Minimum personality required to have an average looking girl ask you out to prom in 2019, he's 6ft7 btw

106  2018-05-11 by Rohn7


Chad's instagram page is @dannyjonesfitness, dangerous amount of suifuel ahead

Im not even incel and I want to rope

ohhh you are an incel alright.

This one makes me want to rope more. How the fuck do people like this actually exist.

Both of them have big bodies with a fair pretty face but not a 10/10. I think it's big boys season.

Definitely not the same species as that guy

Lmao at all these comments "Marry me please" "Perfection wow" "OMG"

If you're not tall it's over. Being muscular only works if you're at least 6'0

Not true, my friend is 5'7 and can easily have any girl he wants, hes also godlike charming tbh he'd make most incels rope if they met him irl because hes too perfect

Lmao gayest shit ever, stop worshipping your friend, faggot

is your friend zac efron

...He has the same birthday as him.

chadlet confirmed

Zac Efron is 5'8, is it not working?

god status

You call her average? Are you serious?

He mogs her

She is 5.5/10 at best, he is 9.5/10.

You’re delusional if you think she is a 5.5 at best. Now I get why so many incels keep demanding their “looks match”.

Fucking seriously. Delusional on every level jc.

I would eat her vagina like I eat my dogs ass

they're both 8s. he's unrefined. compare him to an actual 10, like Henry Cavill

Actual serious question, how do you all figure out your scale system with looks being subjective?

Because looks just aren't that subjective, especially when the distance between two people are large.

I believe in calling this dude a 9.5, BetterIncel is just forgetting people like Henry Cavill are out there, or that he's over-valuing the appeal of the guy's stature and masculinity. Hey, but maybe I'm wrong.

By distance do you mean attractiveness levels? Sorry, just trying to get a better understanding.

Yeah,that's what I mean. The larger the difference in attractiveness the less subjective it'll be. No one thinks a 3 looks better than an 8.

You might just be gay, dude.

the roasties offering themselves up to him in his comments is grade A ropefuel

I mean she's an 8/10 stacey so shes kind of his looksmatch

No makeup and she's 6/10 at best

She's electopop singer Zara Larsson.

she looks good in that pic but she has a giant forehead, she's probably 5 foot nothing midget and without cake-up wouldn't be much to go on..

Prom?! He looks 40.

roasties like chad pedophiles

Blme Hollywood. Male movie star careers peak at like 40 years old. There’s also a huge discrepancy in the age difference of couples in movies compared to the real world.

Lol not with all the gmsoy in that generations fodder

That doesn’t matter to them. Older men are creepy if they’re average looking or worse

age doesn't matter when you are Chad

nothing matters if you're Chad. no social rules or concepts have any relevance. same with being a woman.

Wouldn't stop most roasties. The blokes should fucking know better as well. Its nothing but a world of hurt...

that frame

He has an ugly and annoying face tbh.

Just shows how important frame and roids are

his eye area is mediocre, but that's it... he is not ugly jfl

he looks like a fucking twat , face > all

girls would rather fuck chico than this tall faggot

guys face is trash but it mogs mine

it is legit trash , his frame saves it tho

He’s also 6”7 so that helps as well

Not really. His jaw is broad, his nose is well defined, his cheekbones are pronounced, his hairline is good. The only thing that's bad is his eyes are kinda close and his maxilla seems to be a bit recessed.

HE was a fatcel and probably took roids to achieve that jaw

Look at his other photos, he still has a shit jaw and a pretty ugly face. If he was 5'8 he would be nothing special, but he just confirms frame/height theory.

hes face looks good looking by normie standards

Non-roiders confirmed volcel

If anybody has any doubt whether or not this dude is on gear, I have this wonderful bridge to sell you. It's an absolute marvel of engineering, capable of withstanding up to 5 richters, with an 80 year maintenance mark. Oh, and no refunds.

What kind of dumb women do you guys follow on social media?

I swear everyone here just goes out searching for shit to complain about.

The guy in that screenshot probably runs a charity or something else that indicates an amazing personality.

You can all rest knowing he has a 4 incher

I do it for retweets of 1

How you can compete with people like that.

Imagine the mogging if you stood next to him. Would rope right after.

Thing is that I hardly find people like that in the real life.

More like "Will it rub the lotion on its skin?"