It's amazing how we have the tools to stop inceldom.

31  2018-05-12 by Tha_Crock

It's just illegal to use them. We could prescribe young men with high doses of T to make them develop masculine features, and high doses of HGH to make sure they're at least 6', but we're not allowed to do that.

Meanwhile, some mentally ill dude can chop his wiener off and take hormones just because he thinks he's a woman. Society really is going backwards.


This I agree with. Testosterone should be legalized.

Careful there. Too much will fuck you up bad man



Nah. I want to take enough to hit my goals and back off forever.

Not trying to be the next Mr. Olympia. Just want to look better.

That seems smart to me, but along the way be aware of the side effects man

You sound like you've done it before.

I'm not an expert, but I believe that if your T level exceed what you body considers "normal levels", your balls start to shrink - permanently, because your body thinks that it is overproducing it.

Replacement level Test therapy is pretty safe and effective. It wouldn't hurt for literally ever male to get their levels tested with a good doctor who gives a shit.

My current gp said 90% of men he tests are lower than they should be. He's not a wacko but thinks there's something environmental going on to lower mens test levels. Likely food additives or lack of nutrient dense diet.

Seriously get your levels checked it can only benefit you in the long run.

They discovered estrogen levels high enough to change some fish and frogs into females in several local water supplies. Paired with things like an inability to stop contaminants from entering water supplies (such as in the case of Flint and the lead contamination, which has caused mental deficiency in a lot of the children there), it might be worthwhile for people to start filtering water through reverse osmosis. Especially men.

All my money is on birth control pills being the cause of male hormonal issues and increased female cancers.

Doesn't happen if you cycle properly.

Globalists, communists, etc all actively endeavor for men to fall off completely. This will never happen so long as they hold power. Gotta hope George Soros et al die off

LMAO wtf are you talking about? tinfoilhatcels need to chill a bit.

They feminize us to take the fight out of is hands you an ak-47 and some woodland BDUs Join me in the pocono mountains ancap, where we will wage war on these dirtbag commies

The Jews want to demasculinise us.

it's too late for height. but my face might change with high doses of test and hgh

There's only one tool you need to stop inceldom: rape.

At first I was like haha this is dumb af but then I read the trans example and I was like wait... damn. What trans people do to obtain their desired appearance is 10x more extreme then putting a little extra male hormones in males or a little extra growth hormone in a growing human.