cuck gets raped by wife's boyfriend.

237  2018-05-11 by -SpinxS


just... wow.

his wife is visiting him one last time.... his "wife"..

just, what the fuck did i read?


fucking cucks.

Fuckin Cucks are Nuckin Fucks.

Wow... his wife "will be visiting him one last time this weekend to tell him never to contact us again"... uh huh... that's why she's "visiting" him in person and not just sending that exact thing in a text message.

Why the fuck is she contacting a criminal anyway? Does she not know why the police fucking exist? If that man is so fucked in the head that he raped someone, I don’t he’s the type of person to listen to other people’s requests. That story is so weird all around.

bro, being a cuck is the lowest form of a human being. their moral compass is fucked. they probably gave the rapist a second chance 😂😂

no because she is super wet after raper destroy her cuckwife.

this is most pathetic thing ever seen.

Yup she's going to reward the dominant male with her pussy, fact.

And she's gonna reward her husband with divorce papers and a domestic violence lawsuit and take the house, all his assets, and make him pay alimony for her and her new stud. Welcome to marriage in CURRENT_YEAR.

Also a real chance that under these circumstances, they're not thinking straight. Keep in mind this is the man writing, the fact he can write that the wife will see him after this means he's not in a rational place at that moment, or is deranged beyond belief.

> this is most pathetic thing ever seen.

Though the poly thing isn't for me, I normally try not to judge it... but hard to disagree with you, here.

The whole thing probably turned her on lol.

It's obviously bait dummy

Women I've never even met won't respond to a nice, evenhanded message on a dating app from me.

Women I have met won't respond to a DM or a text message or a chat from me.

The ones that do talk to will talk to me because they want attention and I'm interesting sometimes, but they'll always avoid the question of actually meeting up. Mostly what they do is they pretend to have not even heard the suggestion if I've been talking to them for awhile.

And she's going to meet up with her husband's rapist alone.

She's going to get creampied by him and probably have his child and make the weakling cuck husband raise it.

And she's going to meet up with her husband's rapist alone.

He must have great personality. /s

how did i miss this one

Wow lol

Cucks are lower than goatfuckers.

Only if the 🐐 consented.

i am sure a goatfuckercel geting mad if i fuck her goat.

Visiting one last time. Lol. We all know what's going to happen.

She’s gonna give him the last blowjob before she sends him to prison.

She's probably going to get creampied and make the cuck husband raise his rapists bastard.

this numale probably liked it.

God this shit makes me mad. For every femoid that just ghosts and vanishes, there's one who has to make a dramatic production out of everything and leave every door open.

My ex just texted out of the blue after 2 years of no contact asking to meet up. Sure, he beat me, tried to seduce my underage sister, and stalked me for awhile but I think I owe him 'closure', tee hee!

I'm sorry but this is fucking hilarious. To be a bigger pussy you'd need to be a whore who had been ravaged over a thousand times. What a fucking mangina.

Grow a fucking pair faggot


burn them all

How is this even reality?

Would you rather be a virgin incel or be raped by your wife's boyfriend?

bro i would rather be burned alive than be a cuck.


gasoline bath > accepting defeat

Incel 100% cucks are the lowest form of humanity

This is fucking sickening


My heart aches after reading this. Brutal, brutal. Some of these femoids are so fucking evil.

I’ve never laughed so hard, fuck.

This is high quality comedy

Cucks must be hanged.

I know we all like a good public humiliation for cucks but I honestly can't believe this is real.

Not saying it isn't but hey, we live in the dankest timeline when virgins are potential terrorists, infidelity is good and Orwell is spinning in his grave, providing free electricity for the town where he was buried.

You can't see a Tyrone overpowering a weak beta lol?

I can. I'm still in a disbelief nonetheless.

Orwell is spinning in his grave, providing free electricity for the town where he was buried.


Orwell was a socialist and this post was probably made up.

Me too, I just can't believe this is real, it's an absurd that someone can accept this situation.

This is just sickening. I don't have anything against cucks. Whatever floats your boat. But to let another guy rape you. And then acting like a crybaby on the Internet instead of reporting him. Fuck that.

Tipical male IT

and will be visiting him one last time this weekend to tell him never to contact us


Jesus fucking Christ man this bitch owns his life. She’s gonna go get the shit fucked out of her one more time. This guy would be better off just killing him self

Cucks deserve to be raped tbh

Lmao, this has to be fake.

Fucking pathetic lol

I would rather be shot execution style, then brought back by a genie, then shot again than willingly be this big of a cuck.

What a bitch... If 1 man alone can pemetrate you against your will you're weak as shit. Call the police? lol call the ambulance because I would murder that guy.

That's gotta be fake.

What the fuck. Why would she even visit the guy who did that to her husband one last time? I mean other than if she wants to go & stab him or something. What. No. Oh my god. Okay, this probably isnt real.. right? Man. If it is real, thats way to horrible..

To reward his dominant genes you retard

Hey, can you please shut the fuck up?


That is some shameful shit. I'm staying in bed today.

Me too dude I love those kind of days

That is some shameful shit. I'm staying in bed today.

Women are the root of all evil

Women are the root of all evil, men are the actual evil itself.

If you think about it it makes a lot of sense.

>Mutually beneficial arrangement.

I touched a hot stove and got burned


Link to the original thread pls? I know it was posted on IncelTears but cant seem to find it. kek.

Absolute degeneracy.

A tangential sad point in this sad, pathetic episode is that she probably threatened to divorce rape him (either explicitly or implicitly), if he objected to her cucking him.

So his options in reality were probably A) lose half of my assets and money, or B) accept my wife getting drilled by random chads and tyrones.


What the fuck is wrong with men these days. I want to let you incels know that cuckold is not the norm.

Or so you think...

Nope, I know. You probably don't have alot of nonincel friends, but I do and I can assure you this is not the norm.

Cuckold is a disease that only affects a very small minority of people.

Hey, whoareyou31, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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cuckold is not the norm

What you mean is husbands aren't usually supposed to find out their wife is cheating, because all women are monkey branches who would betray their "loved ones" ' trust at the drop of a hat for a chance at some alpha Chad dick.

It's funny how incels don't like to be all generalized as terrorist/rapist yet you are here generalizing women. You do see the irony yes?

And no, that's not what I meant. Cuckold is a very rare minority of couples out there.

Also, statistically, men cheat more than women. Pretty much any fidelity statistic will show that men cheat more.

I don't care about me being generalized as a terrorist/rapist by normies. I am already generalized as a nigger and as a creep, adding those two makes absolutely no difference to me.

And the reason those stats are the way they are is because women, being lying whores, never admit to cheating.

Lol... pretty strong cope you got there.

Just because you assume them to be lying, does not make it true. I think i'll stick with statistics over your... bias lol

Cuckold is a very rare minority of couples out there.

If a woman has sex with someone other than her husband, her husband is by definition a cuckold. It's not just a fetish, it's the condition of being a man with an unfaithful wife.

By this (correct and historical) definition, there are a whole lot of cuckolds out there.

I have lost hope for many of the men in this generation. Millennial men are pathetic cucks that deserve to get sloppy thirds

Incel is so much more than people make of it. This is one of the few subs where human relationships are viewed with a critical loop. I love you guys.

love you too :)

Once you finish laughing at this, you sit back and realize how fucked of a situation this is. This is a fate far worse than inceldom. This guy's been lied to and fed the bluepill his entire life. And as a result, he's been cucked, raped, and then cucked by his rapist AGAIN after the rape in question. The fact that this could happen to what was probably an otherwise good man is fucked up.

The power of the bluepill

Love starting out my days with a good laugh, thanks OP

welcome :)

this cant be real. i refuse to believe that this is real

Where are the whores and faggots from inceltears with the outrage? No sympathy for a rape victim?

All you bitches and enabling cucks are the scum of the Earth.

Just lol probably fake but still a classic.

You know how people come to the Incels sub to say women should be tossed into wood shippers if they forget to cut the s rust off of a sand which, but really it’s just edgy shitposting, and everyone complains that IT autists can’t tell the difference?

LMAO this society is cucked. It's over.

but it was necessary for our marriage as I am unable to satisfy her needs completely and she loves me too much to leave me

Of course, of course.

Fuck polyamory

did not read but karma for sure

Worth the read

You fell for the bait so hard oh my god

You can't make this shit up😂


Holy shit even just the first paragraph where he tries to convince himself he is actually into it is astonishing.

"one last time " ... for fucks sake man

As a bull that has been in the lifestyle for over 30 years, it had been my experience that this is way outside the normal bull/cuck interaction.

This cuck should have called the police and reported this rape. He should have also ended any communications between this bull and his wife.

Most bull/cuck interations are respectful, even if there is roleplaying with respect to femdom and humiliation play between the bull and the wife with the cuck.

Faggot lol

How is fucking another man's wife with his permission and blessing the actions of a faggot?


Lol got bull in your name

Of course ... why wouldn't I?

Thats so hot

"she's gonna visit him one last time" LOL.

And LMAO at "don't know whether to call the police". Of course. "Officer, my wife's boyfriend raped me after cucking me in front of my eyes". You literally can't get more of a submissive beta.

"Officer, my wife's boyfriend raped me after cucking me in front of my eyes

I think my inability to keep a straight face upon hearing shit like that probably rules out a law enforcement career. I mean, can you fucking imagine being tasked with maintaining order among a people this degenerate? It's like trying to make a fucking soup sandwich!

This is why i'm a Nazi. All i want is to die in the fucking race war.

HH bruther

Lol, as if women give a shit about violence or other people being raped. It's all a FACADE. They don't give a shit about anyone's life, not even their husbands life.

She probably flicked her bean and orgasmed at him getting rape.

This is just sickening, just reading this makes me angry how the fuck does this “man” live with himself

This is actually very sad. My condolences to the victim of rape

"I just wanted to warn you all, there are some deranged people in our little community"

the irony😂