Proposal for a simple East Asian rating system

188  2018-05-12 by HumbleCel


Meanwhile...I was just listening to Eunjung...kpop female 10/10...


Needs less chin

what u mean


Wow, the Chang is very good looking. Who is that

it's Chang

Famous model Chang Wong

I actually googled that

Fuck I wish I was a Chang or Changlite

ChangLite is Chong, we just reviewed this

No there's a Changlite in between. Chong is just normie level.

Very funny and creative OP.

Ching chong chang , do you wanna bang

I sang that out loud.




wait is it ching<chong<chang? cuz i would rate ching>chong..

And the Chang still won't get laid because he's too feminine.

Picture Chang being 5"5', you think he's too feminine to get laid. Now imagine his face with a 6" broad-shouldered frame and he's instantly a slayer

Chang is angular. +5'10" Chang> average white or black.


Chong would be changlite if he gymcelled, got a tan and longer hair

I bet normies are confused


Chong still looks below average. Gotta make a true nor-ming in there between Chang and chong.

so ching is ricecel, chong is normie, and chang is chad. cool, new terminology.

Chang LongWang

As if, lol

I BURST OUT LAUGHING!!!! It’s almost midnight and I’m rolling on the floor!

"Chang" doesn't appeal to East Asian beauty standards though. They like flower boys more because Asian girls generally think average Asian guys have too masculine facial features.

Also, terminology is quite racist.

shut up cuck

Fucks wrong with you

come again sir

Why are you calling him a cuck

cuz he is one

What did he say though he was right about the Asian beauty standards thing

huh. he said something else before, musta editted it


Are there any names for Asian/Indian/black etc Stacy’s?

Shaniqua, Waifu, Krishna, Maria, Fatima

ching looks like a one of those elves from Oblivion

Racist incels.

Lmao if you think Ching has a 7+ asian wife or gf, absolute delusional cope moron.

There's a reason the Chang in that picture is a literal model you dumb fuck.

tim chung and that guy from lost are the only true changs I've seen

godfrey gao and daniel henney are good looking too. There are many handsome asian guys. You just have to look.

Whiteprivilegecel still can’t get laid, resorts to racism to feel better,

Sounds like r/Happas just because they can’t get an Asian or White girl so they become racist and hate whites

I legit LMAOed.

I think Chang mogs whole pure blooded blacks. I can't understand why east Asians are seen so bad when they look better than Africans and curries. Their IQ us another topic, they IQ mog even whites.


Hey can you stop categorizing us asian males in terms of looks like this? Also I've seen the first guy post. He's incredibly funny. This is incredibly racist and it's not funny. What do you think the first 2 guys will think about you guys using these pics? Seriously, get a life.

it's Chang

Famous model Chang Wong

Why are you calling him a cuck