My cat died, I'm sad

104  2018-05-13 by jallenpreserve

My cat passed away one week ago due to cancer. My parents didn't tell me until yesterday because I had finals in college.

When I heard the news, I was kind of just surprised and continued on with my day. However after everyone in my house went to sleep, I started looking through the pictures and videos I've taken with her and the memories came flooding back. When I felt out of place in school, she would always get along with me. When I would sleep over at my parents house because I didn't have a social life with norms in college, I would wake up with her purring next to me. When I wanted to LDAR, she would meow super cute and get me out of bed to play with her. I don't cry easily but long story short I ended up sobbing like a bitch.

I feel bad that I didn't get to tell her goodbye or get any pictures of our last moments. On the other hand, I know she lived a great life and I'll never forget her.

I've been on incels/braincels for about a year now, but slowly I've been escaping and reaching normie status through things such as looksmaxing, surgerycel, etc. I guess her death brought me right back to this place. Some of the memories I've had with her rather than with humans are experiences that only you guys truly can understand and relate with. Cats are legit awesome creatures, total life fuel.


My sympathies. I'm glad you had the time together and have a lot of fond memories, but it's hard losing a beloved pet.

Back in college i had a beautiful black cat He lived with us for almost 2 years He was awesome and smart We did not neuter him because We thought it was inhumane took him with us for summer vacation We rented a nice beach house where He met a female pussy lurking around. after that He went AWOL. I miss the little fucker I hope he had great life

he slayed and had a great life doing so

Cats are disloyal.

Your cat loved you more than any femoid ever would. human foids are incapable of tru love.

ancient egyptians worshipped cats and I understand why, but you just know there were some bully egyptian chads that made fun of them for liking cats so much

I will pray to St. Blackops2cel for your cat's soul. He loves all animals and incels dearly.

Amen brother.

Motion to have this guys cat to forever be known on this sub as a disciple of St. Blackops2cel.

What was your cat called?

I'm not OP. My cat is still alive and I call him "B"

Crap. I meant to hit reply to the sub not to yours haha, stupid me/mobile site

I wish B a long and good life, either way :)

We should form an incel senate. I support the motion.

Praise Be Upon Him.

He loves all animals

even femoids?

No, not femoid.

of coursenot

I’m sorry OP. My cat is going through the same thing right now (she’s pretty much been my best friend all throughout college whilst being pretty lonely) and I keep finding new tumors on her. Not looking forward to it but I will probably have to put her down in the next few weeks.

It’s never easy and it never gets easier. Pets are just too damn good for this world. You have my deepest sympathies.


Cats are awesome. It's hard to lose them.

Use the memory of her as strength to keep your life on track and ascend. If you were somewhat nearer or at least happier you owe her that much. Nobody truly wants to be here.

Yeah. Whenever you LDAR or stuffs going south, just think "(cats name) wouldn't take this shit!" and get back out there and kick ass.

My sympathies dude. Rest in peace (cats name)

my cat is a tortoiseshell cat, she's bitchy and i love it

I'll enjoy every minutes i get to spend with my cat in the honor of your former friend. Stay strong buddy

I'll enjoy every minutes i get to spend with my cat in the honor of your former friend. Stay strong buddy


Get a new one asap tho, if ur not ur missing out

And we care why exactly

Meancel :(

lucky cat tbh. I wish I died instead of your cat. win-win.

Get a dog, dogs are loyal. Cats don't give a shit about humans. The only reason your cat doesn't eat you is because he knows he's physically too small to achieve that goal.

And that you are an easy endless supply of food for not walking away..

Don't be a cunt, this is not the place.

My dog passed 2 days ago also because of cancer,I know how it feels.

cats are legit most cucked animals. cats resemble women, they think they own your house, see you as purely food provider, have no loyalty and shit/piss all over the place.

unlike loyal controllable honorable dogs.

bros before hoes, dogs before cats.

My cat has never gone outside the litter box in 6 years.

I have two cats this shit is too real nigga

I want to get myself a dog, but I'm scared of shit like this.

Do it. Animals dull the pain of life.

Sad thing. The cat I inherited from my suicided ex has stopped eating and drinking and no doubt will require her own overdose later today.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I understand how hard it can be to lose a pet, especially when they pass suddenly.

You'll see each other again at the base of the rainbow bridge.

Dude, I’m sorry to hear that. Cats are pretty great.

I'm sorry, losing a beloved Pat is rough

We are all born to die. The thought of my cat dying is too horrible to contemplate, but it will happen. All I can do is love and provide for her while she's here.


It was a female roastie cat who gives a fuck?

maybe consider getting another cat ?


Do it. Animals dull the pain of life.