It's over for ricecels if you aren't this Alpha in 2018.

91  2018-05-11 by MakeTotalDestr0i


Mongols were the first beta uprising.

Short, stocky, Asian manlets were tired of being rejected by women and set out to conquer everything in their path and spread their seed.

Genghis khan raped so many Stacy’s he lost count.

spread their seed

And that is why we have so many boneless manlet incels now.

No home, this is literally the reason.

their faces are pretty high test tbh. theyre basically power manlets

Round faces.


The mongols even cut off legs of anyone taller than them. They also liked to rape and kill children for fun. It makes me happy seeing mongolia is a 3rd world dump today

Based on all the things I read about them in my personal opinion it's doubtful the people living in Mongolia today did any of that, with so much of Mongol influence all over the continent. I'd assume the Chinese, not the mongols up in the mountains, were the real co-op invaders. Siberian tribes hunt reindeer with reindeer, live off the lands and fish, while the mongols rode horses and appeared closer to Huns in attire. So why the fuck would the people in Mongolia choose to raid people in Eastern Russia, Persia, Rome? They'd have to travel across barren uninhabital land in Russia to reach the Baltics. It doesn't make any sense, and the Chinese never have anything bad to say about them ever, which is why the mongoloid theory seems bullshit to me.

The mongol hordes was a mix of turkic and mongolic tribes. The turkic people are the same as the mongolic people. Both practiced steppe culture, rising horses across the flat wasteland, and raiding villages and forts.

And yes they did raid, pillage, kill, and rape most settlements across the asian continent

Thanks to horses and the compound bow, other cultures used religion or blamed other cultures for the raids on them.

Mongolians have nearly 100 IQ averagely. If you want to see 3rd worlders look at African countries with 65 average.

Mongols do not have an IQ of 100 lol. The only Orientals that do are Chinese, Korean and Japanese. If every Mongolian was that intelligent Mongolia would be at least somewhat inhabitable today. Btw, I'm Mediterranean, I'm not Asian saying muh IQ.

mongols average IQ is 108

That's retarded.

They were nothing more than primitives

Nice pimp coat

CONAN, What is best in life?!?

mongolian throat singing rap intensifies

Just be Attila the Hun or Genghis Khan theory confirmed.

I mean...I have a penis and even I am getting wet.

thats cuz u peed ur self