Did it ever cross your mind that this was something that happened recently? 100 years prior this wasn't the case, woman sure would have standards, but their standards were similar to them when it came to appearance and
they took care of themselves better. If you don't believe me, do some fucking research. Look at Japan man, and there is actually a study that was posted not so long ago that said about 20? % of the male population will die alone in 2035
this is due to other issues than womens standards raising, and my entire point wasn't that womens standards the same over the entire history of humanity but that there are still plenty of non-single people today and women only choosing men above 8 and spitting on ones below in no way can account that many people today are still in relationships and having children
You like to point out my attitude and language, but the truth is I am so sick of people like you trying to school incels when they have zero idea what the fuck they're even talking about; you've proven my point once again how normies who visit this subreddit have no perspective on life, zero idea on how to put yourself in other people's shoes and see how the world works.
Don't take my word on it, look at some statistics, despite Tinder being 64% men and 36% woman, 84% of men compete for bottom 22% of woman on dating. The number of men on the site versus woman is also going up while the number of woman average guys will need to compete after is going down as well. If you are so woohoo I am a hippie I don't believe in statistics, and refuse to believe PROVEN and studied facts, do it yourself; set up multiple tinder account as an average / below average female and a few above average guys. You will notice on all accounts how you will have MUCH more success as a below average female than an above average male.
You have zero fucking clue what you are talking about. Standards ARE rising 100% due to feminism making 0/10 bottom of the barrel I am going to pass away any moment from a heart attack woman believe they are attractive and are able to attract 10/10 models, while for guys, there is nothing like this, guys are told to lower their standards when not even a land whale would look at them because of this. If men were to raise their standards, including the average betabux cucks who settle for 2/10 woman, the truth is 80% of the population would die out. The only people reproduction at this point would be top of the line men with top of the line woman, no room for anyone sub 8. Currently, we only have plus 7 guys reproducing with girls that would rate on anything on a scale from 1-10
i'm sorry but you are just laughably wrong and if you honestly believe what goes on in TINDER (an app that is literally DESIGNED to EXAGGERATE the importance of your looks) you are the one that fails to understand how statistics works and what you can deduce from any given statistic based on its methodology/context. Your thought process is also borderline conspiratorial (feminists are controlling society and making it impossible for sub 7 guys to have sex -which anecdotally I know plenty of sub 7 guys that are not virgins-, the feminists might as well be lizards from another planet). And if you want statistics, I can tell you that in the OKCupid study commonly cited here they show (statistically!) that 2/3 of men only ever actually message/go for the top 1/3 of women on the cite. So statistically speaking, your standards are too high. Are you gonna ignore statistics?
It's not a conspiracy theory, Feminist and SJWs DO control most of the media in the west. Why do you think so many people have adopted to " politically correct " terms in Hollywood, comedy, video games, and practically all media??Feminism DOES empower woman and ENCOURAGES woman to feel superior than men. This can be observed at most if not all feminist rallies today, versus fighting for equality like woman did in the early 1900s.
You see, woman would only like a guy on tinder if he's an 8+. What about for guys? Most guys swipe right for every single girl. You fail to realize that every single woman on earth with a smart phone and internet has access to this and a surplus of above average men, even whales.
I do agree with you real life still has better options for average men, but woman no matter how unattractive or attractive have infinitely better options than every single type of men except extremely attractive ones everywhere in real life and online.
Did it ever cross your mind that this was something that happened recently? 100 years prior this wasn't the case, woman sure would have standards, but their standards were similar to them when it came to appearance and
they took care of themselves better. If you don't believe me, do some fucking research. Look at Japan man, and there is actually a study that was posted not so long ago that said about 20? % of the male population will die alone in 2035
It's implied that if she wouldn't ride you, she wouldn't go out with you either. Dating involves sex at some point in time, and stating outright that you wouldn't have it with an ugly person also tells them they're not good enough to date.
I guess that makes sense for some people, but personally I don't think I would care. As long as my partner was a nice person and was hygenic I'd be alright. :-)
1 LeFumes 2018-05-11
That's clever tagline
1 Guatchman 2018-05-11
Femoidlogy, the non-science of nonsense.
1 bcat124 2018-05-11
Femoids love to make up complex reasons and analogies to justify their animalistic move for chad only dick.
1 SoonelyDoodely 2018-05-11
wonder how many dozens of guys she's ridden like that before... at fucking EIGHTEEN.
1 blackhat420 2018-05-11
so since you hate this kind of behavior, that means that you guys will literally fuck a 500 pound land whale?
1 FireAlarm911 2018-05-11
When she says ugly she means sub 8. When we say ugly we mean sub 3. There s a big difference
1 blackhat420 2018-05-11
Well I'm sorry you don't get to decide what women's standards are, that is decided by women?
1 FireAlarm911 2018-05-11
It's their choice, I'm just saying it's stupid to compare the two as equal.
1 blackhat420 2018-05-11
Are you saying your standards matter more than their standards?
1 sorryimalexander 2018-05-11
No, we're just saying woman are much more judgmental.
1 blackhat420 2018-05-11
I don't understand how the world's population could have come to be 7 billion if sub 8 men were literally spit on by every single woman.
1 sorryimalexander 2018-05-11
Did it ever cross your mind that this was something that happened recently? 100 years prior this wasn't the case, woman sure would have standards, but their standards were similar to them when it came to appearance and they took care of themselves better. If you don't believe me, do some fucking research. Look at Japan man, and there is actually a study that was posted not so long ago that said about 20? % of the male population will die alone in 2035
1 blackhat420 2018-05-11
this is due to other issues than womens standards raising, and my entire point wasn't that womens standards the same over the entire history of humanity but that there are still plenty of non-single people today and women only choosing men above 8 and spitting on ones below in no way can account that many people today are still in relationships and having children
1 sorryimalexander 2018-05-11
You like to point out my attitude and language, but the truth is I am so sick of people like you trying to school incels when they have zero idea what the fuck they're even talking about; you've proven my point once again how normies who visit this subreddit have no perspective on life, zero idea on how to put yourself in other people's shoes and see how the world works.
Don't take my word on it, look at some statistics, despite Tinder being 64% men and 36% woman, 84% of men compete for bottom 22% of woman on dating. The number of men on the site versus woman is also going up while the number of woman average guys will need to compete after is going down as well. If you are so woohoo I am a hippie I don't believe in statistics, and refuse to believe PROVEN and studied facts, do it yourself; set up multiple tinder account as an average / below average female and a few above average guys. You will notice on all accounts how you will have MUCH more success as a below average female than an above average male.
You have zero fucking clue what you are talking about. Standards ARE rising 100% due to feminism making 0/10 bottom of the barrel I am going to pass away any moment from a heart attack woman believe they are attractive and are able to attract 10/10 models, while for guys, there is nothing like this, guys are told to lower their standards when not even a land whale would look at them because of this. If men were to raise their standards, including the average betabux cucks who settle for 2/10 woman, the truth is 80% of the population would die out. The only people reproduction at this point would be top of the line men with top of the line woman, no room for anyone sub 8. Currently, we only have plus 7 guys reproducing with girls that would rate on anything on a scale from 1-10
1 blackhat420 2018-05-11
i'm sorry but you are just laughably wrong and if you honestly believe what goes on in TINDER (an app that is literally DESIGNED to EXAGGERATE the importance of your looks) you are the one that fails to understand how statistics works and what you can deduce from any given statistic based on its methodology/context. Your thought process is also borderline conspiratorial (feminists are controlling society and making it impossible for sub 7 guys to have sex -which anecdotally I know plenty of sub 7 guys that are not virgins-, the feminists might as well be lizards from another planet). And if you want statistics, I can tell you that in the OKCupid study commonly cited here they show (statistically!) that 2/3 of men only ever actually message/go for the top 1/3 of women on the cite. So statistically speaking, your standards are too high. Are you gonna ignore statistics?
1 sorryimalexander 2018-05-11
It's not a conspiracy theory, Feminist and SJWs DO control most of the media in the west. Why do you think so many people have adopted to " politically correct " terms in Hollywood, comedy, video games, and practically all media??Feminism DOES empower woman and ENCOURAGES woman to feel superior than men. This can be observed at most if not all feminist rallies today, versus fighting for equality like woman did in the early 1900s.
You see, woman would only like a guy on tinder if he's an 8+. What about for guys? Most guys swipe right for every single girl. You fail to realize that every single woman on earth with a smart phone and internet has access to this and a surplus of above average men, even whales.
I do agree with you real life still has better options for average men, but woman no matter how unattractive or attractive have infinitely better options than every single type of men except extremely attractive ones everywhere in real life and online.
1 sorryimalexander 2018-05-11
Did it ever cross your mind that this was something that happened recently? 100 years prior this wasn't the case, woman sure would have standards, but their standards were similar to them when it came to appearance and they took care of themselves better. If you don't believe me, do some fucking research. Look at Japan man, and there is actually a study that was posted not so long ago that said about 20? % of the male population will die alone in 2035
1 hugeostrichegg 2018-05-11
You're a 'tard
1 xxgtxy 2018-05-11
Women demand at least an elaborate 500$ meal at the most expensive restaurant in town.
Incels would be satisfied with a cheap sub 10$ meal at mcdonalds.
1 eonoxe 2018-05-11
BOI what kind of women have you met??????
1 ChromeHomeDome 2018-05-11
90% of unattractive women could become attractive by losing weight. In other words, women choose to be ugly while men are born ugly.
1 TheiWindFelt 2018-05-11
It's true bro!
1 krapan97 2018-05-11
to sum up she wants big chad dicks
1 subhumanforever 2018-05-11
L O L.
1 HalfDeadWeirdo 2018-05-11
I mean it kinda makes sense, wouldn't you rather hook up with someone sexy? It would be different if that were her rules just for dating.
1 CursedCel 2018-05-11
It's implied that if she wouldn't ride you, she wouldn't go out with you either. Dating involves sex at some point in time, and stating outright that you wouldn't have it with an ugly person also tells them they're not good enough to date.
1 HalfDeadWeirdo 2018-05-11
I guess that makes sense for some people, but personally I don't think I would care. As long as my partner was a nice person and was hygenic I'd be alright. :-)
1 CursedCel 2018-05-11
I'm pretty chill and nice and I shower twice a day wanna be my gf pls?
1 HalfDeadWeirdo 2018-05-11
Maybe, only if me have somewhat common interests.
1 CursedCel 2018-05-11
Wanna PM me and see if we do?
1 HalfDeadWeirdo 2018-05-11
Sure! ;-)
1 CursedCel 2018-05-11
Wait who PMs who first
1 HalfDeadWeirdo 2018-05-11
I already pmed you. Maybe did it wrong. I'll try again.
1 lexlotorxp 2018-05-11
I can't wait til feminist ruin the country one day and then people will finally realize how evil women are
1 Ub2w 2018-05-11
Well at least she's honest, keep up pls
1 Zyklon_Bae 2018-05-11
It's over for buscels
1 futmut 2018-05-11
I thought roasties were after personality right?!😅
1 -SpinxS 2018-05-11
1 HalfDeadWeirdo 2018-05-11
I already pmed you. Maybe did it wrong. I'll try again.