I'm what you guys would call a 'Stacy'. Listen, you guys can't get women because of your disgusting attitudes, not because of your looks. You guys should put a real effort into improving your personalities and respecting women.

158  2018-05-11 by niveasoftt


Ah yes the hottest women a Redditor could ever get, a 3/10 roastie

..... Aaaaaand that's why you're single

Plenty of men have said and done worse, and yet they're still in a relationship.

Why do you complain that women judge you and then you say shit like that. That's why you maybe don't feel you have a full filled sex life. I have seen the ugliest dudes ever get with the hottest girls at my school. Its ALMOST ALL ABOUT CONFIDENCE AND PERSONALITY.

I cant tell if this is satire.

Because she‘s fucking fat and lazy. Incels on the other hand take care of their looks and are generally very fit.

That's why you're an incel, that comment right there. That thought space. Come on man, you can do better.

You must be crazy, right?

I accept all kind of girls. Ugly, small boobs, tall, short, all kinds of races.

But the only women I don‘t like are fat women. Bein fat just means that you are lazy and that‘s about personality. Why would I want a women like her if a I go to the gym 6 times a week?

The legend says that she's got 2 black boyfriends and a husband

You mean she ate 2 black boyfriends and a husband.

She thought they were an Oreo

Looks like your average single mom pushing a trolley at Walmart.

Usually with a mixed kid with them and a skinny Black guy with his pants sagging

She would look good if she lost weight. It boggles my mind, that women only have to not eat all the time and they will look acceptable to men. Yet some of them still eat like pigs and has the face demand male attention.

It's almost as if, contrary to what this sub says, being attractive to men and getting the utmost male attention isn't every woman's biggest priority.

Hahahaha, good one

Then explain to me why, if all this woman has to do to look acceptable to men, is lose weight, she refuses to do it?

Because there's always men desperate enough for even the ugliest, most overweight women. Even I would consider dating her

yeah they have to weigh the effort vs the rewards. if you still get the rewards with no effort, why work had on losing weight. or if you have urge to eat, why fight it?

She definitely wants chad, they all do

I'm sure she wants him but is she working to get him, maybe, i don't know her full story, maybe she used to be fatter and is well on the way to getting slim, i don't think chad wants her right now, well he might pump and dump never mind. chad can do what he wants.

Well the incel I was replying to even said "the minimum women have to do to be acceptable is to lose weight". It's a typical incel statement. "All you have to do is not be fat, and 60% can't even do that!" My answer to that statement is: most women dont prioritize looking hot to men. They care about other things.

Yes, because they have the ability to prioritize other things, because they get sex and emotional validation no matter what they look like or how they act.

Yea, I never said women should do this and that. Men in this sub didn’t say that either. You’re imagining things.

You said your mind was boggled that she eats all the time...Because she would look good if she lost weight. Clearly looking good isn't her priority.


Fatty in self-defense mode. Just admit that you have no willpower. You want to get Chad attention but you're too weak to put down the chips.

If a girl wants to get Chads attention but she chooses chips, then she doesn't really want his attention all that much.

Fat girls still think they deserve Chad. They entire world tells them they're beautiful so their perception of their SMV is bloated as hell.

Asshat in self-defense mode. Just admit you have no willpower. You want to get female attention but you're too weak to put down the misogyny.

I'm not Incel so what are you talking about. I have a girlfriend who gives me plenty of female attention.

So you have an incel mindset, but you have a girlfriend? That's disgusting.

Turns out it's not their personality after all then if we share the same mindset but I can find a girlfriend but they can't.

I don't know why everybody thinks they can boil it down to something so general. It's a mixture of a lot of factors like looks, personality, mood of both people involved, setting, activity, etc. There are so many things that can make someone not interested in you. Does your girlfriend know you think she's subhuman?

I don't think she's subhuman at all. I never said that. Not everyone here thinks women are subhuman. Funny how you complain about everybody "boiling it down to something so general" while generalizing everyone who posts here as believing that women are subhuman.

It's a mixture of a lot of factors like looks, personality, mood of both people involved, setting, activity, etc. There are so many things that can make someone not interested in you.

Sure, but some people (men) will NEVER have anyone interested in them just because of the way they look. You need a minimum amount of looks otherwise your personality doesn't matter because the physical attraction isn't there. Once you pass this threshold your personality starts to matter.

I actually was trying to be funny with that statement, glad you caught it. That threshold applies to men and women. Women just have a lower threshold because men are generally more desperate to fuck. Everybody is superficial to a degree, it's not a fault.

I think you have a good eye mister idk, apparently she lost 100 pounds in 2 years and look like this now.

Wait what, she's a fitness contest model, you guys are being trolled

Stacy,can I orbit you?

Not sure you really have a choice here.

this is gonna trigger a lot of normies, because theya actually look like this

This is what your average IT femoids look like.

A bit generous tbh.

Might as well be with her high smv.

It's TRUE and these virgins cant understand that

If she made a tinder she'd get 100 messages a day lol

Big mommy milkies

Hot tbh. Skinny chicks are creepy.

Fatcel = Volcel

volcel if you wouldn't

Beggars can't be choosers, betas.

even becky mogs this grotesque whale to oblivion

This meme is too funny

Guess what... I’m not an incel because I would 100% nail her and love every second of it.

it's not about what you would do but what you could do . . . would she let you, only if hot enough

The trolls here are so innovative , that's mind-blowing.

You guys really deserve to remain sore losers in life.

I don't get why this girl loving herself is freaking you guys out. Why can't it give you hope? What's not to like about anyone having self confidence.

Because misery loves company.

From a purely logical standpoint though I feel like no one is better off if whoever is in this picture doesn't like themselves. If she hates herself... what good happens? It makes her like incels? Y'all clearly don't like her, so that still isn't helping anybody and it doesn't make sense.

that chick probably still has 10 chads on speed dial


She could be the poster child of inceltears. You also see women like her at Walmart pushing a stroller with a mulatto kid and a skinny Black guy half her weight with his pants sagging down to his knees