First woman in the history of inceltears that understands incels

117  2018-05-11 by everythingshewants7

RoastieSupreme3 points·1 hour ago

That's no necessarily true. I look and post over there because I can somewhat identify with them. I'm not an incel, I'm married, and Im a genuinely good person. I volunteer. I hold the door open for anyone with in 20 feet.

But... I'm deformed and either a tall little person or a ridiculously short average person. I fall directly in-between. I'm not a looker and old now to boot.

Anyway, people are very mean. You'd be completely shocked how rude and cruel people are and I know it's because of how I look, and I'm female. I imagine it's even worse for men because a lot of women hold this misandric view that all strange looking or ugly men are going to stalk or molest them or their children. It's anecdotal, but when I'm at a PTA function where is only moms, it comes out and you get to hear all their disturbing biases. There's no way they are hiding it when interacting with those people they're talking about.

When people are mean or rude to me, I'm able to brush it off because I have people in my life who opinions matter to me and who love me. Im validated as a with while human. These incel guys, they don't seem to have that so for me it's easy to see how they slipped down a rabbit hole and straight into hell. And then it's like an addiction and very hard to claw out. So I feel very very bad for most of them. Even if they're mean I just feel pity. I do think there are quite a few fakers who just stir the pot and feed off the misery though.


This is pretty close to how I feel about you guys, very well put.

shut up, you fat whore.

Lol I don't even weigh 100 pounds.

fuck off dyke.

Now we are in the right insult category!

If you really wanna help, send a sex tape of you and gf

I'll ask her if shes down when she gets home tonight lol

If you're considering this for real, Say something like "we love you bcat, you're worth this" at some point in the sex tape.

Damn making requests now lol

Jesus christ dude stop orbiting the roastie she obviously isn't going to send you a sex tape

the moment reddit officially became 4chan

It's down in writing, you're down by law. I usually practice bird law, but I know stuff about regular law.

You'd be fun to throw around.

If you make that offer you better be able to back it up 😈

Get a fucking life you waste of space


roaster status confirmed.


Yeah I'm sure the "Stacy" hangs out on an incel sub because you feel bad for us, what a fucking joke lul


No femoid can ever understand us. Every decent looking femoid is a mini celebrity these days thanks to Instagram.

Way too many bluepilled incels on this sub. Women are opposition and want us all dead.

You're your own worst enemy.

shut the fuck up you opp

That may seem like hyperbole but literally every single hot Stacy from my highschool went from a few hundred followers to 15k+ when they went to college. I'm not saying this is a bad thing but some of them are even able to monetize their attractiveness by posting like "OMG I absolutely love my ChadChaser™️ body cream! #ad". Life on fucking easy mode lol.

Bro there is 15/16 year old thots who post slutty pics on insta with like 20/30k followers doing the exact same thing lol

Girls live life on tutorial mode. It's basically cheating if you have a vagina in 2018

Unpopular opinion:

Incels are Stacies reincarnate who are mad that the game's not easy anymore, but aren't willing to git gud yet.

I have no clue what this is even supposed to mean

You were hot in a past life and now you're paying for it.

just run reincarnation game bro

Are normies telling us to rope now?

nothin new

The differences in religions comes down to the countries they originate from. In the west, religions are based around the idea that you get to live forever if you do cool shit because life is good and you want to live it forever. In pajeetville, religions are based around the idea that when you die after living a life literally shitting in the street you might get reborn as someone cool so you should give all of the cool people tons of money and be their slaves in order to earn your chance at becoming them in the next life.

In the end, they are all bullshit.

both bluepilled but the street shitting one is less ark, farther from black pill, it's like skyblue

Can u give me some names of those teens

Nice try fed.

this bro doesn't even run hashtag game at all

TIL that attractive people have it easier. Stay tubes to r/Braincells for more insights like these.

Why would women want you dead? Just asking, been browsing this forum recently.

we reminds them they are terrible horrible people that only want chad

I know not all people are like that. I know a lot are and that can be discouraging.



did i stutta? blocked for being a cuck

Sorry, I didn't know it was an acronym for something. :-\

Basically the point of sexual desire is sort the phenotypes (genes and personality and other things) that should continue on into the next generation, and those that shouldn't. When we say that someone is unattractive, or has a bad personality, we mean we want less of it in the future. Some of these qualities are at least partially under our control (weight/fitness, hygiene, wealth, personality) and some are not (height, face, dick size, race).

Incels generally feel that the unchangeable aspects dominate, that there is nothing they can do to be put on the good side of this equation, that they are fucked for life. "Improve yourself" isn't bad advice but some people feel it is unrealistic, and its worth noting that betas have it really, really hard in the Tinder era. If you're short, there's no changing that. If you have a bad face, there's no changing that. Sure hygiene and personality can be improved, wealth and muscles can be gained and weight can be lost, but there is no strategy that can guarantee success in any of those domains, and even if you become wealthy, thin, strong, and clean, you might still get rejected, and no one will sympathize or console you. You have to do it all, alone, with no support, no promise of success, and no consolation if you fail.

Whereas other guys are naturally tall attractive assholes and get loads of pussy from an early age and no one ever shames them or rejects them. And women are rarely as alone as the bottom 15% of guys. Its hard not to be envious. But the moment you express a hint of envy or resentment, or just want someone to understand that its painful and unfair, you get called "entitled", "misogynist", "beta", and a whole bunch of other nasty slurs. And there is no movement of allies or understanding people, only assholes, bitches, and people telling you to improve yourself with no interest in actually supporting you.

The other aspect of this autism (and related social/mental disabilities). Being autistic means you have no ability to figure out how to make people like you, or even when people are sending you signals that they do or don't. It also makes you way more sensitive to negative emotions, meaning that a few brutal rejections and maybe a sexual harassment incident could result in you not trusting your own abilities to approach women without suffering extreme social shaming. On top of that, autism results in fixation and poor emotional regulation, which is why many shooters are later found to be autistic. There is a cycle of bad social skills => being unable to access help or support => alienating whatever support you can find => fixing on the problem alone, or only online with other alienated losers => hating everyone because everyone hates you => taking it out, either with a gun or online through misogynistic posting.

The conventional wisdom is that autism can't be changed. I happen to believe that it can be improved greatly by avoiding gluten, casein (milk), and processed food, taking some supplements such as colostrum, and general life improvement stuff like working out. Obviously this is not mainstream, snopes-approved health advice. And there are no guarantees that any life improvement will result in better relationships with women. If you work hard to do life improvement stuff and are still lonely after a great deal of work, and you complain about it, you'll just get more of the same "you aren't entitled to women's bodies." Which just translates to "your phenotype doesn't deserve to live on into the next generation. We want less of you."

High IQ.

I just wanted to rant :(

Damn, that was very well written and thorough break down of the social and personal issues within this community.

But on one point. Dont downplay when people call Incels misogynist, entitled, beta, etc. There's usually a reason for choosing that particular word. While I wont lump all Incels into the same category of hateful, horrible people, there are definitely those within the community who do exhibit those behavior and attitudes and sadly, it's like any other group that extremist identities within the whole make outsiders perceive them all that way. Which is why I said to someone earlier, Incels need to deal with their own and ensure those who are violently hateful towards women (the misogynists) those who demand women should fuck them (the entitled) need to be shut down from within so that the overall Incel stigma can be taken seriously and not just become a meme of it's own.

Otherwise you'll never stop having people come around wanting to 'help you' to get through this (since those two things in particular make this entire thing look like a mental illness) and instead look at the underlying causes and reasons a person finds themselves in this Incel mentality of hopelessness.

If a poor person resents rich people, no one calls him a rich-hater. Why not? Poor people killed over 100 million in the 20th century out of envy, but there are still millions of charities to support them, and huge amount of political discourse to console them and give them a hero narrative.

Sure they do. If someone resents something wealthier and better off than they are, specifically for that reason, then that's jealousy and envy of what the wealthy person has. You see it literally all the time with people who complain about wealthy corporations and the 1%. They hate the rich, they hate them because that wealth controls the world.

As for hundreds of millions dead, for envy specifically, I doubt that. While wealth can have contributing factors into how laws are made, which policies and how police forces function, wars, revolts, coups, etc all happen due to staggering issues that build up over time. Venezuela is a good example of that. Wealth is a factor, it isn't the only issue though. Everyone having wealth isn't going to change the fact their country's leader is a enormous asshole who's shutting down and censoring his own people, shutting down the media and killing anyone who would speak out against it from within their own country.

You also lost me a bit on why you chose that example in particular, sorry.

My point is lots of people are hateful for shitty reasons. Radfems openly hate men. TERFs openly hate trans women. Communist-inclined people openly hate the rich. BLM types openly hate the police. Are any of these people justified in their anger? Who are you to judge? Do you think all Communist, Radfem/TERF, and BLM forums should be shut down?

If any of them incite and support/encourage the abuse, terrorizing of or torment/enslaving of those of opposing sides that they dislike. Then absolutely.

Disagreement and opposition of opinions is fine, that's called debate.

But once it gets taken to a level where people are calling for the lives of men, cops, entire other demographs of people because of what they are, that's a line that shouldn't be crossed and makes those voices no longer credible ones to be taken seriously, but makes everyone else wary of them and whether or not they can be trusted at all.

That's a fair standard. But in practice, women #KillAllMen on twitter all day every day and don't get banned, but /r/incels gets banned cause a minority of the users are angry enough to do the same.

So I don't use twitter, like ever. But I decided to see what that hashtag would bring up, sure enough it's there, but it's also being denounced as well. Certainly there's some super crazy people, feminists or otherwise, who would use that hashtag to promote the genocide of an entire gender they stipulate is the source of all their/world problems. Does it make it right? Absolutely not. Should twitter enforce better policies against these sorts of things? Certainly, but then it gets into a whole other argument about 'freedom of speech' and blah blah. It's nonsense, inciting the harm of others, in any fashion, is inexplicably heinous and wrong.

I also mentioned I know it's not the majority that run with those phrases, you have your genuine believers and you have the trolls who see an easy pot to stir up.

But two wrongs don't make a right either, using what their saying as justification for hate speech doesn't make the hate speech suddenly right and valid. It's heinous on both sides and also discredits both sides. Because you have those within the community and those without. Those without are looking in, seeing this kind of stuff and going back to 'is this a mental illness? are these people serious?' and the very same impression is being dealt by the feminists and whomever is throwing out #killallmen, etc.

So be better than them. Certainly you've heard the old phrase "dont stoop to their level?" It applies to grade school as it does to adulthood..sadly.

Well the difference is that feminists have something to live for, incels don't. It's not "what can I say that helps the movement/other incels" it's "I'm gonna rope myself anyways so I might as well say how I really feel."

Of course Incels can have other things to live for, if they stop obsessing over sex/relationships and live for themselves, for other things to enjoy. Nature, gaming, reading, writing, hiking, the gym (if you're into that, I hate going to to the gym), etc etc the world is full of other things you can do.

Yes, sometimes having a partner can make doing all those other things better in a way, but that's a personal perceived notion.

I have been physically single for about six or so years now. I say physically, because I've done the whole 'online long distance dating' crap, never works out. But because of the ldr thing, I've also had to learn to enjoy life running it solo. I do not have a circle of friends, I have 'friendly acquaintances' from people I work with, but I can't rely on them to be there for me in the way people with a real close knit set of friends can. You learn to make do with what you have and keep on, keeping on. I do get depressed at times as well, existential crisis kind of shit that makes me wonder why the hell I bother getting out of bed. But I do and because I do, because I'll keep pushing myself forward and find something else to entertain me, something to make me laugh, something to appreciate outside of myself, that depression melts away. It's still there, sure, so I deal. Anyone else can do the exact same thing.

When I was growing up, I was diagnosed with autistic behavior after a really, really botched vaccination I took as an infant. It messed me up, I dont remember this, due to age. But from what my family has told me, I went from being super open, friendly, never knew a stranger type of kid into reclusive, withdrawn, shy and it's never really changed. Even now, I do struggle with talking to people unless it's work related (because I have to), unless it's online. But I still try, given that I'm still single and havent been laid in years, my success rate is pretty abysmal. But the thing is, dont give up on yourself. I'm still trying to reinvent my style, my grooming, what colognes work best with my skin, etc. And while there's the desire to attract a mate, it's only part of me, the rest of me is about me doing the things I enjoy. Dont feed into the 'it's over for you' bullshit, all that does is discourage you from hope.

/u/auto-warmbeer I’m really loving your posting. I share your sentiments and you have put them far more eloquently than I ever could.


Lmao, yea, they simply hated them for being rich. Can I sell you this bridge?

Wow, thank you so much for spelling that out for me! I didn't know this was such a huge thing so many people seem to relate with. Personally I tend to think more positively on my physical attributes that I don't like. I can't change my hair color and how it's curly, or how my lips are too small, but if people don't like me for these little things, then that just means their opinion about me is automatically void. Even if you can't change what you physically have, that's alright. Life is hard and everyone goes through it differently.

Especially when you mention autism. My big sister is on the spectrum, but it isn't very severe. She is quite cold towards people and akward in social situations, but because if her good looks she gets by alright. Again, thanks for taking the time to write that all out.

A big part of the frustration of this is the double standard. You're anxious about your looks, but everyone is, and you still get love and attention when you need it (I assume). Your sister is autistic, which is a death sentence for many men, but it hasn't hurt her in the dating market.

Yeah that's definitely true, but I feel many men she has dated are exactly what you would call a "Chad". For some reason she attracts men who manipulate her really bad. Although she still attracts the wrong crowd (because she is easily manipulated) she has learned the difference between the creepy rapey guys and the genuine ones. I don't envy her dating life, even though mine is quite sparse.

Honestly, and I know this sounds misogynistic but bare with me, I and probably most incels would rather be raped than live the life of loneliness we are doomed to.

Gee I don't know if I'd wanna be raped, that doesn't sound super pleasant, but if your into that go for it.

They don't want you dead. They don't even hate you. They are just apathetic to your existence.

(not me personally but I read that and thought of that lol love that show)

Yet she'd never date one. jfl

I don't think I can help you. That would require resources I don't have. I can only be a decent human being towards you which minimally, will not hurt you.

The most I can do is to try to understand and help others do the same.

We don't want you here because you're a reminder. We don't want or need your understanding. We don't want or need your sympathy. It changes absolutely nothing. Let us vent in peace. It's one of the few luxuries we have and your sub is determined to take it away from us. I don't come there. You shouldn't come here.

Look I understand, but honestly we really don't want your support. We're so tired of hearing this. It's nice that some women and some normies out there actually tend to see as not being these evil mass murderers, but the end result is still the same. We're lonely losers who are going to die alone, and it is due to a mixture of poor luck, bad genetics, ugly looks, zero social circle, and just having these awkward vibes that is impossible explain, but can be seen in person.

I don't want sympathy from anyone, because I know in the end guess what? You go home with your loving husband, cuddle, and have sex. Guess what we all do? Go home, and cuddle with a fucking pillow and cry ourselves to sleep. In the end we're all a distant memory from you people who try to sympathize with us. And it always happens.

If you keep believing that it will be true. If someone had depression and acted similarly to this they would try get help, not accept their 'fate' that they are actually causing.

If you keep believing that it will be true.

Right, going home every day to nobody and being treated badly for my looks are just beliefs I have that can be cured by a good talk and a shower.

Nope. Not it at all. But if you put yourself down constantly it only leaves you worse off.

I don't need to put myself down, other people manage to do it just fine.

Okay so some people put you down so you decide to treat them as sub human?

Who am I treating as a subhuman?

I need to be more specific. You being incels not just you specifically.

If you keep believing that it will be true.

Lmao. I just can't with this stupidity anymore. I just truly can't. Yeah man, I'll just believe I'm somehow successful with women and a real ladies' man. It'll be true tomorrow. All you gotta do is belieeeeveeee.



She still has love and a man, but is deformed enough and old enough for a wee spectre of truth to have broken through her skull.

Wish i had support, but when everyone sees you as trash then thats what you begin to believe.

100% truth. There really isn't any arguing that.

to understand life as an incel you must experience it. there is no other way around. normies will never understand.

how the fuck is this girl an incel.

This girl is probably being bullied at school. She probably believes her fake friends when they tell her she's ugly. Maybe she isn't believing the army of thirst betas and reasonable people telling her she's actually quite cute. Its a teenage delusion, she'll grow out of it.

damn wtf man. no one should go through bullying ever

When girls get bullied, other people care.

She literally states that she is not an incel and that it is nowhere comparable to incels.

lol didnt watch the vid my bad

She's an attention whore who hangs out at lookism.

Nope. She posted on here by the way. She was an attention seeking slut.

Definitely not an incel lol

The fact you're still "nice" and show pity means you understand absolutely nothing. You're our enemy, simple as that.

she could give us sex to help us deal but she's like ewwww

She's married ffs

And married people never cheat? What is your point?

Im a genuinely good person

You know someone is unlikable if someone says this.

thank you /u/RoastieSupreme

I know very well how women treat ugly guys. this is why I grew up to hate women the way I do now. the kind of things I've had said to my face, like I wasn't even a human, during high school and later college changed my entire world view. yeah i'm a boring nerd with boring nerdy hobbies, but I never attacked anyone IRL in any way, never got into a single fight in my life and only one or two verbal confrontations.

yet even despite this women would make fun of me, or be rude to me and visibly look disgusted at me for even being in their vicinity.

Oh yes. Been there. Being looked at and talked about as if you’re not even human. “Can you believe he looked at me?”

And the thing about us autist types is that we never forget. My self esteem was already fragile but years of intense high school bullying destroyed me beyond repair.

I've had kids look at me and cry. It's destroying.

I think /u/MagratM and u/board_gaming are pretty close to understanding what an incel goes through.

not sure of first but fatass board gaming with thousands of cuck orbiters has no idea

fat ass-board

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

she gets it

she can cope by having sex with her husband tho

What is this pedestaling

Thank you ladies that actually understand us

It's a larping male, has to be.

thats all i really want i want them to acknowledge that incels have a hard life

High iq post tbh

Ofc since shes female shes married and loved.. fucking hell man I just wish more ppl in this world understood.

I have no clue what this is even supposed to mean

The differences in religions comes down to the countries they originate from. In the west, religions are based around the idea that you get to live forever if you do cool shit because life is good and you want to live it forever. In pajeetville, religions are based around the idea that when you die after living a life literally shitting in the street you might get reborn as someone cool so you should give all of the cool people tons of money and be their slaves in order to earn your chance at becoming them in the next life.

In the end, they are all bullshit.

We don't want you here because you're a reminder. We don't want or need your understanding. We don't want or need your sympathy. It changes absolutely nothing. Let us vent in peace. It's one of the few luxuries we have and your sub is determined to take it away from us. I don't come there. You shouldn't come here.

Look I understand, but honestly we really don't want your support. We're so tired of hearing this. It's nice that some women and some normies out there actually tend to see as not being these evil mass murderers, but the end result is still the same. We're lonely losers who are going to die alone, and it is due to a mixture of poor luck, bad genetics, ugly looks, zero social circle, and just having these awkward vibes that is impossible explain, but can be seen in person.

I don't want sympathy from anyone, because I know in the end guess what? You go home with your loving husband, cuddle, and have sex. Guess what we all do? Go home, and cuddle with a fucking pillow and cry ourselves to sleep. In the end we're all a distant memory from you people who try to sympathize with us. And it always happens.

If you keep believing that it will be true. If someone had depression and acted similarly to this they would try get help, not accept their 'fate' that they are actually causing.

Are normies telling us to rope now?

Nope. Not it at all. But if you put yourself down constantly it only leaves you worse off.