There are even scientifically proved positive effects of kissing on your health. But you guys just overthink about it teehee

56  2018-05-11 by genetically_cursed


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It is funny how they always publish these things but when incels point out that they do not know what to answer. They enter in a crossroad.

when scientifically proven blackpills and sex havers privilege are posteed normies put their hands in the sand like ostrichs

there is zero science in this article. Kissing is healthy because it increases saliva flow? You can do that without kissing. Drink more fucking water.

it's just one of the articles that points out the number of benefits, the links of the studies u can find urself by googlin

There are even scientifically proved positive effects of kissing on your health. But you guys just overthink about it teehee

Like getting herpes cold sores and mono.

either virgin cope or norman denyin privilege

you honestly have to be severely retarded to think that kissing has health benefits. And worse, to believe that the saying science proves something means that science actually does. LMAO! Its basically a tabloid rag.

Let's go through their moronic BS one by one.


Give me a fucking break.

According to dentist Dr Heidi Hausauer, kissing increases saliva flow. This in turn keeps the mouth, teeth and gums healthy by removing food particles.

Guess what else does that? Brushing your fucking teeth!


Just as saliva can help oral hygiene, it can also give your immune system a boost.

There are more than 700 types of bacteria inside a human mouth - with no two alike.

Therefore, exchanging saliva can introduce the body to new bacteria.

So can drinking from the toilet. OR drinking after people. Why does it have to be kissing? It doesn't.


So does caffeine, and you can use it at any time or place. So does breathe meditation, which again, you can use anywhere or anytime.

It has also been shown to have similar benefits to meditation, mainly from its ability to release oxytocin, also known as the 'love' hormone.

So I don't need to kiss to get these benefits? I can get them from meditation, which I can do anytime anywhere without having to catch herpes or mono? Wow. Its almost like there actually aren't any health benefits to kissing at all.


Is this perhaps the stupidest one? This one is laughably absurd. Want a real way to lower allergic reactions? Eat raw local honey. It inoculates you against the pollen from the types of flowers the bees used to make the honey.


So does breathe meditation.


This is complete bullshit.

Because kissing increases blood flow to the face, it stimulates the production of collagen - an abundant and important protein found in our bodies, according to Dr Neinstein.

Nothing else can stimulate blood flow to the face. Unless you're kissing someone, you can in no way stimulate blood flow to the face. Right? LMAO!


So does fapping.


Well duh, since its part of foreplay. But that's not a health benefit.

I'd rather snog someone than meditate...

You are the dumbest cunt I have ever seen.

Brushing your fucking teeth!

We brush our teeth around twice a day. If you're young and in a relationship you're going to kiss 10x that a day. Saliva flow is extremely important all day long and brushing your teeth is simply not enough. People with dry mouth are encouraged to to chew gum and use dry mouth gels, not brush their teeth more, you fucking dumbass.

So can drinking from the toilet

You truly are retarded. If you think drinking from a toilet is equivalent to kissing, then I think you may well be the incel strawman cuckqueers constantly trots out. Join us. Actually, don't. You're too low iq.

caffeine lowers anxiety

Where the fuck did you read this? Brainlet. Caffeine is a stimulant, not an analgesic, and it's a natural irritant to the stomach; it's why people with gastrointestinal diseases and disorders abstain from it.

breathe meditation

Not as effective, sorry.

Want a real way to lower allergic reactions? Eat raw local honey

You do understand there are allergic reactions beyond pollen allergy, right?

fapping burns calories

If that were true we'd have a lot less fat neckbeards around.

Cbf with most of your drivel, brainlet. Just not worth it.

We brush our teeth around twice a day. If you're young and in a relationship you're going to kiss 10x that a day. Saliva flow is extremely important all day long and brushing your teeth is simply not enough. People with dry mouth are encouraged to to chew gum and use dry mouth gels, not brush their teeth more, you fucking dumbass.

OMG you are severely retarded.

You're just coming up with excuses to make yourself feel more miserable. "Oh no, my teeth will fall out of my head unless prime Stacy will make put with me all day." LMAO!

Nice ninja edit above you faggot.

If that's all you can retort out of my refutation of all your disabled blathering you're not worth my time. Very low iq.

Do you brush your teeth?

You can't read, either, I see.

Tfw no one to kiss.

Cuckfetus is always there.

Oh please, you can get a one night stand TONIGHT from a high tier normie and kiss him and fuck all that skin hunger out of you.

And if you lower your standards, you could get a Long term relationship with your looksmatch any day. Fuck out of here with your femoid privilege.

I don't want any one night stands.

St. Blackops2cel save my poor soul...