Reminder: How people in real life react to the failed normies who visit r/braincels.

104  2018-05-12 by MajesticSubhuman


And then they come here to feel superior for once in their lives.

"OH GOD eewwww he's so creepy!"

Elliot Rodger’s heaven

On may 23, the anniversary of that fateful day, Elliot Rodger's ghost is going to commit another act of retribution upon all women who are both blonde and attractive.

jihadist heaven

They got so good at making judgemental bitch faces because they're used to being horrible shallow judgemental people

If these are the types of girls incels go for then no wonder you are all miserable fucks.

You are retarded

What's the "types of girls" here? Cute young girls that have fun? Or are you unfairly judging them beyond that? You don't know the context of this picture.

They are attractive party girls. That's exactly what they are. Go find an overweight girl reading anime in a library.

If these are the types of girls incels go for

What did he mean by this

You mean white girls? Get out of here racist!

No, stupid. He means hot sorority girls they clearly don't have a chance in hell with because they're fat, pimply-faced virgin losers who wouldn't even know what to do with a pussy if by the hand of God they somehow got one.

Lol you've got such a cartoonish view of us. I guess uninspired lefty memes will do that to someone who's already braindead. Most of us are ethnic manlets. Fatcels are vocels since the only reason they're ugly is cuz they're landwhales. Lurk more faggot.

You make fair points. Dickfag.

Of course I do. I'm Skinny, poor and Incel, bitch.

And you're still a dumb douche. Go figure.

At least I can get laid, you whiny little bitch incel faggot.

You tried ⭐

Low IQ comment

From left to right if male:

incel, incel, Tyrone, normie, normie, normie, normie, incel, incel, incel, incel

This picture is priceless

Just fucking imagine a real life scenario where some IT cuck talks about himself

"So anything else you like to do?"

"Well you see there is this famous website called reddit..."

"Never heard of it"

"Haha you haven't heard of it? yeah well it's pretty popular. Anyways it's a collection of subforums and there's this one I visit called IncelTears where we make fun of incels"

"What the hell is an incel?"

"Incels are these horrible misogynistic virgin rapists who talk about enslaving and raping women. We at IncelTears are a watchdog group who protect the general public by laughing at incels"

"Watchdog group? In what way? How does this internet stuff have any real life impact? Also how can someone be a virgin rapist"

"Yeah well you see we fight misogyny by making posts on reddit"

"Sounds pretty far fetched..."

"No trust me we're doing the public a service. I also enjoy creating numerous accounts to bully incels and tell them to kill themselves. It makes me feel better about myself to know I'm not fucked up"

"...Why do you feel the need to compare yourself to "rapists" to feel good? Shouldn't that be a given? That you're better than rapists?"

"you don't get it? You don't see how what I do is important? ...are you sure YOU'RE not an incel in disguise?"

"...fucking weirdo"

Do you think this is how irl coversations look like?


Lol its such an insignificant part of everyones life that no one would mention it

You killed hawking, right?

Yes. Yes indeed.

Lurking Inceltears is hilarious. All the guys in their mid-to-late 20's who are virgins and deny being incel.

Nah... That's how i look at IT and polyamory

You guys are alright.

like i give a fuck

girl on the far right 😍

I mean.. the girl on the left looks like she's enjoying it. The one on the right looks intrigued as well. 2 out of 8 isn't bad at all for an incel. Hit the gym and take 3 ice cold showers a day ;)

If you give a fuck what people think, thats part of your problem.