Cuckfestus & BBW_Gaming's wedding (2018)

34  2018-05-11 by niveasoftt


Fuck it I hope the dude scores. But he'll probably die a cuck lol. Chad_Chasing has to be a troll, BTW.

Well. I hope they both have a happy married life. 😄

Why are you like this Gufestus? Why?

Please. His name is CuckFestus.

i can't believe the dude still openly white knights her on a daily basis. it's just ridiculous at this point

I don't white Knight lol. She's my friend and I hate when she gets harassed.

you are so cucked its not even funny any more. just pathetic.

Did you start this throwaway out as a joke but now you're an incel? I'm getting that vibe. :)

Don't remember

That chick is quite pretty for a fat girl. Tbh

Did you start this throwaway out as a joke but now you're an incel? I'm getting that vibe. :)