Good personality. Upvote this so it's the top result for "Good personality"

1126  2018-05-12 by keyandfeels


The "just convince depressed people to commit suicide, bro" theory

"You're a virgin because you're ugly so you deserve to be bullied for being ugly" yup, that's our degenerate human race all right.

High school never ends.

Maybe it ends in Nursing Homes? 🤞

it does end there . . . just cuz that's where people go to die

Grandpa Chad runs the place

black nurses steal his money. one good thing.

My mom is in an independent living group place. Says it’s just like high school

you will never bully an elderly Chad

Does that make bingo Friday football?

I work as a waiter in the dining hall of a retirement home (where the people are not disabled they are just old and retired) it's almost exactly like high school. There are the "cool" tables that always sit together and the outcasts and a bunch of cliques.

b-but Jim Jefferies said incels are terrible people!

If my own son would turn out like Jim Jefferies i would kill him.

I get scared when you guys start talking like this.

Compared to the person that shoots up an entire school (Virginia Tech) or abducts and murder a thousands of people (Isis) or the person that shot up Cali University as well.

Some asshole online who is a keyboard warrior compared to people actually committing murder who self identified as incels

bro, most murderers are not even incels. you are generalizing a whole group just becuse of the actions of a few?

Really? Majority of Isis members have identified as incels demanding Sharia law be implemented.

do they murder because they are incels? if thats the case then they would be only killing women.

They want the chads to suffer. They want people to suffer because they are creeps with zero social interaction skills , zero empathy or understanding.

It's everyone else's fault but theirs. Incels are this generations single child syndrome.

yeah. just ignore all the brainwashing, and the social dynamics and people being forced to join ISIS. and lets call them "creeps" because they lack social skills. do you really lack that much of awareness?

am talking about all incels here. not just your super misogynistic dudes. why are they still single? calling people "creep" for there lack of social skills and being ugly is very dumb. not everyone is fortunate enough to grow up like most people do. so to call someone a "creep" for something they are is just immature.

you're TOTALLY not trolling

me? how so?

Fucking americans and their imperialist bullshit. If ISIS were composed of incels why wouldn't there be analogous movements around the world? The right-wing nutjobs in this sub are pathetic idiots but the liberals can be even more infuriating with their hypocrisi.

Does it bother you that USA is still #1!!!!!!!!


1!!!!!!!! = 1

Only childish mentally ill people blame themselves for their problem. If you say incelism is because of our own faults then you are mentally ill.

Yes incelism is 100% their fault.

Look at Rupert Murdoch. Dude is one of the ugliest people ever but he played the system. Guy is drowning in hot "roastie" pussy. He has to turn some away.

If incels stopped whining and went out and actually did something of merit they would no longer be incels. Instead they take the cowards way, come on threads like this and whine how life is not fair , while doing nothing to better their situation.

Hit the gym, take a shower , get a clue, stop being a little bitch.

"Look at this guy who won the lottery, you can do it too if you stop whining." Dude I hope you get cancer in your prostate and die a slow and painful death.

Holy shit stop whining. You come here to whine about incels because you're so angry at the truth.

take a shower

HAHHA implying i don't already do that

Hit the gym, take a shower , get a clue, stop being a little bitch.

1/10 troll.

If incels stopped whining and went out and actually did something of merit they would no longer be incels. Instead they take the cowards way, come on threads like this and whine how life is not fair , while doing nothing to better their situation.

But where would your entertainment go, tough guy?

Lol, go watch macho 80s feel-good movies and keep deluding yourself.

Low IQ af.

I'm sure op murdered a bunch of people, no doubt. You go bully!

He is from Europe and Europeans are as soft as Twinkie fillings so kind of goes with the territory

Don't try so hard, baby. Europe colonized the world.

Back in the 1600s. It's 2018.

Europe had the U.K. Leave the EU because they could not control their borders. Greece - bankruptcy. Spain bankruptcy. High unemployment.

Europe is the beta cuck spy boy to the US & China.

Europe had the U.K. Leave the EU because they could not control their borders.

And now they're about to pay the hefty bill for not thinking it through.

Greece - bankruptcy.

And now they're back on their feet.

Spain bankruptcy. High unemployment.

Proof on Spain being bankrupt? As for unemployment, well, it's been plaguing the country for most of the 20th century, so nothing particularly new.

Europe is the beta cuck spy boy to the US & China.

Don't get your world news from Alex Jones and zerohedge. That makes you look like a fool.

Without Germany the EU folds. This is fact. Greece is back in their feet. How is the debt? You know you have a major problem when your debt is increasing faster than your GDP. Don't think Germany, Sweden, Norway, Ireland will keep dumping money with zero returns.

Have you seen Spain's debt coupled with unemployment , crime and then their current economic recession.

I don't read Alex Jones. I read industry publications

Spanish crime is among the lowest in the world. One of the top 5 healthcare systems and is currently one of the fastest growing economies of the Eurozone. Norway is not even on the EU and Ireland has been a net reciever of EU funds for most of the time in the union, until they became a tax haven after they went bankrupt.

You don't read anything you pathetic liar, you read youtube comments at best.

Spanish crime is the lowest yet Spain has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world.

Let's check those facts chief.

There's very high unemployement and austerity policies worsened it, yes. It also has one of the lowest homicide rates, violent crime and petty corruption. Those are two different facts, I don't know what you're trying to say.

We're also the foremost experts in killing other Europeans.


you are as soft as twinkie fillings.

Only thing I fill is some cream pies.

you're TOTALLY not trolling

“Just ignore all non incel murderers bro”

That's a little twisted. The word used was "incel" not "virgin". Now - I think the statement as a whole is fucking horrible and who ever wrote it should shoot themselves in the dick.

But that said - there's a fucking world of difference between a virgin, who's just literally anyone who's yet to have sex. And an 'incel' which has a connotation of being part of the 'incel community'.

So you've kinda twisted their hate of incels into hatred of virgins and that definitely is NOT what they said...

You’re a fucking idiot. I don’t agree with what he’s saying, but incels are all fucking disgusting people because you all hate women because you have awful personalities. You don’t even realise, and you spew venom at these women who have done nothing to you, and you’ve done nothing but hate them because of something under your control. Fix yourselves fucking incels

behind all that vitriol, i sense powerlessness

Anger is a result of lack of control

He couldn’t control your mind/beliefs

And now he is extremely mad.

It is the reason a place like inceltears even exists

and what is the reason braincels exists?

Same exact reason.

Report this to the reddit mods.

They won’t care. They wish incels to die. Hell I wish I’d die too.

Sometimes they ban them. It's worth the shot.

They'd probably ban our sub

No. I reported someone harassing me and they banned her.


Maybe you should report yourself to the mods then.


He just hates the misogyny

"Join the fight!"

It's funny how you can actually see the effect of the Soylent on their writing style. They all use the same cadence, patter, etc.; it's very feminine.

Oh no is this a joke or not

Whoever wrote that, strikes me as a very powerless and sad human. :)

Otherwise why would he/she go out of their way and insult someone they don't even know for something that doesnt affect him/her? lol

Right, but saying women deserve to be raped is fine right? You guys are so pathetic.

Who in the hell says they deserve raped

yeah, just ignore the whole post and comment something completelty irrelevant. a lot of IT members say stuff like that.

No one ever says that. Stop lying

Scroll up to the one loser who said if he's going to die he is not going out an incel and he is not getting a prostitute. Make that what you will.

I don't want you to be raped, I just want you to be sterilized so you don't further contaminate the gene pool with your fucking retardation. Go back to swallowing guys' semen and then pretending to be a """feminist""" after you wipe your mouth off with a tissue, dirty slut.

This whole sub is just justifying their bad behavior with the bad behavior of other people.

Didn't their moms teach them why that shit makes no sense? Who am I kidding, not even their moms care about them.

Their moms look at them and regret not getting the morning after pill.

I browse this sub for lol's but you really are one pathetic motherfucker. You spend how much free time a day obsessing over this shit? Going into a sub of people you hate and wasting precious free time on it? And you call them pathetic lol

All the edgy sharia law and rape posts float at a cool <1 upvote(s) and because they aren't deleted instantly it means we support them?


Check inceltears.

I'm a regular poster at incelTears (you can check my history), and honestly think you should report this. This is not okay and most users from there would agree with me.


Highly doubt that. You lot want us dead.

I don't. I know a lot of usrs that who doesn't. Maybe you get the impression we do because the more hateful ones among us are more vocal. Would explain why you guys give the impression of being a bunch of rapists and pedos, yet you guys insist that is not true for the majority of you. Maybe the more noisy assholes end up creating a bad rep for both groups.

This is not okay and most users from there would agree with me.

The experience I've gathered in a year tells me otherwise. Most of y'all are completely down with that sort of behavior from what I've seen, or at the very least don't care for it consindering no one ever calls shit like this out, since you're all too busy shitting on the people here.

You are so full of shit it's not even funny tbh.

What if I told you that human beings are intrinsically sociopathic?

I really don't give a crap tbh. This dude is just full of shit.

And what are we supposed to take from this?

Human nature sucks? No shit. So what are you going to do about it? Be an empirical cunt and just point at or talk at things.

Give me a fucking break.

Inceltears: "We're going to beat up on luckless virgins because feminists tell us to."

I never said that.

This is not okay and most users from there would agree with me.

I don't go on IT because of users like OP, but most of the users from IT that come here are like OP. So either you call them out on their shit or just leave.

Don't give me this "juzz report it broo" crap.

most users from there would agree with me.

I don't see really feel this vibe 80% of the time.

You know, we get rapey, violent and extremist vibes from you guys 80% of the time, yet you insist these guys are minorities. Maybe we should just acknowledge the assholes are more vocal make more noise on each side than the majority of users, giving out a wrong impression of the group as a whole?

all of them

All I know is the vast majority of the population practices extreme looksism (discrimination based on looks)

at least about 90k of them

Typical soyboy. Won’t do shit in real life.

Not like you gave him a chance.

Normies, please comment about how our terrible personalities are why we're incel. Go on.

Post the rest of the conversation.

Where is the full conversation. Anyone can cut and paste to fit their narrative.

Did mummy finish making your tendies for dinner

Did mummy finish making your tendies for dinner

I'm sure she's going to tell you when they are done.

Wow someone is really triggered. Pathetic idiot.

Nope, he has a point. There's no context to this post, we have no idea why it was made, so asking for more information is completely legit.

You're the one who sounds triggered to me

Low iq comment

IT attracts losers who are so desperate to look down on someone and take their anger out at someone

Humanity has come to a grade of degeneracy where people are bullied and told to commit suicide just because they don't have the right genetics

Modern World is a sick shithole

If you don't like it. Leave.

Go build your space rocket 🚀

clown world


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Why should this poster's name be censored? Does this fucking despicable vitriol not violate leddit's content policy?

Why is Incel tears allowing this

This is just a really pathetic trolling attempt. Don't even bother, just block.

Someone PMed me that too. No idea why lol.

But hey, if I do ever decide to kill myself... I'm not going out a virgin and no I'm not talking about a prostitute. Make of that as you will ;)

Yeah you 'LL show em !!!!right!!!!. It's pathetic the snowflakes you are. You whine about posts like these yet in your minds it's okay to advocate rape.

If you disappeared tomorrow no one would care.

Well you too bitch, you're no better than anyone here, you're a fucking triggered loser who got butthurt just reading this sub. Pathetic and hilarious.


Damn, that guy gets laid because of his personality.

why did you block out the username. Allow us to strike back

With what your frail chicken tender muscles or let me guess you will write some really mean comments that are just as bad as the posters.

Please. You won't do shit.

What’s up your ass


Dude with your account history I wouldn't be talking.....

I'll be honest, this looks like a false flag. Just like some IT members making threads about wanting to shoot people, some incels pm people with this to try to prove a point. (Might have been OP himself who did this on another account)

A lot of people on both subs are just LARPing trolls from 4chan.

Post the entire conversation.

In all fairness you guys don’t give yourselves good reps you should get your shit together as a group and ban your toxic asshats

And you should not come here if it bothers you so much.

I don't know what else you expect. All the edgy sharia law and rape posts float at a cool <1 upvote(s) and because they aren't deleted instantly it means we support them? Cherry picking examples and grasping at straws is the name of the game both here and over at IT but I wouldn't even say we're grasping the anecdotes and examples posted here are common and abundant where as on IT they are 1 upvote 0 comment falseflag posts 60% of the time

I feel like maybe there's something about being ugly that calls up the same feelings of disgust that cause people to be racist.


PLOT TWIST: if you do end up committing suicide the sender of this message can be prosecuted :) I think they can be prosecuted for just sending the message but I'm not sure.

Please don't tho. You a cool friend.

To be fair that has nothing to do with personality. He could be a very charismatic person but a dick. By bad personality i think they mean acting awkward like an autist which is a big turn off.

That's why you shouldn't rope. I wanted to KMS for a long time until I realized that it would actually bring joy to some people. Now I am determined to live and suffer as long as possible so these fucks have to endure my existence until they die of prostate cancer from all the soylent they drink.

They won’t care. They wish incels to die. Hell I wish I’d die too.

I never said that.