33 2018-05-11 by MajesticSubhuman
1 Zangano1 2018-05-11
Their IQ is just so low. I cant even imagine how it would feel being like that.
1 FelipeHdez 2018-05-11
so my IQ is too low because I can havw a gf?
Because you are numale.
1 Blackpilltales 2018-05-11
"girl here listen to my opinions" That's where I stop reading tbh
1 virgoanshiet 2018-05-11
I love that death grips album.
1 limpdicc 2018-05-11
I was waiting for a death grips reference in this sub tbh
Death grips should've been what this wojack was based off of
1 Zangano1 2018-05-11
Their IQ is just so low. I cant even imagine how it would feel being like that.
1 FelipeHdez 2018-05-11
so my IQ is too low because I can havw a gf?
1 Zangano1 2018-05-11
Because you are numale.
1 Blackpilltales 2018-05-11
"girl here listen to my opinions" That's where I stop reading tbh
1 virgoanshiet 2018-05-11
I love that death grips album.
1 limpdicc 2018-05-11
I was waiting for a death grips reference in this sub tbh
1 virgoanshiet 2018-05-11
Death grips should've been what this wojack was based off of