389 2018-05-11 by pbbuddha927
1 PokeMaster420 2018-05-11
omg that is truly horrific.
1 D_Gandy 2018-05-11
A glimpse at a normal redditor
1 commander_zoidberg 2018-05-11
Reminds me off the thing just before it got roasted.
1 moggedbyall 2018-05-11
third pic is what you get after watching Alien.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-11
Influenced by movies with strong female roles, no doubt.
Ripley's testosterone levels totally mog your average soy boy redditor. lel
1 snubbe123 2018-05-11
Not bald enough.
1 Chinese_Crimson 2018-05-11
seriously they all have bad combovers
1 MadManMonkey 2018-05-11
Anyone got the original post that links nintendo switch to cucks?
1 restlessly_injected 2018-05-11
1 thumpar72 2018-05-11
what the fuck
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-11
This is the world we live in, never forget.
1 TalesAbound 2018-05-11
It's a photoshop.
1 ricoue 2018-05-11
lmao if that was a troll
1 BetterIncel 2018-05-11
I mean having multiple women as a man is one thing but sharing one woman as a man with others...How did this happen?
1 JoelBloomSlayer 2018-05-11
Hope this is a joke, then again this polyamory thing...
1 Hodor4275 2018-05-11
1 ericsvw 2018-05-11
I don't get it. Love the picture though. Cringy af.
1 Ironcrusher38 2018-05-11
He looks like Aids Skrillex.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-11
Mr fav rendition carl the cuck and aids skrillex.
1 Birth_of_a_Cyborg 2018-05-11
Don't you feel like your talent is wasted on stuff like this OP?
1 Skank-Hunt-40-2 2018-05-11
Lmfao super soyan
1 Braxu 2018-05-11
You become super soyan if you have over 9000g of soy in a day.
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-11
1 Faulkner89 2018-05-11
What’s with the mouth thing?
1 Supermanic_Soul 2018-05-11
What do you mean by "IT"?
1 pbbuddha927 2018-05-11
1 ZepaMs43 2018-05-11
Is this a shadman
1 Steaky-Pancaky 2018-05-11
I think so my dude
1 Mathematicsduck 2018-05-11
Hubby's boyfriend is gonna have to buy him a new switch!
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-11
Lol and he probably says Chad here
1 PrettyWhore 2018-05-11
1 Cornfapper 2018-05-11
Only normies get offended by Shadman tbh
yo can you give me some real life examples of this face?
1 GrinchBear 2018-05-11
1 Callumxb163 2018-05-11
The irony of an incel calling anyone a beta is top kek
1 iQ9k 2018-05-11
This isn't even my final form
1 aliceelza 2018-05-11
What is the origin of the nintendo switch meme and this open mouth thing?
1 wandercamp 2018-05-11
lol these types of posts are such cope. We have way less masculine features than most IT posters. Deal with it.
1 harambeazn 2018-05-11
This is disgusting
1 -AlwaysBored- 2018-05-11
Can someone explain whats wrong with nintendo switch?
I'm out of the loop with gaming these days. Its run by cucks, feminists and SJW's. The newest Nintendo device i own is the gamecube. Fuck the switch.
1 Cock_Demon 2018-05-11
I'm legitimately curious about the wide mouth thing and why they do it.
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-11
1 PokeMaster420 2018-05-11
omg that is truly horrific.
1 D_Gandy 2018-05-11
A glimpse at a normal redditor
1 commander_zoidberg 2018-05-11
Reminds me off the thing just before it got roasted.
1 moggedbyall 2018-05-11
third pic is what you get after watching Alien.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-05-11
Influenced by movies with strong female roles, no doubt.
1 commander_zoidberg 2018-05-11
Ripley's testosterone levels totally mog your average soy boy redditor. lel
1 snubbe123 2018-05-11
Not bald enough.
1 Chinese_Crimson 2018-05-11
seriously they all have bad combovers
1 MadManMonkey 2018-05-11
Anyone got the original post that links nintendo switch to cucks?
1 restlessly_injected 2018-05-11
1 thumpar72 2018-05-11
what the fuck
1 r4risbullshit 2018-05-11
This is the world we live in, never forget.
1 TalesAbound 2018-05-11
It's a photoshop.
1 ricoue 2018-05-11
lmao if that was a troll
1 BetterIncel 2018-05-11
I mean having multiple women as a man is one thing but sharing one woman as a man with others...How did this happen?
1 JoelBloomSlayer 2018-05-11
Hope this is a joke, then again this polyamory thing...
1 Hodor4275 2018-05-11
1 ericsvw 2018-05-11
I don't get it. Love the picture though. Cringy af.
1 Ironcrusher38 2018-05-11
He looks like Aids Skrillex.
1 35yoGeneticTrash 2018-05-11
Mr fav rendition carl the cuck and aids skrillex.
1 Birth_of_a_Cyborg 2018-05-11
Don't you feel like your talent is wasted on stuff like this OP?
1 Skank-Hunt-40-2 2018-05-11
Lmfao super soyan
1 Braxu 2018-05-11
You become super soyan if you have over 9000g of soy in a day.
1 T-Earl-Grey-Hot 2018-05-11
1 Faulkner89 2018-05-11
What’s with the mouth thing?
1 Supermanic_Soul 2018-05-11
What do you mean by "IT"?
1 pbbuddha927 2018-05-11
1 ZepaMs43 2018-05-11
Is this a shadman
1 Steaky-Pancaky 2018-05-11
I think so my dude
1 Mathematicsduck 2018-05-11
Hubby's boyfriend is gonna have to buy him a new switch!
1 bengalsturntup5532 2018-05-11
Lol and he probably says Chad here
1 PrettyWhore 2018-05-11
1 Cornfapper 2018-05-11
Only normies get offended by Shadman tbh
1 Chinese_Crimson 2018-05-11
yo can you give me some real life examples of this face?
1 GrinchBear 2018-05-11
1 Callumxb163 2018-05-11
The irony of an incel calling anyone a beta is top kek
1 iQ9k 2018-05-11
This isn't even my final form
1 aliceelza 2018-05-11
What is the origin of the nintendo switch meme and this open mouth thing?
1 wandercamp 2018-05-11
lol these types of posts are such cope. We have way less masculine features than most IT posters. Deal with it.
1 harambeazn 2018-05-11
This is disgusting
1 -AlwaysBored- 2018-05-11
Can someone explain whats wrong with nintendo switch?
1 commander_zoidberg 2018-05-11
I'm out of the loop with gaming these days. Its run by cucks, feminists and SJW's. The newest Nintendo device i own is the gamecube. Fuck the switch.
1 Cock_Demon 2018-05-11
I'm legitimately curious about the wide mouth thing and why they do it.
1 commander_zoidberg 2018-05-11
1 DEPTHERROR 2018-05-11