur 2018-05-13
And if you tell them you get nothing but rejections at clubs, they say that clubs are terrible places to meet women because the women there are only looking for casual sex.
1 nicerstoragebag 2018-05-13
In other words, avoid trying to get sex is what they tell incels.
1 retsamyob 2018-05-13
dating is 99% online dating these days
1 Cynicalduckie 2018-05-13
Literally the truth is they are hooking up,with all the players and mysognistic fuckbois. Even if the guy isn’t one after she decides she rather see another two guys while dating a blue pilled normie, they turn the blue pilled into a fuckboi as well cause he realises it’s only way to get laid. It’s worse for us currycels looking at my white chads tinder full of 100 plus women all willing to be a fuck toy for a night while screaming I hate fuck bois in public. I honestly have given up on the state of relationships atm. It seems women can change this but would rather sample the goods of fuck bois in private using tinder and act all pure in public but don’t realise guys are bragging to each other the level of sexual deviance that they experiencing with them, and it’s showing what we incels have already said that women treat men who treat them like nothing special but a route as the top tier and us who respect women and would treat one right as the hateful lot and the playboys are loving it.
1 VoidPillz 2018-05-13
I think someone should make a tinder app where guys can simply bid on dating girls.
I think this will black pill the fuck out of everyone including chad when a dollar value is used to represent the imbalance.
Suddenly wealth can now be used to get sex again, looks aren't the ONLY commodity, and boom we're back with fully functioning clean glorious patriarchy.
1 Madeon929 2018-05-13
Yeah, that’s a hyper BLACKPILL but, it makes sense because, that’s how the AF/BB concept works anyway.
1 multifunctionaudio 2018-05-13
Mark Zuckerberg actually blackpilled Harvard roasties back before he started Facebook with that website that asked which roastie is hotter
1 harambeazn 2018-05-13
that guy is incel as hell
1 MistakenMay 2018-05-13
Does anyone know what happened to that project?
Did he end up getting thousands of guys to rate thousands of girls? Did he determine who's the hottest/ugliest woman on campus?
The college threatened to expel Zucc if he didn't shut it down, so he did.
1 sailorgangordie 2018-05-13
Is Zuckerberg /ourjew/?
1 starraven 2018-05-13
It’s called prostitution and there are many websites that do this. You can try Craigslist and “bid” on women there. Have fun!
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-13
The personals were shut down a few weeks ago, Grampa.
1 starraven 2018-05-13
Oh no’s, now the whole internet must be shut down too!
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-13
It's just frogs memes and porn anyway.
1 GymcellingisCope1 2018-05-13
Internet in a nutshell.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-13
Really, what else does one need nowadays??
1 Old_Edge77 2018-05-13
i have the knowledge to make such website (not app), but prerry sure thats illegal because its prostitution basicalky
1 VoidPillz 2018-05-13
It wouldn't because there's no promise of sex. Just 'dating'.
1 hello_from_themoon 2018-05-13
Are you stupid? Stacy will just go to a 'date' with indian guy for hundreds of dollars, do the minimum, collect the pay, drive to chad's with some extra food to get railed.
and nobody will be 'blackpilled' or anything. everybody knows that attractive women can get paid for having sex or for giving men companionship.
1 imadethistoshitpostt 2018-05-13
Thank you for tearing down this pitiful cope.
1 kahungas 2018-05-13
This is essentially sugar babies.
1 MistakenMay 2018-05-13
There's a sub for that too.
1 whatwasthatcat 2018-05-13
Yea except that wouldn't work because when girls are young they choose chad cock over money. AF/BB. Non-chads can already get sex by paying for it through beta provider marriage or sugar babies.
1 jewishsupremacist88 2018-05-13
there is a site like this; whatsyourprice.com
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-13
Was looking for someone who posted this otherwise was going to post it myself. Also owned by the guy who owns seekingarrangement.com.
1 jewishsupremacist88 2018-05-13
yeah dude. its fucking garbage and no girls are on there looking to fuck. lots of stacys on SA sucking that cock for shekels
1 MistakenMay 2018-05-13
So.. it's backpage?
1 jewishsupremacist88 2018-05-13
yeah except it isnt full of junkies and dow on their luck girls..its stacys trying to pay off their student loans
1 MistakenMay 2018-05-13
I refuse to believe 2 million people are on that website.
1 jewishsupremacist88 2018-05-13
SA has 2 million men, 8 millon girls. the odds are in your favor
1 Plagerising 2018-05-13
I thought this sub cries when people tell you to just get a prostitute
1 JamesLucratif 2018-05-13
This is a great idea. I know a Jew who could help fund it
We shall call it...
It's ovaries
1 VoidPillz 2018-05-13
50% divorce rate and massive amounts of sexless marriages where women mysteriously get headaches when the guy is horny.
1 MistakenMay 2018-05-13
1 VoidPillz 2018-05-13
Bit of a marketing failure. I've never heard of this. We need an app that takes off like tinder does. (Has paid reviews on CNN/facebook ads 'the new hottest thing' 'look selena gomez is doing it'.. etc.
This is how we fuck society.
1 MistakenMay 2018-05-13
Not gonna happen, since people will link it to prostitution.
1 runawaybeok 2018-05-13
1 ufo_abductee 2018-05-13
Wtf are you even talking about
1 azucel 2018-05-13
lurk more
1 keyswitcher87 2018-05-13
Yes, that's okay.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
get cancer
1 rovad_ 2018-05-13
Lol now if only we could get more people to be this honest , society would die in 10 years
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-13
Thanks for the honesty, most lurkers don't even give us that.
1 the_left_is_stupid 2018-05-13
Tinder is not a hookup app, it’s a dating app. Dating is inclusive of hooking up, but not all dating is casual hookups.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
If you don’t think tinder is a hookup app you are naive sory m8
1 [deleted] 2018-05-13
1 the_left_is_stupid 2018-05-13
Plenty get into long term relationships thanks to Tinder. Myself included.
1 Angry__Jonny 2018-05-13
It's dating, some people hookup, some get into long term relationships. Just because you're crying about not getting pussy of course you're going to assume everyone only is in it to fuck. Get a life dude.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
No faggot its because they suddenly throw away all their standards and expectations for behaviour when it comes to hookups which is fucking retarded just gtfo
1 Angry__Jonny 2018-05-13
Dude i've used tinder, and other dating sites. Girls and guys both have standards, what are you talking about. I don't understand this sub, so you guys are pissed you cant get laid? But you sit here and call females whores and sluts just because they have sex with people? You are extremely delusional. Stop being so hateful and negative, focus on bettering yourself, and you'll find a girl. People are allowed to fuck whoever they want, they doesn't make them a slut or whore. Get over yourself dude, you guys need mental help.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
If you don’t get my post you need to fucking #LURK MORE
1 Angry__Jonny 2018-05-13
Trying to help you out. You're never gonna get anywhere doing this shit to yourself man. Dig yourself out of this hole.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
its too late for me my life is over
1 Angry__Jonny 2018-05-13
No it's not dude. If you want help there are so many resources, if you wanna sit and cry and circle jerk with this sub go for it. You wont get anywhere following the bullshit this sub pushes. Sub to malefashionadvice, seduction, gaintit, brogress. Read, learn, improve. Or sit here and feel sorry for yourself with these guys.
1 Fogfroof 2018-05-13
Can you be a bigger faggot than this guy?
1 EverythingIsSoSincur 2018-05-13
Studies show women rate 80+% of all men as below medium in attractiveness. With men, it's only 50%. Do the math you fucking moron.
Women have ABSURD standards.
1 Angry__Jonny 2018-05-13
I'm sure I fall in that below medium category too yet I haven't had trouble. Are you gonna bitch and whine about it your whole life or make an effort to improve your life.
1 EverythingIsSoSincur 2018-05-13
Look at all these nu age-influenced retards. ~sigh~
1 AquarianScientist 2018-05-13
I’ve dated multiple people via Tinder. One wanted a LTR, another wanted LT FWB w room to develop into more. It’s not just sex and “hookups”.
1 lonely_suicidal_cel 2018-05-13
1 genericpajeet 2018-05-13
It's a hookup app.
If I use a picture of a model or really gl person and ask girls if they wanna fuck they almost always agree, even the most innocent seeming of girls want to fuck chad models. Meanwhile if I use my own pictures I barely even get matches and the ones I do match with unmatch if I try to speak with them.
Fuck off cuck.
1 coke_and_rum 2018-05-13
Honestly I understand why Islam is the way that it is. Female sex instincts should be tamed. As should men's.
1 auto-warmbeer 2018-05-13
I hate Christianity but Christianity >> Islam, especially in this regard. One man per woman is just so obvious I can't believe my father's generation abandoned it so blindly.
1 BeforeTheStormz 2018-05-13
99% of Muslims are monogamous historically. I don't get why this matters to you.
1 Angry__Jonny 2018-05-13
People should be allowed to do whatever they want with their bodies. What do you mean tamed...c'mon man.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-13
1 rovad_ 2018-05-13
Sadly the fact is that we would not be where we are today if that were the thought from the start. Its easy to say so now when we live in the apex of capitalism, but we only got to this point through enforced monogamy.
1 Angry__Jonny 2018-05-13
So you guys thinks it's ok to tell a women who she should have sex with and marry?
1 rovad_ 2018-05-13
No not saying that, but you have to realize that had it been this way from the beginning, you wouldnt have a smartphone to type that reply on. Its a tough thing to admit, but think about it a little deeper than hurr durr free choice is obvious.
1 takeyourfill 2018-05-13
that is a reach.
1 rovad_ 2018-05-13
Not a reach at all. The advancement of today would not exist if were polygamous and a small minority of males reproduced. This to me is common sense.
1 -SpinxS 2018-05-13
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-13
And that's how societies fall apart... Sad, but ironically your liberal paradise will lead to another patriarchal revolution when those feminists who fucked chads throughout their youth and don't have children because of their careers die off and the only people having kids are muslims and mormons
1 dontcomplain1 2018-05-13
Bro ngl you need to be attractive for tinder to use it as hookup app tbh
1 Moist___ 2018-05-13
Real shit
1 KarlEss 2018-05-13
It's because they are lying.
1 Tha_Crock 2018-05-13
Women for some reason think their sex life is completely disconnected from their normal life. They preach against toxic masculinity, yet sexually reward it.
1 celaway1696 2018-05-13
And those same cunts insists that it's impossible for us incels to have a normal life completely disconnected from the shitposting we do anonymously.
1 literallyarealperson 2018-05-13
All women care about is looks.
1 horsehasnosense 2018-05-13
I had somewhat food looks but women abandon me b cause of personality and lifestyle. You need both.
1 MyGrumpyVag 2018-05-13
Men have been doing the same for a long time, it's just now women arent being publicly shamed for being slutty.
Turns out many people if both sexes want to fuck around with sexy people in their early twenties, and then settle for relationship material later on.
Is it shitty behaviour? Maybe. But at least now you know which women to avoid, right?
1 Tha_Crock 2018-05-13
All women are like that.
The issue isn't that women are attracted to looks, the issue is they lie about it.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-13
If only it was just women lying about it.
1 Tha_Crock 2018-05-13
I've never in my life heard a man lie about what he finds attractive. Meanwhile, almost every woman lies about not liking your typical Chad, yet they fantasize about men like that.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-13
I mean the society in general(men and women) lie about what women find attractive
1 MyGrumpyVag 2018-05-13
Yeah it probably seems like all women are like that and lie about it, but in reality that's just not the case.
In womens forums you see women say "all men are assholes", "all men just want sex", or "all men are players." Are all men like that though? No.
The shitty people are just the ones you hear about the most and are the most outspoken online. And shitty people tend to be liars. I remember being much younger and men looking to bang would absolutely lie and say they were looking for a relationship to get you then drop you once he has had his fill.
1 horsehasnosense 2018-05-13
It’s the irony of women ignoring meek men who won’t be likely to hurt them, and dating aggressive men who are more likely to abuse them and then complaining when they do.
1 retsamyob 2018-05-13
it's like those feminists who think that having a guy piss in their mouth has no effect on whether he respects her
1 GiraffeMasturbater 2018-05-13
You're clueless.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
A+ rebuttle how will I ever recover
1 GiraffeMasturbater 2018-05-13
If you ever do.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
retard alert
1 GiraffeMasturbater 2018-05-13
You're the one generalizing different people of a gender then criticizing that generalization for contradicting itself. That's one helluva strawman you got going there, chief.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-13
Yes, because wymyn act so differently IRL.
1 GiraffeMasturbater 2018-05-13
No, because not all people are identical and behave in the exact same way.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-13
Wymyn tend to like more attractive guys, it's OK.
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-13
A few people try to advise incels but they don't listen...
1 changeIsTheWay 2018-05-13
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-13
I met lots of women in tinder, some of them were genuinely looking for long term partners and no ONS at all. It just happens that they were looking for HANDSOME partners, no uggos allowed.
1 IphisTelethousas 2018-05-13
Anything less than a lifetime commitment you aren't supposed to be wanting anyways when you're incel.
So much advice tries to impress some Puritan value system onto us that the poster would never accept for themselves.
1 michaelochurch 2018-05-13
You guys do understand that a few women with disgusting tastes in men do not represent cause to slam the whole gender, right?
The vast majority of women are not attracted to misogynistic psychopaths. Trust me on that. A few are, just as some men will orbit terrible women either out of desperation or psychological weakness, but they're not the norm. But, can I say one thing? Becoming (more of) a misogynistic psychopath is not going to help you. It does not work like that. And why do you want anything to do with the sorts of women who'd write love letters to Scott Peterson?
1 EverythingIsSoSincur 2018-05-13
A few? Hahahaha.
1 Plagerising 2018-05-13
The other thing is this entire discussion is based on screenshots of tinder convos. Not everyone uses tinder and I feel like tinder tends to attract a certain type of people
1 -SpinxS 2018-05-13
chris brown? meeks? all these misogynistic rappers?
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-13
You're right, the only thing that matters is LOOKS.
1 michaelochurch 2018-05-13
Not really. As long as you're decent looking and take care of yourself, women don't care that much about it. You see average-looking guys with hot women all the time. Sure, there are some women out there who are superficial, but with 2.5 billion adult women in the world, you're bound to find everything.
1 rovad_ 2018-05-13
In other words, looks are all that matters lol
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-05-13
1 hirayama_ronin 2018-05-13
And yet #metoo slams men across the board. Women are allowed to make generalizations, while men are forced by feminism to be specific.
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-13
Why should I trust you? I've seen it with my very eyes women love abusive men
Hell my ex wanted me to hit her
1 BeforeTheStormz 2018-05-13
People dropping by standards to sleep with a hot person? Who would have knew.
Shit doesnt matter if that one female soccer player was domestically abusive to her ex. If y'all thought you had a chance you would have went for it.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
into the trash it goes
1 BeforeTheStormz 2018-05-13
Being a grammar nazi doesn't help your argument 😂
Dude in the photo looks better than the girls you screenshot. Of course there gonna try to get laid.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
its not a grammar nazi thing you fucking newfag WHERE DID ALL TJESE NEWFAgs come FROM
1 ChromeHomeDome 2018-05-13
There’s nothing grammatically wrong with y’all, just that we have had a recent influx of outsiders using y’all in their comments.
1 BeforeTheStormz 2018-05-13
I've always used the word since it's common in the Midwest. But it's become more common online overall. Blame the guys from Kentucky. The way they say it is infectious
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-13
But I thought personality > all
1 NewLoadsOfFun 2018-05-13
Why not, I could easily kick a female soccer player's ass if she tried to beat me
1 ItsOkToBeBlack 2018-05-13
I see a bunch of landwhales tho bru. Katie thinks she's entitled to chad smh, and I guess she is.
1 Ryzasu 2018-05-13
They most likely still think they are special snowflakes because they think the bio is not talking about them
1 ToastyNuts1747 2018-05-13
Showed this to my mate and she thinks A) Hes not that good looking for her and B) Hes a cunt and she wouldn't like him.
1 Fogfroof 2018-05-13
C.) Whats funny is you actually believed her.
1 ToastyNuts1747 2018-05-13
I mean, she's one of my closest mates, she wouldn't lie about it.
1 azucel 2018-05-13
“showed it to this girl i orbit” LUL
1 ToastyNuts1747 2018-05-13
How do you mean? We were watching netflix and I showed her, hardly orbitting.
1 sailorgangordie 2018-05-13
You are orbiting her though. If she started kissing you and took off her shirt/bra and offered to suck your dick you would say yes, I bet my fucking life on it.
If she really cared about personality she'd be dating YOU because she obviously likes your personality enough to hang out with you all the time but your LOOKS are not up to her standard so she will never fuck you.
1 ToastyNuts1747 2018-05-13
Nah nothings happening there, definetly wouldnt say yes to that. Way too much of a close mate for me to want that. Theres also a difference between a friends personality and the personality of who you fancy. Dont get me wrong, looks matter, but shes literally a virgin because she wants a great personality, even tho she constantly has chads hitting on her.
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-13
lmao she'd fuck you in a second if you looked like that
1 ToastyNuts1747 2018-05-13
Probably not, shes a virgin.
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-13
I'll bet
1 ToastyNuts1747 2018-05-13
Whats that supposed to mean? 😂
1 yomommani88a 2018-05-13
Cha'd Cope LMAO
1 lovestillvalid 2018-05-13
It is.
she is with his becuase hes attractive. furthmore, more often than not, those men are posing hard as fuck for other men. They are the biggest pussicats in front of women.
1 BeforeTheStormz 2018-05-13
Being a grammar nazi doesn't help your argument 😂
Dude in the photo looks better than the girls you screenshot. Of course there gonna try to get laid.
1 MajPeppers 2018-05-13
Yeah, that is until you actually go out and notice that some really sexy (handsome, w/e word) men struggle with getting laid and some really homely men get laid left and right.
I have one VERY homely friend in particular who's charm and personality alone have gotten him in bed with multiple women, and yes I was jealous.
Just some food for thought.
1 starraven 2018-05-13
Oh no’s, now the whole internet must be shut down too!
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-13
It's just frogs memes and porn anyway.
1 MistakenMay 2018-05-13
Not gonna happen, since people will link it to prostitution.
1 keyandfeels 2018-05-13
I'll bet