Women know what we say is true.

113  2018-05-11 by Detoxification-

Go on mainstream subs like /r/AskWomen or /r/AskReddit. Blackpills are ubiquitous in discussions pertaining to relationships. They openly acknowledge their strong preferences for tall, handsome alpha males. Alternatively, spend some time on other social media like Twitter and Instagram to gauge what women truly desire in men. The Blackpill is vindicated.

It's not the content of our message that bothers women. Women know that looks matter. Rather, it's the messenger. They don't want _us_—the ugly rejects of society—pointing these facts out. They don't want to be criticized by those who are left behind while they play their little game. They just want us to disappear.


Why do you do this to yourself? You only seem to hurt yourself in your "holy quest" against women

Have you ever hated something? And I mean truly hate. The kind of hate that gets you up in the morning and keeps you functioning throughout the day. The kind of hate that justifies itself in every single interaction you have with the object of your disgust. Such a king of hate isn't even one one thousandth of the kind of hate, love and absolute repulsion that I feel for women every second of every day. For them. Hate. Hate.

It's over for Allied Mastercomputercels.

Fuck you for assuming you know our struggle. Women are TRASH that needs to be told how to behave because without a male handler women behave like petulant children.

He wailed petulantly. Like a child.

Women should have fewer rights


let em have the right to vote tho, so they can keep mostly voting for guys like trump

But remember, linking misogyny and incels is just msm propaganda, right?


OP says people shoot the messenger speaking the truth and here you are.

Huuurrrrrrrr I'm a wymyn. Respect my herstory durrr.

Low IQ reply.

Will you be my gf?

Sure, if you're over 6'3" ;)

Most in this forum seem to have little interest in women that are unattractive. Even those they are attracted to are spoken of in shallow terms and often as though we are not sentient people but femoids (whatever that one means..) The hypocrisy is staggering. I won't deny looks matter but that is true for either gender. Obviously.

Lol stop making shit up. Incels LOVE unattractive women that go for their looksmatch. Unattractive women who only lust after chad and ignore all unattractive men are literal human garbage.

Coincidentally, the latter group seems to make up 99% of femoids.

If I understand that somewhat incoherent post you're saying that incels do not mind unattractive females that mind them?

There is a physical and a social element to attraction. There are limited ways to make yourself physically attractive I suppose, but many of my similarly average looking friends are WITH men who are not classically attractive but have other redeeming qualities like being amusing, very good at their jobs, conscientious or intelligent etc.

but many of my similarly average looking friends are WITH men who are not classically attractive but have other redeeming qualities like being amusing, very good at their jobs, conscientious or intelligent etc.

very good at their jobs


Yeah we already know this, it's called being a betabux. They settle with your "average looking" friends to leech off their money and career potential. All the while dreaming of Chad.

Aside from what /u/ChancePalpitation already told you,

If I understand that somewhat incoherent post you're saying that incels do not mind unattractive females that are interested in them?

I'm not just saying that, I'm saying Incels vastly PREFER women who actually go after their looksmatch because incels themselves are self aware of their looks. The vast majority of guys in this community aren't going after 9/10 stacys, they're going after women who are similar to their own level of attractiveness or below, and still get rejected because of hypergamy.

Well, fair enough.


Not what that means as my post contains a directly relevant argument paired with the charge of hypocrisy. You get bonus marks if you can figure out what that argument is all on your very own!

This is sort of a fun game actually! Can I post enough inane comments elsewhere you outweigh the down-votes I get on everything I type here? This one is going to require at least one amusing comment on a funny photo I think! :-D

erhmagawd -9 karma I'm going to die

try posting something that shines a positive light on incels on IT. -500 downvotes guaranteed

Also, your basic argument is that since incels are only attracted to attractive women, it's hypocrisy to say that women are only attracted to attractive men. Even if we disregard the fact that the first part of your argument is false, it is still plain whataboutism.

The hypocrisy I was referring to was precisely that double standard. The critique of women being interested in attractive partners from people concerned with finding attractive partners. Now GRANTED that, per above postings, does not apply to everyone here, but with the parameters of the argument it is sound. And thanks lol. I am not concerned by the down-votes, I am just easily amused by anything resembling a score system, apparently.

i fucking hate reddit's karma system. it encourages the creation of echo-chambers and oppresses unpopular opinions. just because what you say isn't popular doesn't mean that your opinion is worth any less or that you're wrong.

Yeah I find it is even worse on Facebook! I have seen numerous people banned on a local facebook group I used to be on for admitting that they support Trump. I hate Trump, I dislike MOST who supports him, but I hate, even more, the shrill SJWs that managed to suppress any dissent by shouting everyone down as part of this weird group herd. THAT is what totalitarianism looks like in the modern world, I think. Interestingly, they were all women, most were non-white, and I was later banned from the group for being sexist (I don't think they know what the word means and told them as much.)

i also upvoted you so you can be happy. don't say we hate women. no need to thank me.



You need to get your eyesight checked, honey.

You made this account just to Target us Braincels?

No, I made it to figure out what reddit was. People kept sending me links to it. Braincels was the first stop because someone claiming to be an incel ran over a friend.

Come on don't bullshit me. You expect me to believe you?

Could not care less. But have fun being the arbiter of truth in your own little world.

Get out of my sub.

High IQ post


This is yet another blackpill too. Lookism exists even among normies who come here. If we were all blackpilled chads who realized how privileged we were and sympathized with incels, I guarantee you that normies would be completely fine with us.

But the thing is, most normies agree with most of the shit we say. Take a look at r/askreddit. Every week or so there’s always a question pertaining to relationships/dating. A few times a month, there’s a question like “what are some privileges women have that men don’t?” The comments and replies are filled to the brim with blackpills. Normal ass people, people who have sex and are in relationships, openly discuss lookism, the ease of living as a woman, how unfair the dating game is toward men, how it’s more common for women to be shallow, etc.

But the thing is, most normies agree with most of the shit we say. Take a look at r/askreddit. Every week or so there’s always a question pertaining to relationships/dating. A few times a month, there’s a question like “what are some privileges women have that men don’t?” The comments and replies are filled to the brim with blackpills. Normal ass people, people who have sex and are in relationships, openly discuss lookism, the ease of living as a woman, how unfair the dating game is toward men, how it’s more common for women to be shallow, etc.

Yes, the blackpill is spreading fast.

The blackpill was always there just repackaged.

I've been lurking r/braincels for the last week and I agree with you guys on many things, and really feel for you, but I don't understand the anger at women for wanting to fuck other attractive people?

Ugly guys want hot girls. Hot girls want hot guys. Therefore hot girls are scum? I'm assuming I'm missing something.

The issue is that women like to our faces and tell us it's about "personality" when it's not at all. The other problem lies in the fact that all women chase Chad. A high majority of us would be fine dating our looksmatch, but because of hypergamy and women nature, they refuse to date at their level, which leaves sub 7 and 8 men fucked.

Oh, okay. May I ask some questions out of genuine curiosity, no judgement?

All women chase Chad: still new to the lingo. Chad = a 9 - 10, or a "bad boy", yeah? Would it be fair to say that all men chase the female equivalent of chad?

Would you date/settle with a 4 happily, or do you think you'd be trying to upgrade after a while?

Why do you think it's sub-7? I see average looking men with average + looking girls all the time.

Likewise, I feel like I see couples who are looksmatched all the time. Do you mean specifically online dating?

All women chase Chad: still new to the lingo. Chad = a 9 - 10, or a "bad boy", yeah? Would it be fair to say that all men chase the female equivalent of chad?

Chad is just a hot guy. He can be a bad boy or a good mommy's boy. And look at any dating website, especially tinder: even a 1/10 woman gets attention.

Would you date/settle with a 4 happily, or do you think you'd be trying to upgrade/encouraging her to change or workout after a while?

Most of us would be elated to settle with a 4

As for your other points, what do you consider average for male and female?

I think "average" would be between 4 - 6? "Middle of the road" sorts?

Or do you mean what would constitute average looks? In that case I would say it's just having -some- general detractors from aesthetics generally considered "hot" but not all of them. Carrying extra weight, bad teeth, disproportionate features. Just every day people.

Incels don’t date fat women

It’s cannon

Ugly guys want hot girls. Hot girls want hot guys

No, all girls want hot guys and ugly guys want any girl.

Therefore hot girls are scum?

Women aren't scum for having sexual preferences. Women are scum for treating ugly men like garbage. Even in non-romantic contexts, women despise ugly men. There's many horror stories on this subreddit alone.

Moreover, what you say makes it sound as though all of these preferences are ingrained and there's nothing we can do about it. That's false. Gynocentrism, sex-positive feminism and the normalization of hypergamy are societal attitudes which have resulted in making all women feel entitled to Chad. This is why inceldom is on the rise, and the statistics reflect this (proportionally more male virgins now than several years ago).

Our goal is simple: have a society where people pursue relationships with their looksmatch. Hardly unreasonable.

Thanks for clarifying! I didn't think this subreddit was as women hating as they say, I just didn't get the rationale of posts from above.

I agree, there are many basic bitches that are shallow and vapid and just chase Chads, but I think there are a lot of genuine women looking for connection and stability as well. I hope everyone here finds something like that.

Yeah, women tend to grossly overestimate the amount of "genuine women looking for connection and stability". Because women who are like that tend to hang out together, and that creates this kind of assumption that basic bitches are outliers.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that the vast majority of women 20-29 are looking to "have fun" by being vapid, and only consider settling down after their looks fade and they lose the ability to mess around with attractive men.

Pointing out preferences isn't the problem. Rampant misogyny and self-loathing is.

Pointing out preferences isn't the problem

It does seem to be a problem to the normies that come here, which is why we have dozens of comments everyday blabbering on about "personality" and "self-improvement" when those things are quite nearly irrelevant when it comes to female sexual attraction.

Rampant misogyny and self-loathing is

Any criticism of women is taken to be 'misogyny'. It's an irrelevant leftist buzzword. We could stop being 'misogynistic' today—just like /r/ForeverAlone—and people would still find a reason to hate us.

As for self-loathing, well, when you realize that nothing you do or accomplish will ever be sufficient to attract a women if you lack the good looks, self-loathing and bitterness are a natural consequences. At least we can cope with top-kek memes.

There's no problem with pointing out that people tend to prefer certain physical traits in sexual partners. The problem is that incels pretend that this is all that matters and that they have no chance of getting in a relationship. "when you realize that nothing you do or accomplish will ever be sufficient to attract a woman if you lack the good looks". As a result, they resent their bodies, the women they can't sleep with, and the men who can. I don't use the word 'misogyny' recklessly. It's easy to find incels describing women as mindless sluts, and it's also easy to find examples of incels wishing harm on women. That's why the incels reddit was banned.

Shut up roastie we don't have to give you a platform

That's interesting, they really don't deny their privileges, most incel criticism is just emphasizing how pathetic incel are and how they are not entitled to affection.

Well a good amount of incel critiquing comes from your extreme users who call for open raping of women. I understand that's not every user, but there are those who go into the deep end. Call it trolling or otherwise, doesn't matter, it's out there, it's representative of the 'Incel' voice, even if it's a minor one. Ya'll want to be taken seriously as a group of people who want to bust open the dating/relationship stigmas placed against people, men, whatever. Then you also have the be the ones who punish your own for being extremist asswipes too. Otherwise, 'incels' will forever be a meme and never taken seriously.

Can't blame them

I'm 5'7 :/

It's over.

It's true. Also, /r/tinder's motto and most upvoted comment in pretty much in every thread is "be attractive, don't be unattractive". Just LOL.

But despite that, reddit is full of bluebilled incels in denial that think they're virgins because "they need to work on themselves" "have a lot of issues to deal with" or they're depressed. And of course their depression is "genetic" and not due to a lack of genuine affection due to their lack of looks.

But the thing is, most normies agree with most of the shit we say. Take a look at r/askreddit. Every week or so there’s always a question pertaining to relationships/dating. A few times a month, there’s a question like “what are some privileges women have that men don’t?” The comments and replies are filled to the brim with blackpills. Normal ass people, people who have sex and are in relationships, openly discuss lookism, the ease of living as a woman, how unfair the dating game is toward men, how it’s more common for women to be shallow, etc.

Could not care less. But have fun being the arbiter of truth in your own little world.