typically IT user

389  2018-05-11 by pbbuddha927


omg that is truly horrific.

A glimpse at a normal redditor

Reminds me off the thing just before it got roasted.

third pic is what you get after watching Alien.

Influenced by movies with strong female roles, no doubt.

Ripley's testosterone levels totally mog your average soy boy redditor. lel

Not bald enough.

seriously they all have bad combovers

Anyone got the original post that links nintendo switch to cucks?

what the fuck

This is the world we live in, never forget.

It's a photoshop.

lmao if that was a troll

I mean having multiple women as a man is one thing but sharing one woman as a man with others...How did this happen?

Hope this is a joke, then again this polyamory thing...

I don't get it. Love the picture though. Cringy af.

He looks like Aids Skrillex.

Mr fav rendition carl the cuck and aids skrillex.

Don't you feel like your talent is wasted on stuff like this OP?

Lmfao super soyan

You become super soyan if you have over 9000g of soy in a day.


What’s with the mouth thing?

What do you mean by "IT"?


Is this a shadman

I think so my dude

Hubby's boyfriend is gonna have to buy him a new switch!

Lol and he probably says Chad here


Only normies get offended by Shadman tbh

yo can you give me some real life examples of this face?


The irony of an incel calling anyone a beta is top kek

This isn't even my final form

What is the origin of the nintendo switch meme and this open mouth thing?

lol these types of posts are such cope. We have way less masculine features than most IT posters. Deal with it.

This is disgusting

Can someone explain whats wrong with nintendo switch?

I'm out of the loop with gaming these days. Its run by cucks, feminists and SJW's. The newest Nintendo device i own is the gamecube. Fuck the switch.

I'm legitimately curious about the wide mouth thing and why they do it.
