We actually have great personalities and get on well with most women we meet.

51  2018-05-11 by bhavv

The problem is that this just results in being friendzone.


Very high IQ post.




and the other thing

"All men are PIGS!!! If only more people were nice like you but not you"

"i Wish i could find a Guy Like you"

I've heard that many times

Can't relate, tbh.

Even being friendzoned requires a baseline physical attractiveness. A guy who looks like this or this wouldn't even the luxury of being in the friendzone.

Not true at all.

Maybe your personality was too childlike and autistic. A lot of incel-ish people have this weird I'm smart but I choose not to act smart personality and when they get dumped or rejected they turn into asswipes

I'm not complaining though this board is a guilty pleasure of mine some shit is downright hysterical.

More victim blaming, funny how this is the only subreddit that allows this.

No, you might have a pleasant personality, you know, the kind of personality that makes you a nice friend, but lacks that extra that puts you as a potential partner.

A potential partner needs more than being pleasant, fuck, sometimes they even are assholes. You have to have that something that arouses girls: looks, status, excitement, etc.

Based on your comment history, I doubt you have a 'great personality

No no, part of the philosophy of this place is that no matter how low your opinion of women is, no matter how many times you've called for their distribution to incel men, there's never any sign in their behaviour.

Most women have a far lower opinion of other women than I do.


I really honestly feel sorry for you.

Because I talk like my comments in real life?

My comment history includes believing the world is overpopulated and would be better off if humanity was wiped out.

However everyone that ever meets me which is employment related only give me wonderful comments for my personality, I understand what to say in any situation like most normal people.

Sure they do

No need to be jealous.

Sure I am

I've heard that many times