When she has to settle for a beta provider

277  2018-05-11 by AcceptablePark


Accurate, except for not being able to score at the bar lol. Most would fuck her, fact.



Right? Who wouldn't?

Not all of us want to fuck used good.

This subreddit has gone complete cuckold woman worshipper.

When the slut is in your presence you realize what a nasty fucking person she is.

she'd probably get spit roasted by chads and tyrones at the same time.

Thats a rape charge waiting to happen, be wary of drunk girls

how will they remember your face if theyre drunk and you leave right after

Women’s memories become very good when they sleep with a sub 8

kek, long hair and beard when u pick em up buzz it all after

wow. this hits home.

Lol wtf is this from

Real life

Ouch that one physically hurt

Old Microsoft Encarta entry for "marriage."

Encarta was actually pretty good.

lol jesuz fucking christ

Good heavens. Might a gentleman please pass me the rope? For the urge is stronger by the hour.

need original sauce

The idea that women want to settle and have a happy stable love life is ENTIRELY a social construct. When let loose in a sexually free society, all they want to do is fuck chad and/or make chad commit. Monogamy is dead.

Monogamy is dead for non chads

For Chads too, not even those are safe. Women get tired of monogamic relationships faster than men do, aaaand once a woman has secured her partner's commitment, she loses interest in him.

Elvis Presley, Jon Bon Jovi, Johnny Depp, Michael Jordan, Brad Pitt, Channing Tatum... all got cheated on or dumped.

Do you know what makes women happy? Nothing. Nothing does. Chads will entertain her for a while, but won't satisfy her or give her happiness. Nothing will.

branch swinging

But chad doesn't care neither. At least he fucks her.

This is true. Copers downvote but Chads got one thing on his mind. Things get tough he'll adapt by committing to uglier girls, who won't get tired. It's society that will suffer for their actions, not Chad and certainly not Stacy. That is, unless we do something about it.

True. This whole discussion on IT, braincels, incels.me, etc: Chad and Stacy don't give a fuck. Just living life.

Sick, deranged, satanic creatures

They all belong in the mines.

omfg women. the fuck is wrong with you all?

More reason to hope the race war and my death happen sooner rather than later.

gas the roasties, race war now

Your tongue is made of gold. No matter who the guy is, no matter how successful, how attractive and how rich, the moment he commits, women stop finding him a challenge. Maybe she won't lose interest all of a sudden, but it'd happen eventually. First, she will start comparing him with other men, then slowly become curious about those men, then inquire about them, then wanna hang out with them and finally sleep with them and leave her chad. They are strange creatures. They can never be happy.

They can never be happy.

Which is why sometimes you just shouldn't care wether she's happy or not. She'll never be, so screw it.

Most women want to get married because it proves some beta has found them attractive enough to provide for them long-term, but they don't want to be married because that would be like admitting she is equally attractive to him, which women never think because they always consider themselves a 12/10.

Once she's married an Alpha, it means they're equal. If she's equally attractive to that Alpha, can't she have any man in the world? So she leaves, convinced she'll have any guy she wants by snapping her fingers (u go gurl!).

Name, without googling it, the wives of Elvis, Johnny Depp, Michael Jordan, Channing Tatum. Exactly. You don't know who they are. No one does. And yet they all thought themselves above their guys.

I think you are missing something here. We men are always sure about ourselves. We know what we are going to do in future. Yes we change, our motivation, way of thinking - everything changes with time. But the change never comes alone, it always comes with realization. We review our past selves and figures out the change.

But women are never sure about themselves. They have zero control over their own emotions, which is why, they can't predict their own actions and never learn from past mistakes. They keep making the same mistake again and again.

Because of this difference, men and women react differently after their success in romantic quests. Men feel assured and confident. If the woman is good enough for him, he stops chasing other women and stays faithful to her.

But when women have men they are chasing committing to them, they get validated. The next thing, their hamster telling them they deserve even better. This is why, women retain the initial attraction to the chads that commit to them. But over the time, the interest is gone. She never reflects on it, never tries to understand why the chemistry is now off. She instead blames the man for not loving her anymore, which, in reality, is a cop out produced by her hamster.

The only reason a women stays in abusive relationships is she knows her man gives a rats ass whether she stays or leaves. When she knows her man can replace her with a new hottie in a week. Women are attracted to men who never commit to them. The biggest blackpill there is.

once a woman has secured her partner's commitment, she loses interest in him.

You're misrepresenting the study my dude. It states "Main results are: (1)sexual activity and sexual satisfaction decline in women and men as the duration ofpartnership increases; (2) sexual desire only declines in women; (3) desire for tender-ness declines in men and rises in women."

There's this myth out there that women are soulless beings who can't experience true intimacy. While it's true that romantic love is rarely unconditional for women, men who're good looking and successful get to experience stable, long terms relationships and true intimacy with women. The problem with incels is that they're physical and/or mentally deficient and will never get to experience love.

Do you know what makes women happy? Nothing. Nothing does. Chads will entertain her for a while, but won't satisfy her or give her happiness. Nothing will.

Well said. Women literally only exist to make more men. The sooner society (re-)understands this the better. Egalitarianism, feminism, Womens' Lib. etc. is all based on the faulty premise that women are like us, think like us, feel like us, and therefore ought to be treated like us, when in reality they are barely even human. Girls may have souls but women certainly don't.

Women only think they want to just fuck good looking men for all of eternity. Just like with everything else, women have no idea what makes them happy. Kind of how a dog will continuously eat shit that makes it vomit, or a heroin junkie will just shoot up until he literally dies. Does chocolate make that dog happier than, say, spending a day doing stuff with it’s owner?

You can find out anecdotally by asking old folks, or search online. Women are always happier as wives and mothers.

So yeah, it is a social construct that benefits women’s mental well being.

Stability nor efficient mean a total sum of greater happiness. The dog wants the chocolate, the druggie wants to live fast and die young, thus avoiding the pain of life altogether. The female today lives in a roller coaster of emotion, but they were designed to be hysterical. It's what they want. Ups and downs are going to happen anyway, who wouldn't choose to go higher and higher even if it meant you eventually hit the ground, why care if you're going to die someday anyway, it all ends. Roller coaster of happiness means they bitch more often and seem statistically less happy. Women cucked feared men, not fun, same goes with dogs trembling in front of their master, not fun. Your dog would eat you if you died too, same as your wife would leave you for a better man.

FYI, chocolate is toxic to dogs, please don't feed it to them

That was his point, a dog doesn't known chocolate is toxic to it.

You can never tell on this sub so I thought I'd play it safe.

Happiness comes from achievement. Women or at least attractive women have everything handed to them all their lives. They have it easier in school, don't have to deal with psychological warfare having the world blame its problems on them like how men are the cause of everything bad, easier in college, they get paid more in entry level work, get more in tips, get hired more, get accepted to college more, graduate more, and have basically zero want of affection as there is always someone there if they really get desperate and lonely enough, Even if they just want to use him as an emotional tampon. But what do they ever work for and achieve? Women have given up the art of gardening, home ownership for young people fell off a cliff. Just in how attractive an outfit they can put together and how well they can do their hair and nails. That is the general day-to-day achievement for the average woman in a developed country. If women WANT to be happy its very simple. But I doubt they even want to be happy actually its just about which sperm, which guy gives her the most tingles, and how many resources she can get for her children but primarily herself. (Remember many women will neglect their children for handbags, shoes or whatever. Some even just murder them). It's just a consumption monster.

Whereas men are notoriously chaste and faithful. Jfc.

Reading this sub makes me snort with how much these guys think that they are perfect monogamous creatures. I'd wager 7 of 10 would stick their dick in another woman if she came along.

when you have to invent lies about incels (of all people) to make yourself feel better about your degenerate polygamy you know you've hit rock bottom

Monogamy is dead for non chads.

The average man (i.e., most men) will not put up with this for much longer. (((Women's liberation))) will run its course in a mere few years, then society will begin its return to the Traditional Order, as the Gods will it. No Shariah necessary.

Absolute suifuel

go to desert shithole middle of nowhere bumfuckland

kill innocent people and rag head terrorists for Israel

see wife getting fucked by neighbhor

Americans chant: "Israel is the greatest ally"

rinse and repeat

cool it with the antisemitic remarks

saying anything against Israel = anti-semitic

saying shit about any other country (India, USA, middle east, China) makes you based!

oy gevalt dis is like anudda shoah. shut it down!

This is unironically produced and it reflects everything the black pill stands for. Normies have no awareness.

How is it unironically produced? You could also swap the bride and the groom and you'd all be saying this is what "chads" want

That wouldn't even make sense. This is purely a female fantasy.

Have you met all women? Have they all said this is a fantasy of theirs?

How is that relevant? Does it matter that 70% of women think this way and 30% don't? The consequences are significant either way.

Unironically because to them/us it's so clearly a meme, and blatant propaganda yet normies be like "yeah be free girl! home marriage life is so dreary and dull! keep milking your sexual market value until there's nothing left for you or to give someone else!"

All you're doing is generalizing, pretty sure everyone I know would be repulsed if someone did this groom or bride

Yeah so what? Temporarily repulsed. No real consequence.

Wtf are you doing rn? You're being repulsed by the video because you think thats how women think. Nothing else

Yes I was just born yesterday and have only seen this one video on the internet. Not met a thousand friends and acquaintances over decades, in personal, casual, academic and professional settings. Observed hundreds of people, listened to stories, seen news, columns, blogs, social media feeds..... Nope I was born yesterday and just saw this one video.

Aw it's the cute girl from Superstore! What's the name of this documentary?

Veronica and Chad-lite - the movie.

DOCUMENTARY. This is real

Very accurate

Pobrecita! A normal looking husband around her age and a huge house in a safe neighborhood is more than 90% of women worldwide will get and all the roasties watching this probably still pitied her.

It’s funny. This is women’s fantasy. Having the option to reject her safe option and live her life of empty hedonism and validation. Feminism has made this possible, they should be proud. It’s also funny because women can think short term when their hedonism is activated. They make stupid decisions for the passion and the drama they feel but they often lose out on their long term option over it. But it’s cool because they have endless options.

The incels have rejected their role as the beta provider. The women no longer have the safe option in the numbers they did and this is constantly decreasing thanks to the manosphere. They should be happy, they’re free to fuck as many chads as they can muster for as long as they can and live on a roller coaster of emotions Fucking hot dangerous sexy studs.

Why do they come here and try to convince us against the black pill? They are annoyed that their insurance safe option is slowly disappearing.

Moral and social shaming is the only coercion power women have other than their pussy. Once those barriers are overcome, the pussy is the only thing left. They have to hold it hostage to get what they want.

But they can’t help themselves. They’re weak.

Let’s outlaw sex bots. Let’s morally shame men who pay for sex. THEN they’ll have to come to us and bow down just for a whiff of our dirty underwear. But it’s not going to happen. Men are rejecting the idea outright. It’s not worth it anymore. It’s over.

Let’s see where the next few years take us once the moral shaming becomes weaker and weaker and more women end up alone and bitter.

Us men can handle it. We have to learn to survive. Women are weak and have nowhere to turn but to other weak women for support. They hate it.

Good luck to women and your fleeting memories with Chad. We salute your efforts on this earth. I hope it was all worth it.

so many heavy black pills dropped in here, deserves a post of its own.

But this is where I come to clue you in. Most of you don't see the endgame which is women eventually losing their rights. It's inevitable because when the time comes women will vote against prostitution. Sex dolls won't realistically replace women. Your expenses will shrink when you go "MGTOW" but your taxes won't. In fact those will grow. Any alternative you can think of will be voted against and outlawed. 'Til men take matters into their own hands.

Women are not going to lose their rights unless there some kind of monumental, earth shattering event takes place. I think we are honestly just headed for demise.

Only the lesser brainlet seriously believes that realistic sexbots are going to replace female companionship for straight men. We need more than that, and only with the advent of gf-bots will bio-females become obsolete. I would give up on sex forever if I could have an AI girlfriend similar to the operating system gf in the movie Her.

They'll be supported through our taxes. We can't win.

Men are above all else survivors. Most of the shit men wage slave for is either to appear socially acceptable to women or because the wife wants it. Where as most blokes if left to their own devices would live in squats or trailers, drink beer and live on takeaway and the occasional deer they shot and work a fraction of the hours. The black pill was liberating to me. Instead of wage slaving in an office 9-5 being shit on every day and wondering when the next lay offs would be. I work 4 on 4 off night shifts. The pay isn't great but there are no managers shitting on us. Its all blokes. No one gives a fuck. I own my shitty car and my shitty truck outright, no car payment, i fix them with scrapyard parts. I rent a bit of space, if i could i would literally rent a farm shed or part of a barn and live in van or something. I survive. I don't have any student debt. No point in education or nice cars. All it gets you at best is Chads sloppy seconds or inceldom.

Feminism and the welfare state are cancers which will kill the host. Half of society is currently on welfare of some kind. Most western governments have been running deficits since the 1980's. Forget about peak oil we've already passed peak credit. Women seem to expect more and more and more every year though. Women demand higher status men, yet men's status has either stagnated or declined. Men's ability to fund the extravagant life style women demand is seriously lacking. Its a fact that tax rates have been all over in the post war years and yet tax take as a percentage of GDP has been fairly steady. There is only so much they can take to fund women's promiscuous and degenerate life styles.

Dude, your life if tranquil self reliance and not being a slave to the dollar is what i want to achieve so so badly it hurts. Fuck status symbols and grinding away your sanity to climb the ladder. I just want to live a simple, easy life in which to indulge hobbies and read books. Teach me your ways sensei. Please.

Well i wouldn't say its tranquil. I survive. Only just though. I do have credit card debt from some dental issues i racked up a few years ago. I have to take on some extra side work to make ends meet every month even with my fairly frugal life style. I manage though. That is the benefit of the black pill. When you realise its over you give up any pretension towards social acceptability. So you can wear crappy clothes and shoes, drive a shitty car and be a loser who gets by.

Most of my stuff is old well by modern standards. My phone is 4 years old. My laptops are 6 years old (repaired multiple times), my truck is 22 years old. My car is 15 years old. They are pieces of shit but very simple. I have boxes full of spares for them from the scrapyard. My car runs on an engine i got from the scrapyard. I like old stuff. Most of the best stuff has already been made. I don't have a VAST amount of possessions. Probably my biggest amount of stuff is my tools for work and maintaining my stuff. I try to have as few outgoings as possible. I eat cheap food and have very simple tastes. Foreign holidays are an extreme luxury. I have taken them but for years i have been camping and road trips. Its much cheaper.

I could have climbed the ladder if i wanted. I could be a middle manager earning £26,000 a year. Spending all day getting shit on. My job depending on my last months performance (despite however well i had done for the previous months). Having to sit in traffic an extra 2 hours just because of "rush hour". Being a lowly grunt i only earn £18,000 a year. On the other hand i can turn my phone off on my days off. I almost never see my manager and i'm in his good books because i rarely wake him up with a problem.

Maybe in the future i might get a mortgage but in some cases it can be cheaper to have a mortgage than renting.

I got divorced 2 years ago..my expenses went way down, and I work less hours now than ever, by choice. I live on a mountain farm, and play music in 3 bands. 40+ guitars. Used old van, paid for. No debt, money saved.

Divorce saved my life.

Yeah. At least she didn't get into tens of thousands of debt and then skip out dumping it on you. Or cuck you with another mans spawn and make you pay for it. You got off pretty light dude.

She has over 100 grand in SLD!

Nice comment. But what do you do about your sexuality/sex drive? Mine is persistent and intolerable.

one word "hookers."


Unfuckingreal how accurate this is.


This is reality and it hurts my soul

Terrible creatures.

The dude has a really nice house. Why does she need a beta provider when that guy could be an alpha provider?

That alpha is not sticking with her.

Who the hell has scruffy soyboy stubble on their fucking wedding day?

Missed the point as per usual.

Pass me the fucking rope and tie the noose

What is this from?

This whole video could be boiled down to “short term fun over long term goals”. I don’t even want the cake anymore I just want to eat it.

Funny how normans are literally speechless because of how true this is.

The reason she left that dude was because he didn't have any C O N F I D E N C E and he didn't take a S H O W E R

I mean who in their right mind would want to be a stay at home mom? That sound like my fifth ring of hell. I get having kids an all, but doing nothing, but cleaning, cooking, and rasing kids sounds awful to me.

That sounds so much better than wage cucking tbh

If I had to choose between being a housewife and your typical wage slave I'd take housewife in a heartbeat. Better to be a slave to your family than to be a slave to Mr. Goldstein at the office.

Most men are slaves to other men, but it's at the office instead of at the home.

To each their own I suppose :-)

Very female post.

Well yeah

You get that it's a tradeoff, female job is maid, essentially, so that she gets to feed that instinct to have babies. The male has no instinct for wanting to raise babies. Only sex and maid is why he would marry.

Well personally I don't really want kids, but to each their own. This world is pretty fucked up and I wouldn't wanna bring kids into it.

My life is shit, and my mother felt the same way but had kids fucking anyway.

Geez, are you alright? Do you wanna talk?

oh fuck off with this bullshit. This whole kowtowing to women nonsense makes them feel like they're the only ones alive. What about the guys?

The beta male sees he trusted someone he shouldn't have. And the CHAD sees it as well. You think CHAD is going to settle for you? After you strung this guy along so far just because you couldn't decide what you wanted?

If marriage is unbearable, then women are not the only victims. Whats wrong with taking care of children? Whats wrong with ironing your husbands clothes?

FUCK! I am seething with rage. I am really glad these bitches get old and smash face first into the wall. Because beyond their bodies, they have nothing to offer. All women are drunk of hedonism and love of the pleasures of the flesh. Even though, it won't last, they want to live like it will.

And I hope they can either see it and change for the better, or they will suffer because of their own decisions.

I guess it kinda makes no difference when the only world you is our, contemporary world. Where nothing is sacred, family is a burden, and pleasure is everything.

Even in this age, men are looked to, to sacrifice but are met with ingratitude. And yet, single mothers who fucked themselves are seen as fucking saviors.

Asians need another Genghis Khan or Tamerlane.

What show is this? Links?

Fuck. The accuracy in this video is like an incel made it. Could be an undercover incel?

Thats brutal.

No we fucking don't. I just want a nice girl who won't cheat on me. That's what 95% of men want.

Men don't crave marriage to begin with, women are the ones that want children and in monogamous society you must force the two to stay together for the sake of the offspring. Ironically females try to possess a male when marriage at first glance seems to be about the man owning the female, it's not really like that anymore.

Holy fuck lol

Holy cuck.

Bluepilled cucks are aware of the blackpill when they make videos like this and inceltears still denies it!

Poor Stacy :(

of course shes a noodle whore.

You guys are in your own little world huh?

Just LOL

This clip reminds me of the ending of Spiderman 2. A good looking rich astronaut wasn't good enough compared to Chad Spiderman. The fucker got Ted Mosbyd (left at the altar).

You see guys, women can be incel too tehehe.

it's simple. don't be that beta.

how do you ask?

have self respect and the ability to reject women. don't get played.

Holy Blackpill

My life is shit, and my mother felt the same way but had kids fucking anyway.

They can never be happy.

Which is why sometimes you just shouldn't care wether she's happy or not. She'll never be, so screw it.

Most women want to get married because it proves some beta has found them attractive enough to provide for them long-term, but they don't want to be married because that would be like admitting she is equally attractive to him, which women never think because they always consider themselves a 12/10.

Once she's married an Alpha, it means they're equal. If she's equally attractive to that Alpha, can't she have any man in the world? So she leaves, convinced she'll have any guy she wants by snapping her fingers (u go gurl!).

Name, without googling it, the wives of Elvis, Johnny Depp, Michael Jordan, Channing Tatum. Exactly. You don't know who they are. No one does. And yet they all thought themselves above their guys.