These aren't bad boys these are just fucking metalheads. Believe me coming from a guy whose entire wardrobe is almost black metal shirts, you don't wear them to make girls think you look cool. They don't get women. No girl will tell you your scream bloody Gore shirt is the tits even if it is. It's for the metal br0s
This. My attirr usually overlaps with goths/metalheads and most metalheads know that their style isnt going to help with women. Its about other things.
1 blackhat420 2018-05-12
dude blind guardian is the shit
1 throwawayricecel 2018-05-12
Metallica looked like this when they were younger. Now they slay pussy.
1 kvltwarrior98 2018-05-12
Damn... I just realise the similarities between those guys and me are uncanny.
1 micmac6969 2018-05-12
These aren't bad boys these are just fucking metalheads. Believe me coming from a guy whose entire wardrobe is almost black metal shirts, you don't wear them to make girls think you look cool. They don't get women. No girl will tell you your scream bloody Gore shirt is the tits even if it is. It's for the metal br0s
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-12
Yeah metalheads are definitely not bad boys lol
1 Allthefuckingnames 2018-05-12
Metal guys are always the most peaceful/awkward ones.
1 Zyros_ 2018-05-12
This. My attirr usually overlaps with goths/metalheads and most metalheads know that their style isnt going to help with women. Its about other things.
1 throwthisaway9261 2018-05-12
They look like kids...
1 HereToRot 2018-05-12
Blind Guardian is the definition of nerd music. They even have an album called Nightfall in Middle Earth. I doubt any of their fans are bad boys.
1 Trees_Are_Racist 2018-05-12
Sick hammerfall shirt though
1 DryYard 2018-05-12
These guys mog me.
1 sipuliina 2018-05-12
I kinda like the guy on the left.
1 25OverHeat 2018-05-12
You mean The Grinch?
1 rest_me123 2018-05-12
The second one could actually looxmax through haircut, gym and normal clothes. The others are too small.
1 Rationalist11 2018-05-12
Maybe the first one, too
1 rest_me123 2018-05-12
Yes, his head looks too big for his body though.
1 harambeazn 2018-05-12
Second one looks like the rapper bones lol
Maybe he could SoundCloud rapper max
1 Rationalist11 2018-05-12
Maybe the first one, too