the height blackpill. how i've worked on improving for years but being 5'5 is a straight up disqualifier.

42  2018-05-13 by arabmanlet1997


Woah is that you



True. Quite sad tbh.


Even Chadlet gets laid. Chadlets are going extinct as female standards get increasingly higher.

Chadlets are slowly becoming invisible in women's eyes

Chad if on tinder without stating his height, chadlite coz of the height, still can't believe he can't get at least average girl, must be a troll

lol i wish i was a troll.

how many 5'5 guys have you seen with girls that were 6/10+? my standards arent crazy high either. my only preference is that they arent fat (not a double standard, they have control over that). even then theres plenty of chubby girls that have rejected me

I believe you. You're really facially good looking, you'd be a slayer if you were 6ft

I knew two short guys as good looking as you who did slay, but they were status-maxxxxxed to the point of being local celebrities. Literally party goes wherever they go type dudes

I'm not sure how short 5'5 is though, maybe they were taller

Nice NWA poster BTW, university poster sale? I had the same one.

I just want to add that being arab has 0% to do with your celness, you've got an aesthetic as fuck face and skin tone that MOGS nordcels. It's pretty much 100% your height

So they lived in a small town?

And yep, many arab men are sexy af according to femoids

i have a short friend thats 5 6 that looksmaxxes hard as you, and he ended up dating this cute tall girl (i believe she was like 5 10 or something) whos into art and fashion. thing is, he doesn't really succeed with the stacy demographic despite his good looks (hes basically a manlet half asian version of nick bateman) , so he aims for different tiers of girls.

You are definitely not gay. /s

Cuck detected

Damn it’s over

my story:

i've never been one to sit around and mope all day so when i hit 18 after having gone through high school a gf-less virgin I decided it was time for things to change.

i already had lots of aspects of my life sorted. i had gotten into medical school straight out of high school and lifted weights regularly (somewhat lazily though). in undergrad i started taking lifting and diet more seriously, grew a beard, found a hairstyle that worked for me and started dressing nicer. you know, all the normie advice.

i had friends in hs, wasnt never bullied or anything like that but wasn't the most popular kid either. i read How to Win Friends and started applying it in uni. i worked very hard on being an interesting and sociable person and now have a close group of male friends who i see regularly and have a real and genuine connection with.

the problem:

one aspect of my life always seemed to give me trouble and i couldn't seem to understand why. dating and girls. what seemed effortless for my taller white friends seemed like a massive challenge for me. even though i'm posting on braincels you have to take my word for it: i'm not autistic. i'm still not the biggest social charmer in the world but i like to consider myself a good conversationalist.

eventually i figured it out. you are literally invisible to women if you are a manlet. when i'm out and i approach women, they don't react to me with disgust or anything of the sort. most will have a nice conversation with me. most will oblige in giving me their number. but i will tell you now: no matter what approach i take (nice guy personality vs assertive and taking lead), none of them will fuck me.

why would they? there's no shortage of 6ft tall white guys where i live. being short is an automatic disqualifier. it's a signal that you can't provide women with the security or safety they want. you can lift all the weights in the world (i am a competitive state powerlifter) and get as big as possible, but a man the same height as most 14yr old boys is not going to get any panties wet.

if you are 6ft+ here: be grateful. even if you have an ugly face, there are women out there who will get with you just because you are tall. standard normie advice (lift, dress well, work on social skills) MAY actually work for you. but it will never get me a girl hotter than a 4


At least you can bets bux with that doctor money. Jk don't be a cuck, only hope escortcelling

It really sucks but everything in your life seems decent apart from that aspect so kudos for not letting the foid destroy you.

Maybe I can help. What country d you live in and what kind of women do you go for?

Can you fuck off attention seeking, posting naked selfies like a stacy, start an instagram or gay pornhub account if you're thristy dumb slut.

i wonder if this might work tho for him. i notice this sub is FLOODED with roasties. they seem to hate that we exist but also can't help themselves from coming here. a decent lookin normie putting his pic up could get some chubbys.

lol how about thinking for a second before being a toxic piece of shit.

the point of this post is obviously that ive worked hard to improve my looks and the shirtless photo was proof of that. i came here to vent because everything i do never seems to be enough and the one thing i dont have control over (my height) is what defines me the most. its a common struggle and i know a lot of guys here are short and can relate.

No you're attention seeking like a common ho, this behaviour should not be rewarded. You just look a fool, cover yourself up, you want to show off for being gymcel, that's THE REAL point of this post.

This post disproves the narrative that we're all obese basement dwelling neckbeards. It's a good thing for looksmaxxed incels to post about their experiences.

We don't need any more gamblers, stop encouraging this fakecel shit

Dude he's not a fakecel. You need to open your eyes: women are so shallow.....that even guys like this can't find love just because of the size of their bones.

I can't believe you are denying his experience just because you like how he looks. I look similar, but being 5'3 is a fucking death sentence because of how women value men. He is literally validating everything we talk about here, he is proof of how far hypergamy has gone, proof of how shallow women have become.

Truecel don't post pics, gtfo

God damn, someone's jealous.

I body, height and face mog this ethnick manlet failed normie nude bitch boy who wants incel DICK

Right, buddy, right.

Lookism agrees, so btfo

Imagine being two inches shorter while your dad and brother have 6 inches on you..

6.0 inches = 15.2 centimetres.

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the point of this post is obviously that ive worked hard to improve my looks

lol. You gymceled a bit. You didn't work to improve your face, you got lucky. Shame height fucked you over. The genes giveth and the genes taketh away.

I guess this isn’t really relevant, but I’m gonna guess you live in Australia? In particular Melbourne or Sydney?

Dude you are attractive and you don't seem like having big mental issues. Pm me if you wish tips. I am not that tall either and i have friends around your height who do kinda fine.

but a much bigger part of it is purely biological

Actually, alot of it is sociocultural. I dare claim most of it is sociocultural.

Hey, AnarchistPermavirgin, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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You're a white passing Chaddam and a medstudent. Go for some short ethnics foids.

If you are the man in the pic and you don’t fuck that’s on you

i'm sure at least some of the challenge is mental. being short makes me insecure which influences how i act yada yada.

"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."

You're an intelligent man, how do you explain all the 5'5 men who get girlfriends without doing half of what you are doing and without looking half as good as you?

I'll tell you a story. My first boyfriend was 5'5 chubby, poor, had bad style, did poorly in school, had terrible life habits and had a worse face than yours. He was the first guy I had sex with and I continuously slept with him for the two years we dated until he dumped me. I also helped him with school, helped him with his life, and I did a ton of cute romantic things for him. We met in normal circumstances through being friends in real life.

I'm not a Stacy, but I was 18% body fat, much fitter than him, I came from a richer family, and I was more successful than him with school, jobs and other activities. I'm 5'6 by the way.

How can you seriously blame your height? That guy who was my first boyfriend, he had other girlfriends after me, he's in a serious relationship now, and he's still poorer than ever and he's still dating up.

My second boyfriend? 5'7 at most, also poorer than me, also dumped me and found another girlfriend easily. You're delusional if you think height stops you.

>tfw Tom Cruise is 5'8\

hes 5 7 , zac is 5 8



How can you seriously blame your height?

OP is looking for reasons. He settled on height. Do you think you, knowing thing about his life, have a better theory?

If he said no girl liked him because of a kink in his intestine, we'd call him crazy. But we all know height is a thing. So don't act as if it couldn't be the reason.

It cannot be height.

Let's say a dwarf posted here and said, I'm too short to get a good job.

Would you reply, but I know a dwarf who got a job, so it can't be your height! It cannot be height.

Of course it can be height.

The difficulty short men experience in dating doesn't magically disappear because one short man you know got laid, any more than the employment difficulties dwarfs collectively experience disappears because Peter Dinklage is in Avengers: Infinity War.

It's not one. It's all my short friends.

You didn't respond to my illustration, so I'm not going to respond to you.

You make could points but they're all anecdotal. Generally women don't care for short men.

I'm short myself 5'6". Similar to this guy. I am also rather attractive too. Have a ripped body, very fit and successful financially. However I have found someone and have 2 beautiful children with her. Regardless my story is anecdotal.

What isnt anecdotal is what I have also experienced throughout my life. My height has always been an insecurity of mine as with most short men. It's not just women It's everything. It's harder to interact in the world where all your peers are taller than you. Your not taken seriously, your patronized all the time as if your are child, and landing a job is harder.

I get by by making little jokes making it seem my height is normal. For example I call tall people (or people of normal height) beanstalks or giraffes. It makes them and myself chuckle a bit. I advise this person to do the same. Own your height it can be a style not a curse.

I guarantee you my first boyfriend never had any hung ups about his 5'5 height. I knew him from the age of 12 before everyone had growth spurs. Him and my second boyfriend (5'7) never made any reference to being short, no one every pointed out they were short, I'm 5'6 and I never knew they were short while I dated them. Not every short man suffers or cares.

I agree not every short man suffers in terms of dating (myself for example) but there is definately something in their lives that is hindered due to their height. Again your claims are still anecdotal.

You seem like a nice person. I wouldn't waste my time with these dudes tbh. Even OP seems to be set in his mindset and you being female probably just gives them fuel.

You probably meant


-not definately

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Hey, Defiantly_Not_A_Bot, just a quick heads-up:
definately is actually spelled definitely. You can remember it by -ite- not –ate-.
Have a nice day!

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Hey, Dickyknee85, just a quick heads-up:
definately is actually spelled definitely. You can remember it by -ite- not –ate-.
Have a nice day!

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tldr verision: dumb phaggot failed normie bought into the gymcelling meme and now wants compliments from incels since said manlet phaggot can't get them from women

Also this mean SHIT unless you post your face without light frauding and hiding lower third, but we know you won't do that

Fuck dude, you look good and except for height u pretty much got everything. Dont know what to say but i am sure other people have tips

Dude, I used to be a ripped manlet too but a couple years ago I had a revelation that only fags and 'mirin bros gave a shit about muscle. Because I'm not really interested in getting into fistfights or competitive athletics, I quit weightlifting and started eating whatever I want. I still do a bit of HIIT and tricking for the heart and neurogenesis benefits but it's stupid to torture yourself getting a body like that when you're a manlet. It's so fucking annoying always being hit on by fags.

Dude gay dudes love manlets for some reason, idk why.

I mean kevin hart is short

You look amazing (no homo, but yes bi).

If you cannot get a gf, it's totally not because of how you look.

No homo but bi lol.

thanks. i'm 100% straight (believe it or not lol) but it does seem like gay guys are much more attracted to me than women are.

women don't seem to care too much about muscle or anything of that sort. height is much much more important

Women want a man that helps them impress other women. It's the most important thing for most of them by far, this is literally how most women appreciate men.

No matter how nice or charming you are, being a short guy makes you inferior to women as you will struggle to appear impressive due to how our culture values male height. Women will always see you as inferior, as someone who can make themselves look pitiful. This is the hardest thing to accept as a short man, but it is the truth. Our inability to provide women, who for whatever reasons typically rely on external validation due to low self esteem, the feeling of being "good enough" is why they cannot see us as suitable partners or even as men in many cases.

Men really are objects to women, nothing proves this better than short men. Nothing.

yeah, as a gay guy you would be having all the sex you could want. I'm gay myself and can confirm. (yes homo haha)

No homo but bi lol😂

How many girls did you have?

(no homo, but yes bi).

top fucking lol this should be a thing

it's fucking over

Are you wearing pants?

Posting nudes here? We incels not fagcels lol

This the type of vapid narcissistic shit gymcels want to turn us into, can't get any female approval so posting shirtless pics on incels? Fucking tragic. Put on a shirt no one cares, and gtfo.

At least he has his wife's boyfriends on the wall

Basically me. I'm Arab and 5'5" as well. Also a gymcel

Its over

Just save up for height increase surgery. There is no other way now. You know what you have to do.

Torture but the ugly truth.

My god you look great

Women of /r/inceltears. What do you have to say about this?

He looks good to me.

He needs to stand next to a ruler

"I'd love to date a guy just like him teehee"

Well I've dated worse, he looks good to me.

The comment was ironic, you stupid foid.

i've noticed when ethnics come to post here, the normies and women from other subreddits that usually comment are relly quiet.

5k Leg lengethening + lifts and you're chad.

How tall are you?

Leg lengethning can safetly add 3", and lifts another 3. So you can hit 6ft being just 5'4 to start with.

(Side effects may include permanent cripple, if this is the case, do not contact your healthcare professional, apply suicide directly onto the affected parts).

sounds reasonable but i think not being able to lift or play sport because i opted to break my femurs would actually make me depressed. taking a week off physical activity already destroys my mood. can't imagine taking years (?) off

When are you planning to do a cut?

bit under 5 weeks left of my bulk. almost at the end. i know i tend to look a little fluffy after my bulks but my philosophy is that you can always lose fat afterward so might as well maximise the lean muscle gains

How much do you usually weigh?

Height > All, literal fucking proof right here. No matter how good looking you are or how great your body is, if you're a manlet it's fucking over. This beautiful creature can't get laid, yet my 6'4 meme tier ugly four eyed nerd slobby bodied faggot friend can get a decent whore with ease. All tallcels are fucking fakecels, the only truecels are heightcels. This post makes me rage so hard smh.

Meh If you're tall but ugly you're still fucked

The truth is that women expect near-perfection in every department. Women just don't compromise. It's not "face>height" or "height>face". Height and face are just two of the many requirements women have for men, and if you lack them, you'll be "just friend"-ed, ghosted or swiped left on like the subhuman scum you are.

Exactly exactly exactly.

Men have preferences, women have requirements. Men are the romantic sex, driven to romanticize even the mundane. Women are the primitive materialistic sex, viewing men as objects, primarily feeling attracted to men through our perceived potential for violence.

Personality is cope, especially today. Personality is how women select for betabux when she realizes she can't get chads attention as easily anymore.

I've never won a game of chess. PM me for chess tips.

This is you, dude. You should operate from the assumption that, since nothing you've done has succeeded, every assumption and belief you have is wrong. Just shut up. You can't offer information on what works until you've had at least one occasion that worked. All you can talk about is what doesn't work, because that encompasses all of your experience.

This is a pretty common point you idiots seem intent on repeating. You can gauge the sort of traits that result in female sexual attraction (e.g., by studying the relevant scientific literature, or observing how women behave) without actually having been an object of female sexual attraction.

Just shut up


This is our sub, fuckstick, I'll say whatever the fuck I want.

Amen my bro. Lanklets get girls all the time. Tallies want girls on their dicks without putting even a tiny bit of effort lol.

You've probably heard this before but I have a friend who was in a similar situation. I think he's a similar height, haven't measured, I'm a head taller and I'm 5'10. He was led on and pushed around for about 3 years until he finally found someone. His height was the only thing holding him back. He just played the numbers game. He went to clubs and got destroyed for ages until finally making it.

Now nothing you've said is untrue. When I saw that first hand I realised the importance of height. However, I'm just saying if you keep going at it there's hope.

Disclaimer though. I don't know if it's worth it though. The guy seems really damaged from the past. You could put that energy into something more worthwhile like a business lol.

If you're not getting laid with those looks you're probably just fucking stupid.

i'm flattered but did you read my comment? my height makes me look like a child

ripped doctor tho? you mention getting 4/10s or is that just you thinking you might in the future?

It doesn't matter that he's a ripped doctor, women care about bones more than anything else.

Just be bony douchbag bro. 😂

I would if I could lol

what is your weight

This is sad to me,im only two inches taller then you and i know what you are talking about,women every blue moon will let me orbit them too but thats it,and you are way better off then me,im poor and my life is shit. The only hope i have left is to get a good job then start going to a gym. It's so fucked out here in the dating world it's unbelievable.if you were about 5'10 atleast you'd probably get a lot more attention. Idk man but to give you a little hope I have a 5'4 uncle something like that and he's had women ,they weren't hot though.and he's also 60 now.

Nice body dude you should try some local mixed sex sports teams see what you can find

Date a dwarf. Like 4’10 range

And have even shorter kids lol.

Feels bad man

I'd date you.

I know some guys at my school Similar to you.both are chadlets, about 170-175cm tall, but they have Had success in relationships

170-175cm is way taller than he is

Fuck off

How tall would you say you have to be for height to not be an issue? I'm 5'10" in American units I think. Is that too short where you live?

heres what ive observed: 5'7 and below - its over

5'8 and 5'9 - fine for some girls, not for others. at this point the mental aspect of being short probably has a bigger impact on your interactions than the actual way people perceive you.

5'10 and 5'11 - height shouldnt be a problem here. of course, youll always be more attractive if you were taller, but this is where normie advice actually works, especially if you have an ok face. girls arent great judge of height anyway. you could probably just wear boots and tell them youre 6ft. just dont stand next to your taller friends. the whole "i only date guys taller than 6ft" is a shit test and doesnt really apply if youre borderline. it mostly just means "dont be noticably short".

6ft - 6'2 - height will never be a problem for you but with an average face, dont expect to be able to do nothing and still get pussy. i honestly believe that if you max out everything else (career, body, social skills) even a 6fter with an ugly face can do well.

6'3+ - girls will want to fuck you based exclusively on your height.

I’m 6‘4“ - they won‘t fuck you if you‘re ugly

If femoids say the want a tall guy they automatically assume him to have a chaddish face

Ugly tall guys are tallcels like me

Average face tall guys are beta normies

get jaw implants brh

Negative canthal tilt, long philtrum, small ramus, small mandible, almost no brow bone, hook nose, small wrists (in relation)

And additionally I‘m a poorcel

It really is over, holy fuck dude

Do you ever try going for extremely short girls?

Do u think he's never heard that before lmfao

Meh, works for me.

In my experience, as long as you're significantly taller than the girl, that's usually good enough.

yep. i pretty much hit on any short girl thats a 5+ just out of principle.

they tend to prefer tall guys even more than girls that are like 5'7

Wow great thinking I bet he doesn't shower either what would we do without you

Lol, so much hatred in your life.

Go away, angry little man.

Is this guy Australian? Proof that it is the absolute worst country to live in if you're not typical 6'3" aryan Chad

In America this guy could run ethnic badboy game and slay some latinas at least

yeah Australian. ive always had a feeling that aussie girls were more superficial, vain and straight up mean than girls in other countries but havent really done enough travel to back that theory up.

Chadstralia is known to be hell for incels. 90% white Anglos (top-tier genetics) and mainstream fitness/outdoors culture. Extremely high beauty standards and anyone who doesn't live up to them is fucked. You probably heavily stand out being 5'5" there while it wouldn't be uncommon at all in an American city. You would not be incel here.

Why are there so many Chads in Australia?

Surfer Chads?

Only the Chads survived the swim over

Shiat. Makes fucking sense. And only Chads survived the hostile conditions in your country.

I’m not Aussie, but it must have been survival of the fittest during the Great Emu War.

If my mom was 5'10 lol.

Classic manlet cope

Face is and always has been everything

You are the proof of it, you get sex and get laid

There are loads of tall 6'2+ people here who are virgins in theirs mid 20s

Chicks look at your face first. Always.

If you have attractive face you will get laid.

You on the other hand, come here to bitch about not scoring 9/10 chicks, same as someone would come to homeless people to say that he just bought BMW and not a Lamborgini aventador.


Took the words out of my mouth bro. Fucking fakecels attention whoring to lurking femoids.

Fishing for attention from lurking femoids?

are you muslim? i feel like most muslim arab men have their families hook them up with other muslims.

Please put some pants on

Why don't you move to a country where there's short people?:) I know easier said than done, but you're a dr!

From a 5'5" guy with a similar build, you either need to work on your game, or you may be shooting too high.

Fix your attitude and standards and you can find someone. Work on being somewhat charming, interesting, or funny too.

95% chance for you to get a bride overseas if you saved $$$ and have a career.


Fucking chad tier face and body. But being 5'5 cucks you sooo hard it's unfair. Sorry to see this shit bro.

I’d smash

I'm 5'3 and not seeing a problem.

You're full of shit, I know some dude who's about your height that pulls like crazy, doing way better than me in college, and you look like a fucking model. Leave your room and talk to people and you should be able to get laid by the end of the week.

stop nitpicking everything about yourself, you can look as good as you want but being insecure while prohibit u way more than anything else with girls

This is the true blackpill. You have no life if you're under 6ft. Just invisible to women.

Women want a man that helps them impress other women. It's the most important thing for most of them by far, this is literally how most women appreciate men.

No matter how nice or charming you are, being a short guy makes you inferior to women as you will struggle to appear impressive due to how our culture values male height. Women will always see you as inferior, as someone who can make themselves look pitiful. This is the hardest thing to accept as a short man, but it is the truth. Our inability to provide women, who for whatever reasons typically rely on external validation due to low self esteem, the feeling of being "good enough" is why they cannot see us as suitable partners or even as men in many cases.

Men really are objects to women, nothing proves this better than short men. Nothing.

yeah, as a gay guy you would be having all the sex you could want. I'm gay myself and can confirm. (yes homo haha)

How many girls did you have?

I’m 6‘4“ - they won‘t fuck you if you‘re ugly

If femoids say the want a tall guy they automatically assume him to have a chaddish face

Ugly tall guys are tallcels like me

Average face tall guys are beta normies

I’m not Aussie, but it must have been survival of the fittest during the Great Emu War.

It's not one. It's all my short friends.