The amount of misogyny in here is just disappointing

168  2018-05-12 by Kar98kSnipe

Surely we can do better. Iā€™d say the misogyny scale in here is currently at an 8/10. Come on guys really? Together we can bring this up to a 10/10


You should comment your opinion on specific posts, sweety

Vile creatures

Inb4 cucks who say "this hinders the Incel movement, people will dismiss us as virgin misogynists". What movement faggot, what movement? There is none.

Right? It's not a misogynistic movement, it's a misogynistic subculture!

Vote for your local incel representative.

I don't know, an incel representative could vote for legalizing prostitution, state-dictated wife-husband pairing, etc. Banning prostitution is literally state-sanctioned LDAR.

state-sanctioned LDAR.

I'm uh, all for this. This would go splendidly with neet bux.

But we know both that Incelpol won't have any chance against chadpol

They don't have to be an incel, they just need to be an incel sympathizers. Couldn't care less what he looks like.

First we'll need to have a lot of autistic screeching about which ballot system to use

If there is any movement it will be to move us to gas chambers.

Let's at least TALK about it.

Incellah, we will!!!!

It's not misogynistic if it's true we are the real feminists

We are so ahead of the times in feminist theory that we are ninth or possibly tenth wave feminists.

Misogyny or female head mod that posts IT

Pick one.

Why not both? šŸ¤”

You can be a misogynist and still love our mommy Board_Gaming šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜.

We are good bad good boys.

There is no such thing as misogyny. There is only the truth, and the truth is femoids are no better than chattel

Roasties are always toasty in here

"Life is all about choking, either you choke the bitch or let her choke on It"- Mahatma Suckma Cockma Gandhi The sprinf of 1923, March.

Misogny is stupid. You don't have to be misogynistic if you're incel. Only people who lack critical thinking abilities and narcissists are misogynists.

True. People try to act like women are inherently evil or something, but the truth is that women (just like men) are opportunistic. Women are in a position where they can be very choosy, since they have a huge selection of men they are going to choose from. Most men would act exactly the same. If a guy is stranded on an island with 100 women, do you think he is going to use his position to get with the hot girls or the ugly ones? The problem is with human nature in general.


while I agree that human nature is completely fucked up I believe that men have an overall "better" nature than women. this is proven by the fact that men are not hypergamous and several other facts.

Does the genetically inferior teenaged boy fantasize about his looksmatch or the manic pixie dream girl meme?

We have our hypergamous nature beaten out of us through real-world experience. We would be demanding nothing less than Stacey if our entire lives had been spent fending off approaches from Becky. Can you imagine how enormous your ego would be in that case? An entire lifetime of validation.

That's what I've been saying for the longest. No one is safe. I want to hate on all inherently superficial humans equally.

You're right. People act like the Blackpill is some kind of misogynistic ranting, but it's really just recognition of how humans behave. I think the Blackpill is much broader than the simple "If you're ugly, you're fucked romantically/socially." The Blackpill is more "Humans are opportunistic and will act in their best interest." The Blackpill is all consuming.

numales, Chads, roasties, stacys,

Just hate'em all fam. Humanity has turned to shit.

Low IQ post. Men do not virtue signal by claiming we look for personality/intelligence/hobbies/etc in a woman. The vast majoriy of men simply want someone who is their looksmatch and who they share some interests with, period. If men had 100 women to choose from men would still be 1000x more honest than women when it comes to what they look for in a woman.

Women spread lies about what they look for in a man literally nonstop. All those myths about "it's your personality bro" were started by women and are perpetuated by women. Women are narcissistic sociopaths and they care more than anything about how society views them rather than what their actual actions are, which is why they love to portray fake versions of themselves to everyone around them (oh it's all about personality for me. tee hee!".

I abuse hookers to release my frustrations about women ;) . By irony of fate, this made me have more female friends in real life

Hooker friends or what?

Dude, hookers are still people though. Abuse is abuse, and it doesn't say good things about your psyche.

if anything, by not giving women special treatment we're less misogynistic than their so called "feminist" allies -_-

they're being judged on their true nature - if they were good there would be nothing to say.


I'm doing my best, trust me.

How can you diss a turd?

You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers!
