Poor Stacy :(

376  2018-05-11 by ayylmaoeyyrofl


Waaah, Chad doesn't want me. He just pumped and dumped me. She could EASILY find a guy who'll love her and treat her nice. Fucking these cunts.

Find a guy who will love her and treat her right? Lol fuck that, they want bones: a chiseled face and a big skeleton.

When they can't get chad to commit, they cry and settle for beta provider and tell him and themselves he's the "best" to cope. Men are objects to women. We are waking up to the truth.

....until Chad 2 comes along, at which time she tells her beta provider she never loved him as she files for divorce.

I agree. They all want the same.

Yeah, I don't know if I'd want a guy who talks like this on here so...

Wow, how DARE a woman have feelings you don’t agree with! Maybe you could be the guy to love and treat her nice if you didn’t sound like a gigantic douche?

lol found the cuck

Actually I’m a woman 🤷🏻‍♀️


No matter what I do, I cannot compensate for my subhuman looks.

You can still be a nice person. Just a thought.

I try to be nice, but being nice wont get me a gf.

Being rude will get you even less

I'm not rude. Still no gf though. I don't try to be nice to get a gf, I do it because it feels right.

Best of luck then

Changing your mindset will. Your so set on the fact that you won't get a girlfriend that any girl you even thought of approaching would immediately know you don't think you could get with her so she won't try. Confidence can easily bump you up by another 2 on the attractive scale. You tried working out? One of the best ways to boost your confidence AND get women man. Hope it works out for you.

317k likes and 30k retweets


they live life on easy mode and still love to pat each other on the back for the slightest of complications in their lives.

absolutely fucking disgusting.


Yes brother, there is nothing more pathetic than a female.

You guys are pathetic sort your lives out if you hate it so much

Fuck the fuck off faggot


You cane to a subreddit specifically designed for romantically unsuccessful men and you’re offended that they’re angry?

Sorry to break it to you, but you might have negative IQ.

hahahahahahahaha you call this cesspool of rejects and dregs of society and probably soon to be mass murderers a subreddit for romantically unsuccessful men, fuck right off no normal person thinks or acts the ways you's guys do thats why everyone hates you's and you's hate yourselves.

Are you having a stroke?

I think his fingers are too fat.

god. you just had to be a fellow tokyo ghoul fan.

Stop victim blaming

And still, you are in a sub for butthurt men that can't get into a female's pants, I'd call it ironic if it wasn't sad

Ken ik jou?

Met "pathetic" bdlde ik eig de gast die het in de comments zette, wel weer leuk dat ze denken dat ik het over de post zelf had


Oof, Angelsaksische teringlijers weer die het niet begrijpen.

Oof, Angelsaksische teringlijers weer die het niet begrijpen. Geniet van je gratis karma

Ich habe keine idea was die beiden sagt.


Was ist deise?

I've been noticing lots of closet Germans the past month

Ich bin nicht deutch. Ich komme aus American. Ich bin american, und weiß.

Vrouwen liefhebbende cuck, ik hoop dat je thuis komt en je vrouw vreemd ziet gaan met een andere man, stamverrader

Blijf maar janken met je waanvoorstellingen, idioot.

She even says "every girl has felt this", like men aren't allowed to feel shit?

If I put up a tweet saying my male friends girlfriend cheated on him, and how I felt bad coz all men will have felt this, I'd get shot down so quick.

Or if u put up a tweet saying ur bad friend was feeling down in the bumps bc this girl he liked didn't want him. The sisterhood would mass tweet "men aren't entitled to sex." and "men aren't owed relationships".

like men aren't allowed to feel shit?

Your words, not hers.

Yeah this is a dumb tweet but you're reaching. This tweet said nothing even close to "men don't feel pain" yet everyone in here is freaking the fuck out.

fucking lol tbh

What are you doing here in this sub if not all patting each other on the back because you can’t get women?

What are you doing here in this sub

Educating others about how subhuman women are. Thanks for asking.

What a repulsive thing to say.

not nearly as repulsive as modern women tbh.

Don’t you think that’s kind of a massive generalization?

Not at all. There are very clear trends and attitudes which show how degenerate and subhuman modern women are.

I think you’re probably experiencing confirmation bias with stuff you see online or something. Women are just people. There are bad and good people of both genders from every walk of life. Right now you sound like a bad person, you might consider not being so openly hateful of half of the human population based on their genitalia. You must realize somewhere deep down that what you’re saying is bullshit. You know there are wonderful women in this world, it’s just easier for you to say they’re all terrible people as a crutch for your experiences with them.

It could certainly be confirmation bias in my own personal situation, however, you are posting on a community dedicated to men who have had similar experiences with women. Incels are a rapidly growing community. Many men are becoming aware of how degenerate modern women are.

Women can certainly be wonderful, to those they deem good looking enough. Men who don't make the cut have their existence ignored or actively attacked simply for being born ugly.

Our generation of women are narcisistic, borderline sociopathic and completely degenerate.

I know plenty of women who are wonderful people, even to men who aren’t traditionally physically attractive. A friend of mine recently was cheated on by her husband, and she was way hotter than him. She’s handling it really well, though, just calmly filing for a divorce, not being crazy about it, dragging his Jake through the dirt, etc.

One of my girlfriend’s best friends is a really funny guy, but he has a laugh that some people find absolutely horrible, he’s short, he’s nearly blind, and has diabetes. Some people might call him ugly, but he’s a fucking blast to hang out with, and so he has a girlfriend who’s pretty decent looking. He’s never struggled with women too much.

I also have a friend who is really attractive, a great musician, strong, tall, etc, but he can’t land a girl to save his life because he’s kind of an asshole and lives with his parents.

I have tons of examples like these. The world is a lot more complicated than “women are subhuman degenerates” like you all like to pretend. Women are people just like men. There are major differences, and I’ve met my fair share of terrible women, (and dated some too), but it’s the same thing with men. There are great men and women and terrible men and women.

yes, yes and I know a 5'2" currycel janitor who fucks models on the regular.

worthless post

If he was a currycel wouldn’t that mean that he doesn’t fuck models? Worthless post.

Haha but really man, open your eyes. Try and change your misguided preconceptions. You’re choosing to live in this dark version of the world you’ve created here.


Also, you say women are degenerates and that the incel community is growing rapidly, I would argue that the incel community is degenerate in nature. Young men get introduced to this community when they’re struggling with women and it just reinforces bad ideology that’s completely blown out of proportion. Instead of learning how to interact with the opposite sex over time as they grow up they get stuck in this “all women are evil” mentality from hanging out here, this essentially is an echo chamber for behavior that will ensure that the people that subscribe here never find a woman they can be happy with.... and don’t say that they wouldn’t ever find a woman, that the women won’t give them the time of day. I have seen it first hand countless times in my life, you don’t need to be some hot “Chad” to find a relationship with a woman you like.


Funny thing is, this is this sub in a nutshell

Too many roasties want Chad. Chad chooses the best. Some are rejected. If you're rejected lower your standards you dumb cunt.

And to be clear """"rejected""" doesn't mean shot down in some humiliating fashion. He'll still have sex with you.

Can't blame Chad for that though if the only thing of value she has she'll give up just to tie down Chad when Chad crushes pussy regularly......

Fuck women. I have so far devoted my life to ruining as many women’s lives as possible.

And how are u goin to do tht?

By pulling an ER

Pulling an ER is the ultimate mentalcel cope.

Not only are your genes physically repulsive, but your brain is too weak to handle life.

And you’d also be a sick human being and kill a fellow incel, an innocent man, or an innocent woman by accident in the heat of the moment.

innocent woman

Cope. AWALT.

The real cope is telling yourself women are all evil.

Women are just like us. I personally have standards, I’m guessing since you’re incel you don’t. That’s understandable, we take what we can get.

If you were Chad you would be slaying roasties, tossing them, hurting their feelings, rejecting women. Just like women do to you.

We’re shallow as a society in general. We’re all vain.

There’s nothing wrong with women.

I agree, if we were women we would also pick out the best males that we could get.

But there is one thing that is deeply wrong with them. They are lying about it by telling bs like looks dont matter. They are trying to play both fields at the same time, so that the beta providers think they catched a real good women etc

I totally agree with you. But that is also society’s fault.

Fuck those women, but we’re all told from a young age that looks don’t matter and personality is everything.

“When you’re both old beauty will fade but you’ll still have each other’s personalities”

We’re all told this, we hear it every day since the day we’re born. But the whole time in our heads were thinking “she’s ugly, she’s hot. I wanna fuck her, not her... gross.” We hear one thing but think another and I think it totally fucks with people in general, not just women.

They hate the truth because it exposes how shallow and fake they are, and to most people they’re the “good guy” in their own story, so they refuse the evidence.

Can’t change anything about it for now, not with violence at least.

You’re right.

FBI: Have a seat over there.

this is a troll prob from inceltears that want to make this sub removed

I work in healthcare at a Skilled Nursing Facility and I make certain mistakes that can have unintentional consequences for femoid patients under my supervision. My little rebellion against the femorrhoids.

Pls ban this undercover it cuck

High 5 brother a men I hope you a mistakful day 👍

Report this faggot.


Women are such grandiose thinkers.

What as joke

No one wants me. My mom didn’t want me. I don’t want me.

These self absorbed cunts... women in our society do not know the struggles we know. Not to say they don’t have their own.

Not to say they don’t have their own.

Many, many people in this thread are suggesting just that.

well thats delusional. all life has its struggles, its the nature of having an ego.

I wish the worst for all of them

Bet no one accuses her of being entitled

EXCUSE ME humans are bodily beings love is a crucial part of life, need for physical contact is essential for mental health and development have u ever seen Maslow's hierarchy of needs you stupid mysoginist subhuman why do you hate women so much Bla bla bla...

Incel:"I just wish I could get as much as hugged by somebody who sincerely cares for me.."- you are NOT ENTITLED to anything!!! women don't owe you sex or a relationship. why don't y'all actually try and improve yourself, lose some weight, take a shower now and then and get out there!! it's really not that hard since there's some1 out there for everybody. Gosh and you wonder why ur incel!

Most women don't have a shot at getting Chad, even for a pump&dump. He doesn't want them. He has plenty of looksmatches to chose from.

why doesn't he want me?

Maybe because you spent your whole life never bothering to improve yourself, because literally everyone has pandered to your every whim and fantasy, regardless of how facile it was. You never developed hobbies, or interests, or even a personality, because you never needed one. Beta boys would worship you purely for having a beef sandwich between your legs. Your teachers favored you because you was passive and meek and public education was biased in favor of females, like it has been for decades. Male authority figures never challenged you because all they saw was a pair of tits. Our entire culture has been built around supporting your emotional infancy, rather than encouraging you to grow the fuck up and act like a decent, interesting human being.

You've been put on a pedestal like every other western white whore on the planet. You've been pampered, spoiled, and given every single fucking advantage the planet has to offer, which has led to you having a massively overinflated ego to the point of God delusion. When 10/10 Chaddy over here doesn't do the same (because he sees what whores like you are truly like) your entire world collapses in on itself, and for just a tiny moment (until the next beta cuck comes along) you realize for the first time in your pathetic fucking life that you are not actually even remotely special


How has education been tipped on women’s favour considering in a lot of countries women can’t go to school

a lot of countries

Stop. There isn't a lot.

women can’t go to school

Those are due to economic factors because they're too poor and this is true for boys as well. It's not a gendered issue. I don't believe there's any country in the world where women are not permitted to go to school. Stop spreading bullshit.

Bad way of wording it I should of said It’s difficult for them to get a high education and when I said a lot of countries That was obviously meant to seem more extreme for the purpose of getting the message a lot and wasn’t meant to be accurate

Hey, silverfang45, just a quick heads-up:
should of is actually spelled should have. You can remember it by should have sounds like should of, but it just isn't right.
Have a nice day!

The parent commenter can reply with 'delete' to delete this comment.

Delete your comment and your account before you make yourself look any stupider.

Why would I delete my comment If someone says shit that challenges what I said I can learn from it and grow.

Normie, you're right and you have my respect. Have an upvote.

High IQ.

Absolutely right, have this upvote.

Yay I’m getting sarcastic upvotes

More women hold college degrees than men do. The education system in America is primarily based on how much info you can cram in your head before a test, how well you can follow rules, and who is willing to repeat the same bullshit over and over again until they can’t forget it. It’s not a great system, but it definitely favors females. Also, female teachers outnumber male teachers in every grade level, and it’s no secret that female teachers prefer female students. Female teachers have also been observed to punish male students more harshly than female students for the same infraction. Basically, you have a system that paves a straight clean path for women to succeed, while making it harder for men do to the same.

Saying there is more female teachers means nothing

As there is more male miner does that mean we are keeping em our Nah it means they don’t want it

And if you send a link to the research fair enough

In some Muslim countries women are essentially second class citizens to men, they aren’t even allowed to drive by themselves, and although they might not be down-right not allowed to seek higher education, or even high or secondary school, they aren’t encouraged to or even given the option to by their families.

I know, and again, that's a far cry from being banned as OP purported as so.

yes in some countries woman can't go to school. In the west tho schooling has, over the last three decades, been turned completely towards girls with there passive teaching style basically becoming the only allowed way to teach and moving away from tangible course work and tests for grading to more report based system which woman are better at because of there more passive learning nature. Also woman teachers have between a 30%-50% favour to female students. Also the way girls write reports are seen as correct so they get a major boost to there grade even if objectively they wrote worse then there male counterparts.


New copypasta plz, I'm tired of arguing with these whores that come to this sub


i'd love to hear about your hobbies and interests

The point that all of you are so happy at this womans pain probably doesn't seem abnormal or sociopathic to you at all. Oh well, at least no woman will ever be crying or sad over any of you. And that, little fucktards, brings me peace.

And here we have an IT cuck! Look at it and laugh guys

Inceltard BTFO. Females have many diverse hobbies including Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter




This is the new copy pasta.

High IQ post

Yeah because no women have hobbies or interests or support themselves, etc. Fuck, you people need to get a grip.

you have spiders living in your brain

Men experience this more. Plus she probably has a couple of guys in line to date, anyway. Poor babe has to settle for a lowly 6 now.

The absolute state of femoids. Hey you hypergamous whores: there's plenty of guys out there who might want you, but that would mean dating your looksmatch instead of forever chasing Chad.

Kind looksmatch vs emotionally abusive Chad? I wonder which one they will choose...

"Why doesn't he want me"

Men aren't objects you're not entitled to a relationship.

Couldn't the same be said to a lot of incels, ie. women aren't objects

That's the point you fucking moron, don't you see fat feminist cunts post this shit all the time to shame guys, but it happens to a women and 1000's of people feel sorry for her? Where's the logic in that?

To be honest I'm struggling to find the logic in that question, fat feminists cunts is quite the generalisation, I think people overplay the presence of sjw's most women are not sjw's.

a woman wouldn't survive a month as man tbh tbh

omg :(

Sorry foids, no one us entitled to a relationship. Men aren't machines you put sex tokens in to receive a relationship

Knowing that thousands of Chads make millions of roasties miserable by pumping&dumping them and moving on to the next is the purest life fuel, keep up the good work guys.

It's damaging society.

No, its damaging sluts which is ok with me. Sluts are sluts.

Yup, that's why I support TRP guys and the MGTOW guys. Even though they disagree with the black pill, they are making such life fuel for us by destroying the self esteem of these femoids.

Someone needs to remind her that she is not entitled to a relationship. In this case, Chad's cock.

Someone needs to explain to her what the word physically means. Assuming she was not referring to an immediate heart attack.

Anyhow this is why I ignore twitter. And twits.

If it was a guy crying about the same issue society as a whole would just laugh and shame him.

Can't you incells look at this and see girls and guys aren't actually that different

Before they give you some crazy speech on how they are different because one being superior or whatever, I can give you an idea of what’s going through their head.

Lots of the dudes on here have been friend zoned by very attractive girls, or used for validation, or used for money, or used for whatever except for sex and had their feeling shared. So at some point they heard the usual “why doesn’t he want me?” sentence, but they would date that girl in a heartbeat. However she wouldn’t even consider that a possibility, because she’s not attracted to them (nothing wrong with that, looks do matter in attracting a partner). From their experience, this girl is essentially beautiful, but she has no interest except from dudes who are hot that essentially are the “fuckboys” who constantly fuck them over, but they will continue to go back when the guy texts the “wyd”.

Maybe the girl in question isn’t pretty. But they know they’ve never been able to make someone pine over them, because no one ever had. They go by their experience, if their experience is all negative, they’ll have a negative view automatically of the situation.


Trust me, fems won't last a week as a low tier guy.

We live in a

We live in a female supremacist society where a tweet about a hypergamous cunt who feels sad because she was rejected by ONE chad gathers 300k likes whereas incels who have endured a lifelong of rejections by EVERYBODY are mocked, told to shut up and accept it because demanding that women date their looksmatch is a crime against hypergamy ie a crime against humanity.

You're not entitled to love honey

I just hope that all Chads around the world continue to pump and dump these bitches.

Get a taste of their own medicine.. life fuel

Lmao. Chad strikes again.

Based Chad

Her heart physically broke huh

But will they move on from him? Nahhh. They’ll keep chasing him because he probably has the looks and the height they obsess over.

Maybe if all these dumbass femoids didn't go after the same top 1% of men then they'd find someone who would commit to them.


So...she had her heart broken by the person she wanted...and this warrants mocking...why?

Because she's a Chad chasing whore

So you getting rejected at any point has got to be funny too

Low IQ comment


I mean, you show the people on this sub to your friends to laugh at them, which is basically the same thing, you're one to talk.

Absolutely, I admit that this sub makes me laugh, but I still acknowledge that you people have problems. But you'd think there would be empathy for people having romantic issues, but no, any woman being denied by the person she likes is a Chad chasing whore undeserving of sympathy of any kind

I admit that this sub makes me laugh, but I still acknowledge that you people have problems.

Okay. You're still one to talk.

be empathy for people having romantic issues

People who, by comparison, have a far easier time in romantic terms than anyone here. Who I'm sympathetic to is up to me.

any woman being denied by the person she likes is a Chad chasing whore undeserving of sympathy of any kind

Never said that, you can shove it.

Refer to one of the other comments on this comment, And easier time or not, you should still have some empathy for people going through issues like that , especially if you do

And easier time or not, you should still have some empathy for people going through issues like that

Why show empathy to people who would, given my track record with people in general, probably treat me like dirt?

Refer to one of the other comments on this comment,

I don't care?

So why should anyone have empathy for you?

Did I ask for that?

I'm pointing out that you're full of shit given that you engage in the same behavior you're giving the sub shit for here.

I can laugh at something i find ridiculous and still have empathy toward it.

And then show it to other people to jerk off about how ridiculous it is.

Yada yada yada.

I can laugh at a putz dancing like an idiot on someone's grave , spitting on it and flipping off the headstone, and shortly after tell the person acting like an was that he needs to stop because it's fucked up and disrespectful. Get in your seven chuckles, then resolve the situation, usually the formula I follow

So not only annoying but also a busybody.


No, just capable of getting my chuckles in then giving a damn.

Sure. The mockery totally doesn't work against the latter either, right?

Fucking hell.

Mich like your matching looks and personality help each other getting you a date

Try a bit harder, and read the flair :)

Much like you and yours dismiss many arguments and counter points with "Cope"

And more dancing around the point.

you and yours

Read the flair.

Implying I do that. Lmao.

As are most incel posts practically dripping with the delusion that their opinions are indisputable facts

So you're going to keep fingerpointing to things I don't do...to what end?

"Always", implying you know how I actually am on a regular basis And I'm not saying you specifically am I?

And I'm not saying you specifically am I?

Why bring it up otherwise if it doesn't even apply?

"Always", implying you know how I actually am on a regular basis

Nope. Can observe your behaviour on the sub, and you're pretty much, like most IT folks coming through here, a cunt.

Because I'm making a general statement that incel are often under the impression that they're right and fmfuck anyone that says otherwise

And sarcasm makes one a cunt now? I'm generally pretty sarcastic and if that makes you a cunt then it's news to me. Most people are just sarcastic right back and it's a grand old time

Because I'm making a general statement that incel are often under the impression that they're right and fmfuck anyone that says otherwise

And this is relevant...how? You're talking to a normie.

And sarcasm makes one a cunt now

Nope, acting like a cunt does. Hypocritical one, too, considering you do the exact thing you give this post shit for.

Most people are just sarcastic right back and it's a grand old time

Good for you, I don't care.

Implying that women are people...

If you're an incel aren't you less than human?

Well, since you can't read then I'll explain to you that my username says N-O-R-M-I-E, I have a GF and a sexual/social life.

My name means bugger all, I am neither the Grinch or a bear.

OP Here. Let me try to give a better answer than the ones you've gotten so far.

Those of us who are active on /r/braincels estimate ourselves to be within approximately the bottom 20% of the male population in terms of looks, and therefore have never been viewed as physically attractive to any women. However, the bottom 20% percentile of women have men going after them all the time (examples include not only tinder and craigslist classified ads, but also subreddits such as /r/foreveralonedating and this..

So when a girl who presumably has at least average looks/personality is rejected by ONE guy and then proceeds to have 400k+ people sympathize with her on twitter, we mock her. Because that girl that is crying on the bathroom floor after being rejected by ONE guy wouldn't last a day in our shoes, being rejected by ALL women.

I see what you're saying, but I still find it messed up. As people who deal with rejection you should already know it hurts being rejected by someone you genuinely like, bigger numbers don't really excuse mocking someone who feels like shit because they've been turned away by someone they've developed strong feelings for. I've been there myself plenty of times and it sucks, that's why this bothers me at all because why mock someone for the same shit you go through , just more frequently

because we're bitter and angry and have no better way to vent our frustration

Why treat incels like zoo animals for your morbid amusement?

Maybe because Chad can detect her foul personality and misandric ways.

women: "why doesn't he want me"

average to below average men: "why doesn't anyone want me"

Reminds me of my coursemate who started posting shit like "been single for 3 depressing months already but its okay, only cried a few times"

after which she started leading on a poor beta orbiter til her BOYFRIEND chadlite who was ABROAD came back (was never single lmao), then she cut contact completely with that guy

Of course it's on a bar's bathroom floor..Clearly the place to find true soulmates waaaaah gimme Chad waaaaaaah

Women’s problems are a fucking joke.

Why didn't she want the guy earlier who probably had legit interest in her?

LMFAO. 60,000 retweets and 317,000 likes. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

This is fucking pathetic. Fucking pathetic.

You're not entitled to a relationship.

Pure rage fuel, holy fuck

Lots of 6/10 and 7/10 want you darling but noo you only want the premium Chad. You are a shallow boring whore.

Normie, you're right and you have my respect. Have an upvote.

Or if u put up a tweet saying ur bad friend was feeling down in the bumps bc this girl he liked didn't want him. The sisterhood would mass tweet "men aren't entitled to sex." and "men aren't owed relationships".

like men aren't allowed to feel shit?

Your words, not hers.

Yeah this is a dumb tweet but you're reaching. This tweet said nothing even close to "men don't feel pain" yet everyone in here is freaking the fuck out.

Can't blame Chad for that though if the only thing of value she has she'll give up just to tie down Chad when Chad crushes pussy regularly......

High IQ.

It could certainly be confirmation bias in my own personal situation, however, you are posting on a community dedicated to men who have had similar experiences with women. Incels are a rapidly growing community. Many men are becoming aware of how degenerate modern women are.

Women can certainly be wonderful, to those they deem good looking enough. Men who don't make the cut have their existence ignored or actively attacked simply for being born ugly.

Our generation of women are narcisistic, borderline sociopathic and completely degenerate.

Absolutely right, have this upvote.

Yay I’m getting sarcastic upvotes