A plain looking girl's attempt at giving you advice

42  2018-05-12 by paragyder

I've been roaming around in this subreddit out of curiosity and I really wanna just let this out. Take it or leave it.

I'm a chick who has had real crushes on genuinely ugly looking guys. I'm relatively normal looking and attractive enough to have had typical "guy friends fall for me too often and I don't like them back" problems. Let me fucking give you some advice. some of which you might have heard before but whatever. here goes.

-fake confidence. Conceal your insecurities because no one other than your friends wants to know how shitty you feel about yourself. It's nothing personal. It's just how being social works. Girls can get away with it but only if they're attractive enough. It just happens to be that there are more pretty insecure girls than cute insecure guys. It's also refreshing for a girl to realize a guy she knows is actually insecure but so good at hiding it. It's impressive.

-get her out of the girlfriend zone. What is that, you might ask? It's the place you guys push every girl you meet into. Most girls end up dating guys that are their FRIENDS first. So you should be wanting to aim to be her friend. You don't want the girls that look for dick first. Or serial daters that jump into relationships head first. They're not worth it and have their own problems. Seek friendship. Don't let her know that youre attracted to her for no reason. She doesn't want to know that you would easily date her. It's too personal. If she feels she's been put into the girlfriend zone, she will push you into the friend zone.

-ask yourself "what do I like about me?" and figure out how you can bring out that side of yourself more. not just to girls but everyone. also, don't be afraid to confront the side of yourself that you don't like and work on that.

- have friends that aren't too similar to you. Guys and girls. Start with guys if it's easier. Branch out and get to know people that are less socially awkward than you,are willing to introduce you to more people but aren't assholes. Make friends that are more attractive than you. Get rid of that air of jealousy and envy you have of them because they can feel it. This is probably the biggest reason girls avoid you. With enough confidence, you can easily blend in with them and cause girls to ask themselves why you seem so likeable. It's hard to make friends so that's in the next tip.

-work on your skills, hobbies and image and build a social network around said skills/hobbies. Girls like guys who are talented in some way. They like to see guys in their element and thrive in it. This also gives you a confidence boost.

-don't be too available (emotionally or otherwise). One thing I loved about this guy I had a crush on, was his care-free attitude. He wasn't ALWAYS ready to spend time with me, he had a life and he let me know that I could be just a part of it. He also joked around, made fun of me and teased me in borderline mean ways. But he always knew he wasn't hurting my feelings. How? He wasn't trying to be so fucking nice and sweet all the time. Too sweet is a thing. We're not special little delicate flowers. Don't treat us as such. I probably have more tips but for now this will do. Any questions? I will elaborate on whatever you need me to.


How much of your own advice have you followed and how much has it helped?

I'll save you the trouble of typing out an answer, zero.

What do you mean? I don't need to follow my own advice. I'm not seeking male companionship myself atm

Exactly. You're a girl: you can simply exist and and wait for Chad.

dude, chad's are fucking assholes. i don't want them in my life. many girls would agree. idk if you noticed but girls that want chad's are either stacy's or don't realize that the guy's a chad and was hoping that he'd be attractive AND not an asshole.

They still fuck him, though. :-)

I'm not even disagreeing with you. I think a lot of women would love Chad to ALSO being a domesticated type with good qualities for marriage.

But they'll still ride his cock, try to change him, HOPE he's "different". Chad is everything, babe, no use trying to pretend otherwise.

yes, she'll ride his cock, get their hearts broken when they realize they can't fix him and he will get off scott-free and move on to the next girl. she ends up miserable and insecure 'cause dudes only seem to want her vag. who won? not the girl.

Agree, but she won't stop. It's called the cock carousel and women don't get off of it until their mid-30s, when they settle down with a beta cuck -- and they're still not happy and totally miserable.

I just met one who literally fit that description to a "T", whining about her weak husband and talking about how she can't resist Chad / bad boys lol.

It's so predictable.

Now I'm not arguing women should settle for some pushover. Her husband sounded like a really, really nice guy but man he was a TOTAL pushover.

You want a happy medium, a guy who has qualities of both -- women just seem really bad at making those judgments.

work on your skills, hobbies and image and build a social network around said skills/hobbies

I don't need to follow this advice, I'm a woman

This sums up offal perfectly

I never said that. i said i'm not seeking male companionship. whoa you're like.. blind aren't ya

Good advice

  • confidence on ugly is seen as creepy
  • you don't identify as incel, either you meet the definition or you don't
  • yeah just be friends and happy that she fucks Chad after talking with you all day teehee
  • just be as close as possible to Chad
  • yeah, makes friends who you don't like
  • females wouldn't find someone who is a prodigy at Yugioh attractive
  • yeah just be inconsiderate cause the femoid likes that

you could've at least posted your tits instead of posting that garbage

  • confidence on ugly guys isn't creepy, idk where you got that from but get that idea out of your head. maybe you're confusing confidence with narcissism.

-if you meet the definition, try not to. try to change. girls hate incels because incels hate them.

-make friends you do like. the world isn't black and white. there are people out there who you'd like with a more open mind

-i literally dated someone who was a god at yu-gi-oh and he taught me how to play so.. no.

  • don't be too nice. don't be sickly sweet. yes, girls don't like pushovers, big surprise.

and that last comment i'm just going to ignore 'cause i'm here so what do i expect? the way you "villainize" women is holding you back. you're not even aware of how many ugly chicks are out there, trying to get dick. you're not alone.

confidence on ugly guys isn't creepy, idk where you got that from but get that idea out of your head. maybe you're confusing confidence with narcissism.

it literally is creepy, if an ugly guy copies Chad it is seen as creepy because he is supposed to know his place

if you meet the definition, try not to. try to change. girls hate incels because incels hate them.

I guess I'll just stop being Australian and male too because I meet those definitions too.

make friends you do like. the world isn't black and white. there are people out there who you'd like with a more open mind

you just said to make friends with different interests to yourself

i literally dated someone who was a god at yu-gi-oh and he taught me how to play so.. no.

I really really doubt this

don't be too nice. don't be sickly sweet. yes, girls don't like pushovers, big surprise.

being nice is good, it is super fucked up and that females do not like this

and ugly females also get fucked by Chad

  • chad doesn't act confident. chad acts like a dick. chad is narcissism. don't be like chad. girls are just blind to the attractiveness sometimes and confuse it with confidence. some girls are just dumb too.

-australian is hot. nothing wrong with that. if you hate women, that's the problem.

-if you automatically dislike people that are different than you, thats another problem.

-yeah i don't expect you to believe me but i'll be honest. this one was an attractive dude (with a bit of fat on him but i like that) so i learned yu-gi-oh to impress him

-girls just don't want to feel like they're on a pedestal. overly nice guys do this a lot. they don't want to feel special to you. they don't want to feel like they're the only girl in your life even if that's true. they only want that if THEY have a crush on you to begin with. but to foster that crush, you gotta act like they're not the most amazing girl just for talking to you.

-ugly females get fucked by chad then get tossed away by chad. i know a childhood friend who's a really ugly girl and she ended up being a cheap prostitute because she had a high sex drive, low self-esteem and she knew guys would use her for her pussy. i'm sorry but if that's "better off" then you just have your own messed up prejudice that isn't reality.

Lol he's a currycel Australian, not a blonde surfer Chadstralian.

doesn't matter, it's a cool ethnicity nonetheless

I'm the biggest disappointment to the Australian fetish lool

You're a saint. Trying to help the needy who are so stuck up their own asses, they don't even realize they do this to them selves.

I can't for the life of me understand how people can hate themselves so much, but still think they're better than everyone?!

We don't think we're better than everyone. I don't understand where you got that idea from.

Uhhh. The way you people talk about women and the men you deem "cucks" maybe? Or the way you talk about "chads" even - it's jealousy mixed with superiority. The hate you people spew is like poison and it seeps into your everyday life. That's what makes you "ugly" and keeps people from wanting to be around you. You're keeping yourself miserable.

Read this girls advice, it's good advice. It's honest and she was nice! Don't read it trying to find something to argue, or disagree with. Put away your hate for a second, read it and take in as much as you can.

My facial "features" make me ugly.

I promise you not everyone cares how you look physically. But when you care so much about it, it's hard to see anything else about you.


can you step back and accept that there's a possibility your behavior is part of the problem? no one is perfect on the inside. neither are you. it's easier to get by with looks but those people get rejected when others realize that looks aren't enough.

can you step back and accept that we have tried all of your blue-pill bullshit advice for the first 26 years of our lives and never worked? this place is where we finally come to die.

you're not a genius for the "advice" you gave. we heard it and believed it our entire lives. also, you're a femoid you don't have to follow any advice you can get by just spreading your legs. There's no way you understand what people like me are going through.

can you step back, turn around and fuck off? thanks.

Girls who get by just by spreading their legs are shunned by society.

i'll fuck off but you're still wrong. i could give you more personalized advice since i come from a background of a specific kind of psychology. you'd have to treat me like a human though which is laughable. fucking off, bye

You think all girls are probably better off than you cuz they can get dick whenever they want. And that's not true. There are girls who are Sort of in tree same boat as you

Omg Stacy got pumped and dumped by Chad. Women can be incel too. JFL.

Ok gl I'm pretty desensitized and tuckered out since I'm talking to multiple people so I apologize that I'm not 100% trying anymore. I'm trying to pick out a small handful of ppl to figure out their points of view in a sincere way. You don't care about having a normal convo without the sarcasm and stuff so I won't bother you anymore

they're just severely mentally ill and too caught up in group mentality. i don't feel sorry for them but i feel like i get where they're coming from, even with these shitty replies. i guess i was just too naive to think my advice was specific enough. they just have the wrong beliefs about females and it's hard to change beliefs... i tried though, right?

You do realize all your advice is the same shit people have been telling since the beginning, right? And that none of us would be here if we hadn't already taken your advice and realized it didn't work, right?

I took this advice 2 years ago and now all I am is an incel with a bunch of female friends that tell me about the new Chad they are fucking every week.

how people can hate themselves so much, but still think they're better than everyone?!

Have you ever met or been around successful people? It seems like one of the reasons successful people are generally successful is because they have an inferiority complex and a superiority complex simultaneously. It's not uncommon. Look at Steve Jobs, a very good example.

I can't understand how you guys just ignore us when we tell you our experiences taking this same advice

No, girls hate incels because becoming impregnated incapacitates them for 9 months and the thought of being useless and unfuckable for that length of time only to have your pussy stretched by a subhuman incel genetically inferior offspring is repulsive.

nah. you're delusional if you really believe that. i guess you're beyond help unless you get therapy. of course girls would hate a group that's based around being salty about not getting laid. it reeks of misogyny. plain logic. but we don't have to continue arguing

That's what it is from a subconscious biological standpoint. You can accept or deny reality.

But getting socked by Chads day in day out and still crawling back to them isn't misogynistic at all. Totally not.

your angry at girls that are just insecure and seek attention from guys that like an easy fuck. these girls aren't happy and have low self-esteem 'cause they've been reduced to just pussy by chads. do you WISH you were a chad that uses girls like that?

No. I wish girls didn't flock to Chads even after learning they're abusive, disloyal and manipulative. But that's what happens.

girls are kinda retarded man. they think with their vaginas just as much as guys think with their dicks. idk how many times i can name a girl friend of mine calling me up, cryin about a dude that she thought she could change. don't blame the stupidity on being female. blame it on being human. but a lot of my girl friends ended up being happily taken by a guy who was just a friend for years. guys who didn't wait around for them desperately, but just grew a connection with them. a connection is enough to surpass all physical barriers.

Truth! Many guys on here will call that "settling" but what it really is is wisdom.

Fuck yeah I wanna be a Chad

But I guess it's kind of natural to be salty about not getting laid, which is basically failing your main purpose as biological creature. People are salty all the time about way less important things, though it is considered acceptable.

He is beyond help because he can't get laid. Now get the fuck out of here.

Can someone link me that meme that shows in the first picture a woman's incredible ability to detect misogyny through internet comments and in the second picture their inability to recognize obvious red flags of a dangerous abusive wife beater man?

girls hate incels because incels hate them.

Joke of the century.

it's funny you don't think so. it's so god-awfully simple. garner shitty beliefs about women and they clap back.the term common sense is the joke of the century.

Yeah like incels behave like this irl in front of a girl.

You don't have any common sense yourself.

i've had incel friends. incels can't help giving out the incel vibe. i didn't know about this word until very recently but i looked back at my old friendships with some dudes and thought "damn... that's exactly what made me feel so uncomfortable about them. now i know what it means."

incel vibe

Jfl, women have a seventh sense for decting incels theory strikes again

dude it's true. you don't think people can read between the lines? no seventh sense required. it's the subtle social cues you don't realize you're handing out

Apparently they stop reading all them social cues when they're all over narcissistic asshole chad pricks who hates them.

They can't detect any vibes then huh. Fuck off

why do you want girls that like chads? don't you think they're a little to problematic to bother with?

All girls like chads lmao

They can detect incels but not abusive men and rapists, surprise surprise.

how do you know that they're incels? Maybe they are just awkward guys with no social skills.

Yeah someone else replied to your comment.

  • takes out dusty box of Yu-gi-oh cards in closet and starts building a deck.

>don't be too nice. don't be sickly sweet, yes, girls don't like pushovers, big surprise.


They're likely confusing confidence with cockiness too, that's one of the biggest issues guys in general who play at being confident about themselves hit. Over doing it and coming off as just assholes. And not the playful kind of asshole, the 'is this guy for real?' kind. It's a fine line sometimes.

I tend to think of confidence in the line of, stop giving a crap and just do your own thing. Someone is going to notice you if you aren't leering at everyone, or try too hard to impress someone else.

exactly. they do confuse it with the douche-bag attitude. I know i didn't convince anyone here of anything but i just wish they didn't give up. and life's not all about sex and love anyway.. but yeah, to each their own

“you could’ve at least posted your tits...”

Is exactly why girls don’t like you. If you have a shit personality no one is even going to try date you, get out your mums basement and actually try date people you mongo fuck.

oh a fucking white knight cuck. Erm no, females love posting their tits for Chad and a few femoids actually PMed me tits after I tell them to post tits fucking lol


females love posting their tits for Chad and a few femoids actually PMed me tits after I tell them to post tits fucking lol

"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. " - Friedrich Nietzsche

When you gaze into the Chadbyss the Chadbyss also gazes into you.

You were probably bullied for a reason and haven’t changed since then - Karma only exists if what they did had no reason, you’re just some pathetic kid on the internet that thinks he’s an “incel” when all you have to do is go have a shower and not be fucking creepy.

If you have a shit personality no one is even going to try date you, get out your mums basement and actually try date people you mongo fuck.


"Dis is y ur incel"

Is exactly why girls don’t like you

But didn't OP just say she liked a Chad who made fun of her in mean ways and didn't treat her like a delicate flower? As long as you're good looking you can be misogynistic and get pussy. The reason we can't get laid is because we're ugly af due to race, height, face, etc. not because we are mean to women.

Wait I didn't say that. That dude I mentioned was one of the ugly guys I was into. I threw myself at him and he was oblivious and just thought I was perverted like him lol

“you could’ve at least posted your tits...”

Yeah we go out in public telling this to women

Although if we had Chad looks it would work

If you think “confidence on ugly is creepy”, you don’t really understand what confidence is. We all feel awkward inside, but you can exude confidence by understanding that and finding a way to like yourself enough to show other people that you are likable. I feel like a lot of socially awkward dudes think “confidence” is mustering up the courage to act like a chad. That’s not confidence and Chads act the way they do because of their own shitty insecurities.

You sound like a roastie. It is seen very unacceptable for an ugly guy to be "confident" fucking lol. It's a one way ticket to getting metooed. Stop talking about something you have no idea about and post tits you fucking slut.

Well how would you define confidence? What makes someone confident in your book?

Confidence means having full trust. Chads can assume females will have full trust in him because roasties are terrible like that and that is all they like. Females will be offended if an incel has confidence, it happens fucking time and time again and it really makes me rage when females don't acknowledge this. Fuck you confidence is a fucking crock of shit

We have pretty differing definitions of confidence. Confidence to me is someone who is comfortable with themselves & likes themselves despite their own looks or insecurities.

That isn't the definition of confidence and even if it was females find that offputting on someone truly ugly, I fucking hate them

What exactly is the full trust you are taking about? Full trust in what?

They can rely on something, full trust that things will work out. Read the dictionary.

His definition isn't wrong but neither is yours. How about you read the dictionary and learn that a word can have more than one meaning LOL

Also, since you seem to know SO much about how females work, why don't you tell us what happened to you to make you think this way and we can work out what went wrong. We aren't here to attack you, but to help.

And seriously, stop attacking others for no reason. That is what screams insecurities/lack of "confidence" and makes people like you seem unattractive to not just women but everybody else, lol.

Just checked, “confidence = a feeling of self assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities” The definition you are talking about is not the personality trait of confidence, but the transitive version “to have confidence in something”. If you want to go with that, let’s say “to have confidence in yourself”, to trust and rely on yourself. Both definitions work.

Involuntarily celibate but voluntarily an asshole hmmmmm

arguing against a female makes you an asshole. If that's how it is I wouldn't have it any other way

No, what makes you an asshole is where you dehumanize another human being to the point where their only possible contribution to this thread is showing you parts of her body for your enjoyment. It actually wouldn't have mattered what your genders are you fucking brainwashed prick

Females love showing their body for Chads enjoyment

Reality check, no woman has ever shown her tits to any man after making a comment like yours. But I wouldn't be surprised if you somehow believed that women genuinely want to see comments like yours, seeing as you're clearly suffering from a pathological lack of perspective of the opposite gender

Incorrect, they do if it’s chad. A few roasties have also PMed me their tits before

Alright buddy I'd love to see proof of a tittie being sent in direct response to your exact wording of your above comment, including the part where you call her post garbage. Would loooove to see that oh and it might even win me over to your side.

Lol no I’m not sending pictures sent to me in confidence. Get your own cuck

I know absolutely nothing about your physical appearance, but based on your personality I would guess getting women would be difficult. Nice defense mechanism though, identifying as an incel, are you a closet narcissist as well? Because you know not being able to admit you're doing something wrong is a symptom of narcissistic personality disorder right?

Lol 😂😂😂😂😂 too much soy

Soy? That's some lingo I'm not hip on

I think that's actually pretty decent advice.

thank bro, i'm really trying not to sound typical here. just want to help if i can.

L to anyone who read this bullshit

whatever, i gave my two cents

Take your two cents back tbh.

props to you, you are brave despite all the sexism and unreasonable hate spewing out of these people.

it's good advice wasted on people who won't put in the effort. it's not your problem anyways, it's theirs. it's their choice if they want to take the advice and help themselves. It's like severely obese people complaining about their weight and comparing themselves to fit people who have put in the effort to diet and exercise. They're not hopeless just... refuse to be helped.

thanks man. yeah i didn't expect to change anyone's mind but i gotta try for the sake of trying at least once. they're definitely NOT hopeless, i agree with you there. if they just realize that themselves, that would already be huge step forward. i do wish these people the best regardless.

She's not brave you faggot. She posted a comment on a subreddit for virgins. What about that is brave?

??? Lol wait do you even read your own comments

What part was I wrong about?

she's trying to give you guys advice even though she knew it'd be unpopular. most people in this thread are just full of hate and are insulting her and being sexist for absolutely no reason. yet she's still here and trying to help and give her own advice on what would work from a girl's perspective. is that not brave? your comment is a perfect example of what i mean. lol.

she's trying to give you guys advice even though she knew it'd be unpopular

So just like all the other hundreds if not thousands of other people?

is that not brave?

So no, it is not. Posting some dumb generic advice thread #10525 on some internet forum is not brave, impressive or anything but sad. It's the equivalence of putting posters in a park that tell homeless people to just get a job.

I agree, it is a little unfortunate that many other people have tried to give advice and that her "advice" isn't exactly welcome in this sub. But her posting this isn't exactly what you mentioned.

the equivalent of what you mentioned would be posting a thread telling you guys to find a girlfriend and nothing else, which is completely unhelpful and rude. The equivalent of THIS post, however, is putting up posters to help homeless people find a job and giving (hopefully) helpful tips. In this thread, she has said only nice things to everyone with the INTENTION of helping them. She has never said anything offensive or mean on purpose unlike what other people have said to her.

If people don't like her advice or don't want to listen because they think "because she is a girl, she doesn't understand our problems!!" or something else, they can criticize her advice WITHOUT attacking her. People need to stop attacking others who are simply trying to help. You can complain about the quality of the "advice" and whether it works or not but don't complain about people who try to give advice. We can have a discussion on the best way to solve our problems without hurting other's feelings.

I don't know what requirements your definition of bravery needs to meet, but according to Google, being brave means to be "ready to face and endure danger or pain," which she has clearly done. She is facing all of this harassment but she is still trying to help those who are stuck and unable to get past this mentality. That's why I'm calling her brave.

The equivalent of THIS post, however, is putting up posters to help homeless people find a job and giving (hopefully) helpful tips.

Ah yes, very helpful tips like fake confidence and don't identify as homeless. It's still putting up some dumb posters instead of actually helping them. This thread is nothing more than dumb generic advice, it doesn't matter if it's not offensive or mean.

If people don't like her advice or don't want to listen because they think "because she is a girl, she doesn't understand our problems!!" or something else, they can criticize her advice WITHOUT attacking her.

But it's true, she doesn't understand our problems. This is painfully obvious from the replies they give. Gems like "australian is hot. nothing wrong with that. if you hate women, that's the problem." and "incels can't help giving out the incel vibe" or how about "you should try being gay, dude." Or the creme de la creme: "if you work out and don't eat junkfood every day, that should be enough"

Does this honestly sound like a helpful person to you? Someone who assumes nobody here has friends, we don't work out and eat fastfood all day?

People need to stop attacking others who are simply trying to help. You can complain about the quality of the "advice" and whether it works or not but don't complain about people who try to give advice.

No they should fuck off and leave. There's another 100 people in line that are "simply trying to help".

being brave means to be "ready to face and endure danger or pain,"

Such danger and pain in posting a thread on some incel subforum. "facing all this harassment" my ass. After these mean comments in this thread she'll cuddle with her boyfriend and enjoy her amazing life where people are nice to her. If this is what bravery is...

Ok, so you're arguing that her advice is too shallow/irrelevant because she doesn't face the same problems. I can see that and I agree. But again, the content/quality of her advice is different from intention. If people don't agree with it then they don't have to take it. It's just not right to lash out angrily at people who are trying to help though. She IS talking from the perspective of a girl so maybe people can ask her questions or at least have an informative discussion, not a firing squad...

I guess I don't understand why people are just shutting her down completely simply because she's a girl instead of explaining why her advice won't work without the same generic answers like "you wouldn't understand" or "lol girl? tits or gtfo". Just because she doesn't face the same problems doesn't mean she can't try to understand or try to help. It's like if someone has depression and shuts everyone out because "they don't have depression they will never understand therefore they can't help me." It's a bad mentality to keep and people may genuinely WANT to help. And then it is your decision whether to accept or reject their help. But flaming them for even trying? Really?

And also, I guess maybe my standards for bravery are different from yours. I can see your point, she probably has it better than most people on here but I don't want to assume people's lives are "perfect" either. Comments can still hurt a lot, and in a thread like this it's just outright mean... It's possible to criticize her advice without being harsh and unreasonable.

I've been trying really hard to understand where this subreddit is coming from for a while now but honestly, I just wish there wasn't so much hate towards everyone else. What are ways other people can do to try to actually help the people who are struggling in this subreddit? Or is everybody's mentality so far gone that they don't actually believe they can be helped? What is it?

I get where you're coming from and I like how understanding you are, OP could learn a few things from you.

I think people shut them down because they've heard it all before. Most people probably don't mean any harm, but they still cause some by their horrible generic advice. Most advice assumes incels are retards that have always been toxic as fuck and don't know social norms. While the social norms can be true for some, it's definitely not common. It would do them good to actually browse/lurk here before posting, not just one hour or two but several days if not weeks. There are a lot of memes most normies don't get, because I see them bite almost every time (tits or gtfo for example). People forget this is a place to vent, not to organize.

That brings me to your final part and that is that from what I see, most people here don't actually want to be helped. We want to shoot the shit with people like us, with people who understand our struggles. I also don't think it's not fair to call their mentality too far gone. Even if you're not an incel you may be able to see how true a lot of their points are. Looks are really important in the world and discrimination based on looks is a real problem people face as can be seen by the people here, but you can also see it around you if you know a lot of women (and lesser so in men). I think hyperboles that all women are this way isn't believed by most people, it's just a hyperbole but I could be wrong about that. Most people here have accepted life as it is and don't want to be helped.

I read it. Mostly good points, but she only addresses mentalcels.

I've discussed some of this. See my post: "Reminder: girls are only interested in Blue Pill Normies."

Women are universally only interested in guys who are totally Blue Pill and operate in Normanland, which you've described.

Most of this is reasonable advice you've offered, however. I'm not really placing a judgment on it, as to whether it is "good" or "bad" -- I'm simply saying, what you are describing IS basically a guide on, "How to be a Norman." Many of us know exactly what that means.

But you may have forgotten a few things:

1) Many men here are short, facially not attractive, and these are things very hard to overcome. Women care too much about looks to look past sub-par men. They can follow your advice from A to Z and it won't matter -- at best, they will make some female friends.

2) Many men here suffer from serious personality disorders, making it extremely difficult for them to adapt to "Norman" culture. For some of the men here to take up your advice, such would be very difficult -- they probably need therapy and some kind of drug just to get a foothold on basic socializing and adapting to being around other people. It's very hard for these people to make friends.

1.there are girls who can look past the looks. you just don't find them very easily 'cause they're not vocal, they don't get out much, they're very shy and most likely they're pushovers. i've had friends like that and i'm like that. i don't blame you for not being able to find them.

  1. the personality disorders need to be fixed but don't sweat it too much. many people have them and hide them successfully. therapy is supposed to work but i don't like recommending it. if you want therapy, PM me and i'll give you a real source for therapy.

Just because you have friends who YOU THINK would look past superficial appearance, doesn’t mean your anecdotes discredit mountains of evidence suggesting otherwise. Incels have been doing a lot of digging around in research journals and such, and a few interesting studies have surfaced on r/blackpillscience. Turns out, women almost always claim to be less concerned about looks than they actually are. In a study that looked at women in a speed dating service, almost every single woman claimed that she had no problem with average looking joes, and would even date a below average man if his personality made up for it. On the side, they also rated a ton of men on the 1-10 scale. As it turned out (not surprisingly) women did not stay true to their word, and openly rejected the same average or below average men that they lied about earlier. The same experiment was performed on men, and the researchers found that men were as appearance oriented as they claimed they were. Unlike women, they didn’t lie about their shallowness to seem like better people.

And yes, I’m sure there are some women out there who don’t ONLY care about looks. I know for a fact that there are reasonable women in society who aren’t shallow cunts, and are willing to give non-chad normal looking guys a chance. There are girls who aren’t disgustingly picky. That’s why they’re all taken.

What is this real source of therapy ?!!

I'm trying to pm you but I'm on my phone, the browser version sucks and the app is not loading correctly

Take your​ time.

Kek fake confidence doesn't work for ugly people. The guys you are talking about are probably not ugly women standards are just so unbelievably high that an average guy is probably an ugly guy to them.

narcissism doesn't work on ugly guys. plain confidence does. please believe me. i'd rather bang an ugly ass guy who looks like he's comfortable in his own skin. comfortable enough to talk to me like i'm not a big deal. don't pretend finesse in words don't exist. hot guys think they're entitled and expect girls to fall for them. but a confident ugly guy doesn't expect anything, which is good.

comfortable enough to talk to me like i'm not a big deal. 

How do you expect this to happen?

the same way you fix social anxiety. breaking out of your shell and practicing without expecting anything and without taking people's reaction personally. they don't know you so they can't accurately judge you. but they will judge you nonetheless. realize that you also judge them just as harshly and none of it matters. no one is above the other. you're just practicing being social. the beauty of trying and failing is that eventually you'll feel more comfortable as you fail. people can sense that and before you know it, you're used to it and come across someone that vibes with you.

damn. I’m a female with pretty terrible social anxiety (and a pretty drab romantic life for a 17 yo = no one has shown any romantic interest in me) and this is really good advice. I lurk on incel forums and end up agreeing and relating to the sentiments here (about isolation, loneliness, etc), which is a scary thing; it’s taken me a while to take a hard look at myself and think about my own actions/behaviors and how that affects how people treat me. Of course, if I was better looking, life would be easier, but most of the popular kids at my school aren’t popular because of looks. People need to ultimately enjoy being around you. If I’m too high-inhib, on edge, and anxious around people, they’re going to be able to detect that.

Lol everything you said is a lie, you might believe what you think but it doesn't work that way in reality.

"no u" LOL

if you ever decide to open up your mind and stop holding on to your reality, let me know. i might know someone that can help you if you want to be helped. a professional.

I'm a materialist, I don't believe in any of the nonsense you do. It's fine, people can believe whatever they want.

I respect that. We are indeed different people

Also confidence doesn't mean anything

Taking advice on females from a female.

Kek. Let me guess. Be confident, just treat her nice, etc.? Fyi, a confident ugly guy is a creep.

"just treat her nice" lol bad guess, my dude. read the advice. girls don't like overly nice guys. hence the stereotype. it's an art to be a nice dude but not sickly sweet. also, where's that statistic from? won't believe it without proof.

They actually deleted it recently since it was too blackpilled but it showed this.

the more you believe women don't give a fuck about anything except looks, the more you create that reality for yourself and wallow in it. i literally got rejected once by a dude who was ugly and fat. there are girls like me.

Lol, of course ugly and fat guys can get girls. It's called offering resources or social status.

it helps but she'll get bored and leave him if there's not enough personality.

Broke fat guys have to be funny considering its the only thing they have going for them

a sense of humor helps yeah.

Hahaha my Chad profile on tinder begs to differ considering I was talking a girl on there and in less than an hour she invited Chad to come over and "creampie" her. I was talking to her like shit the whole time. How about you tell your female friends to stop being so shallow?

you expect to attract worthy females as chad? no. only stacy's like chads. and other girls mistake chad's for good guys. if you want the girls that want chad's, you want a fairy tail to come true. these girls are bitches.

No, trust me "Chad" attracted lots of females. They all wanted the guy. Opening up with the most degrading shit ever and they'd "fawn" over the profile, offer him to come over or go on dates etc

those are not the type of girls you should be looking for though. :/ but i see what you mean. it's hard to find girls that are different. tinder is just a shit app though.

We do they just reply with "women on tinder doesn...


Seriously, stop. I've heard it all before, you trying to make me feel better just depresses me more because I know the truth

i'm sorry. i don't mean to make you feel worse. i'll stop replying here soon. or now. if you want access to real help (non-conventional therapy) i can link you a guy in a PM. if you have money. anyway, hope you have better days. peace

Honestly, I get that you're trying to be nice? But if you expect me to pay an "expert" to talk about shit that I've already accepted (I'm hideous, unappealing and I'm probably going to die alone) then I don't need help, thanks though?

you can't deny you need mental help. it's possible to be content with how you look. it's all about the mindset. touching the shadow. its called shadow work. if you're interested, you can always change your mind and give it a shot. i know so much about shadow work i could theoretically teach it to you. but anyway. i'm done here.

So I've accepted that I'm ugly, so now I need mental help? Do you even listen to yourself? Mindset? Do you mean confidence? Trust me I tried that you either get called a creep or get ridiculed because you're a guy it's acceptable to kick you while you're down I suppose. I don't want your help.

It's looks, money and status.

Stopped reading at "I'm a chick".

No amount of coping will ever give me Chad looks

you should give up at wanting chad looks. if you work out and don't eat junkfood every day, that should be enough. not all girls want chads. the ones that do are stacy's and you don't want stacy's.

Fucking lol. Making assumptions about me. You must be fit, jumping took all those conclusions.

I work out 5 times a week and have a very strict diet. I'm 6'2 and 200 pounds, I'm pretty big. No amount of razor sharp cuts will give me Chad looks.

EVERY femoid wants Chad. No exceptions. AWALT motherfucker.

You know next to nothing about incels. Shut up.

okay, if you're working out that's great! i'm just saying, that's enough for most girls. if you believe that about all girls, what makes you think any of them can change your mind or would even WANT to change your mind? how in the hell are girls supposed to like you if you think so lowly of them? you should try being gay, dude. you don't seem to be into women at all.

how in the hell are girls supposed to like you if you think so lowly of them?

You don't actually think we go around reading women our reddit comments do you?

you should try being gay

rule 6

trust me, we don't need to look through your reddit comments to get the hint that you don't really like us.


Complaining about how she's making assumptions about you, but you already made one when you "stopped at 'im a chick'"?

Guys who take care of their own bodies are attractive to a LOT of girls. So that's good. Maybe not to the shallow girls who want an attractive face to go with the body, but do you really want those?

Also maybe have you considered it's not your looks but your personality? From your comments, what else can we assume? You automatically shut her down for being a girl. Then you place a stereotype on her. Then you insult her knowledge. If there's something deeper to this, throw me a PM. Only if you really want help though. Or are you just here to throw shit?

Guys who take care of their own bodies are attractive to a LOT of girls.

There's way less you can control about your body than most people think there is. People who get seriously sick often realize this and gain a whole new perspective. Most people don't face substantial adversity in their life, so they don't realize this.

By the way, this goes for pretty much anything in life. If you haven't experienced something yourself, positive or negative, you won't truly understand it.

You dont need Chad looks. You need a nicer personality.

Jeremy Meeks



That man disproves what you said

Plain looking.. cant be taken seriously..

why? no such thing? enlighten me pl0x

You only had one purpose, but failed

What is my purpose

To fuck chad after chad.


I probably could go to /r/theredpill and find all of this and more, lol.

at least i tried bro

Don't try. Why do you people do this? No one wants you here and you're just so boring. God, you're boring and generic. Your empty advice is just so fucking generic. I mean what goes through your head to think we haven't seen this same exact thread several hundred times already? We know all this shit, we've heard it before. I guarantee you everyone here has heard it dozens of times. Don't just ignore me, answer me. Why are you so oblivious?

Just because you’ve heard it hundreds of times doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Have you tried the advice? If not, maybe you’re misinterpreting it and making a slight twist that changes everything. I wish all of you would still have hope

Dude you’re trying so hard to keep your head above the water. Why do you think that everyone here is a fucking retard who can’t read? Of course they tried the fucking advice. They’ve been trying this advice before they even came onto this sub. The reason why incels get pissed when normals spew some copy paste bullshit is because it’s never worked and it never will work. This is the same thing as a billionaire telling a forum of slum dwellers, “well have you even tried to get a job? Have you even pulled yourself up by the bootstraps yet? Why can’t you just work harder?”.

Hey, so I see you've tried the advice and it hasn't worked. Can you PM me so I can try to help? Of course, advice in posts like these has to be generalized because not all people's situations are the same. People's lives are more complicated than "make friends" and "fake confidence." But if it's for specific situations, maybe I can give more detailed advice (and hopefully more helpful). Only if you're looking for it though.

Dude I’m not an incel. But I was treated like shit when I was younger because of my looks, and no amount of “confidence” and “self improvement” changed that. I was lucky enough to become more attractive as I got older. Others aren’t as lucky, and I feel for them because I used to be in the same situation. That’s why I browse this sub

I see, sorry for thinking that. But do you think these people can be helped at all in any possible way? Or are they just doomed to their fate? Personally, I feel like as people get older, they care way less about looks and more about financial stability and personality. That could just be my insane luck in the people I meet however. I can't speak for all.

I mean, I don’t want to generalize everyone. There are definitely a lot of “volcels” in this sub, basically guys like me who think they’re uglier than they are, or are just late bloomers. Some guys are just doomed though. In western society, there are winners and losers. We have progressed over many years to minimize the number of losers, but they still exist. In the past, you would have a small number of very powerful people, while the masses were poor and powerless. Now, you have a minority of people (mostly men) who are ignored or belittled by society for existing. So yeah, I think some people are fucked for life. Its easy to think “everyone has a chance to improve” but that’s some wishful thinking. True meritocracy is, for the most part, an illusion.

As women get older, yes they stop caring about looks. But only when they’re 30 years old, washed up, no stable job, no house, bad credit, done having casual sex and hooking up. For some reason, most men stop caring about looks after high school, while most women continue to care about looks well into their 20’s. Suddenly, the guys who were rejected for being too ugly are getting messaged by some dumb bitch who was too shallow to give him attention before. Not all women are like this of course. But too many are. In my own life, I’ve seen so many women take advantage of men who didn’t know any better. Even ignoring my anecdotal evidence, there are a lot of studies and surveys to back up what I’m saying. Unfortunately, the trend for women is to fuck around with hot guys when they’re young, and then settle for average looking, successful men when they age.

Did you know that to integrate with the normies, you have to give the normies advice an honest shot? Doesn't that make sense? Also idc if you think I'm boring. I'm just here to put it out there. Wanna play the game? Play the game. Don't just ignore the advice just cuz you've heard it before.

Stop gilding yourself you pathetic attention whore.

If you knew an incel and told him your advice. Would you date him after he applied it all?

it depends. if i happen to fall for him afterwards, then yes. but the falling has to be a natural process. he wouldn't deserve it just because he followed my advice. unfortunately my old incel friends ended up being too hateful towards.

Teehee depends. She has to see him first of course. A lot of incels are autistic chadlites.

And the problem is that you don't want to date autistic chicks and skipped on the social interactions classes for autistic people

Going after autistic women is far from guaranteed to work. Most of them don't want to be surrounded by thirsty autistic guys and there's far less autistic women than men in the first place. Those social interactions classes you go on about mostly just teach us how not to be assholes and not to do anything illegal e.g. sexual harassment. Anything more than that can't really be taught to someone who's incapable of reading body language or knowing what another person is thinking

You mean learning what sexual harrasment is as a 8 year old..... Ok And you don't have to meet them at support groups. Autistic people I found somehow tend to gravitate together.

The reason there are fewer women "with" it is because It is underdiagnosed in women and maybe even overdiagnosed in men.

I know plenty of autistic people from outside of support groups I did when I was younger.

Of course it isn't listed on their dating profile. Is it on yours? No. That's weird and can get bad attraction.

Reading body language sometimes is thought in them. I know because I got it. It just takes paying a lot of attention. It is like going in a group, finding the right place to stand and get a spot. Shit like that. It can be learned slightly. Just takes a lot of effort and aware thinking. Not like for everyone else just going about your day. And also that you should never assume anything

Besides that. Misreading can sometimes be found funny. People think I am funny and sweet sometimes when I don't try it. And just misread a sarcastic sad joke as actually being sad

Mostly girls love that kind of behaviour. Because it shows you actually care about them. It Is literally one of the only ways i know how to make friends. Besides sometimes just being weird and random and making random fantasy jokes.

People love a sense of humour so OWNING some of the autistic things can actually help you. It helps to not be insecure about those simple flaws. Because confidence is very attractive. How can anyone love you if you don't even yourself.

Of course other symptoms should be helped with tools and tried to be suppressed if they interfere further with your life and the one I mentioned depends in severity level if should be completely owned or just partially.

There's plenty of grown men who have to be taught what sexual harassment is. I wouldn't say most are autistic, but a disproportionate amount are.

You're right about it being underdiagnosed in women, but most of those women will be really high-functioning. Someone who's undiagnosed will probably prefer the company of NTs to other autistics. Out of all the autistics I have known, the 3 guys who were high-functioning enough to have romantic relationships were like this, and they weren't even high-functioning enough to go undiagnosed. I'm not speculating on how many undiagnosed autistic girls I've known, but I've never known a girl or woman who's half as autistic as I am, and I'm considered high-functioning.

Not really sure where I could go to specifically meet autistic people other than support groups.

I agree with you about the misreading part. Some of my funniest moments have came from assuming someone was being serious and coming across as just being really invested in the joke. Like buying a friend soy milk when he made a joke about being a soyboy.

I couldn't call myself confident, but I take the piss out of myself for being autistic constantly and I guess this makes me appear less insecure than I actually am. About half my friends have admitted at some point that they couldn't see me getting into a romantic relationship, but I'm normal enough to have been invited to parties and social events even when some of my other classmates weren't. I've always refused due to fear of showing myself up, but I am going to the end of sixth form booze-up. I'm hardly part of the in-crowd, but my NT friends do find me a lot funnier than my other autistic friends.

Taking the piss of yourself is like seen as a sign of confidence.

And like yeah there are no places outside of support groups to meet autistic people specifically. But there are places where the concentration may be higher. Or at least the concentration of loving people can be.

I found a trend for myself.

Theather, art things and all are filled with some of the most wonderful people. My friends in high school even like all fitted that bill. A part of which was autistic. The rest just weird and wonderful. And caring.

There are no places specifically for autistic people. Since most. Just go to a regular thing. And there is not a hobby that is specifically for autistics

(Yes there are hobbies/interests a lot of lower functioning have. And mentally handicapped. Like trains being a big one. But you don't want that. You are high functioning.)

Ugly NTs are way more desirable than attractive autistics.

U remind me of this girl i used to orbit. Maybe ill use ur advice to fuck her then break her heart

Unfortunately she will see right through you, not give a fuck, and still end up breaking your heart lol won’t work buddy


Hey, bacinshakinsteakin, just a quick heads-up:
unfortunatly is actually spelled unfortunately. You can remember it by ends with -ely.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.


Shut the fuck up, whore. No one here cares.

The only thing we want from you is to agree with us. That's the only way you'll be accepted here. We've heard your generic normie bullshit thousands of times. You'll subvert no one becaause we know what life is like being a sub 5 male. There's nothing you can say that will change our minds.

I'm a chick who has had real crushes on genuinely ugly looking guys.

Your gender considers 80% of men below average, so your opinion here is absolutely worthless since i doubt you ever dated someone that is truly ugly, they were probably just ugly compared to the chads you're used to.

If 80% of men are below average, how do they still get dates? Is it for their wealth? Then why are not all women rich? Not attacking you btw, I'm just trying to understand more of your reasoning.

You are dull. Your advice is dull. You have the personality of a wet cardboard. Yet you're telling us about "self improvement". Kek.

Because I'm sure you can tell people's personalities from a single reddit post. Much like how I can tell yours immediately. So much for "girls only judge by appearances, they don't bother to truly learn about people." lol...

Did you really want help? Is that why you came to the thread? Or did you just want to harass her? Because your comment contributes nothing to discussion. But if you really do want help, throw a PM.

im also female and i already tried to give advice, theres no getting through to them unfortuneatly

yeah i think you're right :/ they just have toxic beliefs about women. it's hard to penetrate. i wish i could do something about it.

me too, best we can do is keep trying ig, i mqinly feel bad for the ones that are classified as terrorists by these SJWs even though theyre just lonely

yeah the SJWs stir the pot soooo much that i feel worried about consequences.

yeah, thats kinda what happened with AM

Do you not realize that some of these guys have struggled with being socially ostracized and put down their entire lives, on a level you couldn't even begin to comprehend?

Then you think coming in here and posting a wall of text that amounts to "be confident! make friends! don't be too needy!" as if that would solve anything?

Whether you'd like to admit it or not, the % of incels on this sub that you would honestly give a chance in real life, even if they followed your advice word-for-word, is definitely >10% and that is being very, very, very, very generous.

If you really are a "plain-looking girl" and this post is sincere, it's awesome that you're trying to help but doing so by offering empty platitudes and skirting the obvious issue... some of these guys are just TOO ugly for women to give a chance to... it's honestly kind of offensive


Shortest guy you've had a relationship with?

5'5. i'm 5'4. i do admit it's harder for short guys and i wish that wasn't the case :/ but not all girls are fickle like that, i promise you. it's up to you to get out there and find them. i've seen couples with tall girls/short guys.

The worst part for me, is even if you find a girl who is okay with your stature, her friends and family feel like it's the one feature the can openly comment on and tell her she can do better.

I was dating this one girl, and legit every single one of her friends (8+) and her family mentioned to her that I'm short, and how they like tall guys and how they could never date a guy my size and she should feel uncomfortable with me. A few even said it to my face that I'm short and that makes me not cute.

Obviously this social pressure hurts even more then the height itself and I'm not even that short.

i would date a guy who's shorter than me. 5'2 would probably be the shortest. as long as he's accepted being short and doesn't mind being confronted about it in public, i would accept it. but hot DAMN are you right about people and their stigma. for some reason no one's really sensitive about it. yeah even the lonely chicks don't really go for it much, i believe that. to be honest, i think a dating app for short guys/girls would do pretty well. short girls go for short guys if they're just as short as them i know that for sure. my dude, i really wish i could be your wing girl. you don't actually sound as mean as the others on here, haha ^_^' either way, if you need an ear, i'm your girl just hit me up

My husband is 5'1" and obese, so yeah, I could.

The reason this shit is upvoted is because IT browses this sub more than incels

tits or gtfo

you think you're entitled to tits, that's hilarious

[ ] tits

[x] gtfo

Ugly guy with confidence = creepy stalker.

this is so far from the truth. idk where to start :/

You could start by getting the fuck out of here.

Teehee I'm a girl XD give me attention and let me ruin your community because I have no hobbies and my life has no meaning.

it's funny how you hate us so much and yet you want pussy. you think you're entitled to get it for free. all i did was give my 2 cents and you give me attitude. then you sit and complain about us not giving you what you want. do you realize how childish that looks?

It’s flat out facts these dudes are just pussies. Not all of them , sure.. but most. Ugly dudes fuck all the time. Literally all the time. These dudes are literally screaming “all girls care about is looks” and then go try and fuck a [10] and get rejected and feel salty for life. How about you guys try and get with someone that’s a conventionally unattractive female??? No?! That’s what I thought. Standards are WAYY too high for some self proclaimed freaks.

Lookie here. You turned into the same bitch as every other girl who comes here. You're no different. Just fuck off

do you realize how childish YOU look coming into this sub, giving bad advice, then acting like a brat when people tell you your bad advice is bad?

This comment section disappoints me

None of these work, especially the whole having friends one.

i know how hard it is to make friends. my honest to god attempt to give tips would be more meaningful (and maybe more helpful) if it was personalized to your specific situation. hence, PMing and getting to know where you come from. but i'm a girl. not sure if i'm viewed as human in this subreddit lol

Its not hard to make "friends" its hard to trust them.

well... yeah, you got a point there. :/

Didn't read. There is nothing a hole could say that is worth bothering with

Fuck off

LOL you should try being gay. you hate women too much

Just checked, “confidence = a feeling of self assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities” The definition you are talking about is not the personality trait of confidence, but the transitive version “to have confidence in something”. If you want to go with that, let’s say “to have confidence in yourself”, to trust and rely on yourself. Both definitions work.

I disagree with the idea that we should be friends with successful people and not be jealous of them. How is that possible?

it's possible. it's fucking hard but it's possible. it all has to do with the ego. the ego is disconnected from yourself so you don't know when it's active. it takes a lot of working on yourself to lower the ego. it's the kind of work you don't want to do. the ego is what compares you to others. but what i'm talking about takes therapy to actually sink it in. i personally hate conventional therapy so i can't really recommend it to you. i'm just fortunate enough to have access to a real therapist and his teachings. i know it almost as well as he does. but this is a public forum and i'm just a random chick online. if you actually want to work on yourself, i'd offer the therapists name or the basic principles of his teachings in a private chat if you want.

Therapy is expensive and 95% of it is bullshit

I agree. i know someone who can give good therapy though. and i know his teachings myself. i could give you the basic principles of the teachings if you want. it's called shadow work.

Sounds like horseshit but go ahead

Those ugly guys in your eyes are chadlites roastie.You don't even see literal subhumans.

you don't know me. v_v'

I know biology and she is a bitch.

What a comeback. Goddamn everyone on this sub is hilarious. Jfl at idiots talking about personality.

I would treat a girl like that if I wasn't interested in her

how do you treat a girl you ARE interested in? there could be flaws in that.

Basically like a beta male. I really wish all the bluepilled crap was real. Like to date a girl I would either have to date a girl I don't think is very attractive or just pretend to not like her all the time

well.. thing is girls don't really see themselves as all that amazing. the non-stacy's anyway. if you act like you're into her without really getting to know her for a while, you're not really into her. you're into the idea of her. girls just expect to be treated with casual friendliness. she's not a big deal. she's just a nice girl who's a friend. that's how she wants to be seen. girls like this eventually end up really liking their guy friends. they also don't like being complimented on looks unless it's a special occasion or asks for your opinion.

if she's not very attractive, don't give up because of that. she might have an amazing personality and if she does, she will naturally be more attractive to you. this happens all the time. but obviously, if she ain't the right fit, don't force it.

As a female I second this....I have to do this with guys. I think this is the reality of reality for both sexes

Do guys really react negatively if you are too clingy or nice? Hard for me to imagine disliking that even though I can understand (on a theoretical level) women wanting guys who are "strong and independent". Like when I think of a long time single woman I think of some feminist career woman and not some "nice girl".

Absolutely. Even guys who are below me. It sucks. Dating is a strategy game.

Even guys who are below me.

I’m pretty sure no one here is asking for advice.

So tell me miss motherload of bad advice, how do I meet a girl? Coz if I approach them on the street, they'll call me a creep

the street is not a good place. concerts, events, classes for art/music are all a start.

Men go to concerts with their so. At events they don't want to be approached. And joining art and music classes is expensive. Besides I don't have any interest in them.

okay. i understand. all i'm saying is to get out more. and find friends via friends. i won't bother you guys anymore.

You are not the first one to give this throwaway advice here. What you guys don't understand is going out and talking to people doesn't solve anything. Women only want good-looking guys, online and offline.

Lmao it takes many years of practicing 3+ hours a day to get any good at art. More if you're not a teen anymore and your brain plasticity is lower.

I'm not even an incel but dear god all of this advice is TERRIBLE.


This is a huge load of steaming shit.

Ok number 1 ,let's change that too,attractive people get away with it. If an ugly old lady was saying how no guy wants her(which I've experienced talking to friends) in my head I'm like well you are old,not attractive,got crows feet, look Jewish with big teeth ,and huge eyebrows and your 55 ,why are you wanting younger men" but I'm not mean so I don't say that except go for guys your age.

2- who identifies as incel , hi my name is Bengals and I'm an incel on Reddit ,nobody does that.

  1. I've had a ton of girls in my life say ummm don't go so fast let's just be friends and see where it goes. It's the absolute worst thing to hear because they aren't attracted to you. Believe me they wouldn't say that to someone they are attracted too.also I've been.friends with plenty of females in my life ,it never went further. Actually my first love I had put me through torture,because she was like my.dream girl.but she got with every other guy and never wanted me.

4- the only thing I love about myself is my intelligence which is kind of a bad thing,sometimes I wish I was delusional.also I love who I am as a person. But nobody else does.

  1. You are right,this is really the only thing anyone can do and the only hope you can have really. If you don't got no hope in this area,I've felt suicidal over it.

  2. These are just head games in my book,I mean I get not being up someone's ass or too nice where it's sickening. I'm not like that,but I don't even get to this point.

Oh forgot the friends part, I am broke and have no real life friends anyway at 35 years old I can only meet friends sometimes online but they always turn on me and think they are way better then me and I'm creepy and ugly even as a friend.

I don't know how you guys even have the energy to argue with these types of posts anymore, it's all so tiresome.

OP had in mind a handsome face and applied all these advice so she can explain to herself why she liked chad


Are you telling us to try being confident? This is totally the first time we ever heard this one

dumb bitch lol


Just because you’ve heard it hundreds of times doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Have you tried the advice? If not, maybe you’re misinterpreting it and making a slight twist that changes everything. I wish all of you would still have hope

girls are kinda retarded man. they think with their vaginas just as much as guys think with their dicks. idk how many times i can name a girl friend of mine calling me up, cryin about a dude that she thought she could change. don't blame the stupidity on being female. blame it on being human. but a lot of my girl friends ended up being happily taken by a guy who was just a friend for years. guys who didn't wait around for them desperately, but just grew a connection with them. a connection is enough to surpass all physical barriers.

And the problem is that you don't want to date autistic chicks and skipped on the social interactions classes for autistic people

Unfortunately she will see right through you, not give a fuck, and still end up breaking your heart lol won’t work buddy

Hey, bacinshakinsteakin, just a quick heads-up:
unfortunatly is actually spelled unfortunately. You can remember it by ends with -ely.
Have a nice day!

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Did you know that to integrate with the normies, you have to give the normies advice an honest shot? Doesn't that make sense? Also idc if you think I'm boring. I'm just here to put it out there. Wanna play the game? Play the game. Don't just ignore the advice just cuz you've heard it before.


You could start by getting the fuck out of here.

Ugly NTs are way more desirable than attractive autistics.

I mean, I don’t want to generalize everyone. There are definitely a lot of “volcels” in this sub, basically guys like me who think they’re uglier than they are, or are just late bloomers. Some guys are just doomed though. In western society, there are winners and losers. We have progressed over many years to minimize the number of losers, but they still exist. In the past, you would have a small number of very powerful people, while the masses were poor and powerless. Now, you have a minority of people (mostly men) who are ignored or belittled by society for existing. So yeah, I think some people are fucked for life. Its easy to think “everyone has a chance to improve” but that’s some wishful thinking. True meritocracy is, for the most part, an illusion.

As women get older, yes they stop caring about looks. But only when they’re 30 years old, washed up, no stable job, no house, bad credit, done having casual sex and hooking up. For some reason, most men stop caring about looks after high school, while most women continue to care about looks well into their 20’s. Suddenly, the guys who were rejected for being too ugly are getting messaged by some dumb bitch who was too shallow to give him attention before. Not all women are like this of course. But too many are. In my own life, I’ve seen so many women take advantage of men who didn’t know any better. Even ignoring my anecdotal evidence, there are a lot of studies and surveys to back up what I’m saying. Unfortunately, the trend for women is to fuck around with hot guys when they’re young, and then settle for average looking, successful men when they age.