The 5 stages of over

34  2018-05-11 by reddituser321824



I'd put /r/MGTOW as acceptance. Providing it's real MGTOW, and not just "cope"

I started on /r9k/ well over half a decade ago back, when I was still in high school. I've since graduated from college.

Hahaha ok this I've is funny

Maybe mine was:

Redpill Mgtow Hardcore Mgtow

And now acceptance: Braincel

Denial: r/MGTOW

Anger: r/TheRedPill

Acceptance: r/Braincels

Denial (again): r/IncelTears


What does mgtow deny

They are incels in denial

Nobody goes from incel to inceltears, once you go black you never go back

I just went straight to anime.

1 stage, rage, and it permeates everything.

This is super accurate. Every friend I've ever known that became an incel was into anime heavily at their low point.