You guys are honestly misunderstood
160 2018-05-12 by yungcashboi
I’m no incel (Not a Chad either whatever is in between the two) I have tons of female friends that I consider close and I’m the life of the party wherever I go. But when I heard about you guys on r/unpopularopinions I thought you guys were typical “nice guys” but after spending sometime here I can realize y’all mean well. You guys just wish women were less shallow or at least are upfront about being it. I wish others could know how you guys really are. Most of you aren’t even sexist and or racist. Just sad guys that want a gf.
1 daisy_plum 2018-05-12
I agree with what you said but dude you should have looked a bit longer on here to see that you shouldn't have said y'all
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
“Some of y’all”?
1 daisy_plum 2018-05-12
Just say "you guys" you had an okayish thing going until you y'alled
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
I’m a Texan my bad
1 camouflage365 2018-05-12
Learn to suppress that side of you when posting online.
1 Bandic00tCapnCrunch 2018-05-12
Why are you getting downvoted? I laughed
1 Blackpilltales 2018-05-12
1 heebath 2018-05-12
They're "not so bad" but shit on people for using a common phrase. Not racist? Have you seen many top images on this sub? They're obsessed with black dudes.
Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.
1 daisy_plum 2018-05-12
'They're' not the actions of a few attention seeking dicks with bad views. The more genuine conversations with guys that are normal people you have the more youll see that. I experience a lot of hate sometimes on this sub and even i understand that not every guy is the same.
1 heebath 2018-05-12
It's been about 75% toxic interactions when I try genuinely discussing things with anyone here.
1 RoastieSupreme 2018-05-12
I've had more positive than negative. But am posting less because even most of the positive ones allude to not wanting women or "normal" people in the sub.
1 heebath 2018-05-12
Exactly what I'm seeing too. They want to wallow in the destructive, black hole of self pity they've created.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-12
🤠 this is a friendly howdy because you don’t seem too bad
1 AyeThatsAGoodNagger 2018-05-12
Some of us are contractioncels
1 EvilBananaManRD 2018-05-12
There's an ongoing joke here about people who use "y'all" and contractions like that. People in this place use that usually for satire or sarcasm.
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
"If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
We are what circumstances make of us. Their life is too dark for them to be "not dark" people. Life is strange. For some, it is heaven, for some it is hell, and for most it is somewhere inbetween.
For most of these people, life is very close to hell if not just right in the middle of it. They live only the "hell" side of life. I mean of course they know the world can be heaven for some people. But not for them. They see it but they don't get to enjoy it. They only get to suffer, and the only reason for that is they are just unlucky. That is the blackest of the blackpills. Every single fucking thing about a humans life depends on pure chance. It's all random.
So I understand man. Fucked up lives create fucked up people.
1 heebath 2018-05-12
Life can be 10% what happens to you and 90% how you choose to react to it if you want it to be. None of you seem to want that.
This echo chamber of self pity has convinced many of you that absolutely nothing is *your** fault*, and that your current suffering is the result of circumstances beyond your control. Some of it is, perhaps. The majority of it absolutely is not.
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
I don't think "free will" exists. What makes me, me? Besides genetics and the environmental factors? Well, nothing. Of course you make the choices in your life, but have you ever thought about "you"? What makes you, "you"? Do you have control over you? Can something be caused by itself?
I did not choose to be I. You are just your genetics and its reaction to environmental factors. It's just physics actually. Think about action-reaction, causality. I'm sure you will understand.
1 heebath 2018-05-12
I totally understand what you're trying to say. However, I feel you're using science that you don't fully understand to rationalize your behavior. Hell, Bostrom could be right and we're both in "The Sims 42" right now. Would even that reality make negativity and bitter indignation a logical solution to the problems you perceive?
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
I don't need to know everything there is to science to make a scientific statement. I think I understand science and philosophy well enough to say that there is no such thing as free will. I have really good reasons to think what I think, but I don't think we have enough reasons to say that we are in "The Sims 42". So there is no reason in defining our thoughts and actions based on that statement.
I didn't say negativity and bitter indignation can be logical solutions to anything. To the opposite, I think they make it harder to solve the problems. They are emotions and instincts anyway, their source is not logic. They are just natural reactions to certain stimulis, and this is what I'm talking about. I'm not saying that common incel behaviour/ mindset is healthy or justified by any means, I'm just saying that I understand.
1 heebath 2018-05-12
That sounds reasonable. From what I can see, free will debate aside, people here seem to enjoy wallowing in toxic self-pity. Choice or not, it's become a feedback loop of hatred, used to solidify a deep-seated confirmation bias.
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
1 Jsm96 2018-05-12
What's your take on compatibilism?
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
It is nothing but a universal cope, a global circlejerk. Compatibilisim have zero argument against hard determinism. It's just rhetorics and demagogy. It's a tool for society to function without guilt.
We are too advanced in fields I've mentioned above to believe in free will.
1 Jsm96 2018-05-12
Do you think people can be held morally responsible in a determinist world?
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
In my opinion, they can and they should. But that is just my opinion. It is based on my own intuitions which is shaped by my genetics and environmental factors I was and am in. And I believe that is exactly what humanity needs to understand. We need to understand that "morality" is just an intuitive concept. It's just one of the evolutionary inheritances that helped throught the evolutionary process to keep us alive. Only then, we can sit and create our moral doctrine together by talking, giving our opinions, and discussing as civilized humans.
But shit like religion fuck it up. People think like there is absolute rights or wrongs. Whatever their primal senses, intuitions, or gods say, must be absolute truth. People are self righteous as fuck. They are too attached to these shits. They won't even listen to or think what others have to say.
This is one of the biggest mistakes people do when they read about incels, or even criminals. They don't try to understand. They don't try to solve the problems. They only want to cum their morals and negative emotions in peoples face.
What I'm saying is, I think our best course would be to sincerely talk about these together.
1 tuckyofitties 2018-05-12
But if no one has free will, why should they be accountable for their actions? They have no control over what happens, no one does. Can you be upset at someone for doing something bad, when the decision was made for them when they were born? Like being mad at a kettle for being black, when it was created to be black. So how can anyone be upset about anything that happens, when everything that happens is out of anyone’s control?
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
To protect the society.
No, they have control over their actions. People have will, but it's not "free will".
We don't punish crime because we find crime morally wrong, we punish crime to protect society from harm.
Again, being mad is one thing, punishing harmful behaviour is another thing.
Let me give you an example from my own life. If someone disrespects me, I am not going to be mad at them. I am not going to develop any negative or positive emotions about the situation. I am just going to do what is necessary to protect myself from future harm and punish the person because of his harmful behaviour. You don't have to be emotional to punish people.
1 iamgreengang 2018-05-12
Funny how it only works in one direction. People have no choice, so why do you think that being upset at someone for doing something bad is a choice? or that punishing them is?
If you really understood that, you should be okay with the consequences- though perhaps you don't have a choice but to argue against them.
1 tuckyofitties 2018-05-12
lol the endless expansion of this philosophical concept, is that it has no bearing on how anyone or anything acts. I don't really understand what the difference between free will and will is, so maybe that's a nuance where responsibility fits into determinism, but outside of that distinction, there is no responsibility to be good, cause you either will or will not depending on whatever atoms are doing at the time.
I'm not trying to say he shouldn't be mad at people or whatever, all i'm saying is that if you actually believe there is no such thing as free will, then lending any accountability to anything is weird. Ya, he can't help saying it's for the better of society to act the way he suggests, and I can't help but respond the way I did, and you can't help but respond the way you did, and I can't help but respond back to you the way I do, and so on, and so on, and so on. Holding anyone accountable in a universe without free will is weird, but I don't think it impacts anyone's actions or emotions or whatever, which is why it's weird to use it in any sort of argument on morals or ethics. But carry on lol.
1 eonoxe 2018-05-12
Completely agree.
1 eonoxe 2018-05-12
Ah you're determinist. Cool.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-12
You can choose to look both ways before crossing a street, or close your eyes and take your chances.
1 celaway1696 2018-05-12
Holy shit bru, i've been thinking this for so long but I was just never able to put it into writing. Thanks!
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
I gotchu homie
1 Blackpilltales 2018-05-12
Howdy 🤠 🐄
1 thumpar72 2018-05-12
man this sub is lifefuel. so well cultured and rich in substance.
i declare braincels right now to be the host of a new incel golden age. this is when we get banned soon.
1 aryancel 2018-05-12
whats the point of this post we know this
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
Just in case there’s some self-conscious incels that start to become too self hating
1 AbuIncelAlAustrali 2018-05-12
the subreddit niceguys is a bunch of cucks giving females free reign and excuses for choosing assholes. You are a cuck for even thinking that nice guys is a thing
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
My bad dude
1 FreedomBullets 2018-05-12
See what happens when you try and be nice to these rejects? Take my advice and just pile scorn on these losers. They actually like it. How disgusting.
1 MozzerDozzer 2018-05-12
But I thought all persons are not Y because one person is X.
1 VonMagnar 2018-05-12
Have a permanban for multiple accounts of accusatory comments.
1 extraWill 2018-05-12
fucking lol
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-12
You're a biggest loser. A real sane person would just ignore and move on.
1 heebath 2018-05-12
Nice guys are a fucking reality. Have you not taken a look at your own sub here, chief?
1 AbuIncelAlAustrali 2018-05-12
It’s cucks like you giving females a free pass
1 heebath 2018-05-12
1 auto-warmbeer 2018-05-12
I'm a sexist and a racist.
1 DownvoteDaemon 2018-05-12
well thats not is this sub
1 celaway1696 2018-05-12
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
Alabama not Texas dude lol
1 celaway1696 2018-05-12
Same shit.
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
Not even lol
1 celaway1696 2018-05-12
To-may-to, to-mah-to.
1 Gigantic_Wang 2018-05-12
and you wonder why you're alone
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-12
Yeah, because of a cheap retort. That's why he is alone, 100 percent.
1 NumberOneCan 2018-05-12
calm down lmao
1 Jake_Hunter 2018-05-12
And that's why people make assumptions about you incels Being the assholes of society. Congrats, you ruined an empathy post from someone on the outside sympathizing with your sad life.
1 celaway1696 2018-05-12
It's a joke. Don't get your knickers in a twist over it. There are other comments supporting him.
/u/yungcashboi you know that I was just joking? I hope you didn't take it seriously.
1 lowsoy 2018-05-12
I still roll my eyes when people don't take into account the restricted depth of communication through text, especially when the person doesnt know you or your mannerism.
1 celaway1696 2018-05-12
I still roll my eyes when people take everything they read online seriously. Especially on a sub like this where we meme all the time.
1 lowsoy 2018-05-12
whatever makes you sleep at night bro. lol
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-12
Ty now can you post this on inceltears about us
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
I got you!
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
I did it you can check through my posts
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
Sorry it got taken off for review
1 Stoic_Stranger 2018-05-12
You always do what this guy did and create an alt account so you can post it yourself.
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
Not my alt account I forgot my password this is my new main
1 Stoic_Stranger 2018-05-12
Sure, buddy.
1 maskedcel 2018-05-12
The lookspill (the pill we take when we come to the realization that looks matter as most of us were mislead by PUA literature) sucks, for sure. Perhaps the situation isn't as bleak as I made it out to be, though.
1 SwollenGoat68 2018-05-12
joined reddit 2 hours ago
1 based_meme 2018-05-12
The normie means well. Have faith.
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
New account forgot password
1 TheiWindFelt 2018-05-12
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
1 TheiWindFelt 2018-05-12
Spend at least two days here and you might "roflcopterbbq"
1 everythingshewants7 2018-05-12
You need to understand that you become a hateful person by bad experiences. My heart is filled with hate cause society hates me.
1 blackpillnormie 2018-05-12
Well you described it perfectly. I wish all invaders could see it by themselves but they choose to blindly hate this community and
1 NumberOneCan 2018-05-12
the main problems are the "Alpha BlackPilled" cunts, they have the loudest voices so many people think theyre the entirety if the incels, mostly because all the others are too meek to speak up and voice their opinions. also, yall arent terrorists, you just practically worship muderers but e h , so does christianity so its all cool
1 13139 2018-05-12
1 NumberOneCan 2018-05-12
the christian God has killed more people than hes saved so its basically worshipping a killer, like ER or whomever tf
1 13139 2018-05-12
You don't get it.
It's not your world, it's God's world.
You just live in it. And they'll say something like he saved more people and created you anyway so..
1 NumberOneCan 2018-05-12
applying a logical standpoint he created all sorts of bad shit if hes the creater of all life.
he would have created The Black Death, Influenza, Cholera, Ebola, HIV/AIDS, etc.
thats not even including when God just said, "Fuck it, im starting over" and just flooded everything saving only 2 of every animal
needless to say, hes killed more people than hes "created".
P.S. Lucifer was sent to hell for killing a handfull of people. by that standpoint God should be there too.
1 DaiMiVsi4ko 2018-05-12
Why is this downvoted? He is correct.
1 NumberOneCan 2018-05-12
1 VodKA_1488 2018-05-12
People don’t understand that bad experiences produce hateful feelings. We’ve all been kicked around by this world and if you kick a dog everyday it learns to hate you
1 eonoxe 2018-05-12
you guys should voice your stuff on inceltears :<
Now I understand this community more thanks
1 VodKA_1488 2018-05-12
They don’t listen
1 eonoxe 2018-05-12
I wish they will
1 VodKA_1488 2018-05-12
Yea, they could learn a lot.
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-05-12
1 Blackpilltales 2018-05-12
1 SkinnyPoorAndIncel 2018-05-12
What is it with you virtue signalling attention whores? Nobody cares what you think of us Whether you hate us and think we're the worst or you're "okay" with us existing so much that you feel the need to post about it so we can all feel better for having your approval.
1 Waffledustcrumb 2018-05-12
And this attitude is why you do not have a girlfriend.
1 SkinnyPoorAndIncel 2018-05-12
How banal and unorignal. It's no wonder Daniel blocked you. You're boring as shit.
1 Sir-Matilda 2018-05-12
Have you looked round this subreddit?
The top post right now is about how women actually love their rapists, and the thread is filled with plenty of (heavily upvoted) rape apologia. But good comprehension
1 iwqa 2018-05-12
Get out.
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
I’m not an incel just interested in incel culture. I go through sexist women tumblr shit too even though I don’t hate men
1 Stoic_Stranger 2018-05-12
Nice try, but when everyone can see that your account is 12 hours old, there's really no point in trying to hide your alt.
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
I don’t have the password to my last account..this my new one
1 Stoic_Stranger 2018-05-12
Sure, buddy.
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
I mean it’s true lol
1 LooksMatterToWomen 2018-05-12
Welcome aboard :). Stick around.
1 TehJimmyy 2018-05-12
Get out.
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-12
We just wish women would stop acting like women.
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-05-12
Incels shoot too high, they think they can get 7-8-9-10/10 women.
1 Zandonus 2018-05-12
Well, i dunno, i've clocked maybe 3 hours in this, and the satire subreddit- r/Truefemcels. Thing is, that's actually a satire one. This shit is for real. Why? Oh i dunno, just proof.
1 EvilBananaManRD 2018-05-12
Spread those albums as much as you can.
1 rifain 2018-05-12
You are saying that in a sub where they constantly shame fat women and those they find ugly. Those guys deserve no love nor understanding.
1 -AlwaysBored- 2018-05-12
Some of them are, and I have no hate for those guys. Just for the vile scumbacs who want to enslave women, those frequent here as well.
1 Cold_Establishment 2018-05-12
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
Not really I’m just funny
1 Cold_Establishment 2018-05-12
TEEHEE ur soooooo funny
Is that how it goes?
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
No people just laugh
1 Prestigious_Initial 2018-05-12
Thank you for understanding us, your pretty much blackpilled but your status lets you enjoy the benefits of not being us. Crazy how if you told your friends they’d crucify you.
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
My friends don’t even know what an incel is lol
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
I’m a Texan my bad
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12
Not even lol
1 celaway1696 2018-05-12
To-may-to, to-mah-to.
1 heebath 2018-05-12
They're "not so bad" but shit on people for using a common phrase. Not racist? Have you seen many top images on this sub? They're obsessed with black dudes.
Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
It is nothing but a universal cope, a global circlejerk. Compatibilisim have zero argument against hard determinism. It's just rhetorics and demagogy. It's a tool for society to function without guilt.
We are too advanced in fields I've mentioned above to believe in free will.
1 fucktheluck 2018-05-12
In my opinion, they can and they should. But that is just my opinion. It is based on my own intuitions which is shaped by my genetics and environmental factors I was and am in. And I believe that is exactly what humanity needs to understand. We need to understand that "morality" is just an intuitive concept. It's just one of the evolutionary inheritances that helped throught the evolutionary process to keep us alive. Only then, we can sit and create our moral doctrine together by talking, giving our opinions, and discussing as civilized humans.
But shit like religion fuck it up. People think like there is absolute rights or wrongs. Whatever their primal senses, intuitions, or gods say, must be absolute truth. People are self righteous as fuck. They are too attached to these shits. They won't even listen to or think what others have to say.
This is one of the biggest mistakes people do when they read about incels, or even criminals. They don't try to understand. They don't try to solve the problems. They only want to cum their morals and negative emotions in peoples face.
What I'm saying is, I think our best course would be to sincerely talk about these together.
1 Waffledustcrumb 2018-05-12
And this attitude is why you do not have a girlfriend.
1 yungcashboi 2018-05-12